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Rosie O'Donnell asks for a Physics Expert to Explain the collapse of WTC7 on the VIEW..AWESOME!!!

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posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 09:12 AM
Bush wont be going any place to soon! Money talks,We all know the real truth about 9/11? Be carefull what you say about this matter Bush can make it hard on you and Rosie i would shut up as you have babys at home and need you?,i bet Bush will still be in the house in 0/8 with a new war? Hows that!

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:11 AM
Rosie is out of View.

A scientist was going to be interviewed.

Will she be there when he arrives.


Just show that on FOX ABC NBC and to the experts.
[edit on 4/25/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 4/25/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Rosie is out of View.

This is really amazing, NOT! It seems that everyone in the media that even challenges them gets silenced somehow.

Rosie leaving the show should have it's own thread here on ATS.

We should all keep track of this and any other people that publicly speak out against 911 and see who gets gagged.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by payinblack
Bush wont be going any place to soon! Money talks,We all know the real truth about 9/11? Be carefull what you say about this matter Bush can make it hard on you and Rosie i would shut up as you have babys at home and need you?,i bet Bush will still be in the house in 0/8 with a new war? Hows that!

Who are you addressing? This sounds like intimidation IMO.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Rosie was not fired, she left. She was also offered a 3 year deal from what I read. This is not about silence. I see her with her own show inside of 6 months. If she wants. she can bring someone on then. Until then, she can keep using all the TP she wants and can send it to Sheryl Crows house.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Rosie was not fired, she left. She was also offered a 3 year deal from what I read. This is not about silence. I see her with her own show inside of 6 months. If she wants. she can bring someone on then. Until then, she can keep using all the TP she wants and can send it to Sheryl Crows house.

Now this would be good to see her with her own show. I don't agree with everything she says but I like her way. She thinks out loud.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Personally cannot stand her, but she does speak her mind which is OK with me. If you don;t agree, don;t listen. She should have taken the deal though.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:10 PM
I am hearing she was going to renew with ABC, however they wouldn't let her talk about 9/11, she refused the censorship.

Time will tell as she comes and tells her own story on this.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by talisman]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I read she wanted 10 million for one year, they wanted 3. There is no conspiracy here, just greed.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:25 PM
Well wait a minute we don't know either way, I'll wait for the future to see what she says about this. This does come awfully close to the point where she talked about 9/11 and was going to interview some first responders, so I will leave it to the future to see what might have went down.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:40 PM
she spoke out against the ones in power and was crushed. she was set as an example of anyone who speaks out about what happened on 911. she has been labled as crazy and this is just the beginning. trump who has ties to the elite has been smearing her since this happened along with all the mainstream media like hannity and others. hopefully people will see this is why and finally start to understand what is really happening to america.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:52 PM
Not sure if this was mentioned before but...

June 2007 is the last time we will see Rosie on The View, as she quits!!!

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:41 PM
She quit, she asked for alot of money and a short contract and they said no. It is greed by Rosie, not a conspiracy. Do a quick search as she even states she will come back as a guest host.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:48 PM
when i heard that rossie wasn't going to be on 'the view' anymore, i thought about this thread...

maybe there is a connection or maybe there is not

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 08:11 PM

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