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Imus on his knees begging

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posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:36 PM
Does "whore" definitely mean a prostitute? I think it can be used to describe any woman that is thought to "sleep around" too much.

But that's entirely besides the point, he used "ho" which is used so much it's essentially meaningless.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
Imus knows damn well urban ppl dont listen to his station so, why would he use urban terms to be funny,When obviously noone but non-urban people found it funny b/c it was a racist joke.

You have voted ImpliedChaos for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

(Implied, now I know the meaning of your have de-mystified the entire thread with this one comment! Yes, everything falls into place now. You must have your "bigot-decoder thingy" turned on!)

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
IMO Imus did nto say this b/c he was trying to sound cool/or sound like a rapper.

Then why would he try and use urban language? If he was trying to be offensive and get across that he hates black women, which even if true wouldn't be the best career move anyway, why not just come out and drop the n-bomb? Why not go all out, since you seem to be implying that he was intentionally trying to hurt those women. IMO, I think he was trying to get across that they were intimidating compared to the other players, and tried to use what he thought were benign urban terms.

I'm pretty sure he doesnt listen to snoop. Snoops music isnt made for him, so thats why he doesnt get it.

I wouldn't be so sure, Snoop is the biggest sellout rap has ever known. He's so fake now it's not even funny. I think I've even seen him hanging out with George Bush before, or some other group of rich old white guys I can't remember exactly, but I thought to myself there goes his street cred. Guess he still thinks he has it.

Imus is a grown man, and most GROWN men white/black know what is appropriate and what isnt.

Snoop is a GROWN man as well, and did you read the quote you posted of his? Seriously.

ALSO IMO and from those that I have talked to and people that I know, and from listening to the music , a ho is someone who sleeps around regardless of getting paid for it

What's a man who sleeps around regardless of getting paid called?

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:51 PM

I will not let them mutha-----as say we in the same league as him."

After reading through some of Snoop's lyrics this afternoon,
I agree, he's not even in the same league with Imus. I would listen to Imus for hours before even listening to one of Snoop's songs. He is total filth as far as I can see.

And Dj, I'm not sure. I thought a whore was slang for prostitute. I thought a woman who sleeps around is a slut. I don't use any of these words, so I'm no authority, though.

[edit on 11-4-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Ya know, Snoop's outrage seems a bit disingenuous to me. It is exactly the kind of black person that these Rutgers women are - on their way to success; the future Oprahs, Condoleeza Rices, Cynthia McKinnys, etc. - that Snoop and the rapper style crowd seem to refer to as "Oreos" and "sell-outs".

So I find it difficult to believe that snoop has a big old soft spot in his heart and soul for these women.


posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:00 PM
I have to chime in and say that i dont like Imus, cant stand the sight of him, get the picture.

HOWEVER.....He has repeatedly over and over try to rectify something that slipped out his mouth- and where's the forgiveness? He's done everything but jump in front of a tractor trailor and he';s still being damned.
Enough already. By looking at him, i can see he's of the human race and he WILL MAKE MISTAKES.
I think his suspension, his meetings with those girls, will rectify everything...and if it doesnt, that is not right.

Hell, i forgive him and i dont like him- I dont find anything he has to say comical, amusing, or agreeable, but he's still a human and as a human, he should be given another chance. He also is said to do much good- lets not forget that.

As long as the man serves his suspension, tries to make things right, and moves on and doesnt make such commentaries again......I say let him keep his show (which i dont watch), but i would be happy to see that there is forgiveness out there. Look, he's an ex alcoholic and an ex- drug abuser and unfortunatly something happens to the brain (really) not thinking before talking (i'm sure there's a medical term for it).
He has to be very careful as others who have made mistakes in the past are doing today.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
IMO Imus did nto say this b/c he was trying to sound cool/or sound like a rapper. I'm pretty sure he doesnt listen to snoop. Snoops music isnt made for him, so thats why he doesnt get it. Imus is a grown man, and most GROWN men white/black know what is appropriate and what isnt.

Snoop is "Pop" Music by almost any standard. Rap is currently the top selling music genre and white men are its target demographic. Urban radio stations are in every major city (usually a couple) and outpace any rock type stations in listeners. I definitly agree he might not get it, and he definitly should know better, but it is prevailent and in the mainstream. These terms get thrown around on commercials all the time for crying out loud.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
...where's the forgiveness?

Thank you, dg. You're a star!

Forgiveness... What's it for?

We often think of forgiveness as something that someone who has done us wrong must ask of US. There is always another way of looking at something. My thoughts on forgiveness suggest that you focus on offering forgiveness TO the person who has wronged you. To not forgive them is like taking the poison (continuing to suffer for what they did or didn't do to you) and expecting THEM to die!

Imus has apologized. I forgive him. He insulted women of which I am one. I hope the Rutgers girls can do the same. They're the only ones that matter. If people want to remain bitter toward this guy, and it's clear that some do, it's their choice to continue to "take the poison".

Thank you for this wonderful reminder dg...

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by CSIfan

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux
My thoughts exactly! I don't see how being called nappy headed ho by someone I'm sure these girls have never even heard of can "scar you for life"
I see it as the girls looking to make some money off of it.

Would it be OK if it were your daughter? And how can you be sure that these "girls", these young female college athletes, have never even heard of Imus?

Would it hurt your sensibilities to see the team members GET PAID? Is that what everyone is in an uproar about? Hating to see that, truth be told, these team members have a valid case against the "beloved Imus"?

I don't have a daughter but if I did She would know that what other people say about her doesn't matter.What she thinks of herself is the only thing that matters.

And second no it wouldn't bother me if they got paid because of it.What bothers me is I grew up in South St.Louis and have heard over and over and over black people call each other racist words and throw them around at each other like I would call some one man or dude.But do you think if I walked up to those same black people and said the same words to them with me being white that they would be fine with it?Hell no I'd be fighting for my life most likely..I just seriously doubt they are "scarred for life" because some white guy called them nappy headed hos...And those of you here saying that you can't compare rappers sayin ho to someone else sayin ho. BS!! whether it's said in a song or on a radio broadcast it's still the same damn thing. The whole uproar about it is that some white guy said it instead of a black guy.

And no this to me isn't about Imus as I never even heard of the guy until this.
To me this is about the black community being pissed off because of something a white guy said.
Maybe white folks should start being in an uproar over Sharpton or Jackson every time they call us crackers or honkeys?

If Imus was a black guy this wouldn't even be an issue.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:21 PM
My one desire:

AL SHARPTON shut the h@#$ UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND he'd be a goober if he were WHITE also.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Snoop's a rapper and Imus is an old-ass white man? That's supposed to explain the difference?

As far as I'm concerned there is no difference. The mindless slamming of women is wrong - no matter who does it.

Sounds like a double standard to me.

THAT could very well be.

As far as I'm concerned, and as far as every 'non-urbanite' (to use IC's term) I know is concerned, it is ALL vile. All of it. No matter who says it.

Originally posted by djohnsto77
he used "ho" which is used so much it's essentially meaningless.

I dunno' about that dj .. I know what 'ho' means.
It isn't nice and means, at the very least, the woman has loose morals.

Bottom line - IMUS is a vile pig. He always has been. He is an equal opportunity basher - bashing Jews, Gays, Blacks, Catholics ... everyone. He was WRONG to say what he did. He has admitted it and will apologize to the women involved. He has a (lame - IMHO) suspension and some of his sponsors are no longer endorsing his show. He will be under a magnifying glass from now on. He still has the right of free speech and can say what he wants, but he is in business and so when people don't like what he says THEY have a right not to sponsor him anymore.

I hope this has made him think and that he won't be running off at the mouth anymore - against ANYONE. His hit list is long and very inclusive.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:36 PM


What can i say.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux
I ... have heard over and over and over black people call each other racist words and throw them around at each other ... If Imus was a black guy this wouldn't even be an issue.

I think you are right. That's sad too.

If a man - black or white or asian or whatever - calls women he doesn't even know 'hos' ... that's wrong. These women are successful and intelligent and, as far as anyone knows, NOT prostituting themselves.

Originally posted by dgtempe
AL SHARPTON shut the h@#$ UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND he'd be a goober if he were WHITE also.

Considering Al Sharpton's pathetic record with the faux-racist accusations he's not exactly fit to point fingers at other people and yell 'racist', is he???? Unless the old vantage - takes one to know one - can be used.

Having Sharpton point fingers at people and yell 'racist' is like Rush pointing fingers at Michael Jackson and yelling 'drug addict'.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

WHAT? Link ... someone ...... Fired? What happened to his suspension?
Guess the long time sponsors dropping him must have had an effect?

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:39 PM

MSNBC will not simulcast anymore (thank GOD). That's not fired from the radio show .. yet.

I'm surprised they didnt' wait to see if everything died down, or if the suspension helped IMUS's personality. No second chances with MSNBC I guess.

Wonder what they will show on MSNBC in the mornings now.
There is NOTHING on in the mornings worth watching.
NOTHING. None of the channels have anything.

[edit on 4/11/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

MSNBC canceled the tv simulcast of his show, I don't think his radio show is gone yet. But it could very well be soon.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 06:03 PM
Whatever happens to Imus as a result of this, I just hope the same standards are applied equally to rappers and others who "pollute the air" as Maya Angelou says. I hope the black community puts as much pressure on their own racist members as they do on racists of other races.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 06:04 PM
today , i hear that (...) rush limbaugh have one of his fake ads
have the " sharpton - jackson just-us lawers , we dont cater to mexicans ,
chinan's or crackers " and yet no one ever says a word to that fat piece of (...) . this is all much ado about nothing . what he said has nothing to do with racisum . plain and simple .


edited for vulgar language

Please read...

ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors

[edit on 11/4/07 by masqua]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 06:07 PM
OK guys, let's keep it clean. Tough topic but this is still ATS, let's have decorum please.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I hope the black community puts as much pressure on their own racist members as they do on racists of other races.

THAT would be a step forward for women!! Absolutely! People have a right to free speech, but if community pressure is put on the idiots who spew the anti-woman garbage, the world will be a better place.

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