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US Female Soldiers Dehydrated or Raped !

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posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:04 AM
1. I have been to the USA talked to the USA people, and enjoyed MAJORITY of them.
But there are still the boneheads whom beleive carrying a gun is GOOD, and driving a fuel chewing car in these days is GOOD.

2. I am not JEALOUS of AMERICA. IF I HAD MY WAY Id be living in a nice log cabin, in some snowy mountains, with a husky dog, huntning for my food, with only a tv and radio inside.

3. America has a lot of problems, but unfortunately in my country we only get LOCAL NEWS. Its just shocking that in the internatioanl news section of the NEWS PAPER we get the major stories in America, and Iraq. And trust me, its allllll bad.

4. There are crime and gangs everywhere, and i never said america was the ONLY country with this.

5. Pouring of illegial immigrants? the only issue here is MEXICO, and once again your COUNTRY HAS FAILED TO SECURE ITSELF. As for me getting into America If I wanted to work there, its damn near IMPOSSIBLE.

6. If americans had the ability to think for themselves, they would of been able to vote for the president THEY WANTED. They would of been able to live freely without being SPIED UPON

7. NO, the world wouldnt be better off if america wasnt around. BUT AMERICA IS DESTROYING THE WORLD. I cant understand why we have to BOMB A country to fix a solution? why did we have to destory iraq? why are there so many ?? around sept11 that the US government REFUSES TO ANSWER?

8. I never said america is the ROOT of evil, why do you want to put words in peopels mouths when they dont say such things?
America was the victim of attacks in the past, but america for the past 50years has more blood on its hands than most other nations, and for WHAT REASONS? FOR WHAT GAINS?

9. I blame america becuase its american governments GAGGING SCIENTISTS. ITS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT That refuses to join kyoto. Its american government that makes such fuel consuming cars, and its american government that dominates world oil prices.

10. I want america to fall because the world needs to stop its current consuming, political curropted inner workings. I was told from the days i was a young lad that when im older the world we be like nothing it was in that day. It started about 5 years ago and it is going to happen real soon. Once the curropt corporate government of America has been removed, we will be alot further into this new world.

11. There are strugglers all over the world, but american governemtns find it nessecary to lay off long term, workers who have mortgages, familes to feed just to line there pockets with more cash... That is not a successful business corporate strategy, and it is all to common in america.

I will spread the love, as soon as american corporate and military structures cease to control this planet.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:15 AM
Just because people dont like american governments and corporations doesnt mean they are

1. Jealous
2. Medically unbalanced
3. Simple
4. Idiotic
5. un-travelled

I have travelled alot of the world, i have seen a lot of things, i have worked in many corporations and government structures.

I love life, reading, walking through the bush, animals pets and so forth.

I enjoy reading up about international affairs and histroy.

And with everything I have seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears, and understood with my own mind,
says to me

That the problem with todays world that needs to be fixed is

The Corporate Militariaistic Government

When the USA's leaders are invovled with people who PROFIT from war, it can only be BAD
When the USA's leaders are involved with people who PROFIT from OIL, it can only be BAD
When the USA's leaders are involved in the Intellegence, it can only be BAD.
When the USA makes EXCUSES to go to war, it can only be BAD.
When the USA's refuses to answer its poplace's Questions regarding the largest attack on civilians? it can only be BAD.
Noticing the common thing here?

And what makes it WORSE..
is when the leaders, with whom have all thes ties, werent even VOTED into power.

Yet your telling me I must be mentally unbalaced, ignorant or even jealous because I dont like this aspect of the worlds super power?

I think your incredibly un-educated, ignorant or INVOLVED to be thinking what is currently going on in the world is the result of

'' good people, doing good things, out of the goodness in there hearts ''

I spit on the floor in disgust at any human being who stands up for this government.

[edit on 13-7-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

10. I want america to fall because the world needs to stop its current consuming, political curropted inner workings. I was told from the days i was a young lad that when im older the world we be like nothing it was in that day. It started about 5 years ago and it is going to happen real soon. Once the curropt corporate government of America has been removed, we will be alot further into this new world.

I am sorry to say that you have offended a good majority of the people who say enjoy their stay in the good old US of A. And what government do you propose is perfect? Which would take over the role of America and do a better job? A lot further? How so? Because America is such a 3rd world country

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:32 AM
I enjoyed my stay in the USA.

Doesnt mean I have to enjoy the corporate Greed and government curroption.
I dont want the american people to fail, Iwant the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT to fail.

Notice how all these problems have only surfaced with THIS ADMINISTRATION?
no government is perfect, and every government has made mistakes.


youve got your fighting force bogged down in a mission in IRAQ that was initially a LIE.. and now you've sidelined the lie for a better reason..
problem is , there's plenty of OTHER countries that deserved to be freed from there curropt governmen t before IRAQ.

Your president is meant to answer to the people.
Not refuse to hear them out, answer them and do as they please.

Its my opinion, and im allowed it.
any person who believes this administartion is doing good, from the goodness of there hearts is un-education, ignorant or involved.

any decent moralled person can see this governemnt doesnt have the interest of its citizens as its FIRST PRIORITY.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:41 AM

1. I have been to the USA talked to the USA people, and enjoyed MAJORITY of them.
But there are still the boneheads whom beleive carrying a gun is GOOD, and driving a fuel chewing car in these days is GOOD.

Nobody believes driving a fuel chewing car is good. Some boneheads (as you put it) DO drive them though, and I agree with you, it is very stupid. They should stop selling those cars. Personally I have a hybrid. And the gun thing...think about it like this. If we didn't have any guns, then the robbers and gang members and cops will. We will have no protection from any of them. And the reason why I mention the cops is because, who KNOWS what may happen in the future. You seem to think Americans walk around shooting everyone, lol. Different countries call for different domestic measures

2. I am not JEALOUS of AMERICA. IF I HAD MY WAY Id be living in a nice log cabin, in some snowy mountains, with a husky dog, huntning for my food, with only a tv and radio inside.

You may say you aren't jealous, but deep down, everyone is jealous of the country getting the most attention, and has the most influence, the most money, and the best military.

3. America has a lot of problems, but unfortunately in my country we only get LOCAL NEWS. Its just shocking that in the internatioanl news section of the NEWS PAPER we get the major stories in America, and Iraq. And trust me, its allllll bad.

Yes it is rather annoying that International News is all about America, and American celebrities. I went to Holland, and on their papers they had Brangelina on there, and then news about decisions on what to do with Mexico...heh.

4. There are crime and gangs everywhere, and i never said america was the ONLY country with this.

Then why are you only referencing how evil America is using this as one of your examples while ignoring other countries with the same issues?

5. Pouring of illegial immigrants? the only issue here is MEXICO, and once again your COUNTRY HAS FAILED TO SECURE ITSELF. As for me getting into America If I wanted to work there, its damn near IMPOSSIBLE.

The issue is not just Mexico. It is also Cuba and Haiti and other poor countries. Trust me border security is on people's minds. But how would YOU secure America from all these countries? I also hear from other people in other countries who have immigration problems that America should accept everyone because we have enough money to. Yet they themselves have immigration problems. Do you see how everyone is so concerned about what America is doing? How sickening.

6. If americans had the ability to think for themselves, they would of been able to vote for the president THEY WANTED. They would of been able to live freely without being SPIED UPON

Since you are not American, you do not know how hard this past election was. Both candidates were absolutely horrible picks. I know many people who voted for Bush a second time and now regret it. I personally didn't vote for him. So I don't understand why you are saying if Americans could think for themselves we could vote for who we wanted...We clearly did.

7. NO, the world wouldnt be better off if america wasnt around. BUT AMERICA IS DESTROYING THE WORLD. I cant understand why we have to BOMB A country to fix a solution? why did we have to destory iraq? why are there so many ?? around sept11 that the US government REFUSES TO ANSWER?

You said the world would be better off if American corporations and the military wasn't around because you said it would usher in a new world...Now I am confused.

8. I never said america is the ROOT of evil, why do you want to put words in peopels mouths when they dont say such things?

I never said you said America was the root of the world's evil, I simply said that is what you believe. Basically I interpolated because all you do is spout negatives about all the evil America creates, and how you want it to fall so a "new world" can come forth. Which is pure fantasy.

9. I blame america becuase its american governments GAGGING SCIENTISTS. ITS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT That refuses to join kyoto. Its american government that makes such fuel consuming cars, and its american government that dominates world oil prices.

Did you know in the kyoto agreement, China was not named to lower greenhouse gas release? Tell me how that was fair. I agree, the world should sign this agreement, the WHOLE world.

10. I want america to fall because the world needs to stop its current consuming, political curropted inner workings. I was told from the days i was a young lad that when im older the world we be like nothing it was in that day. It started about 5 years ago and it is going to happen real soon. Once the curropt corporate government of America has been removed, we will be alot further into this new world.

You are living in a fantasy world. People will always consume a lot. And the only world that will be opened up to if America falls is a world dominated by Communist authoritarian China and Russia, not some beautiful wonderful place.

11. There are strugglers all over the world, but american governemtns find it nessecary to lay off long term, workers who have mortgages, familes to feed just to line there pockets with more cash... That is not a successful business corporate strategy, and it is all to common in america.

Any business is allowed to do that, and they do do that. America has rules that corporations and businesses need to follow without getting TOO involved. It isn't so unregulated, where corporations can do whatever they want and treat anyone anyway they want. In America that is.

I will spread the love, as soon as american corporate and military structures cease to control this planet.

If America's doesn't, then another country's will.

On the Last Note: I understand what you are saying. But you do not seem to understand is that right now, America is the only one standing in the way for China to control everything and Russia as well. I know you hate America, but look at these two countries human rights records. They are worse than America's. Sometimes you have to pick the lesser of two evils.

I am for America, not this government, and many others are as well. Think about that.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 03:11 AM
Why wont america stop making such big fuel chewing cars

I think the UK nailed it on the head,
if the cops dont carry guns, the criminals will have less a reason to. And it WORKS!
gun related deaths and violence in the UK is a fraction that of the US.

Differnt domestic measures granted, but carrying a GUN into CHURCH and demanding its proper is just idiotic.
I believe that if someone is going to rob you, they want your cash the nthey will leave. If you pull out a gun, chances are your going to be in an exchange of GUN FIRE. always carry a 50$ note, it will save your life. Always carry a gun, chances are you will die by your own sword.

And dont take offence, but your WAY OFF about the jealous thing.
I am not jealous of america, I love my country, I love my country is nuetral on almost every issue, I love my country doesnt spend copious amounts on military rather than health and education, and im glad and happy as larry I dont live in the USA, so really, stop yourself telling me im jealous , You couldnt be further from the truth.

International news unfotunately is mostly america, it shows the reaches of corporate america WORLD WIDE.

As for mexico, the US government is put in power to come up with solutions to national problems.

As for refering to AMERICA, simply because this topic is regarding AMERICAN troops, yours and my DEBATE is regarding AMERICA, and the problem with the WORLD is AMERICA.

why should I start spouting off at nigeria, when im debating how AMERICA is ruining this planet?

Granted, america didnt have the choice in these elections whom to elect.
Isnt that a sign that america has fallen from a democratic free system?

When the person elected ISNT EVEN IN POWER?
Personally, I cant see GORE having the welcoming that bush did on inauguration.

A new world will be a world that doesnt rely on petrol/oil, where corporations dont sack hard long term workers with mortgages and families simply to add another number to there billion dollar profits.
Where the people decide not the president.
that is a new world I would WANT TO LIVE IN!

Atleast other countries talk and debate the kyoto instead of flatly REJECT it, and REFUSE TO ACCEPT GLOBAL WARMING.

America as a country wont fall, the government will. IT will always be america. it will never be russia or china.
Dont over exaturate.

America has the right to be the super power, they won WW2, they got the bomb and used it.
Granted, thumbs up to that.
but that doesnt give them the right to TAKE over and DESTROY.
Why cant they work in unicen, and use there good will and nature to mould hostile countries to accept the world doesnt need weapons, it needs hospitals, schools welfare and so forth.

Right now, the lesser of two evils is too hard to pick.
Especially when youve got the president of the USA demanding you accept his decision.

[edit on 13-7-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Why wont america stop making such big fuel chewing cars

inccorect , you really need to investigate the phenonemon of supply and demand

the VW golf [ sold in the USA as the rabbit ] is a very ecconomical 3 / 5 door hatchback with petrol and deisel engines from 1 litre to 1.8 litres -- capable of ecconomy > 40 mpg

it was lauched in EUROPE IN 1971 and has been availiable in the USA since 1974 [ to personal experience ] why didnt it sell in large numbers like it did in europe ????

think the UK nailed it on the head,
if the cops dont carry guns, the criminals will have less a reason to. And it WORKS!
gun related deaths and violence in the UK is a fraction that of the US.

utter tripe -- now you are just fantasising , an unarmed policeman is MORE likley to be thretened with a weapon on the assumption that it will facilitate an easier escape

as for UK gun crime -- manchester , liverpool , leeds , nottingham are all well known here as gun crime black spots .

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Right now, the lesser of two evils is too hard to pick.
Especially when youve got the president of the USA demanding you accept his decision.

Again, different domestic situations call for different domestic policy (about the gun thing).

And yes you are right, the UK has less crime than us. But we also have 6 times more people, and a lot more illegal immigrants and minorities.

I too would like to live in the world you describe, but it will not exist. And it isn't only America's fault. If America just stopped what it was doing, and America fell, then other countries would just keep doing what they are doing. Do you really think China and Russia and the EU want to support that glorious world you are describing?

And no, just because there were 2 bad candidates for president does not mean democracy is failing. It may indeed be failing, again I don't know. There really isn't hard proof, just speculation. But these 2 bad candidates were just that...2 bad candidates.

And picking the lesser of 2 evils is hard for you because you are not as informed about the short comings of other countries only about the "evil corporate America". But you must remember, without corporate America, do you really think these people in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam would have any jobs? You don't know all the things the Russian army does, or Chinese army, or their governments. You only hear what America does. Again, America is everywhere.

I am sorry, but I know you wish for a world as you describe, but it just will not happen while human beings are here, or we stay in the same mentality.

(Mod edit: Massive quote trimmed. Please, edit down the quotes to the minimum needed. --Majic)

[edit on 7/13/2006 by Majic]

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Differnt domestic measures granted, but carrying a GUN into CHURCH and demanding its proper is just idiotic.
I believe that if someone is going to rob you, they want your cash the nthey will leave. If you pull out a gun, chances are your going to be in an exchange of GUN FIRE. always carry a 50$ note, it will save your life. Always carry a gun, chances are you will die by your own sword.

damm , i missed this one

criminals FEAR an armed victim , if you grant some assurance that one one @ church will be ever be armed -- then criminals will come to recognise chirch goes as a " soft target "

if you are attacked and draw a weapon yourself -- it is more likley that the escalation will force the criminal to back down -- as , to prevail he now must raise the ante himself

and now risks becoming a murderer , for what ?? $50 -- all but an handfull of the truely desperate are going to decline the confrontation and look for a softer target

the bottom line is that agravated asaults ALWAYS carry stiffer penalties than none violent robbery -- and the penalties increase further if the victim is injured .

99.99% of robers JUST want money -- and are rarely prepared to fight for it -- if easier takings are availiable else where

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:02 PM
[edit on 6/7/2006 by JebusSaves]

Would you like me to direct you to various films where you can CLEARLY here the US soilder CHEERING, JEERING, PARADING, APPLAUDING when they shoot down an iraqi? when a missle hits a building?
War isnt meant to be ENJOYED.
your meant to HATE killing people regardless.

In fArenheit 911 you clearly see some young black teenagers saying they want to get in on what they see on TV.

[edit on 13-7-2006 by Agit8dChop]

Also if you take the time to use your brain and read the writings either before the movie, after during the credits or the box it will clearly state something like "This movies characters do not reflect them in real life." Meaning that its just a movie and it was all fake and its characters behavior do not have anything to do with real life. So US soldiers do not actually cheer when they blow up Iraqis, its all in the movie.

Gosh, to think that some people think they are actually not gullible but they really are, what a shame.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

7. NO, the world wouldnt be better off if america wasnt around. BUT AMERICA IS DESTROYING THE WORLD. I cant understand why we have to BOMB A country to fix a solution? why did we have to destory iraq? why are there so many ?? around sept11 that the US government REFUSES TO ANSWER?

And again if you havent realized already that China is more destructive to the environment than the US. They use far more heavy amounts of coal than the US does. They just recently began to have these smogs in their major cities and have poisoned rivers from pollution. America mostly has blue skies and very few smogs.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:13 PM
America in my opinion has the fairest court in all the world.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
gun related deaths and violence in the UK is a fraction that of the US.

Way off… check the Interpol Crime stats…you are twice as likely to become a victim of a violent crime in the UK as you are in the US in per capita ratios.

The rest of your spewed crap ignores what ‘donations’ France and GB left the ‘world’ to deal with only to balme the US (typical).

Like it or not...get used to the sidelines.



posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 09:30 PM
Ignorant APE
If coprorate GREED wasnt in the US market,
then all petrol consuming cars would of been REMOVED and replaced with hydrogen cars by now.
We've had the ability to REMOVE fossil fuels from cars lng ago, but we like them fast, beefy and consuming.
Imagine if all the oil baarons and car manufacturers put ALL THERE money into creating a car that doesnt pollute?

Now, why is that so hard to do?
because they wouldnt earn there millions in cash if they did this.


And its not tripe, so pull that tounge back in.
If you pull out a gun at a robber, he's more likely to do the same, cimpared to if you raise your fists or so forth he wont SHOOT!


Your right, criminals just want the money.
What happens tho when they have a gun...
there not going to just let you take over, they will defend themselves and pull it because going to prison isnt an option for them.

you can clearly distinguish between the ACTORS and the REAL tesitmonies.
so pull you head in.
And there's a hell of a lot more footage out there than farenheit, or did you conveniently forgot that ?

Again just because CHINA Can do it does that mean the US doesnt have to obey rules
people go on about chinas human rights record, wel lyour correct.
The USA and its citizens go on about how noble, world LEADERS they are,
yet they cant even ratifie KYOTO?

Hey if china can polluate, then so should we.
Yep nice world mate!

America's Courts?
The same courts that voted bush in?
same courts that for 4yrs granted gitmo detainee's nothing?
same courts that allow corporations to lay off people just to line there pockets with more cash?

crime is bad in the UK, never said it wasnt.
but the police dont carry guns.
how many police offers do you hear being shot in the UK?

None of this changes anything,

Its not British RAPING people in Iraq,
murdering the family,
hiding the evidence, then continuing on as if its nothing.
Its not the british who lied to there own citizens regarding the major terrorist attack
its not the british who led the world into IRAQ.
ITs the USA

and these haneous crimes happen in Iraq, because the same haneous crimes happing in the USA.

You ignore the poor squaller black societies, yet push them hard to join the army, fire weapons KILL people.
Who cares about a college degree, you dont need that high school certificate.
LEt us give you a gun, and pay you to shoot who we tell you to shoot.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

you can clearly distinguish between the ACTORS and the REAL tesitmonies.
so pull you head in.
And there's a hell of a lot more footage out there than farenheit, or did you conveniently forgot that ?

That's the point I was making Agit8dChop.

Again just because CHINA Can do it does that mean the US doesnt have to obey rules
people go on about chinas human rights record, wel lyour correct.
The USA and its citizens go on about how noble, world LEADERS they are,
yet they cant even ratifie KYOTO?

No they don't. Why don't you come and live here in the US and you will discover that no one ever claims they are better than everyone else.

Hey if china can polluate, then so should we.
Yep nice world mate!

Do you think we have a choice? No. And do you think they have a choice? Absolutely not! We are working on ways to help the environment, we have scientists over here who dedicate their life in order to preserve the environment.

America's Courts?
The same courts that voted bush in?
same courts that for 4yrs granted gitmo detainee's nothing?
same courts that allow corporations to lay off people just to line there pockets with more cash?

Well at least we dont have our cops beat innocent people and our suspects arent guilty unless prooven and they all are garunteed that they will have a lawyer unless they don't want one.

crime is bad in the UK, never said it wasnt.
but the police dont carry guns.
how many police offers do you hear being shot in the UK?

Its called the second amendment - right to bear arms. It was written a long long time ago by people smarter than you are. If the villians have guns and the police don't then what makes you think that the villians wont shoot?

None of this changes anything,

Its not British RAPING people in Iraq,
murdering the family,
hiding the evidence, then continuing on as if its nothing.
Its not the british who lied to there own citizens regarding the major terrorist attack
its not the british who led the world into IRAQ.
ITs the USA

and these haneous crimes happen in Iraq, because the same haneous crimes happing in the USA.

How about I take you back in time with my time machine and let you change the decision into going to Iraq and lets see through the grandfather paradox what the terrorist are going to do next now that no one is stopping them heck letd just let them all get nukes huh, because Sadam had nuclear scientists who know how to make a nuke.

You ignore the poor squaller black societies, yet push them hard to join the army, fire weapons KILL people.
Who cares about a college degree, you dont need that high school certificate.
LEt us give you a gun, and pay you to shoot who we tell you to shoot.

You are being racist right there, I know this black dude who works out alot and wont take that crap from you, he will kill you!

Come on Agit8dChop, people in this thread have prooven you wrong well more than once, but you are like a kid who wont give up. GIVE UP already your embarrasing youself by keep adding on to the argument which could of already be over with it but because of your big mouth it still goes on.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 10:09 PM
Darn not again, mods please fix my quote error.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
And its not tripe, so pull that tounge back in.

Simply because you choose to behave, react and communicate with the wisdom/intellect/maturity of a four year old does not mean you are speaking or broadcasting to persons that are four years old.

Very, very, very few of your points (generalizations and flagrant misconceptions as purported) can be or ever will be supported, even with a hint of spun reality. If not...prove it...didn't think so.... is should "pull" your “tongue back”…period….until you are old enough to understand how blind you truly are to the known facts against your simplistic opinions.


posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:08 AM
Yeah your right, how simple it is to want a world where guns arent the answer.
How stupid it is to want a world where corporations cant sack who ever they please just to line there pockets.
How stupid to beleive we live in a world where just because the reason for invading and occupying a country turns out to be utter BS is because of a few minor mistakes.

your right, how immature of me to defend murder rape violence and the american invasion.

slap my hand and call me american.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Yeah your right, how simple it is to want a world where guns arent the answer.
How stupid it is to want a world where corporations cant sack who ever they please just to line there pockets.
How stupid to beleive we live in a world where just because the reason for invading and occupying a country turns out to be utter BS is because of a few minor mistakes.

your right, how immature of me to defend murder rape violence and the american invasion.

slap my hand and call me american.

The things you 'want' are not an issue, your out right attack on JUST the US when the rest of the world is just as guilty for these and worse crimes is.
You are demonstrating a childish and immature stance because of whatever reason you have to hate the USA.
The fact you are citing Michael Moore as a resource also shows a certain ignorance you have of facts.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:56 PM
Do all you US hater mean this? -

But those are civilians talking b/c soldiers wouldnt say that plus if their commander was near by they would get in trouble. They are probably news people on CNN which is international not just American.

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