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50+ People Dead in Israeli Air Strike on Apartment House.

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posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 11:17 PM
This village was in a hezzy stronghold. These were no civilians nor innocents. Only furture terrorist. I say way to go Israel. Killem, killem all. There are no civilians here............

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by grover
Still the figures speak for themselves 750+ to 51 or so. That is so one sided I can't believe even you would justify such slaughter. If Israel had such high regard for the innocent bystanders, they would know exactly what they were striking first.

No one can be perfect all of the time. And yes, dropping pamphlets IS an effective method of warning the people. If they don't get out of the way, then they deserve to die. If I told you that there was a live grenade under your car, would you go out and play kickball with it? This is the same kind of situation over there right now. They were warned a day in advance of the oncoming onslaught, and they did nothing. I cannot feel sorry for stupid people that should know better. I DO feel sorry for the children though, because they are innocents in this conflict. I pray for everything to work out, but I mostly pray for those poor poor kids.

I'm amazed that people can be so blinded by their own bias. Even I end up doing it on occassion, but that's rare.

Oh so innocent people die in conflicts make it alright huh?

No, it doesn't make it right. However, it needs to be accepted, since there's no avoiding it since armies like to fight in urban areas, especially terrorists. They love the urban scene.

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Israel can put a stop to the rocket attacks by giving back the land they took. They know that. If they return the spoils, and still find themselves under attack, there would be very little anyone could say about their inevitable swift and brutal retaliation.

That's my opinion in a nutshell.

When someone commits a crime in America, the police don't drop ordinance and reduce the entire neighborhood to rubble in an effort to bring the troublemaker to justice.

What land do you speak of? The very land they gave BACK to Lebanon in 2000, as a good-will gesture to try and get peace? What about the ceded Gaza Strip that they GAVE to the Palastinians way back? Why do you think that Israel ends up taking all of that land back exactly? It's because they gave it up at some point, in the hopes that long-lasting peace could be established. In the end though, it falls short of the mark, since either the Palastinians or Hezbollah attacks them no matter how much they give back.

So now I ask you, how much is too much? How far should they go to appease them? The Art of Appeasement doesn't work. Let WW2 and Hitler's buildup to the strike on Poland serve as an example.


posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by grover
Generally I might agree with you but there is the old deer caught in the headlights syndrome. bombs are falling all around you, every way out is risky, staying is risky, so what do ya do, hunker down. Not an unusual response.

It is when you were warned a day in advance to get out of dodge. People forget that part I guess.


posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:26 AM
i have no pity for those people that died. all those years suicide bombers were targeting innocent people in israel. so why should i feel sorry for them?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 01:32 AM
I wasn't aware that any of the children huddling in the basement of that building had ever blown themselves up in a crowded market. That's pretty interesting, guess there must be some quantum physics-based explanation...

I think there's a simpler explanation.

Really what y'all seem to want is the extermination of all Arabs in the region, on the basis that some of them are violent extremists. Am I incorrect?

C'mon Thermopolis, wow me with your insightful opinion on why these children should die while you and yours should go on living.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:20 AM

No, I do not want the extermination of any group of people. However, when one group of people feels that they have a right to go attack another group of people, without obvious provocation, then I think that group should be held accountable. One good example would be the US' extremely peculiar conqering of Iraq. There has been no major evidence shown as of yet that can confirm or deny any of the claims made by the Bush administration as reasons for entering Iraq. And yet, there we are.

I detest violence in all forms, unless it's in the form or a retaliatory strike. The burden of proof is on Lebanon and Hezbollah to PROVE that Israel acted first. If they can do that, then they may garner some support from people in a position to do something about it. Hezbollah acts like a terrorist organization, and Lebanon is a supporter by proxy. To me, that states their position pretty clearly.

Do I believe that ALL Lebanese are terrorists? Hell no. However, I think that to root out these people, it's going to take some work on BOTH sides of the conflict. If the Lebanese government that's not Hezbollah-controlled would at least ally with Israel, or some other neighbor like Jordan long enough to solve the Hezbollah problem, then Israel would go away.

I guess it's too much to ask though for either side to act civil, since they can't even stand to look at each other without throwing a punch at the other. Nothing will change that, in my opinion, aside from one side finally WINNING the war. When that happens, and ONLY when it happens, can peace be restored. No amount of effort by the rest of the world will get them to stop. They just need to work this out by themselves.


posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 03:11 AM

No, I do not want the extermination of any group of people. However, when one group of people feels that they have a right to go attack another group of people, without obvious provocation, then I think that group should be held accountable.

Well, I agree with you so far.

I detest violence in all forms, unless it's in the form or a retaliatory strike.

This is where we differ. I don't detest violence, for the same reason I don't detest hammers. A hammer can help build a home, or it can crush a skull. It depends entirely on the virtue of the wielder.

I do, however, detest people who use violence indiscriminately. That descripton encompasses both sides of this war from what I've seen so far.

Hezbollah acts like a terrorist organization, and Lebanon is a supporter by proxy. To me, that states their position pretty clearly.

I don't have any objections if the Lebanese military and the Israeli military want to fight. Soldiers fight, that's what they do.

I do have objections when a highly sophisticated modern military decides to blow up a quarter of a country, kill hundreds of non-combatants (including scores of children!), and cut off relief supplies - all with the goal of ostensibly fighting embedded terrorists. See, because while I don't detest violence, I do detest hypocrisy. What the IDF is doing can only properly be called TERRORISM.

How can you win a war against terrorism using terroristic tactics? No matter how many terrorists these killers kill, there will always be a few left..and in the most inconvenient place too, behind the crosshairs.

They just need to work this out by themselves.

God knows I want no part of it!

I manage to get along with my neighbors, and as a result, I live a peaceful life.

If they can't manage the same, guess who suffers? They do! Not me.

It's just painful to watch futures snuffed out. Either by propaganda and a fatalistic religious nightmare, or by high explosives. Either way, the next generation is doomed because of the failure of the preceeding generations to make sound decisions.

There are more than enough resources to support us all. If some folks can't get along, it's because of their own weakness, stupidity, and greed.

Like I said though, it pains me to see so many lives ruined unnecessarily. The adults are perfectly capable of making their choices, and nobody ought to feel bad when they suffer the inevitable consequences. But the children...

They didn't ask for this, and they don't deserve it - despite the infuriating opinions of some people to the contrary.

Also, I'm sorry if my tone is unpleasant. I realize I sound very confrontational right now, but I assure you that it's a result of the situation, and it's not targetted at you. I'm sure you can understand...

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Oh boy Souljah is here now to protect his insurgent/terrorists brothers/sisters at arms in the middle east...

I am sorry mister, but I just saw WOMEN and CHILDREN being carried out of the rubble of this building - you want to see the photos? Oh, yes I can't post them, since it is against the rules to post War Crimes Against Humanity commited by Israel. I see in your eyes there is no difference between Children and Terrorists, ey? Well if that is correct, you sound like an SS Officer then.

I guess he must have some "insider information" that Israel wanted to kill only Lebanese civilians... i mean we all know how much Israel hates Lebanese civilians right?...

Israel HAS precision guided ammunition - which means that they DID NOT MISS.

But you have already shown your Compassion towards the People of Lebanon.

Suits them Right ey?

Come on, just say it already - stop hiding behind words and endless quotes.

Still no answer, what happened to Private Gilad?

Or those "Kidnapped" IDF Soldiers.

Hey - nobody cares anymore;

Lets just Kill Lebanese Civilians!

Oh and somebody said, they should have run away - errr, WHERE? Roads, Bridges are DESTROYED; Vans on the roads are often TARGETS of IAF; hell nobody actually gets away, because the Holy Israeli Air Forces targets Ambulances with their Sirens on and United Nations Peacekeepers.

Tell me - Where Should They Run?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by thermopolis
This village was in a hezzy stronghold. These were no civilians nor innocents. Only furture terrorist. I say way to go Israel. Killem, killem all. There are no civilians here............

Bit harsh there thermopolis, but then again a majority of the Lebanese people did vote Hezbollah in as a political force so maybe they are not blameless.

Also I can't help wondering how many of the 'innocent' Lebanese people were dancing with joy in the street when they saw the twin towers collapse in NY ?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 04:42 AM
They should run anywhere where there is no shelling going on. Go to where they can't reach you, like Siberia, for example. No one lives there, and it's plenty better than living in Lebanon right now. A lil cold for them, but they'd get used to it.


posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:03 AM
Wow you guys are argueing why the people didn't leave when they were warned before hand. Doesn't this sound strangely familiar to the Hurricane Katrina disaster?

Some of you guys don't make sense. Soldiers were kidnapped. SOLDIERS. These guys who signed up and are in danger of something bad happening to them. ISN'T THIS THE SAME EXCUSE you guys give to U.S. soldiers who sign up willingly to fight in the war in IRaq? 2000 U.S. soldiers killed and you all argue well they signed up for it. Now a country in a region prone to conflicts has 2 soldiers kidnapped and this justifies the deaths of women and children? Nothing justifies the innocent deaths of women and children. That applies to the muslim extremist scum and the israeli high horse.

Are we going to get the usual cliches? War is hell? blah blah blah. Plz.

I laugh at Israel everytime i see thier diplomats and representatives say we do not intentionally kill un observers or women and children. WHAT IRONY.

Sometimes it scares me to see the indifference of the people that post here. Where is your humanity? You want to call for the destruction of Iran and Syria too? I know the Israeli government and the United States Government does.
Oh well this is war, war is hell. GEEEE i wonder if the germans said that too.

You wonder why the United States isn't calling for a cease fire? This administrations foreign policy is nothing but sadistic, with no value for human life, and this is suppose to be a man who is a born again christian speaking to God!

We shall all reap what we sow, and every man shall be judged according to thier work, so i hope before you guys advocate the annihilation of women and children, the nuclear bombardment of iran, korea, syria, and whatever axis of terror/evil the bush administration wants to label, I hope you realize that one day you will meet your Maker.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:39 AM
There are some cold and heartless postings here....sad real much for compassion.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by grover
So Israel told the people of the village where this attack happened to leave. Villagers, peasents, generally do not leave their holdings...

Originally posted by shots
I hope you do realize there was a reason for asking them to leave don't you? Or are you showing your own ignorance by not admitting to the fact that Hezbollah may have been using those very civilians as human shields for several days while firing perhaps 100 missiles from that immediate area? No one can deny the fact that hezbollah has a history of holding civilian hostages, I can remember they held many Americans hostage for 7 years in Iran can you?

How do they plan to leave?

It is all well and good they're told they should leave, however what about the missiles fired at cars by Israel? That's been all over the news also. Maybe, if they BOTHERED to let the civilians leave and refused to do any military action for a set number of days [allowing them to leave of course] then anyone who did stay would have done so at their own risk.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by grover
A sad and cold response smokenmirrors.

grover, you are correct in your assessment of my response, though I would have included one word, I would have written it thus:

A sad and cold and truthful response......

Sometimes it is difficult to face reality and accept it for what it is. To berate the Israeli's for killing civilians is hypocritical only in the sense that the enemy in which they are engaged in war delight in doing, matter of fact, concentrates primarily in doing the exact thing.

I do not for an instant believe the Israeli's deliberately attempt to kill civilians, were that to be their sole intent, the deaths would be in the tens of thousands.......

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:21 AM
I have spoken out against the violence from both sides, nor do I think that Israel is trying to kill civilians, I just don't think that they are especially careful about it. From what I have seen, they never are unless the body count becomes too large and there is international outrage. It doesn't seem to matter either, Palestinians or Lebanse, they just aren't very concerned.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by grover
I have spoken out against the violence from both sides, nor do I think that Israel is trying to kill civilians, I just don't think that they are especially careful about it. From what I have seen, they never are unless the body count becomes too large and there is international outrage. It doesn't seem to matter either, Palestinians or Lebanse, they just aren't very concerned.

So when a child forced to live near a hezzy rocket base gets killed in, what do they get when the get to heaven? 72 Barbie dolls? 72 puppies.......

Kill hezbollah, hunt them down, kill them each and every one.

I had forgotten the torture of the american hostages in the early 1980's. Terry Anderson............the death of Col Higgins............the Marine Barracks in beruit.

I hope Israel kills them for 10 generations to come..............

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:53 AM
Such hate...I pity you.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:58 AM
So we know Israel has Patriot missiles to shoot down incoming ones. I just read in a report that they had wheeled out a few outside of Tel AVIV. So my question is, why haven't they deployed these Patriot Missile Batteries in northern Israel to defend their own people?

The only answer I can think of is that they have to have some deaths or else it would be too one sided. They can defend themselves; they have the means so why not use them. The only thing I can think of is that the Patriot isn't good for short range missiles, but that sounds kinda stupid to me.

And for those who said they should have left. Baring the bombed out roads and bridges, attacked convoys, destroyed ambulances and UN vehicles littering the roads, would you leave? F**K them, whoever they might be, you bomb my house, my town and I'd stay to try to, at least get a shot at you when you can to admire your handiwork. Guess that would make me a terrorist in some people’s eyes, but ces't le vie. Pretend it’s not Lebanon, but your hometown, still feel the same way?

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by thermopolis
I hope Israel kills them for 10 generations to come..............

I pity Your Mother for Raising such a Child.

Your posts are a Pathetic display of pure ignorance and hatred, and I sincerly hope moderators will ban you in the near future for your puny posts.

[edit on 31/7/06 by Souljah]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 09:04 AM
Umm if evryone should have moved from that region why thus isreal even try 2 waste a rocket on an empty house c,mon 'maby there is a terrorist in there lets bomb the carp outa with maby well kill one hezbollah fighter'
And the reason why the kids were they were taking shelter of the bombings imagine the fear in those kids harts

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