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US Female Soldiers Dehydrated or Raped !

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posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 02:14 PM
ok -- to address the fallacies of the OP first -- i am not going to get into the poo flinging

1 - yes it is VERY easy to die of dehydration in the desert , in just one afteroon - esp if yiu have military duties to attend to as well

the required water intake for the desert is 1 litre / 3 hours -- minimum , thats assuming ZERO activity

1 litre / hour is not unreasonable in battle conditions .

and you need salt too - but marines who had the brains they were born with , and had recieved acclimitisation instruction would know that

and wouldnt do owt so freaking stupid .

2 - urine out put drops sharply in the desert -- to the extent that personal admin is even more VITAL in the desert -- to prevent infections and bladder problems -- because the urine is so concentrated

without going into gross anotomical details -- i suspect that female troops would require a more rigorous personal admin .

3 - the latrine is a long way from the sleeping tents for a very good reason -- the chuffing SMELL and the FLIES , freaking billions of them

4 - weapons - is this the milirary or a girl guide camp ???? - each and every soldier should have an assault rifle and bayonet -- pluss a liberal supply of side arms scattered amongst drivers , rupperts and NCOs - plus the training to use them

if there really is such an atmophere of fear -- as claimed -- letting off a few rounds without an reported enemy contact -- will get the attention of the ENTIRE camp -- and com morning the adjutant will bloody well want to know what happened -- and why -- and when it comes out that a female shot at a suspected iintruder in the latrines -- any sorry bastard who was even suspecteded of being near there without proper authourity is going to wish he was dead

5 - buddies , has the " battalion of stupid bints " abbandoned the ledgendary USMC esprit d` corps ?????? -- if they need to go to the toilet block -- go twos up

if they are too lazy to back up thier own barrack mates -- what the heck are they doing in the army ??

6 - innitative , if they really are affraid -- post a STAG on the latrine - with the clear message conveyed to the male enlisteds that any man comes within 10m of the females ablutions block -- they will be shot

that should get thier attention -- and keep percy under wraps

7 - male disciplie -- slightly off tangent -- but i am as red blooded and testorsterone fueled as it gets -- this monkie will screw ANYTHING in a skirt if she says yes

but i for one would not want to have any wanker whose ideas of fun are sneaking around female toilet blocks in my section -

is this supposed US military detachment totally segregated and conducting single sex ops ??? -- these people are supposedly an unit -- why are they not acting like one ??? they work together 15 hours aday -- ussually -- inless its a rifle coy. as totaly integrated units -- and right or wrong - service men do conduct consensual relationships in the ranks from time to time

are guys just going to sit there and ignore the comings and goings of merverts who may be attempting to prey on people they work with , are friends with , even love ???

no freaking way -- "johnny i wanna be a rapist " would not get out of many barrack tents without a valid reason


posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
[What apeman said

I agree with all you say. All those points crossed my mind too. How can this happen with what you have said? So either the story is untrue (or blown way out of proportion) or something is very very wrong for this to happen. I really didnt think the US, UK or Australian armed forces would ever allow this to happen, I dont just mean the bigwigs but the men and women involved.

Lets hope this isnt a myth I have been led to believe, that we are civilised, as the army, in the end of the day, is made up from civilians... us.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 03:09 PM
The world jumps all over war crimes that Americans do, but overlook the many crimes Russian soldiers have done in Chechnya. Of course it is to be expected, the world jumps on the country they are most jealous of.

if you don't like that source for whatever reason, type in "Russian rape" in google and you will find many sources.

And I am not excusing these troops, but I am wondering why you foreigners get a rush when you read about this, yet your troops are the same way.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 03:13 PM
I don't understand why this place gets so heated on this subject because we should ALL be on the same side.
This act is wrong.
But to single out one specific occupation because of a few people doing it is just as wrong.
Fact is people of all walks of life do these acts(and far worse). It sickens me that people turn on one another or large groups because of the few.
With the mindset of blaming the entire US Military because of the few, you might as well blame the entire Human Race.

Ohh, and before anyone thinks otherwise, i'm a British Guy with NO connections to any armed forces so i'm not saying this because of some misguided alligience, its basic common sense.

[edit on 4/7/2006 by JebusSaves]

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 03:19 PM
I most definitly agree with ape on this.

I think is underestimates the Women in US Service by a great extend.

Agit8dChop, what part of the US were you in? I am originally from Europe, the Netherlands, and we have TV ads late at night that almost show everything, these are for phone sex lines, it's rediculous and generally late at night we have soft porn on on some channels as well.

as for guns, it's part of the culture, it actually makes people more civilized to master marksmanship, it adds alot to maturity and responsibility.

the US television might be flooded by violent TV shows but that's human nature, there is violent TV shows and computer games all over the world and the only reason such shows aren't rampant in Europe is because very little countries can AFFORD elleborate action scenes, Germany does have a lot of action shows with ALOT more violence than America and they are also quite liberal in their gun ownership, would the same apply for their service men? are they violent monkies raping everything they see because of the media they come in contact with? no I don't think so.

It's individuals that are resonsible, and if anything, it was the way they were raised that made them violent and prone to be rapist, unfortunatly many American families go through divorces and violence and the childeren exposed to that suffer from it mentally, ofcourse this also happens anywhere else in the world so you can't just stereotype all the Americans.

Remember, the women serving in the US army are TOUGH, they are probably tougher than I am admittably, they are most definitly no push overs, they might not get issued with a sidearm but i'm sure they carry their personal piece all over the place to keep the horny men off their backs.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by mr conspiracy
A top US military commander has admitted that US marines in Iraq were so sexually frustrated that after 4 long years, they couldn't control themselves, and these boys went ahead and raped their own female soldiers. these rapes occured during the night. The women soldiers were so terrified that they would not go for a leak after dark.

These people are sick animals. They deserve to die, imo.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 05:15 PM
Oh, boy, I have to chime in on this.

Soldiers have a special job. Not only are they combatants of our armed forces, they are representatives of our country. I am a veteran. Been out since 1990.

It is authorized by the highest law in our land, the Constitution, that the power to set foreign policy lies with the president and the president alone. Any soldier that rapes a citizen in a foreign country usurps that power. The same goes for those who commit murder. They should be tried for treason and if found guilty lined up and shot. I feel the folks in Abu Girab (spelling?) should have been tried for treason as well.

They say "Oh, oh, its been 4 freakin years since we have been able to indulge ourselves with sex." I have been celibate since 1993 when I made a vow to God never to have sex again unless I was married. They should have counted that cost before they signed up for the military VOLUNTARILY! It's BS to excuse their horrific behavior. It's not uncommon for family members in arab countries to KILL a woman in their family who have been raped to restore family honor. The soldiers don't care though. It's all about them.

Racism refers to a belief that one race is superior to others. The US is made of many, many races. Nationalism refers to pride in ones country. Bigotry refers to putting others down to be a jerk. Get your terms straight.

These harsh words are only for those who abuse their position as representatives of our country. I feel just as strongly about those who practice terrorism.

armchair coach
amateur historian

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor

The world jumps all over war crimes that Americans do, but overlook the many crimes Russian soldiers have done in Chechnya. Of course it is to be expected, the world jumps on the country they are most jealous of.

if you don't like that source for whatever reason, type in "Russian rape" in google and you will find many sources.

And I am not excusing these troops, but I am wondering why you foreigners get a rush when you read about this, yet your troops are the same way.

Why do you want to compare America with other nations ?

I thought AMERICA was the world's policeman... God's gift to the planet

America had better get its act together... or someone else will soon step into
your big imperial boots !!

As for Russia... Sergei Ivanov [you know who he is, right ?]
is a big fan of Sun Tzu [you know who he is too, right?]


posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:06 PM
yes Ivanova, America is God's gift to the world and its police and protector and if you are too blind and envious and hateful to see what the red white and blue has done then too bad for you. On this 4th of July it is not a bad idea to give thanks for there being an America in the world and to think where millions of you would be without it. France, Italy, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, England, Japan, Philippines, Israel, Taiwan, South Korea, Hungary, and little by little Afghanistan and Iraq, and on and on, and thanks to Ronald Reagan also Russia although the white criminal scum there won't allow a decent society to flourish as it has elsewhere. You can see what decades of oppression has done there so why would you want the rest of the world to live under such oppression?

Americans aren't perfect and as in every country there are weak and evil people, even among those in the uniform, but on the whole they have done more for this planet than anybody else and if, instead of spitting on and burning our flag, you and all the other blind Europeans and Canadians and what have you would join us in protecting the weak in Sudan and Rwuanda and Somalia and North Korea and countless other places, hundreds of millions of others would be able to enjoy the freedoms and blessings that we have. Are you so blind and hateful that you would rather see America's 'imperial boots' - what a wonderful and gracious similitude, you should trademark it - be replaced by someone else than to see millions of people live in peace? I assume you are. There is not much reward for wearing the 'imperial boots' but you should thank God that thousands of American men and women put them on every day, my son among them. God bless them and God bless America!

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

"Why is the US military so undisciplined and perverted ?!"

Well I wouldnt be surprised if have of these soldiers had criminal pasts, its not exactly easy to recruit good americans to go risk getting killed when their pay is probably less than what they are paid to do other things. Usually the types of people who enlist are from poor backgrounds.

Um, soldiers dont really come into the military with criminal pasts for the most part, usually they become criminals when they get out of the military.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by blackbayou

yes Ivanova, America is God's gift to the world and its police and protector and if you are too blind and envious and hateful to see what the red white and blue has done then too bad for you.

I know exactly what America has done for me.

America supported the revolutionaries in Russia and
the demise of God's Tsar [see Wilson's war speech.]
And by doing so America helped pave the way for the
demonic Bolsheviks to murder millions of Christians
and destroy HOLY MOTHER RUSSIA !!

Ohhh... by the way... speaking of evil bolsheviks...
Trotsky entered Russia with an American passport...
He was living in NEW YORK CITY at the time !!

* Don't ask me that again !

Mod Edit: Excessive Bold.

[edit on 4/7/2006 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 4-7-2006 by Ivanova]

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:28 PM
To start with, and I hate to mutter these words, how credible is this source?

2, these are women trained the same as the men, right?

3, Check out this scenario:

"Jean, I have to pee".

"Hold it, Barb".

"I can't".

"Well, you're on your own then".

Does that seem reasonable to you? Hell, women congregate to go to the washroom in a bar. You think it would be less for women in a combat zone, used to backing up their fellow soldiers?

IMO, this might happen once and any deviants that happened to make it into the military, it can happen, would be dead, at the hands of a half a dozen female soldiers. Remember, they were trained too.

Tell me if this doesn't make sense.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Houtchens
armchair coach
amateur historian

Well said, voted way above! We need more common sense and morality in here, no more pathetic and disgraceful excuses! They make me sick.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by bg_socalif
The military has always been a microcosm of society.

When i was in Japan i never locked my vehicle or my house out in town, no need to, the Japanese wouldn't bother it. However on any US base, my car or my house (once i moved on base) was always locked.

The Japanese are so reasonable that if you lost your wallet somewhere you will get a knock on your door in the same day that you lost your wallet. I wish America could be like that.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
Are you suggesting that female MARINES do not carry guns? Or is it that they are not smart enough to have armed latrine patrols? At the least I would imagine that they would have a community bucket. This story seems fishy. I know that women in the military get raped. I just doubt this story.

I'm retired Navy and from the female Marines I've known this would never happen, at least not more than once!

If this is really true, dont the females get the same hand to hand combat training as the guys do? The females wouldnt just let the guys rape them if they knew that.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by wildcat

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

"Why is the US military so undisciplined and perverted ?!"

Well I wouldnt be surprised if have of these soldiers had criminal pasts, its not exactly easy to recruit good americans to go risk getting killed when their pay is probably less than what they are paid to do other things. Usually the types of people who enlist are from poor backgrounds.

Um, soldiers dont really come into the military with criminal pasts for the most part, usually they become criminals when they get out of the military.

not if you inform them of it, they can get you a waiver if they need you bad enough.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Ive been to america, love the country love the people.
but ultimately,
smut and snuff films are rife.
murders, robberies are rife.

Maybe you get this impression because of the company you kept during your visit?

How many OTHER members of this supposid GRAND coalition have committed these haneous crimes?
and in such numbers?


But wait - why stop at Iraq? What about peacekeepers?

UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 15 -- U.N. peacekeepers threatened U.N. investigators investigating allegations of sexual misconduct in Congo and sought to bribe witnesses to change incriminating testimony, a confidential U.N. draft report says.

The report documents 68 cases of alleged rape, prostitution and pedophilia by U.N. peacekeepers from Pakistan, Uruguay, Morocco, Tunisia, South Africa and Nepal. U.N. officials say they have uncovered more than 150 allegations of sexual misconduct throughout the country as part of a widening investigation into sexual abuse by U.N. personnel that has plagued the United Nations' largest peacekeeping mission, U.N. officials said.

Far out, indeed.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:05 PM
And what does that have to do with this topic jsobecky?

This isn't he said/she said.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:11 PM
The fact remains that we are getting these stories, true or not, and these are just the "crimes" that are being reported to us. What everyone saying "BS, would never happen" doesn't consider, is that for every true story that we hear there are a dozen, if not false, exagerated stories being told around Bahgdad that we don't hear.
If my country was occupied by a foreign power for four years under some shaky story of "liberating" me, and their soldiers were .......(being diplomatic here)"being jerks" (remember this doesn't have to be true) then I would certainly consider picking up a gun.

The coallition is out there trying to sell a western government and culture to the people of Iraq and it's soldiers are at the frontline of that representing "westerners". If this crap continues more and more people are going to opt out of this enforced government and that ain't gonna help anyone over there.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

4 - weapons - is this the milirary or a girl guide camp ???? - each and every soldier should have an assault rifle and bayonet -- pluss a liberal supply of side arms scattered amongst drivers , rupperts and NCOs - plus the training to use them

So the women have access to weapons... so do the rapists !!

Having weapons didn't keep these two US soldiers from being kidnapped
and killed by Iraqi insurgents !


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