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The Disclosure Project is looking for a Professional Publicist

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posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by millerman
Well I thought the whole point was that people wanted PROOF that he can vector in UFOs?

No, the whole point is proving they exist and are of extraterrestrial origin.

After that, Dr. Greer could give saucer rides for a million bucks a head for all I care.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by torsion

Originally posted by millerman
The real issue seems to be, nobody can get the ETs to actually get out of their crafts and talk to us.... (likely because they'd be making themselves way too vulnerable)

This contradicts other claims that Greer has made. He tell us he has been abducted by these 'aliens'. Therefore they have made direct contact with people and come out of their craft unless you want to invent a Star Trek 'beam me up' device). I suggest you stop relying on the Hidden Truth for any credible information as it only contains the incredible.


There are occasions where they do make direct contact, yes.

But in a big city in broad daylight out in public? Never! Think about it, they would be making themselves WAY too vulnerable if they did that! Historically they have been content to zip around in the sky and put on a show for people, but they do NOT touch down.

As for the times when they do make direct contact with people - yes I think it is very much a "beam me up" type scenario. Either that or they appear to people in a sort of "astral" or dematerialized form (think Star Wars), because that is safe for them.

But as far as I can tell, they VERY rarely land and actually get out of their crafts and walk around, and I assume it's a safety issue for them, considering the amount of hostility, xenophobia and murder on this planet.

Don't be so quick to blame and accuse Greer. Remember, the ETs are the ones holding all the cards and calling all the shots, THEY get to decide under what conditions they will make direct face-to-face contact, NOT Greer. If it was really so easy to get them to touch down in a public place and wander out of their crafts, he'd have done it already!

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Majic

Originally posted by millerman
Well I thought the whole point was that people wanted PROOF that he can vector in UFOs?

No, the whole point is proving they exist and are of extraterrestrial origin.

After that, Dr. Greer could give saucer rides for a million bucks a head for all I care.

But - Majic! You are missing the point!

What if the ETs have safety issues, or legal/political issues, that Greer has NO control over? What if they refuse to touch down and show themselves in the middle of a city out in public, for whatever reason?

Greer could round up all his best CSETI people and do a giant CE-5 and vector in dozens of UFOs over a big city - but if none of them are willing to actually touch down and get out of their crafts and talk to people, how is Greer supposed to prove anything?

Again, please think it through, before being so quick to blame and criticize Greer..... there are MANY factors in this whole situation that he has absolutely NO control over. He has no control over the ETs and under what conditions THEY decide to make DIRECT face-to-face contact, and he has no control over NWO/MIC and to what level they decide to interfere and thwart his various efforts at Disclosure.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:10 PM
I don't know what this discussion has to do with Dr Greer's publicist.

I keep hearing on this post and other posts that 'Greer is discredited for mixing in New Age beliefs'.

I don't understand why Greer is discredited if someone thinks he is espousing New Age theories?

The place where he made those comments that are being interpreted that way was at a New Age Conference, and so he was Speaking To His Audience....

But then what he said regarding the spiritual nature of his work is not any different than what he said in his book?

And just because someone calls what Dr Greer said 'New Age', does not make it 'New Age'.

Let us look at wikipedia's definition for 'New Age':

Though there are no formal or definitive boundaries for membership, those who are likely to sample many diverse teachings and practices (from both 'mainstream' and 'fringe' traditions) and to formulate their own beliefs and practices based on their experiences can be considered as New Age.[1] Rather than following the lead of an organised religion, "New Agers" typically construct their own spiritual journey based on material taken as needed from the mystical traditions of the worlds religions, also including shamanism, neopaganism and occultism.[2]

New Age practices and beliefs may be characterized as a form of alternative spirituality or alternative religion. Even apparent exceptions, such as alternative medicine or traditional medicine practices, often have some spiritual dimension — such as a conceptual integration of mind, body, and spirit.

Dr Greer, in his Life Expo video does not promote shamanism, neopaganism, nor occultism. Neither does he promote the use of alternative medicine or spirituality, though he can be biased against organized religion. Regarding curing cancers and other things, he does talk about the potential that we have to accomplish much more than general doctor practice is capable of, but this isn't any different than what was in his book as much as it is hope for the future and ET technologies that are being kept from us.

If Dr Greer is going to be discredited, the New Age argument is very weak.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by c3hamby
If Dr Greer is going to be discredited, the New Age argument is very weak.

Yes, that's true.

It's much stronger to discredit Greer based on his claim that he can 'vector in UFOs'.

millerman staunchly defends Greer and his ability to do the vectoring. millerman also presumes more than millerman knows when he makes so many assumptions as to why the aliens won't leave their craft.

If Greer can vector UFOs, then all that he has to do is to get ONE of them to make a low-level fly-by, through a main street of a town. Greer would know the time and place, as he would be the one doing the vectoring, so he could warn all of the local citizens that they will have ONE UFO skimming along their rooftops during daylight and to have their cameras ready to roll. The UFO would not need to land, nor would the aliens need to leave the 'security' of their craft.

Because Greer can't do this, and he makes the 'vectoring' claim, he is a fraud.

Edit: Greer could also have his new publicist filming the event and recording all of the hundreds of eyewitness testimony with reagrds to the vectored UFO. Wouldn't it be that simple, hey???

[edit on 4-4-2007 by tezzajw]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

millerman staunchly defends Greer and his ability to do the vectoring. millerman also presumes more than millerman knows when he makes so many assumptions as to why the aliens won't leave their craft.

Of course!

I don't speak for the ETs and never claimed to.

Of course I can only speculate as to why they do not touch down in public and get out of their crafts.

But at least I'm making an effort to reason things through and find explanations for things instead of just sitting back and blaming and accusing Greer, as many like to do....

If Greer can vector UFOs, then all that he has to do is to get ONE of them to make a low-level fly-by, through a main street of a town. Greer would know the time and place, as he would be the one doing the vectoring, so he could warn all of the local citizens that they will have ONE UFO skimming along their rooftops during daylight and to have their cameras ready to roll. The UFO would not need to land, nor would the aliens need to leave the 'security' of their craft.

It's almost like you are forgetting that the UFOs have ETs in them who are actually the ones controlling the crafts!

Greer has never claimed to have such complete control over the ETs and their crafts, that he could choose the precise time and place and neighborhood and even how low to make the UFO fly.... come on!

The idea with CE-5 is to simply send out as many welcoming signals to ETs as possible, using a combination of lights, sounds, and consciousness. Greer and his team meditate and send out welcoming signals - UFOs show up (sometimes).

He has NEVER claimed to have such complete control over them in the manner you are suggesting..... so no, he is NOT a fraud.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by c3hamby
I don't know what this discussion has to do with Dr Greer's publicist.

Hmmm... good point. Perhaps people are just trying to get down to the bottom of why they would need a publicist... or even, if they do get a publicist, perhaps Greer and company can vector UFOs for them. What strikes me as a bit odd is that they want a publicist because the French went public. If the French really wanted Greer in any way shape or form - their government would provide everything he needs media wise... which is why this thread has kind of taken the path it has.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by millerman

What if the ETs have safety issues, or legal/political issues, that Greer has NO control over? What if they refuse to touch down and show themselves in the middle of a city out in public, for whatever reason?

Hey Millerman, sorry to jump in here... but what about this scenario:

The Shadow Government / MIC already is dealing with the ETs and has talked with them - and even perhaps has exchanged technology with them; perhaps our own government deals have a quota for them 'not touching down.' But that is speculation... since we really don't know anything that is really going on behind the scenes.

Also, I do know that you believe the aliens to be non-hostile. I noticed you sometimes throw Bill Coopers name into the mix - in his book "Behold a Pale Horse," he believes that many of the entities visiting us are malevolent.
So, perhaps that might be another reason for the aliens secrecy.
Just thought I would throw these up...

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 07:02 PM
Greer freely admits that he is not great with PR and marketing. And who can blame him since he's a medical doctor, not a publicist?

TDP has been advertising for a good PR person for a long time, not just recently.

I think that you are reading ulterior motives into this thing with France that aren't there.

To paraphrase what's posted at

This is a crucial time for Disclosure, since France has just released their space agency files to the public. [Which will obviously draw a lot of attention to the UFO issue worldwide]

The Disclosure Project needs help at this crucial time in getting in front of major news media!

It says nothing about Greer working with the French government, or France being the G8 country Greer referred to in that latest conference video.... and it definitely says nothing about TDP somehow making $$$ from France releasing their UFO files.... ;-)

But of course if you're always looking for ulterior motives in things, you'll see them....

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by kroms33

Hey Millerman, sorry to jump in here... but what about this scenario:

The Shadow Government / MIC already is dealing with the ETs and has talked with them - and even perhaps has exchanged technology with them; perhaps our own government deals have a quota for them 'not touching down.' But that is speculation... since we really don't know anything that is really going on behind the scenes.

Yes that's also a possibility. There are the rumors that the US government made such a deal with the Greys. Though that doesn't explain why the other 56 or however many species won't touch down in public....

Also, I do know that you believe the aliens to be non-hostile. I noticed you sometimes throw Bill Coopers name into the mix - in his book "Behold a Pale Horse," he believes that many of the entities visiting us are malevolent.
So, perhaps that might be another reason for the aliens secrecy.

Right. I think Bill Cooper came out with some excellent information, certainly. And his material supports the existence of NWO/MIC.

As for whether any of the visitors are hostile.... to be honest, I am still unsure of that one. If they are hostile, they sure have strange ways of showing it!

Like carving up our cattle, abducting people and performing all these bizarro experiments on them, or that one incident in Brazil, where they were chasing people around and zapping them with bright lights, giving them the little radiation burns etc.....

I mean, what is the ultimate intent behind all that? All those things make very little sense as military tactics of a hostile spacefaring race.... why would a hostile spacefaring race terrorize people in such strange and trivial ways - while at the same time giving them 60 years to reverse-engineer all the technologies needed to come up with suitable defenses?

But if you consider that maybe the whole point is simply to terrify the crap out of people and make people afraid of ETs.... all of a sudden all those things make sense! Chase people around and zap them with these terrifying bright lights, kill a handful of them, and all of a sudden you have a whole country that's terrified of "aliens", and then you can show the footage on TV in America and terrify the crap out of the American public too.....

That's why I like the hypothesis that all those things are actually psychological warfare operations being conducted on the masses by NWO/MIC, because they always have a vested interest in keeping the public terrified of the "Next Big Enemy".... people are much easier to CONTROL when they are afraid.....

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
Millerman. Yes, yes, yes and yes... what's Steven Macon Greer got that's well, new?

And he needs a McJob candidate for a Professional Publicist? What's that gonna do if as is maintained by many, that the media is corrupt? I'd be afraid of contracting a cancer for the efforts. LOL.

You can only repackage the same worn tales of others so many times - truth or not. He had his shot and sqaundered it. He has no data he's willing to dislcose that isn't the testimony of others... and it's from the last century. He'll do well with the spiritual crowd as has been demonstrated by so many "leaders" over time.

I've been interested in UFO since '68 and guys like Greer come and go and comeback over time... he's out of ammo and credibility till he finds fresh meat like you.

I am fresh meat ready to be taken in by my mentor, Dr. Stephen Greer who will teach me the ways of the enlightened. During my last remote viewing project I heard a voice behind me telling me it was time to see for myself. I turned around and it was Stephen Greer. He took my hand and pulled me in the direction of a desert. When we arrived I saw a saucer hovering 1 metre off the ground with no physical means of support. I just looked at Stephen and he smiled that little smile as I realized he was right all along. I plan a trip back to the saucer again as soon as I am ready for my next session.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047
When we arrived I saw a saucer hovering 1 metre off the ground with no physical means of support. I just looked at Stephen and he smiled that little smile as I realized he was right all along. I plan a trip back to the saucer again as soon as I am ready for my next session.

Did you photograph the saucer?

Did you see it in the real world, or just your mind's eye?

How many other people saw the saucer?

Why won't Greer let you experience this down the main street of your town so other, common people can see it too?

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Did you photograph the saucer?

Did you see it in the real world, or just your mind's eye?

How many other people saw the saucer?

Why won't Greer let you experience this down the main street of your town so other, common people can see it too?

How is it that CSETI has been going strong for over 15 years, and they have never been shut down or buried under a tonne of lawsuits? Why does Greer still have his license to practice medicine, if he has been perpetrating a hoax on the public?

And BTW, the simple answer as to why Greer takes people off to these remote, private locations, is that the ETs are much more open in the level of contact they are willing to make, when they have a lot of privacy.

They start flying low in a big city and trying to touch down, and they get SHOT AT.

Because remember, many people are terrified of the unknown, and when they see a UFO flying low they PANIC. And when people are panicked, they start doing foolish and irrational things, like whipping out their shotguns and blasting away.....

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by millerman
They start flying low in a big city and trying to touch down, and they get SHOT AT.

Who shoots at the aliens? Where is your evidence of this? Where is Greer's evidence that every time he has vectored in UFOs in a city that they were shot at?

Because remember, many people are terrified of the unknown, and when they see a UFO flying low they PANIC. And when people are panicked, they start doing foolish and irrational things, like whipping out their shotguns and blasting away.....

Right... of course they do. Sure. Again, you can supply me with several links to validate your claim? If not, then I'll treat it as the unsubstantiated garbage that it is.

Exactly how many people are terrified of the unknown? Please show me the link to your research data that surveyed 'many' people to determine how many of them were panicked when they saw a UFO? If you can't manage to do that, then I'll treat your claim as being the unsubstantiated garbage that it is.

You can't invent facts and make up data to support your conclusions.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 06:51 PM

Out of the THOUSANDS of UFO sightings in public places, over cities, not once, that I know of, have ETs ever attempted to land their crafts.

And there is testimony from TDP witnesses that MIC has actively targeted and downed ET crafts with weapon systems.

So it is clear to me that the ETs have serious concerns for their own safety in everything they do with us.

I didn't mean to say that they HAVE BEEN shot at by civilians; what I meant was that they likely don't attempt to land their crafts because they are concerned that they WILL BE shot at or otherwise attacked by civilians. And also there is the possibility that they will be attacked by MIC.

So, forget about Greer vectoring in UFOs in public places, because the most that'll happen is they'll show up in the sky for a few minutes, put on a little show, and then take off again - which has ALREADY happened thousands of times.....

[edit on 11-4-2007 by millerman]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047

I am fresh meat ready to be taken in by my mentor, Dr. Stephen Greer who will teach me the ways of the enlightened........

He took my hand and pulled me in the direction of a desert.........

I just looked at Stephen and he smiled that little smile as I realized he was right all along.

Good lord get a grip on yourself !

Are you familiar with HEAVENS GATE

What I find so disturbing about the views of the followers, is the almost god like reverance being attributed to someone who for all of the bombastic showmanship, still has not produced anything tangible for anyone outside of those who have payed several hundred dollars for the privalige.

So inspired am I by Dr G that I'am contemplating opening my backyard to the public, so they can visit with the Pixies who live there. For a small fee of course.

The world is full of those that lead and those who follow. Invariably it is the leaders who benefit from this arrangement. Snakeoil has been available to mankind for thousands of years, I thought we all understood that and could now see beyond it. Obviously not.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Come off it!

Greer and TDP have released loads of pertinent information to the public, which is well supported by multiple corroborating witnesses, documents and other evidence and points of research, and for that they are heroes and should be commended!

As for CSETI and vectoring in UFOs.... "seeing is believing". It is certainly a fantastic claim, and I would not realistically expect people to just take his word for it without witnessing it for themselves.

But if CSETI is just one giant lie/hoax, as many want to believe - then how is it they've been going strong for at least 15 years? Where are the hoardes of angry disillusioned customers demanding their $$$ back and burying CSETI under a tonne of lawsuits? Why does Greer still have his license to practice medicine, if he is perpetrating a hoax on the public?

You want to associate me with a "Heaven's Gate" cultist just because I try to give Greer the benefit of the doubt? You can kiss my arse!

(mods can warn/ban me for that if they like, I don't care.... but I feel that those who support Greer have the right to defend themselves from ridicule on here)

[edit on 15-4-2007 by millerman]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by millerman
You want to associate me with a "Heaven's Gate" cultist just because I try to give Greer the benefit of the doubt? You can kiss my arse!
[edit on 15-4-2007 by millerman]

With all due respect, the benefit of the doubt should never be the precursor of belief.

Vernon Howell, Jim Jones, Marshal Applewhite, et al all had a knack for getting their followers to suspend common sense and replace it with the benefit of doubt. This suspension led to the emptying of bank accounts, castration, and suicide. Whilst I agree Dr G's bunko booth does not come close to these inevitabilities, the human dynamics involved are remarkably similar.

Those that have refused to buy into the premise are not Luddites. They are generally people who like yourself believe in the existence of extra terrestrial lifeforms. The difference is that these people are suspicious of anyone who wants to SELL them the secret of contact.

Cults are usually founded upon the premise that those involved are SPECIAL, that the rest of the world are to stupid to understand the truth, and that consequently the world is against them. Mighty forces are deployed in a David and Goliath type struggle to suppress the truth as dictated to the followers by the leaders. Does any of this sound familiar?

When something as far reaching as proof of the existence of intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe, is reduced to a nocturnal sideshow somewhere deep in the desert for the benefit of the PAYING public, is it any wonder that those who understand history and its predilection for repetition, should be suspicious of the motives of such an enterprise ?

To some snake oil smells as sweet as a rose, to others it smells like BS.

PS: I dont know where your backside has been, so I'll pass on the offer.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Seeker PI

Cults are usually founded upon the premise that those involved are SPECIAL, that the rest of the world are to stupid to understand the truth, and that consequently the world is against them. Mighty forces are deployed in a David and Goliath type struggle to suppress the truth as dictated to the followers by the leaders. Does any of this sound familiar?

Cults are a lot more than that. A follower's living conditions are thoroughly controlled, their $$$ and personal belongings are controlled, their relationships and sexual behaviour are thoroughly controlled, etc.... plus they are never permitted to leave and go back to their families....

NONE of that happens with these CSETI expeditions, as far as I can tell.

I understand all your concerns that Greer may be a "snake oil" salesman, since he charges $$$ to go on these expeditions, but I still resent the implication that myself and people like me have been "brainwashed" by Greer - especially when MANY of the things he says can be verified by a little independent research! He is correct about the existence of NWO/MIC, the UFO cover-up, the reverse-engineering of ET tech in black covert ops, the suppression of such advanced technologies from the public.... and he should be commended for disclosing all that information to the public for FREE in the NPC conference!

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by millerman
...especially when MANY of the things he says can be verified by a little independent research!

However, he can't vector in UFOs, which he claims he can.

He also can't levitate, which he claims he can.

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