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Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real

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posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Shadoww
Vatican Observatory director George V. Coyne writes “The Evolution of Intelligent Life on the Earth and Possibly Elsewhere: Reflections from a Religious Tradition.” Of approximately 1022 stars in the universe, Coyne estimates that perhaps 1017 may be earthlike. He states: “Unless our scientific thinking is drastically wrong, this conclusion…implies: at a minimum the macroscopic physical conditions for life (an Earthlike planet in a ‘habitable zone’ about a solarlike star) exist elsewhere in the universe.”

I suggest you try reading the book, Probability 1 (I can't remember the author.) If you, or anyone else (not saying you do, but if) had any doubt about the existence of life on a planet other than earth in the universe, you should read this book. It Mathematically proves that the existence of life beyond earth is not only probable, but even likely. It's a fantastic read, even if you already believe (like me.)

- zeeon

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 10:17 PM
At the end of the day all this talk about ''disclosure'' (more buzzwords) doesnt mean a thing! cause they are still going to feed us BS through straws.

The catholic church is all part n parcel of the NWO isnt it? i thought it was just made to seem like they arent. So big deal if they are talking about ufos? of course they will, now is the time!? ''lets update our BS'', says the church, ''to balance it all out nicely in our favour''. ''Lets throw jesus on a spaceship soon aswel, cause its time''.


Holistic sciences/ new age GARBAGE etc.. not that its all garbage, the truth is hidden in it.

Did you know 'catholics' =666 on a 666 calculator?

Heres the calculator if u wana have a go

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 10:17 PM
i've read quite a bit, and i feel somewhat compelled to post on this topic.

Shadoww, imo, you seem to be taking some things out of context or speculating a bit too much.

There's a few things i'd like you to consider. First off however, i'd like to also mention that i am Catholic.

Now on to a few pointers that i think you should be aware of. The catholic church is the faith of almost 1Billion people on this earth. Because of that, there are also wide 'grounds' and topics to be covered for varying personal interests.

the growing belief in extraterrestrials is a growing subculture throughout the world ever since 19th century. It's the task of many churches and religions to take into account new 'ideas' and 'beliefs' and offer thier stance on the subject of matter. Thus, this is why you see topics regarding UFO's and the Vatican. You are right in saying that these topics are in essence to 'cope' with extraterrestrials. However, you are probably a bit off when you say it is to "cope with a coming disclosure." Because infact it is to cope with ALREADY arisen questions.

You will find churches answering questions to any arising/changing culture

For example, people following a faith will often ask questions such as:
"is smoking sinful?" "are abortions sinful?" "is believing in evolution sinful?" "are tattoos sinful?" and similarly, there will be many people asking: "is believing in aliens sinful"

People will ask all sorts of questions. And because of that the church will offer it's view on all sorts of questions.

The other thing i think you have a bit off is that there are no radical shifting in Catholic teaching. Like i have said before, The catholic faith is held by 1billion people. And like any other groups, there will be many who believe, or are interested in ET's. Therefore the church will offer an explanation to those who are interested. There are no radical shifting at all to the mainstream concern.

EDIT: have you ever heard the the term "apologetics"?. This is basically what it's all about. A 'reconciliation' to modern developement -- whether that be in culture, subculture, technology, or science -- that might 'endanger' or bring questions to the faith.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by lsatwd]

[edit on 21-4-2007 by lsatwd]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 12:17 AM
I do not mean to offend any particular group out there, but have had this htought bouncing around.

I believe very little biblically, but do find it interesting nonetheless.

In revleations it refers to the return of the antichrist in the end days to mislead the masses.

Could the vatican not represent this? Nazi's, not Hitler, were the antichrist. Hitler only assisted in the formulation of the Nazi movement, recieving ample help from the rest of the sicko's. Our new pope is/was a Nazi (his initial involvement makes him suspect until i know him personally, which won't happen i am sure).

Seems kind of interesting that we now have a member of the Anti Christs movement leading the largest religious following in the world, doesn't it?

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 04:27 AM
April 20 2007

World UFO Disclosure Campaign





Dear friends and colleagues of the international UFO community;

First, it is a well-established fact that UFOs are a worldwide phenomenon. Practically every Nation has conducted official investigations into UFOs, but the findings typically are shrouded in secrecy.

The "World UFO Disclosure Campaign" is a non-profit worldwide campaign that it's primary aim; to have U.N General Assembly to hold open and secrecy free hearings on the UFO/E.T presence on Earth. And to hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems related to the subject that, when publicly released, will provide solutions to global environmental and other challenges.

Through "World UFO Disclosure Campaign" we intend to collect the signatures of millions of enthusiasts, believers and activists in Ufology around the world, all asking in one single voice that the governments of the Nations stop their policy of secrecy over UFO's/E.T's and disclose the truth.

A disclosure can be one of the greatest galvanizing and transcendent moments in human history. We believe, World UFO Disclosure will be the starting point of a new era unprecedented in world history, unify the mankind with a new spirit of peace and brotherhood and launch a new process that will lead humanity to an era of intergalactic communication and wisdom. World UFO Disclosure will provide unprecedented benefits and opportunities to all on Earth and humanity, also for the environment, world peace, world poverty and the human future.

Urgent U.N action is needed to allow any and all witnesses to testify under oath so that a full, honest and open disclosure may occur as soon as possible. We expect from U.N to undertake this crucial mission for the sake of mankind and to play the leading role by disclosing the truth about extraterrestrial intelligent life which has extreme importance for mankind and would mark a turning point for our planet .

PLEASE SIGN IN TO JOIN THE CAMPAIGN! (it takes only a minute) (in 9 languages)

WE, THE PEOPLE OF EARTH THROUGH THE "WORLD UFO DISCLOSURE CAMPAIGN" and with the greatest possible participation from the public worldwide, we intend to turn our authorities attention to the issue and to have U.N General Assembly to hold open and secrecy free hearings on the UFO/E.T presence on Earth...

Also we think, with the participation of millions of people worldwide to the "World UFO Disclosure Campaign" will bring public and media awareness and interest to the highest level that it deserves. This will help tremendously for the people of Earth to know more and to become conscious about the "UFO Reality" which is so important for the evolution of mankind and the Planet.

We should all together concentrate our efforts on one goal: to bring the truth about the U F O PHENOMENON to light TOGETHER. It is knowledge of profound importance to which all people throughout the world should have an inalienable right to know the truth about this important issue and it is time to put an end to the controversy surrounding it, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

THIS IS SO IMPORTANT for the consciousness of mankind and to achieve PEACE ON EARTH and for the development of our global society. THE PLANET HAS COME TO A CRUCIAL TIME!

We believe that World UFO Disclosure by The U.N and the governments worldwide is the only chance we have left to achieve peace on Earth and to realize we are all here together as Earth-people and as the Earth family

So, please help to circulate the material. Use the various capabilities you have for informing the public in your area and to get the word out. Use your modem, web-sites, email datas, faxes or letters. Talk to your colleagues, friends and relatives. Send the "World U F O Disclosure Campaign" declaration to your local and national institutions or individuals and to your local, national and international media and networks.

All Organizations, Researchers and Believers around the world, we should all band together to become one clear loud voice by joining


So please spread the word and get involved, we are hoping for your input and support. May Truth and Peace Prevail on Earth!

PLEASE SIGN IN TO JOIN THE CAMPAIGN! (it takes only a minute)
(in 9 languages) World UFO Organizations

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 04:39 AM
Although I find that website to be interesting, I don't see what it has to do with this topic. We still need to fully confirm what the Vatican's current position on UFOs is.


posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 07:35 AM
It was posted the same day as the thing posted in the beginning of this thread.

20 april 2007.


Also - Since Vatican has always had a major influence on politic's - That those two things are almost the same side of the coin.

Im sure World disclosure has send some notes to the Vatican somwhere - Around this 20 april.

Also note - That we are also part of the Disclosure - because it's fundementally a mental issue. And we the people of earth are the mental force on this planet. Many of us are basically stupid - But we are still mental.

We should get rid of the idea that we can't do a change. We should learn that we are important for earth - And see how little effort we actually do for this planet. That we can do a change.

Since yesterday - When I wrote my stuff on previous page - I have been thinking that - Disclosure or the revelation of secrets might be a natural thing.

I came to think of the bees that are dying maybe because of our mobil-cell-phones - Bees flying out from the hive gathering stuff from the flowers and returning the goods to the hive after scanning the area.

How the hell do those bees know how to do that?

That Is what I mean by natural - That Disclosure is a natural thing.
Disclosure both in the world of politics - Like the impeachment of Dick and Bush - It's a natural thing.

If the bees can find their way around the area looking for flowers - And even build those pretty homes for themselves - that means they are connected to some form of higher intelligence - that i assume - so are we.

Also note that we still seperate these things. And it is that seperation that is un-natural If we get disclosure.

We have media - Vatican - and politic's - They are not seperated in reality - they work together. We are being seperated divided and taken over by these institutions - with words from their teachings.

Ergo we will see more of this mixing together topic's in the future - Or in the now - because we are actually gathering information and subjects into one whole form, shape. It's is becomming one - slowly but steady.

Offcourse we will see the effect first here in a forum where we actually discuss these things - the effect will first show it self the day it reaches the media, vatican, and politics,and show itself for those people who never took time to search learn and understand why we are, and is.

The effect will be - a natural Disclosure - And many topic's should actually melt together and make sense - Because in reality there is no difference anywhere - It is the whole idea of Disclosure - And if we look at nature - we see many variants of life - but in reality there is no difference.

Thats why you talk to your dog. Talk to plants and what have we.

We are in constant communication with - what somone found out should be called God Allah or Krishna. - Because it's no different anywhere - It's just our idea that things are different.

Basically we could say that this ATS forum could only have one topic if what im saying, is what is in alliance with what is real. Only one topic on ATS.

Because Disclosure means revealing the secrets - letting go of the burden we as a human race has put on our self - Because we needed time to evolve - build machines - build technology to be ready to come to this point in time where the locks shall be unlocked. (ever heard that before

Can you imagine - how interresting TV would become if this is revealed to the humans. We are not alone - they will land in your backyard.
You know - Why would we need action movies anymore - when it has all been revealed to everyone? There would be no need to see an action movie - because basically it's fake - Waste of time. Action would be absolutly in real time - if we would face what is so amazing like such topic is. Hey mate? you from around here?

All the information comming out of our TV would be real - no lies - no secrets - only real stuff.
And it would be natural to help in the community - I mean - natural as the bees finding the flowers and return to the hive.

And so - it should be. Offcourse we should live natural - why not? I am sure natural means - Humans actually don't like kill eachother - in reality.

Because while we seperate topics these days - topics like UFO - Politic's religion - it's because we are actually moving towards mixing them together - Because we have ourself seperated it - because our leaders and vatican and media tells us to - Even schools seperate everything for our children.

The only really good seperation is perhaps our clockwork, month dates and time-zones.

And those really good seperations - Goes back to the first original idea or story about mankind. The position of the sun - When to catch fish, and when to seed our fields. And when does spring come - Winter - summer - fall.

Actually - that is the Mayan calendar. - it shows the passage of time.

We have to start understand - how we have seperated things - just a bit to much - when in fact we only need to seperate time - the digital watch you can see in the buttom right of your screen.

You see Disclosure is as much a religious subject as it is a political issue.

It also means - going back to nature - while having the technology to survive in nature.

What I worry about - is all those people who just don't get it. Those people who never took time to figure out that we are one family.
I mean - Gangs - gansters - and people with such religions as killing - is terrible lost when those days come forth. I think We will see loads of people commiting suicide - In all levels of society as we know it now - because their whole world will break down.

Maybe I will be one of them.

And I think that is why it was keept secret.
And this is why World Disclosure has somthing to do with the Vatican also.

Remember - we still got time to prepare for this - If it's going to happend, so keep it at a level you can cope with - for your own sake. I personally keep it pretty normal for my own sake. But eventually - I AM READY - like many of you on this forum are.

I am ready to go with the changes that follows full publich disclosure - And im ready to help people who cannot cope with it - If it happends. Im ready to help my community - the media - and the bitter loss of politicans who cannot cope with it either.

Im kinda ready to go into that natural Disclosure procces.

And im sure lots of you also are - here on ATS.

[edit on 22-4-2007 by Ram]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 10:32 AM
Is there any ATS members that live in Italy that can confirm the Vatican official has indeed been on Italian TV 5 times in recent months?

I am having a hard time believing this all something just does not seem right here. The original source article at the end gives a link to his source as being the one below.

Early on in the thread the OP makes this all out to be the word of the vatican which is not true.

Shadoww stated

Very interesting the Vatican is disclosing this information..

Now right on that very page it clearly states that he is speaking for himself and not the Vatican. The original source also says his

Monsignor Padre Corrado Balducci speaks for himself and his own research and not the Vatican.


OK now backing up to the original source it states (when I say original source I am talking about the source where the author of the OP source used as his source. not the source article used for the thread)

My informant originally surmised that the Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nunciatures (embassies) in various countries


Notice he does not name his source he leaves the name out which too me makes it questionable.

[edit on 4/22/2007 by shots]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 11:09 AM
I am not sure if this is related to the incident on ATS last month regarding alleged UFOs over Cleveland but the source of all this information appears to be linked to the same DVD the author of that thread was trying to sell or it appears to be since it is mentioned in this video with the Vatican official and one of the individuals who wrote the original source article that originated this whole story.


Just thought I should throw that out for speculation because it adds another possible question to ths accuracy of the claim as possibly being yet another way to do nothing more then sell a DVD about alleged UFOs

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Shadoww

A lttile more reasch on my part has revelaled this story is almost ten years old so it is very possible the ones wanting to sell the DVD are using old information to promote their agenda

Vatican Admits on National Television that ET Contact is real

By: Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a Vatican theologian insider close to the Pope has gone on national Italian television five times in recent months to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The prelate announced that the Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios


Imagine that out since 1998 and just making news now????? Obviously it is not current and someone is trying to make it look current.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 12:25 PM
Another great post Ram..
I realize the topic of this thread.
And i am doing everything i can to get a more official response.
watch this space.
In the meantime the Padres words themselvesare more than food for thought.

[edit on 22-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 06:11 PM
Just done this post for another thread, bit off topic, but relevant to disclosure, so i will post it here too.

Would just like to point out that the British MoD views on U.F.O.s have altered in between my two last correspondence with them.
First letter states the old classic. - The MoD only investigates what is a threat to its national security, and as there is no significant evidence of U.F.O.s or them being a concern to the UKs security the MoD will be taking this no further...
Something like that anyhow...
But the second correspondence is with a Mr Webb of the MoD by email, this has been since the FOI act has come in to full operation..
The official response was, although the MoD does not have any hard evidence to support the existance of E.T.s and U.F.Os the MoD does keep an open mind on this subject, and referred me to the new MoD site that has posted significant amount of UFO pics and info including Rendelsham Forest
check these documents out 980.htm

Or hows this for MoD Disclosure< br />
The FOI act is the start of Disclosure in the UK as far as im concerned, at least on an organized and damage limitation basis...
Interesting change in stance by the UK, i hope you agree.
Certainly what it looks like to me..
Everyone should be asking them questions, there is a £600 budget for each request...
The more requests they answer, the more information on the public forum..
We can have a big impact on Disclosure..
Get writing...

[edit on 22-4-2007 by Shadoww]

[edit on 22-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 09:17 PM
Shots I dont get it.. have you got something against this guy.... every thread you just seem to be targeting shadoww.... have you got some alternative agenda????

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by flice

Think about all the catholics in the world that are now "forced" to recognise the exsistance of ETs. Next stop... "normal" people.
Those will probably be harder to sway :S

Are you saying that catholics are not normal people - where do you get this? your up bringing? Catholics are also not forced to do anything, they are also not forced to recognize anything. It is a matter of choice - that is human, not Catholicism. Proves a theory about you personally - besides the fact you can't spell.

Originally posted by tezzajw
I know that should be a good thing, but I can't get the image out of my head that a fair portion of the billion zealots would want to try and convert the ETs into thinking that they should be praying to mother mary!

Who are the zealots you refer to? Just in case your education has compelled you to assume you know something, and your IQ is not above 3 and your conjecture proved your intelligence, Catholics do not try and convert anyone - once again, it is a matter of choice. This is a human thing. Why would anyone want to try and convert ET? Why would catholics try and convert anyone? It is typically the "happy clappy" churches and Jehovah's that do this. Back to school for you son. Or you need to get out the house more.

Originally posted by tezzajw
However, it would stand to conjecture that the catholic church might have been allowed to leak some predisclosure type of information... appease the zealots before they revolt under the weight of the conflicting evidence to their religious dogma.

Once again, I sure hope you are not referring to catholics as zealots? I don't believe the church was "allowed" to do anything. If they have no policies about doing this and they don't work for the government then they are doing what you or I would do should we have info to share on the matter.

Do you think catholics stand in the wings waiting for some "stuff" that was kept from them so they can stage a revolt of some sort? Where do you get these ideas from? You need to get out more. Once again the ill-informed proving their ignorance and using every word spoken or typed to wage attacks against Catholics or any other religion. You need t get a real life and disconnect yourself from granny's apron strings and stand on your own little feet and start thinking with those 3 IQ points you have. Put them to work and they may increase to 4.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Shadoww
Monsignor Corrado Balducci is a high Vatican official... etc

As impressive as that might read (his credentials), it sickens me the level that some zealots take to glorify themselves above others.

None of his credentials impress me. However, the fact that he can act as a type of senior mouth-piece for his cult is poignant. If the impending disclosure by the catholic cult is true, then I wonder if they would be hastily rewriting their dogma as we sit here and type? Perhaps they need a time-delay to distribute their updated scriptures of faith, based upon new information? Afterall, the cult worshippers would need a new rule book to live by, given that the old one would be outdated in light of true ET disclosure.

That sounds about right. It sounds like they just want to rewrite history once again. Who knows the true history of the past 2000 years. As it has been said "The winners write history." Also who knows if we've ever had contact with E.T.s before. No government will ever tell you anything of importance. Maybe skim the surface on any subject. Not anything good though.They want to keep the people in the dark and away from any knowledge of the truth.

"how fortunate it is for governments that the people they administer don't think.." -Adolph Hitler

Its too true though. People are idiots and don't think for themselves and beyond what is told to them.

Who truly knows the truth about anything. Anything goes at this point ladies and gentleman. Goodluck. :].

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:22 AM
Sorry my prior post right above this should look like this:

This should be quoted "As impressive as that might read (his credentials), it sickens me the level that some zealots take to glorify themselves above others.

None of his credentials impress me. However, the fact that he can act as a type of senior mouth-piece for his cult is poignant. If the impending disclosure by the catholic cult is true, then I wonder if they would be hastily rewriting their dogma as we sit here and type? Perhaps they need a time-delay to distribute their updated scriptures of faith, based upon new information? Afterall, the cult worshippers would need a new rule book to live by, given that the old one would be outdated in light of true ET disclosure."

And anything after that is what I had posted.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:51 AM
The vaticans new form of control is UFOLOGY and it will replace it's old religion.


posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by StreetCorner Philosopher
The vaticans new form of control is UFOLOGY and it will replace it's old religion.


If this was a joke then you could have kept it to yourself considering how brain dead one needs to actually be to come up with stuff like that. If, however, it is fact, then I withdraw my remark and I ask you to post the source to this comment.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 04:41 AM
Another quote from Balducci

"Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela."
-- Monsignor Corrado Balducci As stated 5 different times on Italian TV** (Vatican theologian insider close to the Pope,Monsignor Balducci said that he is on a Vatican commission looking into extraterrestrial encounters, and how to cope with the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact.)

here is the link, there are some excellent quotes here.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 04:47 AM
A report from a 2005 UFO conference

After seeing all these amazing films, Monsignor Balducci said that the Vatican is very interested in this phenomena and that he was designated spokesman . He told the audience that he had written a note about the importance of his presence at the X-Conference in Washington DC in 2005 to the current Pope Benedict the sixteenth and that he also knew that the late Pope John Paul followed his TV appearances speaking about UFO. He added that in the Bible, Jesus is called “King of the Universe” and that in this phrase , it is understood as the “ universe and its inhabitants”. “There is such a variety of animal and plant species on the planet, do we not assume God would only create one type of life?”, added Balducci. “ I always wish to be the spokesman for these star peoples who also are part of God’s glory and I will continue to bring it to the attention of the Holy Mother Church.”

He also said this at the conference as well.

Monsignor Corrado Balducci says Mexico is blessed with UfO Sightings. He says he will continue be spokesman for the opening up of public opinion and church attention towards the people from the stars . “I will ask the Vatican to dedicate the religious feast day Christ, the King of the Universe to include “ all its inhabitants”!

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