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Billy Meier UFO Contact Hoax: Discussion

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posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 02:58 AM
There is one film (9 minutes) with some photo's from his collection i know of (the interesting stuff). Does someone know a good link to see these pictures more clearly???
I am not looking for the ufo photographes he made. There are a lot of vids on youtube. I want to see the photo's of planets and the so called dinosaur pictures.

tnxx in advance!

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by newinitiation
The same old story, the same old objections, the same old human irrationalities, frailties, weaknesses that dog the human mind culminating in self justification in one's beliefs which one holds to be true even if it's false.

Are you talking about yourself?

People refuse to see the evidence that Billy's case is real beyond a reasonable doubt yet due to their own irrational domatism, they hold others who can see the truth of the case to be dogmatic believers without question in the validity of the meier case.
Is this not but an act of insanity?

Not really.

And then to question the sanity of those that have irrefutably come to the conclusion that the meier case is real amounts to nothing more than mental disturbance needing urgent psychological help.

Your words, not mine. And didn't Meier himself brand a bunch of people as schizophrenic and/or mentally ill? Where were you on that one hypocrite?

For those that have taken the time to evaluate, investigate, be critical of , analyse, comprehend, confirm, deduce, probe, dissect, and put the pieces together arrive at the only recourse natural to the plethora of overwhelming evidence meier has presented that, that it's real.

Hehe, I especially like the "be critical of". Funny.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Lunica
There is one film (9 minutes) with some photo's from his collection i know of (the interesting stuff). Does someone know a good link to see these pictures more clearly???
I am not looking for the ufo photographes he made. There are a lot of vids on youtube. I want to see the photo's of planets and the so called dinosaur pictures.
tnxx in advance!

Lots of that can be found in this thread. Meier's "raygun" has also been covered in this thread some pages back. Or you can do a search on ATS. It's all here.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 11:20 PM
I'd like to post that I fully believe Mr. Meier's photos are genuine. In fact, I myself have met aliens with advanced lasers - Here's two pictures I took:

The aliens in question have only one appendage per hand, thus the lack of fingers and large metal covering. You can even see some of the skin peeking out behind the glove.

*Although I realize these may look like an airsoft gun with aluminum foil taped to them, you wouldn't think so if you were on the receiving end!

Unfortunately, this gun in question disappeared after these photos were taken. Sorry, I can't prove anything, but if you don't believe me you're ignorant :-)

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 11:23 PM
Probably the most official thing I've seen here so far, Evan.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Sytima]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 12:39 AM
I posted this before and now I will post it here just to show the real motives of Newinitiation:

This was posted by you in a single day, do you get pay by threads or by clicks? Does this looks from someone that believe or from someone that is getting pay to promote? judge for yourselves.

Nick: Newinitiation
Job: Opening and re-opening Billy meier's online threads before a dvd is release to get the newcomers to buy it.

One day in the live of "Newinitiation" Mon Jan 08, 2007

1. Guest?? Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:04 am Post subject: Billy Meier's prophecies and predictions

2. newinitiation Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:37 am Post subject: Shockingly Billy Meier's prophetic information comes true

3. newinitiation Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:25 am Post subject: Billy Meier's genuine prophecies shockingly real

4. newinitiation Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:10 pm Billy Meier's prophetic information

5. newinitiation Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:18 pm Post subject: Billy Meier's prophecies come true once again

And this is not counting other ones using different nicks all over of ufo forums.

Sorry Dude I have to do it, you will not be fooling anyone here with the I believe meier stuff by re-opening old threads. We alredy know what you are all about and just posted this for the newcomers. Send my regards to MH.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by MANNYP4]

[edit on 18-9-2007 by MANNYP4]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:16 AM
thanks a manny for your attention
It appears there are many who spend many hours writing many nonesensical tripe about many things that billy has brought to the scene that are absolutly real.
There seems to be many heads that just can't process what is real from fiction but then again many will continue flapping and twisting the truth for the sake of it.
Many must come clean and face the real truth one of these days for their own sake.

btw did you know that Michael is coming up with another fantastic DVD about Billy

stay tuned

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:33 PM
Of course I knew MH has another dvd ready to sell, I knew this immediately after I saw your nick posting in this site. You will not be here otherwise. Anyway I know you are just doing your job by promoting MH dvds, but please keep your cult-alike comments (meier is the truth, we don't know anything blah blah) and advice to yourself. You are like a jehova witness but instead of going door to door you go forum to forum copying and pasting the samething. And before you tell me is not a cult, I would like to remind you that as an active figu member you are late for your payments and you will not be receiving the latest meier's telepathic extraterrestrial information this month.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by MANNYP4]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:08 PM
I just finished reading this thread, from first page, every post...
I can say only one thing. I love you guys!
And Evanmontegarde, your pictures are great! Thats the proof we all looked for...

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 01:53 AM
mannyp4, you know deep down how downtroddenly stricken you are with a debilitating disease called egoism.
You are a seeing blind unable to take off your kaelidoscopic glasses and see the truth and reality for what it is.
If there actually was people who can think straight without their pithy bruised egos getting in the way of what is left of their mushy brains, at least they won't have to be so wicked in their thoughts.

Why keep digging a blimming crater for yourself when you know that you are falling deeper and deeper

Nothing can help the fool even if he helps himself, that is why you need help from others

At least if they think for you, you won't have to damage yourself by thinking for yourself.

Go wash off that stenching wickedness and purify your consciousness of all the corrupt influences that you've let inside your head like a toilet unflushed for a bloody month.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by newinitiation

You come here to push the Billy Meier barrow back from the dead, fair enough, despite the fact that the case falls apart with the garbage bin lid, amongst other things.

So, now I'm hoping that your paragraph of abuse is enough to have you warned/banned. Clearly, your manners only serve to discredit the nobility of the Meier hoax. If you're acting in a marketing capacity for the Meier Cult, then you really put your foot in your mouth with that shameful piece of member abuse.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by newinitiation
mannyp4, you know deep down how downtroddenly stricken you are with a debilitating disease called egoism. You are a seeing blind unable to take off your kaelidoscopic glasses and see the truth and reality for what it is. If there actually was people who can think straight without their pithy bruised egos getting in the way of what is left of their mushy brains, at least they won't have to be so wicked in their thoughts.
Why keep digging a blimming crater for yourself when you know that you are falling deeper and deeper Nothing can help the fool even if he helps himself, that is why you need help from others At least if they think for you, you won't have to damage yourself by thinking for yourself. Go wash off that stenching wickedness and purify your consciousness of all the corrupt influences that you've let inside your head like a toilet unflushed for a bloody month.

Meet the spiritual side of Newinitiation! And he's not the only Meier supporter who'll respond like this. Bordering on religious extremism?

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 12:03 AM
It doesn't bother me whatever response a person that suppostly has spiritual teaching to promote writes. If someone proof that I am just coming here to promote a dvd sell from a well known hoax I would be piss off too. He even get warnings from moderators in his own house (figu's forum) so we can't expect anything less of his behavior here.

Did the Pleiadian messages went down the toilet when they were trying to teach them to him or what? because what he is preaching and his behavior doesn't match at all.

Why don't you comment in the fact that you go and post the samething in forums over and over again even in a single day and then denied that you don't do it as a "JOB" (promoting MH hoax dvds). Just admit that you got caught dude is not hard.

And again: I would like to remind you that as an active figu member you are late for your payments and you will not be receiving the latest meier's telepathic extraterrestrial information this month.

I bet that is the one that got him.

Anyway thanks for proving my point one more time with that post.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 03:55 AM
For goodness sakes mannyp4, you seem to see many things which aren't real unless of course you wanna shove words in my mouth I'd never wrote.

You are in denial of your own denials and in meta ignorance, what you spout out out of your gob is what you don't know, you don't know in a perpetual circular illogic.

It must be a very dark place to be in hey mannyp4???

Some enlightened people definitely can seperate the psychology of reason from abusive language because they have a brain they think for themselves with but for you there definitely is many things left to be desired.

You and terrax's wicked ways only serve to make a poignant reminder just how degenerate humans can be.

You are living in a world of constant lies that belies the absense of truth and reason for which you never intended to search for, only to prop up the substance you lack by dishing out the shell of your fragile ego many can see through.

If there is a such a thing as hell, it must come close to it.

Wake up!

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by newinitiation
You and terrax's wicked ways only serve to make a poignant reminder just how degenerate humans can be.

Well, knowing from whom such a comment came from I wont take it personally.

Hey Manny! You need a hug after all his flattering comments? Mind you just a manly sort of hug, you know. If the Meier people think we are homosexuals we're at risk of losing the family jewels as Meier (or was it Jmmanuel? what's the difference?) once suggested. Ow. Just had a nasty thought. If the Meier peeps would run the show we would be exiled at the very least, because we would be the 'degenerates'. Maybe our approach aint such a bad thing, ey?

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 12:47 AM
He can write whatever he wants for me a post from him means nothing, I predicted why he came here for and "BINGO" he did exactly what I said he would do. So does that make me a prophet? I predicted an event before it happened can meier do that an prove it?

Anyway he did it again, he revived another old meier thread today (if a moderator catch you in what you are doing and look at your post you will not last much longer here).

You are the one in a dark place and the one already in hell. Trying to scam people by selling them dvds with made up stories and unproven crap.

I will just post the warning you got long ago because the post itself is too disgusting to illustrate it here.

I didn't catch this post until now. If you continue with these type of remarks, your posts will be deleted.

this was long ago in figu forum and since then you haven't change man, even figu moderators don't like you, does that tell you something?
And please stop talking about consciousness have some pride for the love of god. Read you own post sometimes, so you can see the disgusting things that come from you, aren't you suppost to talk about love and peace? you are living proof of what the Pleiadian warned us about, human hatred, have you ever thought of that?

I will not be responding anymore, I know you just want to keep all the meier threads going till MH has the dvd ready, you should be ashamed of yourself.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 01:17 AM
Terrax lol yeah, they are so a confused bunch, preaching about peace and spiritual teaching with such disgusting behaviour.

We already know what they are all about though, so not surprise there.
They never care to response to the real questions about the hoax.

The funny part is not the debuking but the excuses for it. Which concludes in either you are blind, like negative attention or make money from it. bottom page.

He better wake up!!

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 09:31 AM
What, not manly enough manny, spitting the dummy on me already
Your hypocritical grandstanding about morals whilst the filthy lies you have told about billy who you profess to be well informed of is not only repugnant but absolutely revolting.
Even hyenas have more decency than the likes of you. What, you forgot how to be a human.

What is it I hear sounding off between your two ears, oh that's right it's the loud thud of stones banging against each other.
As they say, use it or you lose it and it appears calcification of what is otherwise the most vital organ has set in like stone.
Don't even THINK about it Manny, the sound of stones in your head makes me shiver.

I'll tell you once again manny that the head that is sitting on top of your shoulder needs a bit fresh air in, it's so congested with so much rubbish, where have you been all this time.

Now listen carefully, all the lies you have told about billy meier must surely come back to your conscience even if you don't know what the word 'conscience' is as it appears you are so divorced from it.

For how long are you gonna be a scared little boy hiding behind your filthy lies told over and over again and pretend that you are a man pretending to be a man.
If you had enough class, you'll have the balls enough to fess up to your wrongs and make an effort to right it, but hey, that's OK, you still need a lot of growing up to do as you can't expect people to treat you like a man if you haven't passed puberty yet.

Anyway, twas all in vain before the swine

I'll keep my precious pearls for another with a real brain

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by TerraX

Originally posted by newinitiation
You and terrax's wicked ways only serve to make a poignant reminder just how degenerate humans can be.

Well, knowing from whom such a comment came from I wont take it personally.

Do what I do, wear it like a badge of honor.

(Sorry for the short post, but I dont even pretend to give this case...ahem, excuse me...garbage any more attention)

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