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THE 4th Dimension is time??????

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posted on May, 18 2005 @ 10:13 AM

Years ago I heard a theory that all ideas occur simultaneously throughout the population at certain times

This is the Collective Unconscious Theory. Google "monkey sweet potatoes" or a variant thereof and you should turn up these reports about observations made on monkeys/apes/whatever at various locations demonstrating the same actions simultaneously... that being they started to wash the potatoes in the sea.
One reason Ive always held onto my fourth physical dimension idea is because it poses a sound explanation for so much of the strangeness of our reality. From telepathy to "spirits" to the fabric of spacetime itself (where the translation to strings/zero point come into play). In this sense, yes, if every single one of us exists as energy in this dimension, then information could be instantly transmitted across great distances (telepathy, clairvoyance, etc), accounting for these observed phenomena.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Frosty
Have you been thinking on a higher plane these past couple of days?

Why yes! I just booked a flight today!

Seriously though, it's more than just great minds think alike - if it was just similar thoughts then everyone sitting around in a garage would be thinking the same as Steven Hawking - how to get laid.

It's more like suddenly 'knowing' the answer to some obscure problem that people have been working on for years. Like it either suddenly became part of the collective unconcious at the moment someone realized it, or the answer was always there and some mystical timer went off to say we're ready for it now.

Originally posted by apc
This is the Collective Unconscious Theory. Google "monkey sweet potatoes"

Thanks apc. Obviously I'm not getting any mystical knowledge sent my way, I don't think I'd ever have googled "monkey sweet potatoes" on my own.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by T_Jesus
Welcome to the early 1900s. You're only about 100 years behind, not bad compared to most people.

Very true....
This is because most people today aren't smart enough to grasp the scientific formulas and computation when dealing with time. Either that or they are just plain lazy to care enough about the subject.

I have been reading one particular website which is very intreiging. It deals with changing the calender from the ever so popular gregorian 12 monther. To the new more accurate 13 moon calender. Which measures time by each orbit of the moon. It is very interesting stuff as 13 months and 28 days is perfectly symmetrical. Think of it like this. Instead of having a birthday on a different day each year (monday, then tuesday next year, etc) You will have it on the same day. This is because every month has the same number of days (28) And the months are all the same.

I suggest everyone who is interested in what time actually is check this site out. I have to warn you that it is very complex and once you step through you will never turn back.

The Law of Time and The 13 Month Moon Calander

Now, as T_Jesus has informed us we are in the early 1900's when it comes to time I am going to throw a Clock out of my window and try to find out how times flies.


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:09 PM

To the new more accurate 13 moon calender.

The Lunar calendar isn't exactly new. It also has its problems:

Info on the Lunar calendar as well as the others, and why we use the Gregorian:

Basically we use our cozy 12 month Solar calendar because A: it was started by Catholics who wanted Easter to occur around the equinox, and B: we need a calendar that tells us the seasons for farming and the rest of our seasonal/quarterly standards that make things less complicated.

In modern times would a Lunar calendar be benificial? Maybe.. it would probably make a lot of daily life easier. But a conversion? It was hard enough to fix the computer dates for Y2K.. it would be a little harder to adapt all our calendar based systems, computers being the easiest bit.


This is because most people today aren't smart enough to grasp the scientific formulas and computation when dealing with time.

Btw, if you think intelligence equates to figuring out a bunch of numbers... well...
Lets just say I suck at math. I loooooove my calculator.
And I know some dumb mathematicians.

[edit on 18-5-2005 by apc]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega

Originally posted by T_Jesus
Welcome to the early 1900s. You're only about 100 years behind, not bad compared to most people.

Very true....
This is because most people today aren't smart enough to grasp the scientific formulas and computation when dealing with time. Either that or they are just plain lazy to care enough about the subject.

I have been reading one particular website which is very intreiging. It deals with changing the calender from the ever so popular gregorian 12 monther. To the new more accurate 13 moon calender. Which measures time by each orbit of the moon. It is very interesting stuff as 13 months and 28 days is perfectly symmetrical. Think of it like this. Instead of having a birthday on a different day each year (monday, then tuesday next year, etc) You will have it on the same day. This is because every month has the same number of days (28) And the months are all the same.

I suggest everyone who is interested in what time actually is check this site out. I have to warn you that it is very complex and once you step through you will never turn back.

The Law of Time and The 13 Month Moon Calander

Now, as T_Jesus has informed us we are in the early 1900's when it comes to time I am going to throw a Clock out of my window and try to find out how times flies.

How much would this cost? Who would pay for it, why and with what money? Money don't grow on trees you know?


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:19 PM
wtf? ack! button! clicky! ARG

[edit on 18-5-2005 by apc]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:25 PM
Cost? It really wouldn't cost anything as the only thing people would have to do is get rid of their calanders and put up a 13 month calander instead of a 12 month.

The only problem is time itself on a clock. I'm pretty sure that we would still use 24 hour days as that would make the most sense. But upon further reading of this you will find out it goes alot deeper then just a 13 month calander. So I don't know how easy it would be for the masses to accept this change. For example time as you know it would be completely changed.

Here is what today would look like with the change.....

Today: 5-18-2005
Moon 11 Day 17. Blue Solar Eagle
Week: 43 of 52 week year

And here is the calander that everyone would change to. We would be in the Month 11 or "Moon 11"

Here is a tutorial for all those who wish to learn about it.


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Cost? It really wouldn't cost anything as the only thing people would have to do is get rid of their calanders and put up a 13 month calander instead of a 12 month.

Refer to my previous post but it's a bit more complicated than that. You know.. stuff like, everything. The entire financial network, governmental processes, again every computer in existance, all rely on our current, proper, Solar calendar. If you want to use the Lunar calendar, which was thought up before English even existed, and is more flavored for etherical Occult "stuff" by all means do so on your own. That lousy Smarch weather can really bite yah.
But to interact with the rest of the world, you still have to use Solar.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 03:29 PM
I know what you mean... the change over from the solar to lunar calander will not be soon. But did you know that UN actually wants to make the change? I read this a while back online. Because the Lunar Calendar is more accurate and precise. And even the Mayans used this calander. The more I read into it, the more it intrigues me. And the more I want to "convert".


posted on May, 19 2005 @ 10:26 PM
The Lunar Calendar is more accurate if all you're looking at are Earth Days and nothing else. Even with this "Day out of Time" there is still an unaccounted deviation from our solar orbit requring more corrections again down the line. This is why our solar calendar has leap years.. it still isn't perfect, but atleast it lets us go several thousand years before having to adjust it to get it back in sync. The problem with the Lunar Calendar is that it can't be broken up or segmented easily.. it's all odd numbers (13). It makes processes and calculations more complicated, which is one of the reasons we settled on our 12 month solar calendar. With the Solar calendar you can also shorten seasonal definitions to 3 months blocks without much difference in predictions (ideal for farming). Can't do that with Lunar. It makes things more complicated, thus wasteful. Seriously this is the calendar that was used when people thought the Earth was flat and at the center of the universe. Lunar would be perfect in this case, but since we revolve around the Sun, we need a calendar that defines our current position in solar orbit (seasons).
Btw... the UN is a joke that is begging to be dissolved.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 09:59 AM
We only use the Gregorian calendar for the sake of tradition, really. People aren't willing to change.

I agree, the UN is a joke. It always has been.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by apc
The Lunar Calendar is more accurate if all you're looking at are Earth Days and nothing else. Even with this "Day out of Time" there is still an unaccounted deviation from our solar orbit requring more corrections again down the line. This is why our solar calendar has leap years.. it still isn't perfect, but atleast it lets us go several thousand years before having to adjust it to get it back in sync. The problem with the Lunar Calendar is that it can't be broken up or segmented easily.. it's all odd numbers (13). It makes processes and calculations more complicated, which is one of the reasons we settled on our 12 month solar calendar. With the Solar calendar you can also shorten seasonal definitions to 3 months blocks without much difference in predictions (ideal for farming). Can't do that with Lunar. It makes things more complicated, thus wasteful. Seriously this is the calendar that was used when people thought the Earth was flat and at the center of the universe. Lunar would be perfect in this case, but since we revolve around the Sun, we need a calendar that defines our current position in solar orbit (seasons).
Btw... the UN is a joke that is begging to be dissolved.

APC, you and I must be on completely different wavelengths. The 13 month calendar is far more efficient, easier to segment, makes it infinitely simpler to set future timetables, and is thus actually less complicated, and less wasteful. I see the opposite of what you do. First of all, if you keep the leap year system as is, all your concerns about corrections are instantly solved, so it is exactly the same ease to keep in sync. Processes and calculations are infinitely easier with the 13 month calendar. The one ginormous (most popular word not in the dictionary) time and money saving feature of the 13 month calendar is that you have 13 identically long months, instead of the totally nonsensical, illogical, unwieldy and odd current state which is this abstract pattern of lengths: 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, and 31 days. And the new pattern: 28 days for all. Since each month is exactly 4 weeks long, you can now look 2 or 3 years into the future and ponder, "What day of the week is March 26th, 2007 going to fall on?" In the 13 month system, if our new calendar sets Jan. 1 as a Sunday, then it will be a Thursday. What day would it be with our present calendar?
I want you to figure it out in your head, like I just did, and see the time saving. It is truly ginormous. Employers worldwide will save money on salary and wage calculations. Employees would be able to far more easily predict their budget. Billions of dollars, and countless hours of work would be saved. So, instead of it being wasteful, it would be far more efficient.
Of course, we'd have to come up with a new name for a month, and like the previous post said, hang a new calendar on the wall. A better, clearer, easier to use, more logical, more cost effective and time efficient calendar.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 01:14 PM
The 4th hdimension is supposed to be were god is. People wonder how he could have just been is because in the 4th dimension everything is at once, so he could have just been. Our dimension is like a line of time: _____________. The fourth is all at once: .

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 01:18 PM
I like blackghards last explanation

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 01:18 PM
I like blackghards last explanation

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 01:21 PM
Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live - Albert Einstein

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by The Surrealist
The 4th hdimension is supposed to be were god is. People wonder how he could have just been is because in the 4th dimension everything is at once, so he could have just been. Our dimension is like a line of time: _____________. The fourth is all at once: .

Marianne Williamson, "God exists in eternity, and the only place time meets eternity is in the present. Therefore, the only time that exists is the present."
I now am quite convinced that this is true. My entire life I have seen clues and evidence of this, but it took me til I was 40 to see it. Must be my high intellect that allowed me to deduce it so
In my view, the past, present, and future are all happening now. Instantaneously and simultaneously. The reasons that I am convinced this is the most probable scenario are not important, as they are not likely to convince anyone else. They are personal experiences that most people I share them with scoff at me, snicker, and conclude I am either mad, or a liar. I am, of course, a liar, as are we all, but am not lying about these things. If I was, that would mean I set out to be jeered, ridiculed, insulted, scoffed at, and derided....over and over. I assure you, I hate it, and do not seek out this negative energy at all.
Many times, and by many people, the future is seen ahead of time, this is a very popular, and common belief. I firmly believe it. The best explanation of how this could be possible is if the future is now, as far as I can see.


posted on May, 22 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Lunar only works if you're only concerned with days.
You cannot cleanly break a Lunar calendar into Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
To translate that, you cannot cleanly break a Lunar calendar into quarters, which is why it makes computations more complicated. If you try you end up with "Well for our First Yearly Quarterish Segment ending Moon 3 day 7..."
Yeah that would go over well on Wall Street.
Even with this "day out of time", and even with a leap year, there is still an unaccounted for deviation from our solar orbit. It would be about the same as our current Solar calendar, so there would be no advantage.
It is useless in a Solar based world.

Again I should also point out how impossible it would be to make such a conversion... you're talking about rewriting every record keeping, financial, and communications system ever made, everywhere that uses Solar. Sorry not gonna happen.

Right about one thing tho, Time is what we make of it.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by apc
Lunar only works if you're only concerned with days.
You cannot cleanly break a Lunar calendar into Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
To translate that, you cannot cleanly break a Lunar calendar into quarters, which is why it makes computations more complicated. If you try you end up with "Well for our First Yearly Quarterish Segment ending Moon 3 day 7..."
Yeah that would go over well on Wall Street.
Even with this "day out of time", and even with a leap year, there is still an unaccounted for deviation from our solar orbit. It would be about the same as our current Solar calendar, so there would be no advantage.
It is useless in a Solar based world.

Again I should also point out how impossible it would be to make such a conversion... you're talking about rewriting every record keeping, financial, and communications system ever made, everywhere that uses Solar. Sorry not gonna happen.

Right about one thing tho, Time is what we make of it.

It is very easy to break the 13 month calendar into seasons, and the resulting dates are, in fact, easier to recall than the present ones. 364/4 = 91. 91/7 = 13. Thus, every 13th week on the Sunday, for example, a new season would begin. This is clearer than the current season dating system.
You still cling to this 'unaccounted for solar deviation'. There is no such thing in the 13 month calendar, or at the very worst, it is identical to the present correction necessities.
I feel you may be right that its not gonna happen. If I cannot make it clear to you how infinitely more usable the new calendar would be, it is not likely anyone else would come onboard and help with the onerous task of implementing a vastly superior calendar. One way of promoting this advance in time keeping that is being pursued is to tie it to the unification of humanity as one family. This could be a symbol of our global unity, and our determination to get along with each other.
You label the task impossible, yet surely you must admit that this is an absolute that is exaggerated and in reality not true. It is possible, of course. There is no need to change any previous dates, so all that is required is to set a global changeover date, and do it. Heavier than air flight, the 4 minute mile, man on the moon, all were impossible til we did them. There is no good reason why this new (actually ancient) system cannot be adopted, other than resistance to change, and a refusal to point by point compare the two and see which one is more logical. It is very clear when you set it down on paper. The one that Julius and Augustus Caesar messed with to sate their own egos, or the one with identical months of exactly 4 weeks each, that could help unite the world.
It has been being promoted since the 1700's, and since the 1950's it has been focused on uniting us as one family at peace with each other.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 03:20 PM
How does the adoption of a new calendar system help us all get along.

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