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THE 4th Dimension is time??????

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posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 08:06 PM
We have 3 dimensions in space correct?

x, y, z

All representing different ways we can travel in space. However, we can only exist in 1 point in time at a time. That to being a 0D being in space. Like another poster, it seems we are able to exist in 3 dimensions of space, and only 1 of time. If we were to exist in as many dimensions of time as space, we would be able to go forward, and backward in time, and then left, right, up and down to different time-lines. That brings up a ton of interesting possibilities if you think about it.

My thing is that I wonder if when we die, we ascend to higher dimensions, giving us greater and better access to other dimensions. Thoughts?

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 08:10 PM
Our time or space time. Our time (Earths time) really dosent exist. It is something that we humans have made up or so ive heard.


posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 08:15 PM
It seems you guys are not familiar with the string theory. In it, there are 11 dimensions. One of them is gravity. Search for the String Theory on Google.

I tried to find it in my library, but for some reason, they didn't have anything on it.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Cammo Dude
It seems you guys are not familiar with the string theory. In it, there are 11 dimensions. One of them is gravity. Search for the String Theory on Google.

I tried to find it in my library, but for some reason, they didn't have anything on it.

Originally posted by CPYKOmega

This brings us to M-theory or String theory where there are 11 dimensions. 4 that we know of and 7 which we cannot comprehend.

I am familiar with m-theory... renamed from string theory by Hitoshi Murayama from Berkeley.

"M-theory, which has the puzzling implication that we live in a 10-11 dimensional universe instead of the normal 4.

1)The big bang as we know it creates equal amoounts of matter and antimatter.
2)One of every billion antimatter particles changes into a particle of matter
3)Matter and antimatter annihilateach other
4)Result: Antimatter destroys 99.9999999 percent of the matter in the universe.
5)The few remaining matter particles combing in groups of 3 to form protons and neutrons, which along with electrons make atoms. Amont the first kinds of atoms to form were hydrogen, deuterium and helium.
6) Atoms cool, coalesce. and evolve into the universe we know today.

Murayama thinks that Neutrinos are what you owe your exsistance to.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 11:10 PM
But where dose all of this matter and anti matter come from? Are you saying that the universe, all of a sudden just appeared from nothing and became something? I dont see how this is possible?


[Edited on 28-10-2003 by Dagger]

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Dagger
But where dose all of this matter and anti matter come from? Are you saying that the universe, all of a sudden just appeared from nothing and became something? I dont see how this is possible?


[Edited on 28-10-2003 by Dagger]

LOL me and my best friend Alex have talked about this for hours at a time.... deep philosophy and the essence of whom/what created space.... who created god... what was before nothingness???

it goes on for infinity.....

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:42 AM
Thought is the highest dimension. Gravity is next. Then Light. Then energy. Then matter.

Thought existed before existence. All things come from thought. Just try to create something without first thinking about it.

Gravity is electrons at zero time. It's the essense of the existence we know. From zero time electrons comes all that we see. Electrons are charged particles of thought. Only their effect can be seen or measured. The charge comes from movement and focus.

Basically, we are in one big mind.

[Edited on 10-29-2003 by ShadowHasNoSource]

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by ShadowHasNoSource
Thought is the highest dimension. Gravity is next. Then Light. Then energy. Then matter.

Thought existed before existence. All things come from thought. Just try to create something without first thinking about it.

Gravity is electrons at zero time. It's the essense of the existence we know. From zero time electrons comes all that we see. Electrons are charged particles of thought. Only their effect can be seen or measured. The charge comes from movement and focus.

Basically, we are in one big mind.

hmm interesting hypothesis... The power of the mind is greater then any other force on earth... thus we have telepathy, telekenises, mind over matter, ect.

Some people have been said to have been able to levitate and change matter to its liquid state at will.

"There is no spoon"

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega

Originally posted by ShadowHasNoSource
"Thought is the highest dimension. Gravity is next. Then Light. Then energy. Then matter.
Thought existed before existence. All things come from thought. Just try to create something without first thinking about it."
hmm interesting hypothesis... The power of the mind is greater then any other force on earth... thus we have telepathy, telekenises, mind over matter, ect.
Some people have been said to have been able to levitate and change matter to its liquid state at will.
"There is no spoon"

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God." John 1:1
That same sentence is, I have been told, also in the Hindu Vedas, and expresses that idea quite well. I always noticed how it seemed to describe a singularity, or one dimensional state, like the theoretical pre-big bang universe.
Another interesting theory put forth by a now deceased author named Dewey Larsen, is that gravity, magnetism, and electricity are just the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd phase of the same force. His book, "Nothing but Motion" outlines his ideas, which I found made sense.
Interesting points, by you all, thank you for the good thread.

[edit on 03 22 2005 by BlackGuardXIII]

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 09:14 PM
The 3 dimensions everyone is referring to is relative to how we describe the world in which we live. Other creatures may only see 2-dimensions, some might see 4. As far as we can tell, theres only space & time, and space is composed of x,y,and z to HUMANS. If you want to describe how a car moves in space, you do not need the 3 dimensions of the car, you only need its position and velocity vector. Hence, space and time. A dot moving along a line.



posted on May, 17 2005 @ 09:33 PM
Wow talk about a ressurrected thread!
What were you searching for that turned up this BlackGuard?

I find it interesting that as a child, having not even the most basic concept of standardized physics introduced, I believed there existed a 4th physical dimension comprised entirely of energy, at that this energy, fizzling into our universe like static, made up the matter in our perceivable 3 dimensions. I am dumbfounded by the implications made by String Theory, Zero Point, and others, that essentially state the same thing (subject to interpretation). So far modern physics has only reenforced the conclusions I came to at the age of 10, with a little modification, so I say with certainty that there is an entirely 'hidden' physical dimension in existance, which lies before the dimensional defnition of Time. "Hyperspace" or "subspace" I believe are the most common labels applied to this concept.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:30 PM
Actually, I do not know what the first three dimensions are, could you elaborate please?

To me there has to be only 2 dimensions that we know as of now: space and time. If there exist a third if at all I would imagine that it would be gravity of some sort, if it is independent enough of the first two.

Though I suppose you can come up with as many dimensions as your brain can come up with. This would leave the number of dimensions at infinity, or they would all relate to one thing: the interval. Since both time and space are measured by intervals wouldn't it be proper to say there is only one dimension?


posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:50 PM
Frosty you're describing what string theory calls membranes.. the encapsulating medium of our universal dimensions.
Dimensions refer to an axis of movement in the physical sense. The obvious three with the forth commonly refered to as Time, in that we physically move through Time. With the physical dimensions the axis is relative to the observer. The observer can see only one dimension, only two, or all three, whatever the observer choses to see. The others can be discarded if one is confining their observations to a select few. For instance, if you were to describe a purely two dimensional object, the third dimension would be entirely discarded in your computations. Example... a square... when you talk about a square, you dont worry about giant cubes trying to eat you... just squares.
It's the same way our brain works really... we can only perceive two dimensions. Our brain constructs and integrates a perception of the third into our consciousness. I'm not talking about depth perception in the visual sense, rather the cognitive sense. We just cant conceive three dimensions mentally. It is not possible. Some of us have gotten close, Einstein and a few others come to mind, but even they had to relate their own thoughts to themselves through two dimensional descriptives.
Because of this lack of perceptive ability, if there are infact a greater number of underlying physical dimensions, in which everything exists, we could not even hope to become aware of it. We may be able to extrapolate the existance of this fourth physical dimension via the impact it has on the lower three, however there is no test to be undertaken in the three dimensions that could demonstrate the existance of the fourth because, once again, the data is discarded as it cannot be observed without externally observing all four.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 11:36 PM
This thread is indeed old, but has a good question.... and I linked people too it from a current thread entitled "The speed of time"

The Speed of Time

I still question if time actually exists as we think of it today. Because if you really think about it man created time. Time was created as a means of measurement of passing moments. So it is hard to think that time could be a dimension.

On the other hand I think that time may actually be a frequency that aligns the universe and our bodies. The frequency is expressed as a mathematical ratio constant. Time is actually the fourth dimensional realm where synchronicity is the norm and can actually be mapped out by mathematical codes.

I also think that time is faster then the speed of light.... (in the sense that light is the fastest entity in the universe). So if time is faster then light... and you travel faster then light would you go back in time like einstein predicted?

There are too many questions when time itself is dealt with... but asking questions is our nature and that is how us as humans learn.

[edit on 5-17-2005 by CPYKOmega]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:31 AM
Welcome to the early 1900s. You're only about 100 years behind, not bad compared to most people.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:48 AM
just want to say something here. time doesn't excist. we only experience time because we age. but it really doesn't excist.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Gamma
I dont think time can be the 4th dimension because we invented the concept of time.

Nope...Time existed long before humanity existed and conceived of Time. We invented the means by which to measure the passage of Time, but we did not create Time itself. Time still passes whether or not a human mind exists to perceive its passing. If it weren't for the existance of Time itself, the very neurons in your brain wouldn't work & therefore you couldn't even make that false assumption (or even type it onto this forum). Time has to exist before anyone can figure out a way to measure it.

Originally posted by AlienS
isn't the first dimension a dot?

More precisely...A single Point, but that Point technically doesn't have any dimension. In essence, a Point is merely describing a "dot" of an infinitely small size, if you can bend your brain around that description.

I would more tend to think of the 4th dimension as the "spirit world"...As that is also bound by an "other-vibrational" space & still comes under the restrictions of Time. To me, Time would be the fifth dimension. Then again, the earlier description mentioned of "other dimensional vibrational frequencies" would still compose of the standard concept of three-dimensional space. Perhaps the "spirit world" would be more like "Dimension 3-1/2"?

You may be able to find some information or other related links at this website...Some of the stuff there is pretty mind-bending unless you're familiar with Quantum Physics & String Theory. My mind bends, but it's been difficult for me to get it to bend far enough to understand quite a bit of it.

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
"There is no spoon"

But didn't Neo get the spoon in "Matrix Reloaded"?


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 08:43 AM
Time comes with a disclaimer sticker:
"Warning: This product may cease to exist if unobserved."

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by apc
So far modern physics has only reenforced the conclusions I came to at the age of 10

This is off topic but I don't know squat about physics so it's all I can contribute. Years ago I heard a theory that all ideas occur simultaneously throughout the population at certain times. Not the entire population, but enough to ensure that somebody acts on the idea, develops it and we all progress to the next level of understanding. Apparently, most major breakthroughs in science and technology have happened independantly at the same time, as if we're pre-programmed to 'discover' things on a schedule.

Even Einstein and Tesla's ideas weren't unique apparently, they just had the right credentials to avoid being called crackpots. There could be guys sitting around in a garage thinking the same things as Steven Hawking right now.

Anyway, I just thought that was interesting and might explain your situation.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
There could be guys sitting around in a garage thinking the same things as Steven Hawking right now.

What? Flawed theories on the mechanism of blackholes?
Anyway, what you described about people through out the world at the same time thinking the same or similar concepts, stems from the belief that "Great minds think alike". As well as the belief that cosmic rays may help stimulate your thoughts. We recently felt the effects of a solar flare that supposedly wiped out a portion of whale in the Atlantic(?). Have you been thinking on a higher plane these past couple of days?
A good experiment would be to monitor the intellectual debates and topics of ATS in relation to strong cosmic rays and solar flares hitting Earth.


[edit on 18-5-2005 by Frosty]

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