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US Female Soldiers Dehydrated or Raped !

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posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:22 PM
Ok first of all let me state that I am a vetern and a woman. I served in the Navy for 10 years (active) then 4 in the reserves. With very few exceptions every member of my family has served. My sister was a Marine and frankly I pity the poor fool who would try to rape her. My brother is currently in the Guard and has been to Iraq and is in fact getting ready to deploy again. I shudder to think of the beat down he would inflict on any fool he caught raping any woman be she Iraqi, American or any nationality. In fact all my relatives who react violently against any male who raped any female. The US military is in fact well trained. I know many military members who are fine upstating people. To paint the entire force with the same brush as those who commit crimes is well not to put to fine a point on it stupid. Those who rape while in the military would have done so as civilians. I note that most people responding to this seem to assume that rape is a crime of passion; not so it is a crime of violence plain and simple. An overabudance of testostrone has little to do with it.

Ivanova; sorry if I misspelled your name, your countries lost freedom and take over by the communitsts is on you. If you aren't willing to sacrifice for freedom don't cry when it's taken from you.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Ivanova

So the women have access to weapons... so do the rapists !!

Having weapons didn't keep these two US soldiers from being kidnapped
and killed by Iraqi insurgents !


Again, nothing to do with this topic.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Ivanova

So the women have access to weapons... so do the rapists !!

Having weapons didn't keep these two US soldiers from being kidnapped
and killed by Iraqi insurgents !


Again, nothing to do with this topic.

It happens to be MY topic !

And, I was responding to another post.

Several posters here have inferred that
that since the servicewomen have access
to weapons, they couldn't have been raped !

I have just pointed out that servicemen with
weapons have been kidnapped and killed,
so having a weapon doesn't protect one
against others who also have weapons !


posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
To start with, and I hate to mutter these words, how credible is this source?

2, these are women trained the same as the men, right?

3, Check out this scenario:

"Jean, I have to pee".

"Hold it, Barb".

"I can't".

"Well, you're on your own then".

Does that seem reasonable to you? Hell, women congregate to go to the washroom in a bar. You think it would be less for women in a combat zone, used to backing up their fellow soldiers?

IMO, this might happen once and any deviants that happened to make it into the military, it can happen, would be dead, at the hands of a half a dozen female soldiers. Remember, they were trained too.

Tell me if this doesn't make sense.

Exactly, although others have brought up this point.

When I was in the army, rape did happen. However, 90% of the time it was during off duty hours where alot of drinking had been done and the victims were usually unarmed or outnumbered.

Yes, women get the same training that they guys do. And yes, women soldiers do walk around armed. We were always required when going to the toilets to have a buddy with us.

I never had any problems with being sexually assaulted when I was in the army. Even when i did not have a a rifle handy. There were always other things to use at hand.

All the shouting and screaming caused by an attack would draw someones attention, especially since female screams are higher pitched.

Also, female soldiers, especially at night are not so different from our male counterparts. Alot of times, we may not go to the desginated latrine if it is filthy, unkempt, and unsanitary. We will, just like the boys, go to a secondary latrine area and squat behind a bush if the portapotties or whatever toilet facilities are unusable.

The source and the poster do appear unreliable, and this story seems pretty illogical. I mean, the way its put out, its a routine thing for rapists to lie in wait every night for females to pass. Even one incident would would bring the whole camp into tighter protocols.

We are not talking about generally defenseless Iraqi women who are not trained to fight or resist men, and who are unarmed. We are talking about heavily armed and probably paranoid females who are used to physical conflict.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by gallopinghordes

Ivanova; sorry if I misspelled your name, your countries lost freedom and take over by the communitsts is on you. If you aren't willing to sacrifice for freedom don't cry when it's taken from you.

Like I said in my earlier post...

America supported the revolutionaries
who deposed God's Tsar... Wilson said
the demise of Monarchy in Russia was
wonderful and he praised the revolution
which paved the way for the bolsheviks
to gain control !!

You see... Russia was another American Iraq.
Yes, boys and girls... 70 years of communism
was the result of America helping to bring
democracy to Russia !!

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:02 PM
Because They Both Begin With "R"?

Originally posted by Ivanova
You see... Russia was another American Iraq.
Yes, boys and girls... 70 years of communism
was the result of America helping to bring
democracy to Russia !!

I'm sorry, but what does the Russian Revolution have to do with allegations that American servicewomen are being routinely raped by American servicemen in Iraq?

As for the topic of U.S. support for the Russian Revolution, I'm sure other members would be interested in discussing it in greater depth if you should decide to start a thread explaining your theories about it.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Majic

I'm sorry, but what does the Russian Revolution have to do with allegations that American servicewomen are being routinely raped by American servicemen in Iraq?

Maybe you should ask those other posters here
who have repeatedly dissed Russia on this topic..
and by association, dissed me, because of my
Russian name.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:25 PM
Dis Association

Originally posted by Ivanova
Maybe you should ask those other posters here
who have repeatedly dissed Russia on this topic..
and by association, dissed me, because of my
Russian name.

As you probably can deduce by looking at my special July 4th avatar, I'm an American.

Fig. 1: Majic's July 4th avatar for 2006.

As you might also deduce by reading just about any thread on ATS, America gets dissed a lot around here. It's particularly profound to read these sorts of things on -- of all days -- July 4, Independence Day here in America. The 230th birthday of my great nation.

I'm very proud to be an American, and I love my country enough to die defending it if necessary.

Note, however, that this fact does not dissuade me from trying to stay on topic in various threads, or from doing my best to be fair as a moderator.

Believe me, I know how it feels to have your country badmouthed.

Really. Honest. More than you could possibly imagine.

Just look at this freakin' thread, for the love of God.

All I'm asking is that you respect the fact that other members may post things that you disagree with, that it's okay for them to do so, and that when others disagree with us, the best course of action on ATS is to respectfully disagree with them.

Mutual respect. Level playing field. We all honor the T&C and everyone gets to talk about all sorts of fascinating topics.

It's not hard once you get used to it.

But if you want to complain about people dissing your country, you're in the wrong place, my friend.

P.S. And now, if you can forgive my own off-topic rant, let's please try to stay focused on:

US Female Soldiers Dehydrated or Raped !

I don't think we've finished discussing this particular topic yet.

Edit: I've added a copy of my special July 4th avatar here so this post might make slightly more sense after I've changed my avatar to something more haibane-oriented. I usually don't make such a big deal of being an American on ATS, but this is a special day. Most importantly, however, I don't think whether I'm an American or not should be a big deal here, because on ATS, I'm an ATSer first and foremost. No more, no less -- and damn proud of that, too.

[edit on 7/4/2006 by Majic]

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:34 PM
Pass me a bucket..

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Ivanova

Originally posted by Majic

I'm sorry, but what does the Russian Revolution have to do with allegations that American servicewomen are being routinely raped by American servicemen in Iraq?

Maybe you should ask those other posters here
who have repeatedly dissed Russia on this topic..
and by association, dissed me, because of my
Russian name.

OK, we have nothing but pure motives here, right?

Your original post:

Originally posted by Ivanova


Abu Ghraib prisoners / Iraqi women / American servicewomen

Why is the US military so undisciplined and perverted ?!

Hmm, what to think.

Why don't we stick to the topic then?

BTW, I'm NOT American, so don't throw that my way.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:37 PM
Bucket Brigade

Originally posted by SteveR
Pass me a bucket..

And that's what I love about ATS.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:43 PM
Seriously. Your post made clear that you can't handle any criticism of anything relating to the US, and you take it personally. Whether or not these rapists were Americans, does not matter, but there just has to be a few nationalists to jump up and defend their country, right?

Can anyone be clear minded enough to take the topic seriously?

You may feel it's a blatent attempt to snipe the states, and you are entitled to beleive that, but imo it's totally nonsensical, and an injustice to the gravity of this report.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:45 PM
Ok, so now it's rape Ivanova time
for posting this article... let's hold
the Russian down while others take
potshots at her and if she dares to
fight back, she's off topic !

Boys will be boys, you know...

And after all...
it is the 4th of July !

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Ivanova
And after all...
it is the 4th of July !

Yep, it goes to there heads. I've made two logical and fair statements tonight, in regard to Iraq, and I've been warned by two moderators.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:52 PM
that everyone remain on topic, and that the focus of their posts should be the subject:

US Female Soldiers Dehydrated or Raped !

Deviating from this topic will not be tolerated.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 09:06 PM
France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Burma, Afghanistan, Iraq, Denmark, Holland, Poland etc etc ( and Russia) freed but I had it all wrong, for Trotsky lived for three months in New York!!!
(insert smiley here for 'rolling on the floor laughing hysterically')
Now I understand why you are kneeling at your altar, your tears flowing over the icon of murderous thug god's csar. Blindness and bitterness, what a wonderful state to live in, now I see that we Americans got it all wrong!
(note: this is actually sarcasm, look it up in the dictionary under 'S', or C' in the cyrillic version)

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 10:09 PM
Nobody is persecuting you because you're Russian, Ivanova. You asked a ridiculous question (why are American forces so perverted) and you got a number of predictably hostile responses. If you can point to an organization that's completely sicko-free, please do. There's no such entity, because, *NEWSFLASH*, human beings do bad things, regardless of their nationality.

Were I allowed, I would post the most horrific photographs you've ever seen, of what the Russian army did, of what the German army did, of what the Japanese army did, of what some African armies did, and more. Sadly, this is a family site, so you're just going to have to find the evidence on your own. Or, you can take my word for it, and sleep better at night.

My opinion on the subject is just an echo of what's already been said. Post guards, buddy-up, carry a punch dagger - whatever it takes. The military is bound to be as upset about this situation as anyone, because it represents a real threat to their operational readiness. Even if you can't count on military planners to be humane, you can usually count on them to be practical.

And to the poster (x-philes) who claimed the reason for the rapes may be because a large percentage of soldiers are black or latino - get tossed. This is NOT about race. The P.O.S. accused of raping and killing that Iraqi teenager and her family: goofy little white boy. That fella who shot his roommate after getting back from the gulf: same. The abusers at Abu Ghraib: white again.

You would be no more justified in claiming it's a 'white' problem. That's nonsense; anti-social turds come in a rainbow of colors.

There, I think that about covers it.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

Nobody is persecuting you because you're Russian, Ivanova.

I see my topic has been moved to hell's kitchen.

Are you the cook ?


posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 10:40 PM
Hell's kitchen is a neighborhood I'm quite familiar with, actually. I went to High School there, for a year, and I spent a number of summers playing cards there as well.

This aint Hell's kitchen, and I didn't move your thread - 0/2.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 11:42 PM
Why was this topic moved, huh? More biased behavior from the moderators? I personally think this is very relevant to the war section.

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