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Why Time Does NOT Exist!

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posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 02:06 PM
I understand, but you may have missed the underlying meaning of my post in that I did write it before now. It is a "measurement?" Monkeys can measure without inches, feet, centimiters and millimeters based on PERCEPTION of how long the stick must be to place into a termite hive to gather termites to eat. Therefore time cannot be defined with such a child-like term as "measurement." Time is not only a "measurement" as something so simple such as markings on a ruler labeled with lines 1", 2", 3", 4", etc. but so very technical that someone just may think "measurement" and say it does not exist because it is an advanced perception. Just as an inch ruler is true so shall be time. Intertwined. It is a human quality as we are a very advanced people and need to realize that.

Time is god like and does exist.
Because of the simple fact my ealier post that I am NOT writing now but rather I did write it EARLIER.

That is what time is.

P.S.- I would bet a whole lot that the reason this thread was started is because that person whatched too many sci-fi movies thinking time is TANGIBLE and can be TRAVELED backwards or forwards or can be warped and folded and such.

It is not tangible, it is not a noun, but it is the most common verb.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by chibidai_rrr]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by chibidai_rrr
It is a "measurement?"
Yes, of experience equating in to memories.

Monkeys can measure without inches, feet, centimiters and millimeters based on PERCEPTION of how long the stick must be to place into a termite hive to gather termites to eat.

Exactly the point being demonstrated. A perceptional measurement.

Therefore time cannot be defined with such a child-like term as "measurement."

Well, bring some adult like terms to us, sorry for my child like fashion, but i pride my self in having child like fun.

Time is not only a "measurement" as something so simple such as markings on a ruler labeled with lines 1", 2", 3", 4", etc.

Time is a measuremement, not only seen in visual perception (it takes "time" to make measurements, it takes "time" to perceive, it takes perception to "time" some thing, and it takes measuremement [numbers, among others] to time some thing)

but so very technical that someone may think "measurement" and say it does not exist because it is an advanced perception.

A perception is a measurement and a measurement is a perception. Simply looking at your computer screen is a perceptional measurememnt. Typing is a measurement of letters, perception sees these letters and measures them not only in numbers, but in their meanings.

Just as an inch ruler is true so shall be time. Intertwined. It is a human quality as we are a very advanced people and need to realize that.

I agree that we are advanced, time must be seen to Exist and not Exist, and then understood what it is and is not as "existing" and what it is and is not as "not existing. Space is not limited by the creation of Human time; it is eternal.

Time is god like and does exist.

God like? Let's stay non-religious while explaining Existence beyond human expectation, please

Because of the simple fact my ealier post that I am NOT writing now but rather I did write it EARLIER.

And that is why time Exists in your experience, because you will live and die. As for there being a beginning to Existence ("uni-verse"), there wasn't one, nor will there be an end... that is all God based and time based... God is what I am trying to stay away from.

That is what time is.

One aspect of it, yes. There is also timelessness and time being experienced simultaneously when we are aware of it.

It is not tangible, it is not a noun, but it is the most common verb.

It is? Then verb is the most common time, which would be true because every thing is always in motion, but a verb is also a noun because a noun is a person, place, or thing... and a word is a thing and verb is a word and a word is verb, and a noun is a verb because when spoken a noun is in motion and it's a fascinating collectively synchronized place of no place that we experience.

Thank you for being with me

[edit on 14-4-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 03:55 PM
But time DOES exist.

It may not be a tangible thing, but it is there in our everyday lives. It is used to quantify our existence in a meaningful way that we can all understand and relate to...indeed...that we MUST relate to.

We are regulated by the our work lives, and everything else....the sun rises, and sets, in regular periods...etc.

Ok, I am a Christian, and I look beyond time to eternity, when there will be no more time. But that is not for now.

For now, we ARE entrapped by time. That's the way it was meant to be.

Ok, I understand that in the grand scheme of things (when looking at it from the perspective of eternity), time doesn't really mean that much at the end of the day....but it does exist, in this present reality...just like pain exists, and joy and sorrow exist, and trying to make the most of our 'time' exists.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 01:08 PM
"Time" is experienced in timelessness, therefore timelessness is experienced in time, no that is not a contradiction.

It is a part of reality once it be knownst.

Any one who believe God damned them to an eternal hell of suffering and pain etc. can't understand this. Not attacking, only advancing a point that is well researched and frequently encountered

[edit on 15-4-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 02:16 AM
Ok,I have one more small argument against Time existing.I have heard about certain forms of microscopic life and even possibly frogs,if I remember correctly.That can be frozen and later thawed and brought back to Life.I seem to remember a report about a meteor found in northern Canada that had microscopic life found on it that could be dated millions of years ago.Does anyone remember that news report? Anyway my point is that if certain forms of life are frozen they will not age or die.They are still exposed to "Time"like the rest of us but will stay young forever.This means Time does not exist or else the frozen life forms should then rot and die like the rest of us.

What about the idea of putting astronauts into a state of suspended animation so they can travel across the galaxy without aging .If this is possible with animals already on Earth, then it proves Time is not real.

I often eat frozen Strawberries that I picked the year before and they stayed delicious.Time had no effect on the freshness.Why?Time is false.

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 02:16 PM
well done argument my friend well done

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by mistr_b2
Ok,I have one more small argument against Time existing.I have heard about certain forms of microscopic life and even possibly frogs,if I remember correctly.That can be frozen and later thawed and brought back to Life.I seem to remember a report about a meteor found in northern Canada that had microscopic life found on it that could be dated millions of years ago.Does anyone remember that news report? Anyway my point is that if certain forms of life are frozen they will not age or die.They are still exposed to "Time"like the rest of us but will stay young forever.This means Time does not exist or else the frozen life forms should then rot and die like the rest of us.

What about the idea of putting astronauts into a state of suspended animation so they can travel across the galaxy without aging .If this is possible with animals already on Earth, then it proves Time is not real.

I often eat frozen Strawberries that I picked the year before and they stayed delicious.Time had no effect on the freshness.Why?Time is false.

what? really. i can't even rebuke this? how do you have such a flawed logic? this is a perfect example for the failure of school systems in general.

[edit on 4-17-2007 by forsakenwayfarer]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Time can be "bent" through radio waves.Time is distorted through waves of reciprocals.People can be thought of AS "Giant Transistor Radios".We are always tuning into other frequencies and patterns of thoughts all over the Universes, nothing more then "Time Distortion" on major Galactic levels.You can thank the "Common Universe" at large for that one.

[edit on 17-4-2007 by menguard]

[edit on 17-4-2007 by menguard]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 08:38 PM
you cant say someone has bent logic just because they have a differing opinion, explain your side and leave it at that

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by mistr_b2
I often eat frozen Strawberries that I picked the year before and they stayed delicious.Time had no effect on the freshness.Why?Time is false.

Yes, the strawberries stayed fresh, but they still aged. Freezing them just slowed down the aging process by slowing down the amount of energy they used over time. Time afffects different molecules based on the type of environment it is in. For humans, we make the same basic environment as everyone on this planet, therefore, we age about the same. If you take a person and freeze them, their body can last longer.

This just makes me think that energy and time both exist. Both are needed for eachother. If you could get something to absolute zero, then time would not exist for that object. But since we cannot reach absolute zero, means time only can move forward. If in fact absolute zero could be reached, we could stop time but only for whatever was at that temperature. Time would still exist for everything else.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer

Originally posted by mistr_b2

what? really. i can't even rebuke this? how do you have such a flawed logic? this is a perfect example for the failure of school systems in general.

[edit on 4-17-2007 by forsakenwayfarer]

Oh you can't even rebuke that one ,why, totally stumped you did I?Learn some manners instead of acting like a spoiled child.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 01:39 AM
This is a long thread but the content is pretty weak.

The problem here is that there are actually TWO completely different meanings of the word TIME, or two separate dimensions if you prefer. Even from reading Einstein's original theories, it's hard to tell if even he understood this.

Einstein used in his equations relative time, along with relative length, relative mass, and so on. Relative time is the relativistic version of linear time that we are commonly familiar with. In physics, we treat this as a real physically existing dimension, the fourth dimension. It extends, for each point in relative space, back into the past, and ahead into the future. All time-based graphs use this version of time as an axis. This is the most familiar interpretation of time.

It in fact does NOT exist. This surprises many people, judging by the activity of this thread, but is in fact correct. The existence of this dimension as we understand it creates a problem. The entirety of the past and the entirety of the future to the endpoints of the multiverse (however big it all really is) would all have to exist. That by itself isn't the problem.

The problem is the need and consequence for it to exist. It would only need to exist to serve the purpose of going backwards. Even if the ability to travel backwards in time made sense, time is still a forward splitting function. Doing so would either destroy time, in which case parallel time travellers would cause a paradox, or time would split into potentially infinite numbers of dimensions, creating a conservation paradox.

That version of time is therefore not a physical dimension, but works in practice for understanding change.

There is another version of time, which we also understand as time, adding to the confusion, but is different from linear time. This is local time, that is, the rate at each point in space that time passes. Time passes slower near large gravitational fields for example. This is a real physical effect and corresponds directly with the presence of mass and energy. This dimension explains why there is no dimension of mass or energy.

I hope that clears it up.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Mysteri
He just created it and it was there (where the heck did HE come from),

It could be that "He" is the universe, and if the big bang theory is true than it could be said to be "His" birth. Sort of how when a human is concieved, and starts as one cells and splits and splits into many until a fetus with a brain emerges, and then matures into an adult, and can still keep learnign more and more and more. I crucial part of understanding my metaphor here is the human brain aspect after the intitial stages of development, obviously.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
It could be that "He" is the universe, and if the big bang theory is true than it could be said to be "His" birth. Sort of how when a human is concieved, and starts as one cells and splits and splits into many until a fetus with a brain emerges, and then matures into an adult, and can still keep learnign more and more and more. I crucial part of understanding my metaphor here is the human brain aspect after the intitial stages of development, obviously.

A human being can only be conceived because of Existence. A birth is impossible of Nothing. There is no He, there is no Him, there is no beginning and there is no end. There's no man sitting on his throne in gagaland city with electricity running through the veins of his eyes waiting for the day that HE destroys his creation and saves those lucky souls who worshipped his only begotten son
Please, let's keep this non-religious. There are threads for debating religion and the Birth of "HE" (which would be impossible if "HE's" Eternal)

Eternity is a form of no time, of this we experience time. They both Exist, time and timelessness. They also vary from place to place and there is also no place

[edit on 18-4-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Please, let's keep this non-religious. There are threads for debating religion and the Birth of "HE" (which would be impossible if "HE's" Eternal)

OP asked a question. I answered it. It's to my understanding that most Christians wouldn't subscribe to my explaination here anyways. Did I say "eternal"? Like anyone really knows anything anyways.

A human being can only be conceived because of Existence. A birth is impossible of Nothing. There is no He, there is no Him, there is no beginning and there is no end.

I'd say that we humans aren't even close to being competant enough to absolutely think we could truly understand it all. And even if one of us had it all right, that person could only assume that they do. We cant even be sure of the big bang, but if its true it demands explaination, as its a lot of something from nothing. An embryo egg splitting from one cell and into a complete expandable person would be a good start.

[edit on 18-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
OP asked a question. I answered it. It's to my understanding that most Christians wouldn't subscribe to my explaination here anyways. Did I say "eternal"? Like anyone really knows anything anyways.

Some of us do.

We cant even be sure of the big bang, but if its true it demands explanation, as it's a lot of something from nothing.

Some thing from No thing, can not be done. Big bang proved wrong.

An embryo egg splitting from one cell and into a complete expandable person would be a good start.

But you'd need Existence to even do this.

Sorry for 'butting' in on you

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 10:23 AM
Like I said, you could be right, but even if you are you can only assume. It appears thats sort of the jist of this entire thread really.

Note how I said "born". Who says "He" wasn't "born". Like i said, like anyone really knows anything anyways.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Note how I said "born". Who says "He" wasn't "born". Like i said, like anyone really knows anything anyways.

If "HE" was born then he had to have been born from some thing, some-thing is Existence, 'no-thing' in this case is 'non-existence'. Existence must be eternal, eternity is a definition of space and time. Through knowing nothing may we fully comprehend eternity.

Nothing can be assumed and nothing can not be assumed: assumed is nothing and assumed is not nothing

[edit on 18-4-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 10:31 AM
I believe time to be exactly that.. time..

It is an illusion with a purpose.

Edgar Cayce

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 10:05 PM
Time does not Exist?

Brain's clock is key to putting on weight:

The research from Edinburgh University will help our understanding of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), as well as the working of the metabolic mechanisms that make us put on weight.

Light could also be shed on the physiological changes that occur when we fly across time zones into different seasons.
Most of the cells in the body have their own internal clocks - whether in the liver or the brain - yet they are all co-ordinated and nicely synchronised with the outside world.

"This is done by a special pacemaker in the brain that acts as the overall conductor."

Is the concept of time encoded within ourselves at the DNA level?

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