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Rosie O'Donnell asks for a Physics Expert to Explain the collapse of WTC7 on the VIEW..AWESOME!!!

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posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 03:14 AM
Well guess what? we have just as much proof for the 'made up' version if not more than you have for the official one.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
This makes her a 9/11 expert.

Using the same logic, care to tell us your expertise that you have used to determine that 9/11 wasn't an inside job and that everything Rosie pointed out is inaccurate?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Murcielago
Thats the problem with you people...There isn't more then one version...which is the real version...not your made up conspiracy one.

In the course of an investigation every avenue must be explored. Some will turn out to be dead ends, others will be the way through the maze.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Murcielago

Originally posted by cashlink
So sence you feel Rosie has nothing to say that is correct,why dont you inlighten us on your version on 911. I would like to hear what you think happend.

Thats the problem with you people...There isn't more then one version...which is the real version...not your made up conspiracy one.

The view's ratings were falling....but now with Rosie their their rating's are going up...they dont care what nonsense she they want is more ratings...more people watching...they more they get, its that simple. Rosie hates Bush...something her and her network (abc) have in common, so dont expect them to fire her.

who cares about Rosie rating, and one more thing I never have heard Rosie
say she hated Bush!! She has never said that on on the show.
Now you are saying HER NETWORK (ABC) hates Bush!
Do you know these people that work for ABC?
Did they tell you they hate Bush?
Did (ABC) Broadcast that they hated Bush?
Because I miss that one.
(You people)???
Tell me the real version, because the Goverment keeps changing thier version.
So Murcielago, If you belive (You people) sit around here all day and make up LIES all day on "ATS" and 911 or what ever.Then why are you here. Why are you a member of "ATS" ??
This is Conspiracies site, we are in here to FIND TRUTH about 911 and many other topics. We Debate both sides of issues to find truth.
So Murcielago so whats your point?? that you hate Rosie O'Donnell and (ABC) network.
Murcielago do you hate people that dosent belive in our Goverment who tell LIES to us and a media that misinforms us every day?
I have to wonder if you are in hear to hurt people, because you dont have anything nice to say about anything do you.
This thread is about Rosie wanting a Physics Expert to explain the collapse
of WTC7 on the View.
What harm is that Murcielago?
We the people on (ATS) DONT want to talk about hate, who hates who!!!
So Murcielago you still have not answer my first Question?
We are waiting to hear the truth on 911 because you seem to know?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:26 PM
building 7 was only a few hundred feet from 2 of the biggest buildings in the is it really that hard to believe that some of its floors were damaged extensively by that fall of the other the piont that it could no longer support its own weight...and it buckled.

If it was imploded on purpose...what is the reason? and why didn't anyone hear the loud explosions that would have to take place in order for the building to fall?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Murcielago
building 7 was only a few hundred feet from 2 of the biggest buildings in the is it really that hard to believe that some of its floors were damaged extensively by that fall of the other the piont that it could no longer support its own weight...and it buckled.

If it was imploded on purpose...what is the reason? and why didn't anyone hear the loud explosions that would have to take place in order for the building to fall?

Murcielago they did hear the implosion there are many documented cases
by wittness who were there.
There was damage done to WTC7 on one corner of the building BUT to one corner lets say if that would cause the building to fall why did all four corners collaps in on it self at the same time?
Thats what it did the broblem with this is you can knock that whole corner
completly out and Physics tells you with commons sence that the building should have been still standing.
There was no damage done to the other corners of WTC7.
If you take a leg off a table that has four legs it will still stand up!
Those other four legs are not going any where and are strong anough to hold the table up.
The same for WTC7.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
Well guess what? we have just as much proof for the 'made up' version if not more than you have for the official one.

I never knew there was evidence to back up the "official story," infact ive never seen any at all, what so ever. It was a nice stoy, fit for hollywood, but i have never seen a single fact that backed up the official theory.

I really dont care, what happened happened and there is nothing we can do about it.

good cannot fight evil because evil is not restrained by the laws of the good. however evil always burns itself out, and the good need only sit by and watch.

as Hank William Jr. put it. "I can skin a buck, and run a trout line... a country boy can survive."

your ALL $%$@#!

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
Well guess what? we have just as much proof for the 'made up' version if not more than you have for the official one.

I never knew there was evidence to back up the "official story," infact ive never seen any at all, what so ever. It was a nice stoy, fit for hollywood, but i have never seen a single fact that backed up the official theory.

I really dont care, what happened happened and there is nothing we can do about it.

good cannot fight evil because evil is not restrained by the laws of the good. however evil always burns itself out, and the good need only sit by and watch.

as Hank William Jr. put it. "I can skin a buck, and run a trout line... a country boy can survive."

your ALL $%$@#!

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:16 PM

who cares about Rosie rating, and one more thing I never have heard Rosie
say she hated Bush!! She has never said that on on the show.
Now you are saying HER NETWORK (ABC) hates Bush!
Do you know these people that work for ABC?
Did they tell you they hate Bush?
Did (ABC) Broadcast that they hated Bush?
Because I miss that one.

wow, that’s a very deep hole you live in.
I dont believe abc believes in her 9/11 conspiracy theories, but they are left...just like msnbc , nbc, cbs, cnn, etc.
and she HAS said on her show that Bush should be impeached.
and if you dont think abc cares about are a fool.

(You people)???

yes you people...aka: Conspiracy theororists.

Tell me the real version, because the Goverment keeps changing thier version.

the government isn't changing any version of it.....but since you think they are...go ahead, and tell me what their initial version was...

So Murcielago, If you belive (You people) sit around here all day and make up LIES all day on "ATS" and 911 or what ever.Then why are you here. Why are you a member of "ATS" ??
This is Conspiracies site, we are in here to FIND TRUTH about 911 and many other topics. We Debate both sides of issues to find truth.

so you want both sides to debate the truth...and yet when someone disagrees with you, you want them gone......
do you know the meaning of the word hypocrite?

Murcielago do you hate people that dosent belive in our Government who tell LIES to us and a media that misinforms us every day?

well, you are right that the media misinforms us on a daily basis.
because they have a left wing agenda, the stories they report have to be leaning left...IE: bash the President & Iraq.

This thread is about Rosie wanting a Physics Expert to explain the collapse
of WTC7 on the View.
What harm is that Murcielago?

No, this thread is about hoisting Rosie up on your shoulders and parading her around like a god.
trust me...if they really want a physics expert on the show, they will put out a call, and take a craziest one out there, obviously one who agrees with her, which will only embolden her and your, incorrect beliefs.

So Murcielago you still have not answer my first Question?
We are waiting to hear the truth on 911 because you seem to know?

yes, I do know.
Islamic radicalists (aka:terrorist) had a plan to hi-jack 5-6 airliners, and crash them into important targets...but only 4 (airliners) got off the ground, 2 crashed into the WTC buildings, and one crashed into the Pentagon, and the other one (which was running behind schedule) got overpowered by the people on the plane, and so in a last ditch effort, they crashed it into a field in Pennsylvania.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:24 PM
Today at 4:00 PM Fox News will air a special called Socks,Scissors, Paper The Sandy Berger Caper. Its about Sandy Berger shredding 9/11 papers and the cover up after. Its a must see.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:38 PM

If your not a conspiracy theorist then why are you here? You havea right to be here by all means, but what attracted (for lack of a better word)you to this site in which 99% of us fall into the category of 'YOU poeple'
They way you have responded to everybody referring to the left wing agenda is a clear sign that you yourself are not unbiased but have a right wing agenda. you say that the media bashes bush on iraq. How about when we first invaded the country and damn near the whole misinformed country including the media was all aboard, while calling the rest of us unpatriotic. Was that a left wing agenda too? And who here is regarding rosie as a God? we are praising her for stating her opinion on a very unpopular subject. I have no problem with you believing the official story but just because you disagree with us doesnt give the right to atttack us. And how about you just try to explain the all of the inaccuracies and holes in the official story since you believe it so much.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:32 PM
Implied Chaos - I have already stated that I am republican.
As for when we first invaded Iraq...yes, the intelligence community was wrong on how far saddam was in the nuke building business. But we have found nuclear related parts. But after we beat the Iraqi Army it became clear to us then, that Iraq’s military was still very beaten up from the first gulf war. Which I believe sent a strong message throughout Washington & the CIA that we have to rely less on spy planes & satellites, and more on undercover people with their boots on the ground.
look, it’s not like Iraq was a great place to live...saddam mass murdered tens of thousands of people using chemical weapons (which BTW are considered WMD's). we found a bunch of mass grave sites. The country as a whole, is better now, then they were living under saddam’s oppressive rule.
The left and the media are spine-less, they try hard every day to make the average joe think we have to pull out of Iraq. It took 4 years for 3,000 troops to die...that number for that period of staggeringly low.
a few years back the media talked up the troop deaths...everyday gleaming when they could make the body count number climb a little higher...but now since every soldier has a vest, and all vehicles are armored, less US troops die per for the least year or so they have being tallying up Iraqi deaths to...that way the number can stay high.

As for Rosie...She is showing compassion for THE Iran. You cant get more UN-AMERICAN then that.

Oh, and I'm not sure what you mean by me explaining the inaccuracies & holes...cause there isn't any.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by Murcielago]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 06:30 PM
What I honestly find entirely pathetic about the "truth" movement is that it is a living, breathing homunculus of contrived emotions that were growing in its' followers long before al-qaeda attacked us on 9/11; these "truth seekers" have managed to turn the biggest tragedy in American history into a fertile breeding-ground for unbelievably harmful anti-American sentiment. Look inside your mind and ask yourself "why?". None of you have any concrete proof that our government was directly responsible for 9/11. Zero. All of you seem so certain though. Why? Because you read some unsubstantiated claims by schizophrenic thieves like Alex Jones? Where is your proof? Nowhere. You have none. All you have are question marks which NIST will hopefully curl into perfectly round periods mid-way through this very year. Do you not understand that when a cave-troll like Rosie O'Donnell shoots her mouth off on television in this manner that terrorists all over the entire globe start howling with blood-lust about how they are winning their battle in the minds of cowardly microphone jockeys in the United States? Please ask yourselves why you feel so strongly about your implications. I believe that "I just have this feeling" will be the most common response. While G. Dubya is indeed a bumbling, greedy bastard, he by no means is completely responsible for the descent of this country into the quagmire which it is definitely headed for. In my opinion, your "movement" seems to be walking very hand-in-hand with his. I have never felt so apathetic for humans in my entire life.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by PartChimp]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by PartChimp
None of you have any concrete proof that our government was directly responsible for 9/11. Zero. All of you seem so certain though. Why?

Wanna hear my theory? (I'm gonna post it anyway.)

Everybody hates the government, including me, and especially when that government is politically opposite of what you believe in (Republican or Democrat--whatever). But most of us think the government is merely selfish, uncaring, and incompetent.

Truthers, on the other hand, have an overwhelming desire to believe that the government, and their political opposites, are as evil as the spawn of Satan. And because of this, they will go through whatever mental gymnastics they have to to prove this to themselves, up to and including believing that 9/11 was a conspiracy, though there's no evidence of it.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:34 PM
Excellent stuff, whiterabbit. I am very aware of the psychology behind these people; I just like hearing their personal accounts. I'm glad there are others out there who see the "truther" paradox for what it truly is.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by PartChimp]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Murcielago

wow, that’s a very deep hole you live in.

so you want both sides to debate the truth...and yet when someone disagrees with you, you want them gone......
do you know the meaning of the word hypocrite?

Spot on, and high-five to you, Murc !!

Thank you for saying what needs to be said.


posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:45 PM
Rosie would do better to ask Leslie Robertson to be on the show.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 09:56 PM
What the CTers are looking for is probably never going to be given to them, the *cut* truth. I sit on the fence, don't believe the "official" story(not enough proof), don't believe the wild CT's(not enough proof), but I do believe that people with money and power tend to want more of it and are capable of horrendous things in the pursuit of said things.

*Mod Edit - Censor Circumvention*

[edit on 4/1/07 by niteboy82]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Everybody hates the government, including me, and especially when that government is politically opposite of what you believe in (Republican or Democrat--whatever). But most of us think the government is merely selfish, uncaring, and incompetent.

Truthers, on the other hand, have an overwhelming desire to believe that the government, and their political opposites, are as evil as the spawn of Satan. And because of this, they will go through whatever mental gymnastics they have to to prove this to themselves, up to and including believing that 9/11 was a conspiracy, though there's no evidence of it.

This is off-topic maybe but to help us (at least me and you) understand each other better. I was raised in an environment where political rants were always right-winged. And I kind of automatically fell into supporting the republican party. I wasn't genuinely interested, but I was actively checking out a lot of deep philosophical stuff, you know, Eastern stuff, Zen, Taoism, and a little of the Greek schools of thought. I love the stuff. But anyway, I ultimately decided that all politics is total bull, they all lie, and I don't really care. As far as I'm concerned, everyone is responsible for themselves, and if they're any good with that, then, and ONLY THEN, should we ever try to extend ourselves to act on behalf of others. Otherwise we're only going to behave selfishly, in our own interests, which is what politicians generally do. It's human nature.

To be honest I'm not that emotionally tied to the events of 9/11, either. I know a lot of good people died, but that much seems to be pretty commonplace in the world, and it's nothing new that we kill each other all the time. What drew me into it all actually was the more critical looks at the official version of what happened, in more of a technical sense, and it's still this perspective of things that leaves me critical, not because I'm trying to reinforce any worldview that was already pre-existing.

If someone were to explain the collapses in detail in a way that made sense to me and did not use explosives, I would buy it. But apparently I demand too detailed of a mechanism, because no one on the official side wants to talk about collapse mechanisms or specific failures, but only "it was damaged" and "there was a lot of weight" and "heat weakens steel" and vague bull like that. Engineers would know better. And I can give two characteristics of the collapses that kind of exclude any type of gravity-driven collapse anyway, outside of FREAK astronomical odds, of heat being transferred at the right time in the right proportions to the right columns to start a symmetrical collapse, ignoring the fact that steel won't instantly fail from heat no matter what anyway.

Not speaking for everyone but there's one example to compare and contrast to your little working theory there.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 10:34 PM
Nice post Bray.

DJ, please, I am sure that there are plenty of truthers who *snip* bricks when they heard Rosie talking. She is a hack looking for some publicity. That is it. She sees something in a blog or email and rants about it.

I do not have to give any credentials, but I will hold my own and I won'teven make the comment that I could out debate Rosie because that would be like saying you can walk.

The 9/11 blueprints have been on the web for over a month. Where are all the people who were demanding them? Steve Jones was one, and he got them and leaked them.

You have the blueprints, 9/11 commision, FEMA, NIST, Silverstien,the FBI, the NTSB (who transferred everything to the FBI) , Popular MEchanics, NOVA, National geographic and many, many credible ACSE members who give you all the evidence.

All I want it one *snip* blasting cap...just one...I mean they find body parts 6 years later, but no demo evidence.

*Mod Edit - Language*

[edit on 4/1/07 by niteboy82]

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