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Is John Lear Spreading Disinfo?

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posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexanThere are places on this planet with no one living within a thousand miles. My grandfather workedon the coolant systems on the nuke bays in Kwajelein (sp?) when my mom was a young adult/late teen. The south pacific is a wonderful place to do something and never get seen, and we control a good amount of it.

It's true that Kwaj launches orbital and suborbital payloads, but there are no heavy lift capabilities there.

Since we're sharing old photo''s an old picture of me at Kwaj..

IMO Greenland would be a good place to hide a heavy luanch facility. Here are a couple of from my scrap book of Thule..

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:16 PM
Why hijack this thread?

The title is:Is John Lear Spreading Disinfo?

Mr Lear has his own forum with plenty of threads in existence to discuss such things. If you're having trouble, you can find it here.

Resorting to hijacking another thread started for a different purpose entirely is going to do you, or your credibility no favours at all, IMO.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Which also confirms what Ben Rich, former CEO of Lockheed Aircraft, said to Jan C. Harzan (a MUFON director), before he died:

That the U.S. military has interstellar flight capability and what a shame it is that this knowledge is being kept from the public.

You know, I've heard that but it's hard to believe Rich would talk about such a thing. If it existed, I mean.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by darkbluesky

How about just use the gravity drive ships?

That is what we are trying to explain to you DBS. There are many different levels of secrecy. Some guys launched in a Titan4 which docks with a secret space station may think that that is the extent of the secret. He wouldn't be told, nor would he have any idea that we are mining on the moon. Each person who gets clearance gets to know only the minimum he needs to do his job. Thats why practically nobody who works at Groom Lake knows anything about the aliens there. They have no need to know.

Its not like a guy finally gets a clearance to work at Groom Lake changing tires on ramp vehicles and they take him into a briefing room, pull down the shades, turn up the white noise and say, "OK, here's where we keep the aliens."

OK John...Let me get this right. None of the players know the full extent of what's going on becuase everything is compartmentalized...BUT...You and Zorgon, and Lazar and Alex Jones etc. know the truth? If you guys can put it together, why not the thousands of engineers, scientists, draftsmen, technicians, laborers, administrators, accountants and flyers who are "unknowing" participants?

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 06:09 PM
Originally posted by darkbluesky

OK John...Let me get this right. None of the players know the full extent of what's going on becuase everything is compartmentalized...BUT...You and Zorgon, and Lazar and Alex Jones etc. know the truth?

I don't know about Zorgon or Alex Jones. But I certainly don't know the truth. I have some speculation about what the truth might be. I think I am closer to the truth than most people. But to say, "I know the truth?" You must be joking. I don't think any human knows the truth.

If you guys can put it together, why not the thousands of engineers, scientists, draftsmen, technicians, laborers, administrators, accountants and flyers who are "unknowing" participants?

We put pieces together. Not the entire puzzle. Certainly some of the above have been able to put pieces together. But they are not going to tell everbody at lunch, "Hey you guys! I think I figured it out! That whatziz we've been working on for a year? They're using that on the secret space station. Thats why..."

No, it doesn't happen that way. If one of those guys you mention above figures it out he keeps his damn mouth shut! And if he doesn't he is not going to be around long. That is how they have kept it secet for so long. They don't kid around.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
... I think I am closer to the truth than most people. ...

Fine! So ...

No, it doesn't happen that way. If one of those guys you mention above figures it out he keeps his damn mouth shut! And if he doesn't he is not going to be around long. That is how they have kept it secet for so long. They don't kid around.

... why do you think they (whoever this is) let you still run around, exposing ever more pieces of the "puzzle"? I mean, if you think you are anywhere near the "truth", wouldn't you expect that they try to silence you? Especially if you are really up to something, and not just totally off the mark?


posted on May, 12 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
If one of those guys you mention above figures it out he keeps his damn mouth shut! And if he doesn't he is not going to be around long. That is how they have kept it secet for so long. They don't kid around.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but how is it you've managed to stay around so long while you spread the word regarding all these secret technologies, associations with aliens, and lunar mining activities? Maybe you ARE a disinfo guy!

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Originally posted by darkbluesky

Please don't take this the wrong way, but how is it you've managed to stay around so long while you spread the word regarding all these secret technologies, associations with aliens, and lunar mining activities? Maybe you ARE a disinfo guy!

All I have is speculation. The guys that get whacked are the guys that signed up, signed all the NDA's, signed away their Constitutional Rights, signed an oath of secrecy at every checkpoint AND THEN opened their yap.

They are not in the business of whacking speculators. All that would do would be to add fire to the speculation. No, I probably got a real nice 'get out of jail free card' because here is probably how they see it:

We don't want anything to happen to Lear for God's sakes. If anything happens to him people will probably think that lunatic was on to something!

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 08:37 PM
And that is logical.

Look at Forrestal....he actually signed paperwork. Now, he may have went crazy, alright, but he was still murdered. Can't have someone with full knowledge of all things alien running around in a state of active schizophrenia.

There are quite a few people who have died under more than mysterious circumstances. Government biologists seem to be particularly short lived.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

All I have is speculation. The guys that get whacked are the guys that signed up, signed all the NDA's, signed away their Constitutional Rights, signed an oath of secrecy at every checkpoint AND THEN opened their yap.

Amen, brother.

Technically, they can even whack you legally for some types of disclosures. All they need is a federal judge to sign. It doesn't require a jury trial, for certain categories of disclosure.

I've gotten Nazi-slapped for just giving people lists of URLs and saying "these all relate - figure it out". Tom doesn't do that anymore. Alas.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam

Originally posted by johnlear

All I have is speculation. The guys that get whacked are the guys that signed up, signed all the NDA's, signed away their Constitutional Rights, signed an oath of secrecy at every checkpoint AND THEN opened their yap.

Amen, brother.

Technically, they can even whack you legally for some types of disclosures. All they need is a federal judge to sign. It doesn't require a jury trial, for certain categories of disclosure.

Lol. I'm going to speculate now. - Feed the disinfo, Mr. Lear likes it very much. You have appeased the gods.

John, if it is speculation, then why do you know so much about the secrecy?

"The guys that get whacked are the guys that signed up, signed all the NDA's, signed away their Constitutional Rights, signed an oath of secrecy at every checkpoint AND THEN opened their yap"

Must be really secret...

And please don't hate me for asking questions people, I am genuinely interested.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Xeros
John, if it is speculation, then why do you know so much about the secrecy?

Friend's in the right places

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Which also confirms what Ben Rich, former CEO of Lockheed Aircraft, said to Jan C. Harzan (a MUFON director), before he died:

That the U.S. military has interstellar flight capability and what a shame it is that this knowledge is being kept from the public.

You know, I've heard that but it's hard to believe Rich would talk about such a thing. If it existed, I mean.

All the more reason to mention it.

I learned of that point years ago from a book that was published by the editors of UFO magazine. It doesn't seem to be in print anymore.

However, if you or anyone else wants to learn more about Ben Rich and the statement he made before he died of cancer at the age of 69 in 1995, go here.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Xeros

John, if it is speculation, then why do you know so much about the secrecy?

I read Doonsebury every single day.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by darkbluesky
It's true that Kwaj launches orbital and suborbital payloads, but there are no heavy lift capabilities there.

a very imteresting picture indeed.... which one are you?

Its amazing what info you can get from a simple photo though...

I mean just look at that POD...

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
All the more reason to mention it.

I learned of that point years ago from a book that was published by the editors of UFO magazine. It doesn't seem to be in print anymore.

Thanks for the link, I will follow up on that one. Boyd Bushman, also from Lockheed, says pretty much the same thing. One interview he is asked if our tech can reach the Andromeda Galaxy and his answer was "Yes"... I will find which interview that was and post it. The two youtube video clips has him talking about antigravity with a simple demo...

I would watch for him... I think we will here a lot more from him in the near future... and he isn't crazy, though a little cryptic due to restrains on what he can't say in his position.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 12:47 PM
That part of the world has some strange plant life, for sure. My family has a ton of antique furniture made from old planks of wood from an extinct tree. The wood planks were about 150 years old when they were recycled into furniture. There are some God/Idols, too, from Kwaj, that we hold on to along with some Ivory that my family ended up with while on that little island.

If you go over the South america, along the same latitude, you will find the Monkey Puzzle tree. That is a very interesting biological machine...very primitive looking.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:03 PM
I am NOT spreading disinfo!

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by darkbluesky
OK John...Let me get this right. None of the players know the full extent of what's going on becuase everything is compartmentalized...BUT...You and Zorgon,....etc. know the truth?

OY.... okay let me try to clarify your quandry.... first of all you make a huge mistake in you statement... On the one hand you say "full extent of whats going on" and then you state that I and others "know the truth"

If I had ALL the answers I would be calling CNN not wasting time on ATS doing research

NO I do not understand the full extent of whats going on... as John says no one does...

YES I know a LOT of truths... like the existence of that sea launch platform that I have NEVER seen on TV or in the news or even brought up on ATS before I posted the link.

I did NOT know this truth a few weeks ago, and quite frankly I was surprised that it existed... I never even considered a mobile sea launch platform before... I mean what a crazy idea...

I started on this research 30 years ago and then gave it up while life got in the way. My renewed interest came a little over a year ago when I found ATS the second time... while seeking info on Stargates

As a result I met people here that encouraged me... and thus Pegasus Research Consortium was born (thanks to Matyas)...

Pegasus looks into all forms of alternate tech research and experiments etc, and is non profit. A few members of ATS have already provided papers and patents on such things..

During the course of this along came John and the moon thread... it wasn't till about page 9 or so that I saw an anomaly that opened my eyes... and the rest is history. As a result of my discovery and ability with graphics, I met John (we both live in Las Vegas...

Now when you say I "know the truth"... what I know is what people coming forward have told me, have shown me and have linked me to. Stuff that is there to find from official sources like LANL, AFRL, DoD NASA etc... All you have to do is spend hours pouring over technical documents.

And that is something skeptics rarely if ever do... they prefer the verbal attack method

To Darkbluesky
Now you say you are military... and you are here because some of this must interest you...

Since I started this research for FUN and personal knowledge, my mail has been filed with letters from official sources, from military professionals and from scientists all with something to share. or links to information. If you seriously care and what to see I can send you some copies that are not confidential as proof...

So what was fun before has now been proven to me is VERY serious indeed. I attribute the fact that I am getting the info because of the honest approach I use on my website. I also know 100% that at least one person of rank at NASA is watching my site...

Just a few weeks ago someone just popped into the stargate thread and linked to two documents from the DoD, one from AFRL and one from LANL... that proves that these two agencies are TALKING about stargates teleportation and wormholes... That fact alone should be enough to set of bells and whistles...

I do not have a career like John, I have never worked at Area 51 like Bob, I do have pretty good clearance through my security systems work in past years... but other than that I am merely seeking answers, albeit more actively than most.

"Seek and ye shall Find" Remember that? Perhaps if those who truly were interested in the "Truth" would spend a quarter as much time seeking as they do squabbling in here they too might find some...

Now what I really want to know is why pick on John for his ideas when other posters here at ATS present the same concepts independently? I do not see them being attacked for their beliefs....

Here is one such thread...

And one last thing... you detractors all scream for proof, yet when documents ARE dropped in here... you totally ignore them. I have posted the Aquilla cargo transport in 4 threads and no one is even curious?

RIGHT! So what point is there for John, me or anyone to reveal sources and data when you could care less?


and Lazar and Alex Jones etc. know the truth? If you guys can put it together, why not the thousands of engineers, scientists, draftsmen, technicians, laborers, administrators, accountants and flyers who are "unknowing" participants?

[edit on 13-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Xeros

Lol. I'm going to speculate now. - Feed the disinfo, Mr. Lear likes it very much. You have appeased the gods.

Thank yew. However, may I introduce you to some of the stuff the briefing officer reads to you (unless you get it waived) when you're "read onto" a project?

Title 18 USC 794 - "...shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for any term of years or for life, except that the sentence of death shall not be imposed unless the jury or, if there is no jury, the court, further finds that the offense...directly concerned nuclear weaponry, military spacecraft or satellites, early warning systems, or other means of defense or retaliation against large-scale attack; war plans; communications intelligence or cryptographic information; or any other major weapons system or major element of defense strategy."

You'll note that "the court" can do this without a jury. That's because as a citizen, you may not be able to empanel a jury that is qualified to hear the evidence. That's not as big an issue if you're military. But as Joe Blow, it can be a problem. The court may elect to try you without a jury, and can sentence you to death.

Must be really secret...

And please don't hate me for asking questions people, I am genuinely interested.

No you pony up to this for projects that are TS and above. You sign a lot of paperwork that states you understand that this can happen to you, personally. If your project can involve a 794 level offense you are specifically briefed on that and what level of retribution the gubmint intends to seek for "intentional disclosure". Some projects are rather draconian. It works.

John and I diverge in our opinions on a lot of stuff but this is not one.

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