Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science
This is the headline from the link in Four post upwards - the last link.
Check out those words
A Center - Like a daycare center for your children, but this is a center for Philosophy.
And that center of Philosophy - The word Philosophy is kinda linked to the word Natural.
And it ends up in Social. And final word is Science.
So we have five words.
Center - Philosophy - Natural - Social - Science
The two words at the ends of these five words -
Center & Science -
Center & Science
Is un-important basically. Because those two words describe Nothing but the location a of the matter of subject - the matter of subject That is the
last three words.
- Philosophy - Natural - Social -
What do these three words describe?
The human world - Must be
Philosophy - It is a close parent to poetry.
Philosophy - Is the a result of an conclusion.
When matter of subjects become a Philosophy - It is somthing people takes to their heart -
and out comes poetry.
Which describe our heart - our inner reaction to this world and the WHOLE picture - The rose the water the beauty of the birds flapping about the sky
- ect.
It's when things start to get a little to much and complicated-big for our human mind to describe - it becomes poetry.
Perhaps love is like a resting place, a shelter from the storm
And that is Philosophy. because Philosophy Is the a result of an conclusion. And most people have a Conclusion and a philosophy to live by
During the procces of poetry and Philosophy - Some people faint, or loose their minds for a while - Maybe in a time period of one minute day month or
And in some strange way - They end up becomming Natural - Which leads to becomming Social.
And in some cases they have children because of that. Whut?!
That is proberly an pretty good indication what Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science really means.
Now - These centers of education and learning - often come out with papers describing what it's about.
Papers that people can read - shake their heads - and disagree. Depending upon which source the paper comes from. If you get a letter from the
president of your country - or some leader in charge of somthing. And in those papers - it says UFO's are real - and basically the Earth is not the
only place - And they have allready visited us - and all kinds of BS.
Wouldn't you like to know if it was really real?
IS the President a relyable source of information?
So basically - People tend to look at the source of the news they receive and point to some kinda fact that this is comming from a un relyable source
- Or the other way around - It could come from one of those sources that is avaiable to everybody - and is being used by everybody with - TV Radio and
newspaper acces - from the relyable sources of information - well accepted relyable sources of information - The established centers of Information -
On this planet.
What is relyable information?
Is photos relyable anymore? no
Is eyewittnesses relyable? Can we count on Eyewittnesses?
I SAW A BLOODY UFO - I never believed in that crap - x-files - but there it was - Hovering right above my freind and me.
Is CNN a relyable source of information?
Is ABC, BBC a relyable source of information?
And so on so forth.
Can we count on that information? There is somthing so strange about the humans - They don't trust each other - it's really strange.
What I am trying to say is this.
Money. Power and greed -
I know somone earlier in this thread asked the question similar to this.
Do you really think people in charge do it for greed money and power? - then your a dumb idiot or somthing
It's a really good and annoying question. I really hate that question - but it's a good question.
Would they keep stuff secret - because of greed money and power?
I think they do it because of FEAR.
greed money and power
= Fear.
Wouldn't you be afraid of loosing everything you trust - Money?
If you where on top of this system - You would realize that money is nothing but paper. And you would need people around you to protect you from -
people who know money isn't everything that matters - and we should in fact not trust money at all.
Money is BS.
And then We get back to DR. Wolf who claims to both have meet these people from outside - The Kings of Universe -
And these kings are not like
our kings/leaders/presidents - AT ALL -
Like Dr.Wolf decribes the Extraterestrial concern (extraterestrials are not comfortable with the world money and power brokers' need for continuing
world industrialization)
That will eventually destroy the planet - kill it.
So the question about
Money. Power and greed leads to the awnser.
FEAR. They are afraid. Scared - And they are doing it, in their pants.
And here we are - paying the price - because Leaders of this world are scared small ignorant childish morons - So absolutly naive they think they can
make weapons of mass destruction - Start wars - and murder other countries to make them feel safe and get rid of that basic fear of a natural global
intelligence - that we as normal civilians allready have in our molekylar structure. The human body - knows IT all - And we don't need to live like
we do.
They censur the news because of fear - at the top of the pyramid.
Back to the bees - Natural Disclosure - means Natural - like the bees and the flowers.
So basically - The reason we cannot find the awnser is because those scared pitty leaders or What they are - Are leading us - And most people have no
clue that there is such a system - Such a stupid idea and philosophy as fear driving this system.
Have you ever seen a scared cat?
They are projecting their fear upon us. - It goes through the entire human civilization like an Lightning Bolt. Through our TV - MEDIA in general -
Which goes into our minds - and the fear-games they play on us.
And what the Vatican originally did - was to shield us from the truth - Our supernatural intelligence - which is just you & me - because - we are
human - We can think for our self - We can evolve our minds and do poetry. And go fishing.
We cannot be controlled. Because neither can nature - And the ultimate power behind it - because - we are nature.
Would you disagree?
To shield us from the truth - How the hell do or did they manage to do that?
It's not possible.
You ever dated somone - and when trying to learn and know that person - you find out there is a secret. It's fear of loosing somthing valuable for
that person you love.
And you either go nuts or accept it. The reason you would go nuts - is because your also afraid of loosing somthing valuable - because of what the
secret does to you. There comes the lie. hello lie - how are you doing?
The choice is either to go nuts or accept - Act or be passive.
But the truth shall set you free.
And for all you people who think people who believe in somthing as crazy as this - is stupid - Should know it's just like that. That is why we are
both stupid and crazy.
Because we are afraid of loosing this planet.
We are fearfull entities we could say.
We love this planet so much.
And they create terror, and they create lies - And they jugde you.
They divide America - They Divide the world - And they jugde you.
And some of you - Don't see it. Because you trust
not in eyewittnesses accounts - in all areas of life - even though they spit their heart out
on the sidewalk for you.
They be jugded as criminals. On TV.
And so you jugde them - Your own family.
That is Control.
This is the Philosophy Of Disclosure.
[edit on 23-4-2007 by Ram]
[edit on 23-4-2007 by Ram]