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US Female Soldiers Dehydrated or Raped !

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posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 12:39 AM
Lol at these topics. People should realise that some people join the army to kill people because they like it and are not saints lol . The army gets all types of people, plus, when you're a killing machine(combat soldier) committing the ultimate sin of taking another persons life, raping is like meh
so stop with these threads please BTW are soldiers good?

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 04:29 AM
Ok – lets attempt to drag this thread back on topic – kicking and screaming if required

As pointed out – this is a thread about YOUR claims , but for reasons best known to you , after posting inflammatory one liners and general poo flinging , You [Ivanova] choose to ignore any criticism of your claimed “ evidence “ instead attacking The motivation and credibility of the “ accusers “ , nice bait and switch

When the inevitable poo flinging started , you cravenly allowed your self to be distracted by one liners that play to your paranoid fantasy of “ they hate me because I am Russian “

Please attempt to answer the many genuine criticisms leveled at YOUR anti American claims – and why they are fallacious , and most likely fabricated .

PS : Here are two more – my earlier points are on a previous page .

Q) What is the “Commission of Inquiry for Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration “

A) Whoo hoo – its shure got an impressive title , but even a cursory glance at their own web site reveals that , In reality it is nothing more that a self appointed wankfest .

They are grandstanding sillivilians – hiding behind fancy titles in an attempt to pass them self off as some sort of legitimate body

They have no official mandate from ANY organization with any legitimate authority .

Their ` list of supporters / sponsors has this very interesting caveat :

institutions referenced for identification only

Which unkindly translates as – they don’t want anything to do with us . The actual organizations that do claim to support them are an eclectic mix of the self appointed and the partisan .

Q) Where can we co oberate the alleged testimony from Col. Janis Karpinski ?

A) Good question , on the “ commission “ site , She Talks about Abu Graihb , and ONLY Abu Graihb . that is it – the text transcript is here :

text transcript

Can anyone who wishes to claim that the alluded testimony is genuine , please step up to the plate now – and provide a primary source

Because it seems the “ story “ has mutated over time , growing more implausible with each telling : blog_criticism

Gosh they added more lurid details at a later date ??? – oh the humanity .

But it gets worse when you ask the obvious question of “ who died “ , because according to published figures , no “ female master sergeant has died in Iraq – ooops

Shure , there are many sites making this rape claim and citing Karpinski – but its just a circle jerk – one blog cites another blog as “ evidence “ that it is true .

Now come one Ivanova discuss your claims . this is the put up or shut up moment .


[edit on 5-7-2006 by ignorant_ape]

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Elijio
Lol at these topics. People should realise that some people join the army to kill people because they like it and are not saints lol . The army gets all types of people, plus, when you're a killing machine(combat soldier) committing the ultimate sin of taking another persons life, raping is like meh
so stop with these threads please BTW are soldiers good?

hmmmm I see. So you think soldiers are all bastards because you read aticles saying so, and you know all articles are right because they confirm this belief. Which ofcourse started by those articles to begin with.

Perhaps you lost perspective? Sure there are horrible soldiers, soldiers are in those type of situations in which they can snap easy. But last time I checked most soldiers do not rape; unless there are thousands of raping soldiers in Iraq?

Let's ignore for a moment whether soldiers are nice or not or in between. There are reasons to doubt this particular story. If you have any stories that are confincing post them. But if you post nonsense you should be able to refute counter-arguments or not bother posting at all.

[edit on 5-7-2006 by reallynobody]

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

As pointed out – this is a thread about YOUR claims...

I posted an article about US servicewomen being raped by
US servicemen and made referrence to Iraqi women being
raped and murdered and the perversions at Abu Ghraib prison.

Then I asked the question, why is the US military so undisciplined
and perverted ? But judging from all the excuses and deflections ...
most Americans could care less.

The American empire is being destroyed... not from a greater power
from without... it is crumbling from within... and again... most Americans
seem to care less... they live in a fantasy world of 1960 America... and
through their red, white and blue colored glasses they see 1960 America.
Look around you, folks.... 1960 America is dead... all that is left to do is
bury the corpse. America is now ancient Babylon... America is now ancient
Rome... but the barbarians are not at your door.. . YOU are the barbarians !!


[edit on 5-7-2006 by Ivanova]

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Ivanova
I posted an article about US servicewomen being raped by
US servicemen and made referrence to Iraqi women being
raped and murdered and the perversions at Abu Ghraib prison.

Then I asked the question, why is the US military so undisciplined
and perverted ? But judging from all the excuses and deflections ...
most Americans could care less.

The American empire is being destroyed... not from a greater power
from without... it is crumbling from within... and again... most Americans
seem to care less... they live in a fantasy world of 1960 America... and
through their red, white and blue colored glasses they see 1960 America.
Look around you, folks.... 1960 America is dead... all that is left to do is
bury the corpse. America is now ancient Babylon... America is now ancient
Rome... but the barbarians are not at your door.. . YOU are the barbarians !!

[edit on 5-7-2006 by Ivanova]

You are right about one thing: America never left the cold war. But Russia isn't exactly a shining beacon is it? Both former powers are now suffering from the lack of long term investment. However China and Japan did invest, and are currently the top in economy and technology. That's what wasting money on political dick measureing contests get's countries.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Ivanova

The American empire is being destroyed... not from a greater power
from without... it is crumbling from within... and again... most Americans
seem to care less... they live in a fantasy world of 1960 America... and
through their red, white and blue colored glasses they see 1960 America.
Look around you, folks.... 1960 America is dead... all that is left to do is
bury the corpse. America is now ancient Babylon... America is now ancient
Rome... but the barbarians are not at your door.. . YOU are the barbarians !!

[edit on 5-7-2006 by Ivanova]

You have so much hatred for america it seems, yet, you infact live IN america, having a bit of self hatred issues?

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
NO offence to Americans, or americans in GENERAL.

You are a racist. Pure and simple. You clearly have no clue about Americans, and general sweeping statements like that against a whole culture of people is the most racist thing that one can say. RACIST bigot!

I'll 2nd that one.

I don't watch porn, snuff, etc. AND I was in the service for over a decade. And I made it through without raping anyone.


posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 05:34 PM
Ivanova, first of all nobody is attacking you over your Russian name. Frankly I couldn't possibly care less about what you call yourself. You are making sweeping statements about a large group of people you don't know. Yes, there are bad apples in the military as there are in all large groups. They will be weeded out and dealt with. You are attacking the US military and doing lots of name calling without addressing the fact that many of the responders have been in or are currently serving in the US military. In 10 years of active duty and another 4 in the Reserves I have never been subjected to nor known any one who was subjected to rape and degredation. I believe that had rapes taken place on the bases I've been stationed on I would have heard about them since bases are alot like a small town with no secrets. I believe that this report is slanted and not totally accurate. Whether you choose to believe it or not most military people are solid law abiding citizens with absolutly no use for those who would commit those acts.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 08:29 PM
Im just doing this to get it back into myATS b/c it got

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 10:22 PM
If you want to label me a racist go for it.
quit frankly, as soon as this PC gets turned off, the reality is
US soilders have RAPED, MURDERD and CONCEALED appauling crimes in IRAQ.

ONTOP of the illegial occupation.

Wether My hatred for sick minded americans is of anyones stated opinion fine.

Its still these SICK MINDED AMERICANS THAT ARE BEING caught out isnt it.

Its still these SICK MINDED AMERICANS that believe their president....... while they are raping a young women... after they have shot her family.. and BEFORE they put a bullet in her head.

Was this after or BEFORE the massacare?
After or BEFORE abu grahib?
After or BEFORE the DC sniper?
After or BEFORE oklahoma bombing?
After or BEFORE countless numbers of HANEOUS crimes committed in the good ol US of A.

So, recounting, in My opinion...... What do you expect from america military when they illegially invaded a country, when the common foot soilder is a young, poor american teenager, signing up simply because he saw the 'action' over there and in his mind, and i quote
'' wanted to get in with some of that S*** ''

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Was this after or BEFORE the massacare?
After or BEFORE abu grahib?
After or BEFORE the DC sniper?
After or BEFORE oklahoma bombing?
After or BEFORE countless numbers of HANEOUS crimes committed in the good ol US of A.

So, recounting, in My opinion...... What do you expect from america military when they illegially invaded a country, when the common foot soilder is a young, poor american teenager, signing up simply because he saw the 'action' over there and in his mind, and i quote
'' wanted to get in with some of that S*** ''

Who are you quoting?

Anyway, was this after of BEFORE the Dunblane Massacre in Scotland where Children were shot?
Was this after or BEFORE Lockerbie when 270 were killed?
Was this after or BEFORE 7/7 when 52 people were killed?
Was this after or BEFORE a Frenchman was sentenced to 7 Years imprisionment for raping a Child ?
Was this after or BEFORE a German male sexually molested and murdered two children and was sentenced to 25 years?
Was this after or BEFORE the School Siege in Beslan?
Was this after or BEFORE Russia defended the Secret Police of 1940 for the massacre of 21,000 Polish Officers and Intellectuals by saying it wasn't genocide?
Was this after or BEFORE the many many many heinous crimes perpetrated EVERYWHERE in the world?

Your point is a moot one because you insinuate only horrific things are done in the 'Good Ol' US of A' when infact its Global.
The US has a problem, yes, but nothing to make them appear worse than anywhere else. If you want I can do an extensive list of other countries. Where are YOU from, i'm sure I can find alot of 'heinous' crimes for there too.

A Soldier is a only a profession, that, OK does need a different mentality to say a Florist, a Banker, a Teacher, a Civil Servant, a Politician...yadda yadda, but that does by no means make a Soldier a bad person. I know Soldiers who do it to get educated, or to learn a profession from when they leave. They do it for family history or help them train up. I've never met one who has done it because they like to kill. I've known some who will do anything to protect their home, their country their family, but then wouldn't most people be guilty of that one.

[edit on 6/7/2006 by JebusSaves]

posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Majic
Please, Be Nice

Yes, it's a touchy topic, as so many are. Yes, tempers will flair and fingers will point.

As a moderator, all I ask is that we honor the T&C and resist the temptation to make snide comments about each other.

Please avoid the personal commentary, and save whatever ire you may have for the topic itself.

This one *WAS* a very wide-sweeping original post with very thin evidence to support. VERY THIN.

Again, as stated in other threads (and you know which) some folks get somewhat bent with this thinly disguised crap. At least put some more mayonnaise on this!

posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
If you want to label me a racist go for it.
quit frankly, as soon as this PC gets turned off, the reality is
US soilders have RAPED, MURDERD and CONCEALED appauling crimes in IRAQ.

A US Soldier or at least a THIN MINORITY have done some of this. Right now, it's all "alleged". Innocent until proven guilty.

Provide positive proof before posting "facts".

posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 05:27 PM
Ivanova, why are the Russian forces so undisciplined and perverted?

Just curious...

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 10:28 AM
Rape has long been a part of war. When invading nazi Germany, the Russians were instructed to rape the German women, 'a country isn't conquered until the soul of its women is conquered.' Japanese armies kidnapped and enslaved thousands of 'comfort girls' during their campaigns. It could even be argued that the prostitution that accompanies military action is a form of social rape on better moral standards. War is a foray into the darkest psychology of humanity, rape and murder are its corrollaries. It was not until the last decade that the U.N. even recognized rape as a war crime.

Therefore the allegations are not out of character with the circumstances. Dissapointing, disturbing, and inflamatory but not to be dismissed unless at the risk of barbarism. I don't think that the majority of soldiers in the American army are rapists, however a judiciary that refuses to approach the subject justly is a greater threat to human rights than one rapist. What's most shocking is the recalcitrance of military justice to deal with the crimes.

Mercenaries constitute the largest military force in Iraq next to the American military presence there, they have no court of justice to mitigate their behaviour. What litany of abuses have they accrued, never to be questioned or addressed.

One of the saving graces of American character is the ability to admit wrongs and correct them. A judicial process lacking in totalitarian states. It's a shame to think that underlying necessity to civilization may be eroding because it's unpleasant.

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Its still these SICK MINDED AMERICANS that believe their president.......

Actually alot of people DO NOT agree with the president here in America. Although there are some but I assume you dont live in the US but one thing to tell you is because the first amendment allows it, people love to make fun of Bush for everything he does.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by JebusSaves

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Was this after or BEFORE the massacare?
After or BEFORE abu grahib?
After or BEFORE the DC sniper?
After or BEFORE oklahoma bombing?
After or BEFORE countless numbers of HANEOUS crimes committed in the good ol US of A.

So, recounting, in My opinion...... What do you expect from america military when they illegially invaded a country, when the common foot soilder is a young, poor american teenager, signing up simply because he saw the 'action' over there and in his mind, and i quote
'' wanted to get in with some of that S*** ''

Who are you quoting?

Anyway, was this after of BEFORE the Dunblane Massacre in Scotland where Children were shot?
Was this after or BEFORE Lockerbie when 270 were killed?
Was this after or BEFORE 7/7 when 52 people were killed?
Was this after or BEFORE a Frenchman was sentenced to 7 Years imprisionment for raping a Child ?
Was this after or BEFORE a German male sexually molested and murdered two children and was sentenced to 25 years?
Was this after or BEFORE the School Siege in Beslan?
Was this after or BEFORE Russia defended the Secret Police of 1940 for the massacre of 21,000 Polish Officers and Intellectuals by saying it wasn't genocide?
Was this after or BEFORE the many many many heinous crimes perpetrated EVERYWHERE in the world?

Your point is a moot one because you insinuate only horrific things are done in the 'Good Ol' US of A' when infact its Global.
The US has a problem, yes, but nothing to make them appear worse than anywhere else. If you want I can do an extensive list of other countries. Where are YOU from, i'm sure I can find alot of 'heinous' crimes for there too.

A Soldier is a only a profession, that, OK does need a different mentality to say a Florist, a Banker, a Teacher, a Civil Servant, a Politician...yadda yadda, but that does by no means make a Soldier a bad person. I know Soldiers who do it to get educated, or to learn a profession from when they leave. They do it for family history or help them train up. I've never met one who has done it because they like to kill. I've known some who will do anything to protect their home, their country their family, but then wouldn't most people be guilty of that one.

[edit on 6/7/2006 by JebusSaves]

Brilliant, you list me some haneous crimes the maori's have done.
Better yet, NEW ZEALAND as a whole.

Would you like me to direct you to various films where you can CLEARLY here the US soilder CHEERING, JEERING, PARADING, APPLAUDING when they shoot down an iraqi? when a missle hits a building?
War isnt meant to be ENJOYED.
your meant to HATE killing people regardless.

In fArenheit 911 you clearly see some young black teenagers saying they want to get in on what they see on TV.

And it isnt the REST OF THE WORLD lying about IRAQ.

IT isnt the rest of the world whom lied to get INTO IRAQ.


HAd it been the english pushing the loudest for war, and them doing these crimes, I would of been on here syaing the same thing about them.
Accept chances are it wouldnt be happening as MUCH. why?

because guns arent rife in england ( i mean hell the police done even carry them )

I had a debate with an american on here a while ago because he believed there as nothing wrong with carrying his gun, to church.
Granted, its allowed, but ffs, your in churhc preaching peace love and unity... WHY DO YOU NEED TO CARRY A GUN?

scared someones gunna mug you while your in confession?

Putin said it best , the american economy can only survive when there is WAR!

I wish all the sensible americans who dont care for GUNS, PETROL CHEWING CARS, and all that gaff would jump over to asia, let us vaporize the friggen red neck gun toting fuel chewing MANIACS, and maybe, MAYBE this world can have a chance are being DECENT

[edit on 13-7-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 12:18 AM

I wish all the sensible americans who dont care for GUNS, PETROL CHEWING CARS, and all that gaff would jump over to asia, let us vaporize the friggen red neck gun toting fuel chewing MANIACS, and maybe, MAYBE this world can have a chance are being DECENT

HAHAHAHAHA Sensible Americans go over to asia? Why so the communist rogue nation of China can save us? Maybe they can put us in camps and harvest our organs with the Falun Gong! Haha.

See, our government would not put us in camps. Because WE DO have guns. Instead of Americans fearing the government, it is the government that would pee in its pants if the majority of Americans got pissed. So no, they cannot rule us and impose whatever they want to, like your wonderful asia.


Nobody said you had to have guns. Don't criticize American domestic policy and want to change it lest making yourself seem hypocritical

And trust me darling, if asia chose to vaporize America, it would be mutual. So it would be horribly stupid. Let's choose no war, and stop being so damn violent. Why would you want to commit genocide on red necks anyway?! How mean

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 01:13 AM
Sorry if i didnt explain clearly,
I didnt mean for ASIA to vaporize America,
hell I reackon we should just rig all the USA good ol nukes, and let themselves destroy the cancer that has been created in there society.

remove nukes
remove idiots who think nukes are good

plus plus in my books.

look, yeah i may be going over the top but seriously.

any person who thinks just because his laws ALLOW him to carry a firearm for protection makes it justified in his mind to carry his gun while at CHURCH, is just plain american.

australia has no gun laws, they manange to survive, with no where NEAR the percentage of murder and crime.
Look at canada?
look at a large percentage of the civilised world and see that GUNS ARENT THE ANSWER.

Yet americans continouslly spout rhetoric about how they are allowed to carry a gun, and its a better world because of it.

Really I cant understand where the malfunction is.

The problem in todays world is violence is so easily accepted.
Dead people, murders, robbiers, hell there a dime a dozen in the USA
but hell no we arent removing out citizens rights to go to a shop and purchase a fire arm, thats just plain crazy.

America got sooo ahead of its self after WW2, that a cancer started to develoup WITHIN.
Vietnam and Iraq are two major resuts of this cancer.
And look where it has gotten the US now.

Quagmire in Iraq.
Face off with Iran and NKorea where no foreseable resolution is present.
Extreme gaps in economic brackets
Corporate greed at the expense of citizens.
A government that wasnt even VOTED INTO POWER by the people.
Spying on citizens.
Lying to citizens.
Refusal to accept that industry and production are DESTROYING THE PLANET.
Inability to protect and repair after mother nature.
Your sending more and more young men off to kill people, in the name of ' democracy '
when you cant even get your own system right.

These young men that dont get murdered on foreign soil are going to come home curropted.
the difference between uncivilised countries and civilised countries are that when you walk down a street in sudan, a dead body with rats, dogs, maggots, all about is no big deal.
You hear a gun shot, you look and continue walking.
Where in america, you see a dead body but once in a life time.
When the people start becoming MUTE to guns, violence, Death, Destuction, misery and so forth, civilisation ceeses to exist.

And America is slowly driving its people toward this.
Weather you cant afford to live,
weather you cant afford to eat,
weather you cant afford to drive,

America has failed to provide safety, security for its people.

Beware the giant that falls.

Rome collapsed from within,
As will America.

America got so big for its boots, that it will drag most of the world down with it.

God bless America.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Sorry if i didnt explain clearly,
I didnt mean for ASIA to vaporize America,
hell I reackon we should just rig all the USA good ol nukes, and let themselves destroy the cancer that has been created in there society.

remove nukes
remove idiots who think nukes are good

plus plus in my books.

look, yeah i may be going over the top but seriously.

any person who thinks just because his laws ALLOW him to carry a firearm for protection makes it justified in his mind to carry his gun while at CHURCH, is just plain american.

australia has no gun laws, they manange to survive, with no where NEAR the percentage of murder and crime.
Look at canada?
look at a large percentage of the civilised world and see that GUNS ARENT THE ANSWER.

Yet americans continouslly spout rhetoric about how they are allowed to carry a gun, and its a better world because of it.

Really I cant understand where the malfunction is.

The problem in todays world is violence is so easily accepted.
Dead people, murders, robbiers, hell there a dime a dozen in the USA
but hell no we arent removing out citizens rights to go to a shop and purchase a fire arm, thats just plain crazy.

America got sooo ahead of its self after WW2, that a cancer started to develoup WITHIN.
Vietnam and Iraq are two major resuts of this cancer.
And look where it has gotten the US now.

Quagmire in Iraq.
Face off with Iran and NKorea where no foreseable resolution is present.
Extreme gaps in economic brackets
Corporate greed at the expense of citizens.
A government that wasnt even VOTED INTO POWER by the people.
Spying on citizens.
Lying to citizens.
Refusal to accept that industry and production are DESTROYING THE PLANET.
Inability to protect and repair after mother nature.
Your sending more and more young men off to kill people, in the name of ' democracy '
when you cant even get your own system right.

These young men that dont get murdered on foreign soil are going to come home curropted.
the difference between uncivilised countries and civilised countries are that when you walk down a street in sudan, a dead body with rats, dogs, maggots, all about is no big deal.
You hear a gun shot, you look and continue walking.
Where in america, you see a dead body but once in a life time.
When the people start becoming MUTE to guns, violence, Death, Destuction, misery and so forth, civilisation ceeses to exist.

And America is slowly driving its people toward this.
Weather you cant afford to live,
weather you cant afford to eat,
weather you cant afford to drive,

America has failed to provide safety, security for its people.

Beware the giant that falls.

Rome collapsed from within,
As will America.

America got so big for its boots, that it will drag most of the world down with it.

God bless America.

Okay deary maybe you should take your Thorzine now.

Seriously, point to a nation that doesn't have problems?

The reason(s) why you hate America is:

1) You are Jealous (I know it seems stupid, but you are the one who is jealous after all)

2) Americanisation is everywhere (The reason you ask? Because people truly would like American culture to be in their country)

3) American problems are all over the news, while other countries problems are not.

4) You have this insane fear that America will take over the world.

5) You have never even been to America and never spoke to the people thus thinking it is the worst place to live ever and we are all spoiled.

6) You don't realize there is crime and gangs in other countries.

7) Most other countries do not have an in pouring of illegal immigrants, thus increasing crime activity.

8) You do not realize that Americans can think for themselves, and do.

9) You are brainwashed into thinking the world is so much better off without America.

10) You believe that America is the root of all evil in the world, when there are plenty of other roots.

11) There are other industrial nations destroying the environment at almost just as fast as speed as America, including one in Asia...China. Yet you only blame America.

12) You truly WANT America to fall because of your hate and jealousy.

13) Most people in America can indeed afford to eat, drink, live, drive, and survive, while in other countries they cannot.

14) Most people in Western countries can indeed afford to eat, drink, live, drive, and survive and are immune to third world countries problems, yet you ONLY reference America.

15) There are extreme gaps in economic brackets EVERYWHERE, yet again you only reference America.

Stop spreading the hate, and spread the love

[edit on 13-7-2006 by RetinoidReceptor]

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