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Billy Meier UFO Contact Hoax: Discussion

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posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:14 AM
Hi commodore64, I am in a way shocked you know.

Because I am convinced that the Billy Meier case is real.
But I never had the slightest idea that I once would be accounted for that I am because of that in a way responsible for those terrible stupid religion wars.
I wander, have you ever take the time to study the Billy Meier case yourself?
If not, I advise you to give it the benefit of the doubt and do it yourself, and don’t listen to what others say about it.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:46 AM
That laser gun is just an old hand sandblaster like this one...

I use the exact same one that is shown in the Billy photo's. The one in the photo has tinfoil on it though... you can see the yellow lid that you open and pour sandblasting sand in.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:54 AM
Some of the photos in the Meier case appear to be physically impossible to re-produce, and some appear to be quite easy. I think thats why this case has lasted so long. I, for one, am still in the hunt, holding my conclusions until later. Either way, I think we all owe Billy a thanks for offering up some fantastic visual material.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by SpaceBits
That laser gun is just an old hand sandblaster like this one...

I use the exact same one that is shown in the Billy photo's. The one in the photo has tinfoil on it though... you can see the yellow lid that you open and pour sandblasting sand in.

The sandblaster photo link you provided does not resemble the Meier photo in my opinion. Why don't you provide us with a picture of your own sandblaster if you're convinced?

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Does it prove its reality, if the photos are hard or impossible to recreate?

And if you believe that the pictures on the first page of this thread are real, or at least you dont suspect a little bit, that they could be fake, than I think it is impossible to argue logically on this topic. Just my train of thoughts.

Mr. Lear, I didn't mention you. But it is clear that some people made-making some profit. I don't want to exposure anyone.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 12:15 PM
I'm really not sure what you're trying to say Commodore. Apologies.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by AGENT51

I am just saying: Do you really believe that the "woman" in the first page of this thread is an alien and holding a ET weapon, or do you just beleive that the "photo" is real?
If you believe that the gun and woman are "real et" origin, than I don't need to argue anymore. But anyway, this is a very old topic, and discussed endlessly. By the way, I didnt ressurect this thread. I just read it new, and had lots of fun

[edit on 22-1-2008 by commodore64]

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by commodore64
reply to post by AGENT51

I am just saying: Do you really believe that the "woman" in the first page of this thread is an alien and holding a ET weapon, or do you just beleive that the "photo" is real?
If you believe that the gun and woman are "real et" origin, than I don't need to argue anymore. But anyway, this is a very old topic, and discussed endlessly. By the way, I didnt ressurect this thread. I just read it new, and had lots of fun

[edit on 22-1-2008 by commodore64]

I really don't know if the person in the raygun photo is a real extra terrestrial. i do think that many of the Meier photos are genuine. Some I'm not so sure about, and some video clips are just way too hard to reproduce. Just my humble opinion.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 03:34 PM
My opinion on the Meier case is that there may have been a time when he saw a UFO or had contact with ETs, but since that time Horn has manipulated him and his story so it could be marketable. Clearly I'm not as knowledgeable on this case as some people, so I'm wondering when was the last time a picture was produced that seemed impossible to recreate?

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by AGENT51

Considering the Sandblaster i posted is new and the one in Billy's photo is from 1988, I think there exactly a like. Billy just modified his with a bigger nozzle and added a hose to the end of it.

I'm sure many can see that they are the same. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Billy is lien, I just think that laser gun is nothing but a sandblaster. I think Billy's story is interesting and intriguing.

EDIT to change the year from 1977 to 1988

[edit on 22-1-2008 by SpaceBits]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Here is another picture I saw of a sandblaster handle that has a trigger almost identical to the one in the original pic.

[edit on 23-1-2008 by Sparky63]

Sorry. I think this is the same brand shown in the post by Spacebits.

Sorry for the duplication. I too read this whole thread and now I think my IQ has dropped several digits. I must say that I am amazed that there are so many people who believe Mr. Meiers account.

[edit on 23-1-2008 by Sparky63]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Disco Suits from the 60's & 70's

Also this nonsense about him only having one arm is ludicrous. When I was younger, I went fishing with my dad and we met up with a man in the bush close to where we were camping who was missing one arm( he said he lost in in the army). well we fished together and I was about to offer to put the worm on his hook for him, but before I could speak he already did and was casting off. My dad was still trying to bait his hook. To make a long story short the one armed man caught 8 fish, my dad caught 1 and I caught nothing. The one armed man was better than the both of us with our 2 arms. Also if not for him we probably would have gone to bed hungry that night since we only caught 1 fish. The man gave us a few fish to eat.

I also volunteered with a group that helped the Mentally Retarded for about 4 years as a teen. They are amazing they can do amazing things that I cant even do. It was a great experience. The only thing they need help with is educating us normal folk to accept them as normal also and not defective. Maybe we are the defective ones...

Anyway Billy was a novice photographer with allot of time on his hand. I'm not saying Billy is a hoaxer, but something is weird about his story.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 12:58 AM
Hi there.

The gold suit is actually a workout outfit called a "solar suit." Solar Suits are used to trap your heat inside of the suit while you exercise causing you to sweat more and lose more water weight. Solar suits have been around since the 1970s, possibly earlier.

Here is an image from a website that I found:

Also, there is a strong possibility that the woman holding the gun is actually Meier's wife, Kalliope. I will post comparison images when I get a chance.


posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Respect to Billy, a good way of making some cash. A shame it reflects on the entire UFO research community though.

Funny I thought that was what all UFO researchers do... try to make some cash... have you seen all the UFO sites that are going 'subscriber only"? The latest one is UFO Area...

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Wow, forgot I had these....
They're pretty hillarious, but since I found them while going through some pics, figured I'd share them... I'll provide more commentary on them soon, but I will say that they were confirmed to be genuine Billy pics by Michael Horn....

Notice that the "alien" in the pic (in the stylish gold foil suit) has 5 fingers, not the 6 later claimed by Billy, and his much lauded "handprint" on the car, etc. Why people still believe this guy is anyone's guess, but he damns himself with his very own schtick....

[edit on 12-4-2007 by Gazrok]

[edit on 9-5-2007 by SkepicOverlord]

Is the tip of that "raygun" a flashlight? LMAO

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by sarentack

Not a bad guess by the shape, but it's actually one of these:

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 09:50 AM
And here's another shot of Meier wielding that dangerous alien ray gun.

Watch out everybody, there's a new sheriff in town.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 10:52 AM

That picture your showed of Billy holding the ray gun came from my website at by Royce.htm . I in turn cropped it from:
Zeugenbuch: zu Erlebnissen mit 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, seinen Fähigkeiten und Kontakten mit Menschen der Plejaren und ihrer Föderation, 1959-2001 [Book of Witnesses: To Events involving "Billy" Albert Eduard Meier, his Capabilities and Contacts with Plejarens and Beings from their Federation] (Hinterschmidrüti: FIGU, 2001).

Just a couple links further down in that web page you'll find the photo of the tree that Meier shot the hole through, using the (ancient) ray gun. Those who inspected the hole closely noticed that it was oval in cross section, not strictly circular. This shows up in the photo.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:34 PM
You'd think a ray gun would at least have a trigger guard to prevent accidental "rayying".

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 03:39 PM
I watched the original Billy Meier film from the 70s or early 80s and was pretty convinced. There was a team that scrutinized the evidence and the pictures and analysis looked damn good. However, This information in this thread has convinced me it is a hoax. I don't generally like debunkers- but this website puts the nail in Billies coffin Billy Meier Smoking Gun

The thing that really did for me was he sheer ridiculousness of the excuses. In particular when Billy got nervous about the wedding cake having a handle just like his garbage can lids. He asked the Pleadians to explain.

Quoting the above site (which is quoting a FIGU bulletin),
The alien, Ptaah, explains why the UFO so closely resembles the trash can lids on BILLIES FARM !:"PAnd since you yourself provided one of these covers to clarify the fact, it was very simple for us to compare the receptacle cover with construction details of the flying device. We, too, noticed the stunning similarity and began focusing our attention on this matter. We thoroughly investigated the entire situation and discovered that the old, newly re-emerged drawings were used for the design and production of these receptacle covers. The covers were completely different from anything the designers had previously produced. Normally they designed lids with simple lines and never with shapes that could be called futuristic and complicated. This, then, is how the shape of the container covers came about, which, as I mentioned earlier, strikingly resemble the lower rim section and undercarriage on our flying devices."

It was because they had sent telepathic impulses to engineers in Germany.
And then think about:

Originally posted by MANNYP4
1. TV models girls identified------ MIB did it.
2. same but Different size ufo----They have few sizes of the same one
3. Garbage part identified---------Aliens impulsed thoughts to manufacters.
4. Ufo moves like model --------- Aliens wants to confuse reality.
5. Time travel dino photos ------ From a painting but MIB did it.
5. Toy gun -------------------------It was because it was 600 years old.
6. Prophecies--------------------- I can only tell them after the event.
7. Pleiades can't support life---- They lied they are from a timeshift..
8. models found at his house ----- My children made them.
9. future San franciso earthquake- From a magazine but MIB did it.
10.Talmud of Jmmanuel & metal--- discovered my meier himself, lost

Sorry that did it for me.... I no longer believe any of it.

Also the members here have really uncovered a lot: The gold sweat suit is a winner. The ray gun does look like that sand blaster posted, modified with foil and a toy gun red barrel.

Wasn't there a law passed that toy guns have to have red barrel ends so the Police would know they are toys? Remember people were robbing banks with toy guns.

Like Fox Mulder,"I want to believe" But Billy has me disappointed, they were great pictures...

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