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Rosie O'Donnell asks for a Physics Expert to Explain the collapse of WTC7 on the VIEW..AWESOME!!!

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:07 AM
go Rosie, Go Rosie, Go Rosie!

I hope she does pull in some physics experts that will be interesting.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:57 AM
Something tells me that Rosie will get paid a visit soon. The guy won't look like Ned Beatty but the speech he delivered in the film Network will resonate."....YOU WILL ATONE!"

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:41 AM
Popular Mechanics responds to Rosie. That didn't take long:

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:49 AM
The more the combinations of the medias unfolds the more my theory about the show the view is falling into designated places.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Reminds me of the South Park episode where the Rosie character comes to settle a kindergarten election dispute. I think it was season four episode thirteen called "Trapper Keeper". That episode did not end well... or did it? LOL.

I would not want to be the physicist who says "No" to her; I like her, but she's a bit like a nitro-shot in limestone on a hot dry day. Unpredictable.

I would not want to be the physicist who says "Yes" to her either; it could be a career ender. Physics doesn't pay well and gigs are hard to come by.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 12:42 PM
If they were to get an expert of course he would say whatever goes with the ''official story". If not he could be labeled a crackhead

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
If they were to get an expert of course he would say whatever goes with the ''official story". If not he could be labeled a crackhead

yeah, and rightly so.

Rosie has lost it...If she was a smart person she would have never sais those things. Her claims are flat out wrong, she doesn't understand science, not even at a grade school level.

I cant see why most of you people like her...nothing she says is correct information!
However...I cant say I’m real surprised either...after all, this is a conspiracy site...and since the moon hoax has being completely debunked from every need to find something else to grab onto.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:51 PM
I understand science at college physics level, and wtc 7's collapse mystifies me..

I used to work in a lab that put superlattice coatings on steel substrates, inside a furnace at around 450 centigrade.

That's *really* hot. The steel didn't melt or lose integrity even slightly (one of the things we coated was drill bits, and when you're looking at one of those under an electron microscope trust me you're gonna see if it did change composition.

But yet simple building fires, with no significant source of fuel can collapse steel building girders? interesting.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:52 PM
Rosie O'Donnell 9/11 Conspiracy Comments: Popular Mechanics Responds
First of all, we all know Popular Mechanics is a rag.
Popular Mechanics is only around to make money and to sell their books
Debunking 911 Conspiracy.
Their book on 911 is a Popular Mechanics Conspiracy to help the Goverment version on 911.
I have read some of thier comments on thier web site about 911 and I find it bizar insan crazy.
I really belive Popular Mechanics didnt do any real resurch on their book.
Think about this, if for one min they really belive in thier own resurch, why on god green earth are they wasting there time to Discredit Rosie O'Donnell .
I think its because it will hurt thier BOOK SELLS on 911 think about it!
Popular Mechanics is only in all this to misinform you all and to make money.
Rosie is in the Truth movement trying to find out the facts, She has only made statments about 911 in the media, nothing more than that.
It is very clear Popular Mechanics dose not want you to know the truth about 911.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Murcielago

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
If they were to get an expert of course he would say whatever goes with the ''official story". If not he could be labeled a crackhead

yeah, and rightly so.

Rosie has lost it...If she was a smart person she would have never sais those things. Her claims are flat out wrong, she doesn't understand science, not even at a grade school level.

I cant see why most of you people like her...nothing she says is correct information!
However...I cant say I’m real surprised either...after all, this is a conspiracy site...and since the moon hoax has being completely debunked from every need to find something else to grab onto.

she said it is impossible for fire to melt steel. do we need to go through this again?

if the fire on the floors that were hit by the plane, happened to melt the steel on those floors, and that caused extensive damage to the top of the building, then i would understand why hundreds of millions of dollars would be needed to repair the top of the building.

but how can melted steel on like 3% of the structure, spread and melt the remaining 90% in 15 seconds without even the slightest resistance. gravity was the only force that brought down those buildings. fires did not.

Rosie is no expert, but im tired of being insulted by so called experts that get linked to here all the time.

the problem is is that Rosie has more balls than most men in america.

and all you haters know she would kick your ass. wussies.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Murcielago

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
If they were to get an expert of course he would say whatever goes with the ''official story". If not he could be labeled a crackhead

yeah, and rightly so.

Rosie has lost it...If she was a smart person she would have never sais those things. Her claims are flat out wrong, she doesn't understand science, not even at a grade school level.

I cant see why most of you people like her...nothing she says is correct information!
However...I cant say I’m real surprised either...after all, this is a conspiracy site...and since the moon hoax has being completely debunked from every need to find something else to grab onto.

If you belive the Goverments version on 911 why are you in here then.
It seems to me you dont undrestand science as well.
Maybe you dont like Rosie, and this is a place you feel you can trash her name.
So sence you feel Rosie has nothing to say that is correct,why dont you inlighten us on your version on 911. I would like to hear what you think happend.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:59 PM
Are you trying to get yourself fired, or worse killed!? Everyone who's looking for the evidence of what happened on this generations T-Day(T is for terrorist) should jump up and shout "YES". I don't really like Rosie, but for anyone to put thier life and the lives of thier loves ones in this kind of hot water gets my total respect! Just look at all the negative things being said about her and begin to understand the predicament she's created for herself. I will concede it could be ratings driven, but the lasting stigma it may cause is the real danger, just ask Bill Maher. She's not the best spokeperson but hey it's a beginning on brodcast T.V., which seems to equate alternet 911 theories as unpatriotic, or worse lunacy!

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:32 PM
This is the absolute funniest stuff I have ever seen or read. People are actually blindly defending Rosie O'donnel, as if she is someone. She started on Star search and moved on to this...

Used to work in the catalog department at Sears. Her job was to attach the orders to the catalogs, dump the catalogs in the correct bins, and then fetch the orders for the customers.

Has said that she will never have biological children because of a family history of alcoholism and cancer. She plans to adopt more children, and is also becoming a certified foster parent (as of December 1999).

Voted most popular in her high school class.

Has a very big toy collection, especially McDonald's Happy Meal toys.

Started out doing stand-up comedy.

Her role-models are Barbra Streisand and Bette Midler.

Best friends with Madonna.

Big Savage Garden fan.

Big Tom Cruise fan.

Was a VH-1 VeeJay.

Is allergic to cats and horses.

Dropped out of Boston University after 1 year.

Father was born in Belfast, N. Ireland.

Adopted third child, son Blake Christopher (b. November 1999) [5 December 1999]

Won $20,000 on "Star Search" (1983).

Appeared as a lifeline on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" (1999/I), correctly answering the question, and helping the contestant win $32,000. She later invited the contestant onto her show, and gave him a week-long trip to London, England, UK.

Fell and broke her right hand. [March 2000]

Has a chain of roses tattoo on her ankle.

She refuses to sign autographs for adults.

Anjelica Huston wanted her to play the lead in the film Agnes Browne (1999) but she turned it down because the offer came shortly after the shootings at Columbine High-School and O'Donnell felt that she was too emotional to do a film at that time.

Voted high school homecoming queen.

Is a big New York Jets fan.

Rosie attended Sawmill Junior High School in Commack, New York.

Rosie's father, Edward, was a spy-camera engineer for a defense corporation.

TV special she co-hosted on Nickelodeon - "Nick News Special Edition: My Family is Different" -logged some 100,000 e-mails and calls in protest about its gay-parenting content, before the show even aired 18 June 2002. The campaign was reportedly organized by the Traditional Values Coalition. Linda Ellerbee produced and also hosted.

4 children - Parker Jaren O'Donnell (adopted) born 25 May 1995; Chelsea Belle O'Donnell (adopted) born 20 Sept 1997; Blake Christopher O'Donnell (adopted) born 5 Dec 1999; Vivienne Rose O'Donnell born 29 Nov 2002 to Rosie's partner, Kelli O'Donnell, and weighed 6lbs 6 oz.

Once owned and lived in the late Helen Hayes's former home in Nyack, New York.

Took the role in Exit to Eden (1994) after learning that Sharon Stone had turned it down.

Attended Commack High School South, the same high school as sportscaster Bob Costas.

Born on the same day as actor Matthew Broderick.

She is a big fan of the Harry Potter book series, and even offered to play "Molly Weasley" in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) for free.

Auditioned for role of Elaine on "Seinfeld" (1990).

Is a third cousin to Bridget Moynahan on her father's side, a fact that Rosie O'Donnell did not know until Bridget was a guest on "The View" (1997).

This makes her a 9/11 expert. Man, this is funnier than the Anna Nicole coverage. You see, as you sit here defending Rosie, the US?UK are preparing to enter WW3. Misdirection at it's finest.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Rosie O Donnell is a B rate actress, like Charlie Sheen, with absolutely no authority or expertise to speak out your field of training.

Their opinions and voice is irrelevant.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by Stateofgrace]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Rosie does make a lot of senseless comments, but even babbling idiots make sense once in awhile, many individuals on this site are living proof of that.

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Rosie is a moron. A babbling idiot.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Rosie does make a lot of senseless comments, but even babbling idiots make sense once in awhile, many individuals on this site are living proof of that.

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Rosie is a moron. A babbling idiot.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by Realtruth]

Give a monkey a type writer and yes I am sure it will eventually write a Shakespearian play.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:42 PM
well, esdad71 thanks for biography. amazing that someone who doesn't like Rosie knows so much about her. by the way I thinks she a loud mouth to but I still respect her questioning the whole 911 thing.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

This makes her a 9/11 expert. Man, this is funnier than the Anna Nicole coverage. You see, as you sit here defending Rosie, the US?UK are preparing to enter WW3. Misdirection at it's finest.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by esdad71]

Snipped for brevity.

I'm pretty sure she didn't claim to be an expert, but simply said it'd be great if she could hear from some experts, and that people should question the world around them as presented to them by the US media.

However, just in case, can we have your life story, biography, best friends names, cousins, families profession and everything else you can tell us about yourself, because obviously that's completely relevant to the validity of your opinions...

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:32 AM
I dont understand what the big deal is. Rosi is a human being. which means that she is entitled to have whatever opinion she wants. I feel that it is only natural that she expresses her view on a show tittle THE VIEW. I never agree with elizabeth conservative views, but i think she is entittled to her opinion too, therefore i would ever tell her to shut up, attack her personally, or say that she needs to fired, which is what some of you are doing to rosie. Just because you disagree with someone doesnt give you the right to quiet them.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by cashlink
So sence you feel Rosie has nothing to say that is correct,why dont you inlighten us on your version on 911. I would like to hear what you think happend.

Thats the problem with you people...There isn't more then one version...which is the real version...not your made up conspiracy one.

The view's ratings were falling....but now with Rosie their their rating's are going up...they dont care what nonsense she they want is more ratings...more people watching...they more they get, its that simple. Rosie hates Bush...something her and her network (abc) have in common, so dont expect them to fire her.

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