I have been studying terrorism, biblical prophecy, bible codes, and public intelligence assessments for quite a while now.
I have come to believe that we will be attacked and invaded by a combination of Russian and Chinese forces.
From intelligence reports, we know several points:
1. Russia remains a threat and Putin (former KGB man) is using the Beslan school incident to take away civil liberties in that country and put the
Kremlin as a more public support.
2. In 1994, the Russians brokered an agreement with Arab terrorists to fight the war against America via proxy.
3. We know that even Gorbachev himself described Perestroika and Glasnost in the 1980s as being surface changes in the country. The goal is seemingly
laying down their arms was to get us to believe a threat from them is over. Of course, Gorbachev may or may not have foreseen the dissolution of the
Soviet Union, but I believe the theme of the changes remains to play dead (a move they called "The Overture") only to attack later at a time of
their choosing.
4. During the Cold War, the soviets have placed suitcase sized nuclear weapons in hiding in the US in lead containers to be used at a later time in a
nuclear conflict with the US that the Russians have deemed "inevitable".
5. The Russians have also sold at least 20 suitcase nukes to Bin Laden in the 1990s, financed by Afghan opium sales (ironic, huh? after the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan failed).
From modern prophets who are true prophets from the Lord (there are a lot of false prophets and quacks on these threads), we know that God has
withheld His judgement from America until now because America has been the largest spreader of charity and philanthropy in the entire world.
Nevertheless, the Lord has these things against America:
Following is a list of offenses upon the Lord's heart:
1. We must continue our support Israel. We have started to waiver in our
support of God's chosen people. We must not divide the land of Israel for any reason. It is not only Israel's fault that the Palestinians have no
homeland of their own. The neighboring Arab states have refused the Palestinians land because they want to keep pressure on the Israelis. (Note: I am
not Jewish, but I know that they, not I, am called God's chosen people).
2. The Church must return to holiness and the pure word of God. No more looking to the world system for its security. No more name it and claim it
prosperity preaching. No more preaching with hidden sins they hope are never exposed.
3. We must fully repent and heal the ruins left behind from America's wrong
toward the First Nations People, and the African American. As for these two
people groups, for full healing to come to our Nation and to their people,
the healing of forgiveness must be completed.
4. We must overturn Abortion - we are the most murderous nation on the planet in history since we kill millions of innocent people per year. The soul
is given to the body at the time of conception and even beleivers will be confronted in heaven with the souls of children they killed asking why. We
have the blood of 35,000,000 babies on our hands.
5. We must repent of our greed and love of abundance. Riches are provided to be shared among all.
6. There must be a humbling and correction of our judicial system who is making up law as they go right now.
7. Sexual perversions must be repented of - God abhors homosexuality
(see Sodom and Gomorrah) as an absolute abomination of His design for the family, for His people.
In general, an examination of the decline of civilizations has been precipitated by three major factors:
1. The shedding of innocent blood.
2. Advocation of homosexuality or other perversion.
3. Failure to support or ally with Israel.
America is already doing #1 and #2, and starting to waiver on #3.
We, as Christians, learned that if we prayed and sought the Lord as one, He would deliver for us in the reelection of president Bush. However, God
promised us that we would move mountains before and we allowed homosexuality and abortion to take root in this country on our watch and so God holds
us responsible for not believing Him before.
Lucifer, the Archangel who rebelled against God out of pride, accuses people and nations constantly and God, who is both merciful and just, is
removing His hand of protection over this country.
There are people in the world who know that God (YHWH) exists and that the story about Lucifer's fall, becoming the devil, is true and don't to know
either one or are foolish enough to believe that being the devils friend will guarantee their safety in this life and in eternity, but nothing is
farther from the truth.
The devil uses his followers as pawns. He hates all mankind and would just as soon destroy every one of us if given the chance. Those who curse God
keep breathing because God holds some level of protection over them even as they rebel against Him. If God removes His hand of protection from people
or from nations, then literally, all hell will break loose.
Almost like a constant trial, Lucifer accuses all of us of our wrongs in front of the throne of God to attempt to force God to allow judgement against
people. It is Jesus Christ Himself who advocates on our behalf in front of God the Father to appeal to His mercy based on the price Jesus paid for our
sin on the cross.
Satan (Lucifer) hates the US in particular because, in the past, the US has been the most prolific promoters of the Gospel around the world and the
per capita greatest givers to the poor. Satan's plan to destroy the US has been to cause the unknowing citizens of the US to sin more and more
greatly to bring about the removal of the shield of protection that the Lord has placed over the US (this plan has succeeded) and to bring into
everyone's world so much media input, email, job stress, financial worries, etc to distract the believers from spending time with the Lord to get His
wisdom and direction to intercede for the nation (this plan has largely succeeded).
According to the few modern prophets I trust (I am not a prophet, I am an analyst), 9/11/01 was a short-term removal of God's protection to warn
America of coming judgement and gave us three years to repent of the seven grievances listed above. If we did not sufficiently repent, there would
come an irreversible judgement on all america that would start with more severe natural disasters. That three year period ended on 9/11/04 and the
word is that our repentance was far from sufficient.
The four hurricanes that hit Florida have happened before (1886) and so these events do not indicate to people a beginning of judgement allowed by God
Himself because of the sin and corruption in America. However, there will be many more successive waves of natural disasters on the coasts and the
southern perimeter of the US to the point that you will hear the following phrases quite a bit from now on:
"In history" "In State History" "Unprecedented" "In Recorded History"
The second wave of judgement will be a nuclear attack from the combined forces of China (on the West Coast) and Russia (on the East Coast). Most of
both coasts will be utterly destroyed in the attacks followed by invasion of Russian and Chinese forces through Alaska, Minnesota, and Florida. The
missiles will be mostly Neutron bombs which destroy most all lifeforms but spare the buildings and infrastructure. The radiation from Neutron bombs
dicipates very quickly to allow for troop invasions.
Why would China and Russia think they choose this time in the next few years to attack? Because the earth is running out of oil. According to Dr.
Colin Campbell in the 21st Century, The World's Endowment of Conventional Oil and Its Depletion, 1996, we are now at the peak level of output of oil
based on drillers and technology, but, by 2010, we will begin a decline in the ability to retrieve oil with the current economics. It will become much
more expensive to retrieve the harder-to-reach oil and even then the net output will be less than today. This reduction comes at a time when India,
China, and Russia are becoming more industrialized and competing on a greater level in demand for the existing supply of Oil. Oil has hit record highs
above $50 a barrel recently. This is basic supply and demand, demand is rising, supply is known by many to be falling in the future. What happens then
- prices rise considerably. How do you reduce the price when you can't get more oil - you reduce demand. We are not anywhere near far enough along on
alternative hydrogen fuel cell technology to be able to make a difference in this outcome. So you can find other fuels ... or .... eliminate other
competitors for the fuel.
By invading the US, the Chinese and Russians gain all that we have here and reduce our competition for oil by reducing us.
As I said, the devil is behind all of this and God will allow it because our sin has forced His hand to be removed to give us over to the consequences
of our sin. We will see human faces attacking us and cannot possibly fathom how there is a spiritual aspect to the imminent carnage. Both God and the
devil use people as agents to accomplish the ends of both parties.
Recall the Korean and Vietnam wars. The fighter pilots often found themselves up against Russian pilots in the opposing planes though Russia was not
publicly fighting in the war. The US fought Japan as part of the American Volunteers Group with the Chinese in 1940 (Flying Tigers). These are
somewhat a human example of the proxy fight you will see happen in the next six years.
I love the United States and I have helped our science and defense programs during my career and travelled many countries around the world. I will cry
to see America fall. The way of life as we know it will come to an end.
Many humanists will not believe what I have said. Since to many of them, there is no good and no evil. Therefore, it is illogical to think that
another country would take us out to eliminate our competition for the world's resources. If we all sit down and talk, we can understand and agree
and war is NEVER necessary. The UN provides such a forum to discuss and resolve such issues, doesn't it?
The United Nations represented the best that humanistic philosophies about the goodness of people's hearts had to offer. The UN was supposed to
present a forum for all countries to understand each other. If all men are good and there is no absolute evil, then simply talking it all out
would be fine.
Except, we now find out that the UN's major players on the Security
Council were taking kickbacks in the BILLIONS!!! From Hussein and would
never have voted for war no matter what. The best that humanists had
to offer in discussion has been found to be hopelessly corrupt.
Wishing people to be good at the core does not make that so.
There never has been a world organization that offers a utopian forum
to resolve such issues and there never will be.
Many pastors do not believe that there are modern prophets who hear from the Lord and will cry in despair that they did not prepare their
congregations for the sufffering that is to come.
Prepare for war on our soil...it has been already been determined in Heaven to occur in the next few years.
Mod Edit: Added sources
10/19/2002 - Satan's Plans and Purposes for America
[edit on 7-12-2004 by dbates]