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THE 4th Dimension is time??????

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posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 12:54 AM
I was thinking of a very intreguing question today...

Scientists say that there are already 4 dimensions that we know of today, yet they don't explain what the 4th is. We all know of the basic 3, yet there has to be more.

Could time, in fact, be the 'missing' 4th Dimension???

Please post your input..

2012 links to this appreciated as well

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:03 AM
Well according to Einstein's theories time is indeed the 4th dimension (space-time). But axis are used for that:

x = 1 dimension
x,y = 2
x,y,z, = 3
x,y,z,r? = 4 (can't remember whether r is the 4th one)

But, there is another theory of the 4th dimension and that has to do with vibrational frequency of electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, etc... Water has a higher vibrational frequency than ice. Vapor has a higher vibrational frequency than water. Things of a higher vibrational frequency will be in the 4th dimension or higher. That's what I think.

Even humans have a vibrational frequency and a wavelength.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:16 AM
there is also the theory that the 4th dimension contains that which is ethereal and the 5th dimension is that which binds it together, maybe time, maybe space, maybe something else.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:17 AM
time seems, in essence a "dimension" if u acts as a boundary, serving turns for every1(a democratic procedure).
i think you may have a point

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:26 AM
There are only two dimensions in this universe:

a) space

b) time

Space is analysed in 3 components: X, Y and Z. X, Y and Z are not different dimensions, because they are of the same type (spatial).

Time ? we don't know.

All we know is that our universe is 2-dimensional.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:41 AM
No you'r contradicting yourself. Those three components are three dimentions.

x,y,z, are three dimensions.

Look at it like this. A movie is 2 dimensional, it's shown on a flat screen (tv, cinema screen whatever). Certeain mMovies can be in 3d (although that's an illusion) when you put one of those 3d goggles on and it seems like the action is coming towards you.

Same with gaming. All games used to be in 2d years ago. You could only move up or down, and left or right. Nowadays, especially with simulators and 1st person shooters, you can also move in a third dimension (back or forward) in a game.

So if it's x,y alone, it's two dimensional. If it's x,y,z, it's 3d...

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:53 AM
i think what u may be meaning by the universe is 2 dimensional is taht the universe is composed of 2 densities, physical and ethereal, the physical containing 3 dimensions x,y,z and the 2nd density being unknown to us except in very sparatic cases in which the densities interchange or combine or sumtin

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:54 AM
Dimension is really just a way of recording how much space is taken up by something... The 2d or 3d question only relates to whether or not something has length, width, and depth. To think of them as "dimensions" unto themselves is a misnomer I think. Look more to the discussions on vibrational frequencies for more insight into the true reality, and realize that there are only certain frequencies we can experience with the senses we have, as well as with the instruments that are then displayed to those same 5 senses...

Realize that we are experiencing existence through a keyhole...the keyhole of our limited abilities of touch, sight, sound, hearing, smell, and taste...

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 10:35 AM
I dont think time can be the 4th dimension because we invented the concept of time. The other 3 dimensions were already made by nature. The 3 dimensions define the physical universe that we see every day and interact with every day. Maybe there are 3 more dimensions in a spiritual way....

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 10:46 AM
not that complicated;

1]-a location on main street
2]-the corner of main and first
3]-the third floor of the building at main and first
4]-be there at 4:00 pm

see? we just established a location in four dimensions. What is the big deal? Talk all we want about alternate reality, but the four dimensions are obvious enough.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 10:49 AM
Not that simple herm. As I said already. There are different ways to define dimensions. The one you just talked about and the one for which wavelength and vibrational frequency is the variant.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 03:33 PM

Is a 4d object. You will see it projected into 2-dimensional space, but you can see the tesseract from all directions in 4-dimensional space.

what is the fourth dimenion?

Do not confuse 4d geometric shapes with the Time dimension.

cut and pasted: from the site above

4D Misconceptions
One of the biggest mis-conceptions about the fourth dimension is that the fourth dimension is an alternate reality. Other misconceptions is that the fourth dimension is completely separate from where we are today. Much like a 2 dimensional plane can exist within our 3 dimensional universe, our 3d universe lies within a 4 dimensional realm. This does not mean we are fourth dimension either. Much like if I were to put a 2 dimensional plane inside a 3 dimensional box, the plane is within the 3d box but the plane is still 2 dimensional. What we should be concerned about when considering that our universe lies within 4 dimensional space, is what correlations do we make?
Another big misconception is time travel. People confuse the words light speed, 4th dimension, time, space, gravity. While Einstein considered that the time is the effect of our 3d universe passing through the fourth dimension, it is not correct to make assumptions regarding the ability to "time travel". Einstein furthermore regarded time as being relative so without absolute time, time travel (in the conventional sense) becomes even more questionable. The point I am trying to make is that time travel would not consist of a stroll down 4th dimension lane.

Time travel has more to do with the relationship of space and time regarding our speed. Theoretically, Einstein said, if we could go at the speed of light, while our speed is not infinite to an observer, that we would have the effect of going any amount of distance in an instant. The problem with overcoming this is that as matter's speed approaches the speed of light, it gains in mass, ultimately making is even harder to go faster. Some people like to regard this as nature's way of preventing us from messing with her laws.

Speculation is the first step to discovery. One should not be discouraged. First we must consider what we know, then make speculalations on the unknown.


Read This

4d Beings?

4d Math
dr math1

dr math 2
Excerpt cut and past from above

The idea of the fourth dimension (or the idea of the first four
dimensions all together) is an idea we use to describe any quality,
state, object, event, or concept which requires four independent
degrees of freedom (ways in which it is able to be different) in order
to describe it completely. For example: length, width, height, weight;
latitude, longitude, altitude, temperature; Elm street, fourth
building down, second floor, 9 O'clock on Thursday; x,y,z,w. It's
really that simple.

The only reason people get confused about it is because they cannot visualize it. If I tell you the length, width and height of an object, you can get an idea of what it looks like, perhaps a cube or a long slender rod or anything in between. But if I also tell you what temperature something is or how much it weighs, what does that look like?

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 04:16 PM
The Tesseract and the description of a fourth dimensional being were both fascinating. Makes you wonder about God.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 07:19 PM
I've actually heard there are supposed to be 12 dimensions... I was thinking 5 of them could be the senses, but that wouldn't really make sense... thought could be another, but even if I were somehow right there would still be 2 more... Anyone know anything about this?

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 07:27 PM
Is it not possible that we are going the speed of light through the time dimension?

As for 4D, 5D, .... objects, we humans cant imagine how they would "look" but we can mathmatically model them and see them in the math sense.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 07:32 PM
isn't the first dimension a dot?
and i wonder if death can be classified as a dimension.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 07:41 PM
Time is our method of measuring movement in space, reletive to a fixed point. 24 hours in a day (one earth rotation) 365 days a year(one solar rotation).

But the old thought, if you are travelling just below the speed of light in your car, provided the winshield doesnt blow out, your hair doest fly around, does it. So reletive to the car, your hair is not travelling near the speed of light, it is stationary.

Further, if someone stationary on earth sees you go by, and you turn the headlights on,

Do they see the light?

Do you see the light?

The light as seen from earth would be of a very high wavelength, but my thoughts are, the light as seen by you are at normal visable wavelength, hence you would see it, but the earthling wouldnt.

And even farther, the light leaving your headlights is traveling the speed of light reletive to you and your car.

And if you were driving away from this person on earth, at almost the speed of light, does that mean the light he would not be able to see, is traveling at almost twice the speed of light, reletive to his stationary place on earth?

Have I gone over the edge on this one?

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by AlienS
isn't the first dimension a dot?
and i wonder if death can be classified as a dimension.

I'm not sure cause a point doesn't really have any spacial size measurable. Essentially a point doesn't really exist as anything except a "Place Holder" and needs a "Reference Point" of some kind, which would then be a second point(dot). In a way it is almost like the 0=Infinity Paradox. A point without any comparable unit other than itself is both "Nothing and Everything".

0D or Infinite = Point (Single Non-Measurable Unit)
1D = Line (Connection between 2 points) (ex:A Thread)
2D = Plane (Flat area within space) (ex: A Sheet)
3D = Sphere (Area of Space in all Spacial Direction)

Side Note: I love the 0/Infinity Paradox Concept in that I seem to come across it in many different ways when discussing certain ideas and evaluating them! Anyone else here know what I mean or also find the same thing?

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 09:13 PM
Thanks FreedomFighterChris for the great links and to everyone else who has helped

0th dimension is a point
1st dimension is a line
2nd dimension is a box or square
3rd dimension is a cube
4th dimension is a hyper-cube

We cant literally see the 4th dimension but it can be demonstrated with mathematical equations. And common misconceptions of the 4th dimension is that it is an alternate reality? Right? I have also read on the links that in order for time travel (backwards in time) to be possible you have to travel faster then the speed of light with a vehicle of some sort in a bubble of space time, but as matter's speed approaches the speed of light, it gains in mass, ultimately making is even harder to go faster. So the faster you go the heavier you get resulting in more energy needed to drive you.

Metaphysics is a term used by Aristotle which means "after physics"

1. If there is a God it is a perfect being;
2. A perfect being possesses all possible perfections;
3. Existence is a perfection;
4. Therefore, God necessarily possesses the quality of existence. Simply, God exists.

Does perfection, the 4th dimension and time travel have to all link up together in order to be plausible?

I think that metaphysics is the next step in physics as alot of principle in physics have contradictions and paradoxes.

This brings us to M-theory or String theory where there are 11 dimensions. 4 that we know of and 7 which we cannot comprehend.

So all in all the 4th dimension DOES exist we just cannot see it or use it yet within our current concept of reality.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 03:51 PM
There are more than four dimensions, that's for sure. We live in our 3D world, with time as the 4th dimension. We cannot "see" time and it is experienced diffrently by diffrent observers but... we know it's there. There are other dimensions (5D, 10D!) wich we cannot see/experience but wich are there and make changes we CAN observe in our universe.
There is a theory that our universe actually is a hologram- that means it's two-dimentional (not including time) and that we experience it as 3D with our senses is just an illusion. But it's too twisted even for me.

[Edited on 28-10-2003 by Johnny]

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