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I'm Intrepid and I'm appearently a racist.....

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posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:06 PM
This topic is a hot potato and i hesitantly post but i just cant see where intrepid has been racist

To call someone racist when they are clearly not, is insulting and has the added possible effect of making that insulted person develop an insecurity and that could lead to true racism if he/she were a weaker minded person.

by misusing the word racist we diminish it's value and meaning i would suggest we think before we post eh..

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:07 PM
The perpetuation of that which we "claim" to be trying to defeat....

There is a very simple psychological concept that involves the human propensity toward conflict. That is so very clearly displayed here in many forms.

Those that claim to combat a specific issue, eternize that very same issue with their vernacular.


1. "People of Color." WHAT IS THAT??? I am a color... Brown. Comes from my Great Grandmother on both sides being Native American and my "Black" American heritage.

2. "Dominant Culture." I have trouble finding the concept of culture being dominant or submissive.

3. "Hyphenated Racial Indications." Are you African or American? Have you ever been to Africa?

4. "Assimilation Model." I almost did not include this as every time it has been used in past posts, I have gotten a laugh as it is inevitably used incorrectly as to verbiage.

5. "Semantic Disconnect." Same here..

So, if one examines the threads that are currently dealing with this issue, one can find these words sprinkled about in various context. Not always correct, but to give the various authors credit, the meaning is usually clear.

They do however tend to be used in attempts to propagate the continuance of the issue and lend little to solution.

There is also a very significant trend toward congratulating and awarding WATS to only those that agree with any one individual stance and disregarding some extraordinary posts that have a different view, yet are eloquent and simply fantastic in their composition. In fact if you read the "Kudo's" given in this regard, it is glaringly obvious that those specific "kudo's" were only given as a "strike" at the opposition and in essence due completely to the fact of agreement; having nothing to do with the value of the post.

Due to these reasons I have almost discontinued jumping in with any contributions of these threads, even after being the OP on a couple.

These factors defeat the very essence of ATS. The intellectual debate and exchange is forever lost within the inescapable inability of those that can not, or will not, look beyond their own restricted frontiers and . yes, prejudices.

Conflict being ineluctable, the issues become sullied and conversation turns arrogant and scrofulous. Why then would anyone wish to contribute their time towards such fruitless endeavors?
This attitude appears unavoidable and this is sad. There are posters out there that I am sure have much to contribute, yet hesitate to do so for fear of being branded a racist.

There is also a phenomenon in these threads that when members post obvious and direct statements in ethereal context, then when our rather more intelligent members understand the context, the original poster will always retort with "Show me specifically."

This is pure nonsense and too thinly veiled to to reflect anything but ignorance on the part of those that blather such rhetoric.

So, Intrepid, don't feel badly.

You are in good company my friend...


posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:11 PM
What about the accusations and stereotypes about Black people in this thread, intrepid? Don't you think it is a matter of their honor and their character to defend themselves?

It was not fair that you used to truthseeka's post. You would have made your point if you just told your story.

[edit on 9-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:12 PM

You are a God damn liar.


Anyone read the T&C's???


Another thread degrading into name calling and insulting behavior...

That is sure going to solve an issue...

Why does ANYONE feel it necessary to defend themselves when we are discussing an ISSUE???

Again, read the T&C, we are not supposed to be discussing each other. In particular with the use of insults.


[edit on 2/9/2007 by semperfortis]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by ceci2006
What about the accusations and stereotypes about Black people in this thread? Don't you think it is a matter of their honor and their character to defend themselves?

It was not fair that you used to truthseeka's post. You would have made your point if you just told your story.

Here we go again ceci, turning a topic around. If TS hadn't have pointed out that it was his post, he would have had nothing to defend.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
I strongly recommend that you tone it down. I'm not going to take exception to this but others will.

That post was about WHITES, I'm white therefore it IS aimed at ME. I refuse the guilt though. And for doing that you have called me a liar and a racist. Again, I will not take exception but I DO thank you for making my point for me.

I ain't toning a damn thing down.

You and BH are EXPERTS at twisting people's words. Let me ask you:

Did you ever own any slaves?

Did you ever refuse to give blacks mortgage loans?

Did you ever pull over people for nothing more than being black?

Did you maintain "separate but [un]equal" schools?

PLEASE tell me how that pertains to you, just because you're white. You want to pretend like ALL white people were keeping the system going. THAT WAY, you can say I attacked you. Here is your logic:

Truth said that black people have had a real rough time in America. I (Intrepid) think EVERY SINGLE WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA kept and keeps the system going that gives blacks a hard time in the US. Therefore, Truth called me a racist, because I am white.

You think you're slick, but you ain't conning me. This thread is bogus; you used a post from me to help establish why you are seen as racist. Yet, when I ask you to name names, you pretend like you don't know who did it.

Like I said, I don't know you, but I now have no respect for you, as a poster on this site, as a mod, and even as a person. You are a bearer of false witness with an agenda I have as of yet to figure out.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:16 PM
In a society molded by highly skewed and agenda-selective presentations of history, the tightest censorship involves the fact that large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves;

................ in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large.

In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.

The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves. Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).

In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves.

***** For example, BLACKS WHO OWNED SLAVES INCLUDED individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina,WHO EACH OWNED 84 BLACK SLAVES in 1830.


Getting interesting, isn't it ?

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Here we go again ceci, turning a topic around. If TS hadn't have pointed out that it was his post, he would have had nothing to defend.

Unfortunately, I'm not. You said it was a matter of honor. You said you had to defend yourself. You said you were tired of posts like truthseeka's. And you said you were white and did not have anything to be ashamed of.

Well, what gives you the right to blame the black people on this board for your racist encounters? Nobody here had nothing to do with your encounters. No one needs to feel guilty here for what happened to you. No one here carried the duffel bag.

But you are doing the same thing to Black people that you are accusing the Black people (and other people of color) of doing to you.

Why, you're "playing the race card".

Don't you think that was a little bit insensitive?

Well, let me answer. Since you don't feel any guilt and you don't care, no.

[edit on 9-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:24 PM
Truth, I know you ain't talkin to me but I just don't get what your saying. So if you posted somewhere "I don't like apples" and he used it to explain why he didn't agree with people who had that view while not naming you, you would be pissed?

I just don't get it

[edit on 9-2-2007 by Scrub]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic[

Originally posted by truthseeka
My point is this; the single-parent issue in black America is ultimately the fault of white America! There, I said it. And it's true.

Nevermind that my post had NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, Intrepid.

No, it was aimed directly at me. Another white American.

Intrepid said he was getting sick of seeing posts like yours. He didn't say or imply that you had called him a racist.

He was using your post as an "example" of the kind of thing he's sick of seeing.

You're another slick one.

You were quick to dig up my initial post, yet you conveniently left out my clarification. Don't worry, I got it:

I'll clarify for you, since it's such a big deal. The white slavers destroyed the black family, from the beginning of slavery until it was over.

Now, unless you and Intrepid are white slavers, I didn't say a DAMN thing to either one of you. But, in typical BH fashion, you see what you want to see and run with it.

It's good that you defend Intrepid with more word twisting. Y'all would make a good couple.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:29 PM

Let's see ------ that's ONE QUARTER of FREE NEGRO SLAVE MASTERS ....... OWNED 10 or MORE SLAVES EACH !!!


Now WHY haven't these facts been far more widely impressed upon the 3,000 % INCREASE in blacks in the past 140 years ?

Because AS THE FACTS PROVE, it is the BLACK 'MAN' to whom today's blacks should direct their grievances.

It is the BLACK 'MAN' who is responsible for whatever reparation today's blacks believe they're 'entitled'.

Don't look at me.

I'm just poor Whitey.

My ancestors were WHITE SLAVES in the USA.

NO, repeat NO reparation for the WHITE SLAVES and THEIR DESCENDANTS ! YET !

Now WHY is that ?


And *WHY* would any of today's black community dare to demand ANY thing from the White decendants of America's WHITE SLAVES ?




posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Scrub
Truth, I know you ain't talkin to me but I just don't get what your saying. So if you posted somewhere "I don't like apples" and he used it to explain why he didn't agree with people who had that view while not naming you, you would be pissed?

I just don't get it

[edit on 9-2-2007 by Scrub]

More word pretzels.

You are now comparing apples and oranges (pun intended
). Besides that, can you explain how my post slams EVERY SINGLE WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA?

I mean, it would have to, for Intrepid to take offense to it. You know, seeing as I didn't say a damn thing to him. Are you white? If you are, did you get the impression that I called YOU racist? Read the "anonymous" post and tell me.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by ceci2006
Well, what gives you the right to blame the black people on this board for your racist encounters?

When did he do that? WTF did I miss?

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:33 PM
the Psychology of inference..


[The reasoning involved in making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation.]

So if I say that "Dogs Bark." Then Lassie can make the inference that I have stated she barks..

Grammatical Correctness.


posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Scrub
Well, what gives you the right to blame the black people on this board for your racist encounters?

When did he do that? WTF did I miss?

Well where did any people of color blame intrepid for "sins of the father and his father's father?" WTH did they do that?

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:38 PM
I have a few questions for our black members here. Why is it that when I say hello to a black person (most, not all) just ignore me and pretend they didn't hear me? Also, when I hold the door for black people (most not all) won't even say thank you. What's up with that? Is it because they aren't taught proper ettiquette? Please don't think I'm being rascist for asking this, but it has been getting on my nerves for quite some time now.

BTW, I'm Irish and American Indian. I just look more white. Would they have more respect for me if the colour of my skin was darker?

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Griff
I have a few questions for our black members here. Why is it that when I say hello to a black person (most, not all) just ignore me and pretend they didn't hear me? Also, when I hold the door for black people (most not all) won't even say thank you. What's up with that? Is it because they aren't taught proper ettiquette? Please don't think I'm being rascist for asking this, but it has been getting on my nerves for quite some time now.

I might get my ghetto pass revoked for this, but i'll let you in on a little secret, it happens because many black people in the U.S are extremely racist.

Please see this.

BTW, I'm Irish and American Indian. I just look more white. Would they have more respect for me if the colour of my skin was darker?


[Edited to add informative link]

[edit on 9-2-2007 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
The perpetuation of that which we "claim" to be trying to defeat....

Good post, Semper. No WATS or anything
but I do agree and I think you did a good job.

Getting back to the original subject if I could...

I think what's important to remember (for me, anyway) is that you can't please everyone. No matter how hard anyone tries, we will never eradicate racism 100% in this country. There will always be whites who hate blacks simply for the color of their skin and there will always be blacks who hate and blame whites for "what they've done" to blacks.

Both positions are totally and completely stupid. Neither position holds any merit. Black skin does not mean any more than white skin does. And the white people alive today are not responsible for slavery.

It's all fantasy. We all know better.

You can't please everyone. And for us (as white people) to concentrate on those 10% or 30% or 2% of black people who mistakenly think we're racist because we don't feel guilty for the sins of some white dudes long ago, is a HUGE waste of our efforts. If there's ANYTHING I have learned from my participation in the race threads here, it's that. What a HUGE, giant waste of my time and energy to try to convince the 2% that I'm not racist!! Especially when they've already mad up their minds!

You can't convince a KKK member that black people are good people. They want to hate black people! They're bigots and they hate people unlike themselves.

And you can't convince some people that you're not racist. They want you to be racist! Else who would they bitch about?

I do want to say that I've actually learned a lot from my dear friend HarlemHottie in the conversations I've had with her in threads and U2U. I thank you, my friend. But the time I have spent trying to convince other people of who I am and how I think and feel has been a total waste of time. Because they have other ideas of who I am and I'm just going to have to live with that.
Why? Because You can't please everyone.

So, basically, I'm saying that these discussions have taught me to not sweat the small stuff. And Intrepid, someone calling you OR me racist or insisting we feel guilty because when we came out of our mother, our skin was white... is definitely small stuff.

Originally posted by ceci2006
No one needs to feel guilty here for what happened to you.

No one needs to feel guilty here for what happened to you (or your ancestors), either.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:46 PM
Slavery was not founded by white individuals alone. In Africa, the tribesmen would kidnap their own people, and people from other tribes and sell them as slaves for guns and other items they pleased. The slave trade and slavery were brought about by both parties, not just one party. I am not condemning either party, I am being neutral on this one. I just wanted to let that statement be known. Plus...

Please keep your D-Egos in check!

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Griff
I have a few questions for our black members here. Why is it that when I say hello to a black person (most, not all) just ignore me and pretend they didn't hear me? Also, when I hold the door for black people (most not all) won't even say thank you. What's up with that? Is it because they aren't taught proper ettiquette? Please don't think I'm being rascist for asking this, but it has been getting on my nerves for quite some time now.

Because black folk can be jerks too. Some are probably racist. Some may be mute.

Pay attention to the non-blacks you hold the door open for as well, you'll see it's the same.

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