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Illegal Immigrants want to take over South/Western States and merge with Mexico.

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posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by pRoPhEcY
So the "patriotic" Amerikans, who have wiped out an entire continent of Red Indian peoples because it is their "manifest destiny", because God blessed them to depopulate a continent, who brought tuberculosis, measles, small pox, syphilis, gonorrhea, guns and whiskey, do not approve of "aliens" coming to "their" country "illegally".

Go back to Europe, kemosabe.

More taurus feces.

First off, my ancestors are from AFRICA, not Europe. So, don't play that European conquest BS on me. I'm going to assume you are Native American, based on your post. So, THEY used OUR backs to build up this country on YOUR land, and you wanna talk spit to me? Please.

I can only work with the present. You see, I also resent the glaring hypocrisy that is America. But, I am an American at this point in time, so I roll with it now, but I never forget how dirty this country was and is. And, when I see that certain pieces of spit elites are using the "slaves" (they actually call us slaves) to fight each other and weaken each other, making the elite task of dominating everyone beneath them, REGARDLESS of race, easier, it just makes my ass hurt.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, homey, the product of people who were used by Europeans to build up this anomaly that is America. But, unlike you, I can see that they are using EVERYONE this time. And you call ME a hypocrite when YOU hail the reverse Manifest Destiny.
I'm no Christian, but take that plank out of your eye before you talk about the speck in mine.

May I assume you support the Plan of San Diego? If you do, no sweat off my back, I ain't a white male. But, you already knew that, since you quoted me and called me a hypocrite...
- that's sarcasm, for those of you who didn't catch it.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Oldtimer2

In California we have occupancy laws,I'm not sure where your from but how can you cram that many people in a 1 bedroom apt,I rest my case as far as anyone commenting on something they know about,problem here is we have 150 TV or radio stations in a small area,so the truth sounds better than fiction,go right ahead and believe the media,I'm wondering why you are on a site like this,as you can read thru a majority of threads that man bites dog garners more attention then the truth

Just brilliant insight once again.

I'm in Texas. And I didn't see this from the media (you claiming this further shows how superior your intellect is to mine
), I saw this IN PERSON! But of course, you read that the first time, right?

You rest your case?
I guess you can't cram 8-10 people into an older Honda Civic, but I've seen it happen. But, thanks for the laughs...I got this from the media, now THAT'S rich!

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:51 PM
i love how a judgement can be made on race. the whole thing just makes me lose hope though. seriously, these rich people love you guys....they truely do. with all their heart they love the racists and the hypocrits and the people fighting about whos racist and who deserves what because of it. they love you guys. they love the fact they can steal your money and you dont care at all. they love you guys.

you really think they care about me anymore then you? im poor, your probably poor, were both statistics. welcome to the real america. when it comes to war, money buys you out of the draft, not race. when it comes time for people to start losing their liberties for "security", poor people lose their freedoms, not by race. if your poor your a threat, white black cuban mexican puerto rican asain, doesnt matter, your a threat.

this is the only time they will truely see you all equally, equally under them as a known threat. because when it comes down to it, self preservation will always come over race. they know this, and they are doing the best they can to make sure you dont. if you did then even if it be for that small timeframe, you stop fighting about race. your enemies enemy is your friend. keep fighting though, your only wasting your time.

but hell lets face it, your not going to do anything about it. youll complain and moan all you can possibly do. you and i both know when it comes down to it you dont care enough to do anything about it. tell me otherwise, prove me and every other person saying the same thing that they are wrong. show them you ARE willing to do something about it, more then just complain. thats too much to ask though, isnt it? i look around and start to think people want this country to crumble, or they simply couldnt care less if it does.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by pRoPhEcY



Name ONE other "civilization" that has depopulated an entire continent?

(mod edit: quote shrinked)

[edit on 2-4-2006 by Riwka]

None. Even North America was not depopulated. Natives did survive, you know, and currently live.

But not all was peace and love amongst the Native Americans. In fact, the Native Americans were doing a fine job of killing and warring amongst each other. Some of those old feuds still exist today. In Washington State, the Muckelshoot Indians still wont have anything to do with their neighbors, the Yakima, on the other side of the mountains, because as recently as 90 years ago the Yakima rode the passes in the spring into western Washington, killing Muckelshoot and taking Muckelshoot women.

And of course, they are but one of many intertribal feuds still continuing. Fratricide was alive and well amongst the Indian nations of North America. The only difference when the white man came was that he had better technology to do it as never seen before.

As for the Mexicans, these misguided souls who for some strange reason think that the southwestern US belongs to them have perhaps been eating some funny cactuses, I think. The southwestern US was populated by various native American tribes before the Spaniards came. The Pueblo, Hopi, Navajo all come to mind.

The Mexicans are primarily of Aztec extraction. The Aztecs did not inhabit the southwestern US. They went on occasional raids there for slaves, sacrifices, ect and sometimes trade. But the Mexicans of today are a mix of those Aztec/Mayan peoples AND WHITE SPANISH SETTLERS. So they also hate themselves. They speak an INDO EUROPEAN language: Spanish. They practice Catholicism. And their claims on U.S. land are also dubious as well. The lands that they want to "take back" were first Spanish possesions taken from the natives. Mexico itself was a Spanish Imperial state. So, the US got in the game, warred with em, and well, they got the same game played back. We won. WAAAAAAAAAAA.

So for all of you, regardless of race, as you seem to be forgetting, kindly step off your high horses. None of you have anymore entitlement to a tract of land than the next person. Even the American Indians wandered in from Asia several thousand years ago.

NO ONE IS INNOCENT> EVERYONES FECAL MATTER STILL STINKS. No matter what your heritage, your ancestors ALL committed terrible, barbaric atrocities against their fellow man, from the Aborigine to the Wealthy Swiss banker. Its how we all got to be here. Only the victors breed, and in order to be the victor, you must sacrifice moral dignity.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 05:29 PM
an interesting video that i believe those who are interested in this thread, should watch..

Malkin: "The vast majority of mainstream Hispanic politicians" believe that "the American Southwest belongs to Mexico"

Mod Edit to fix link.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:15 PM
@truthseeka: You make some excellent points in your previous posts, they make sense to me!

@Skadi_the_Evil_Elf: There were fueding amongst the Native American people, no doubt, but they didn't use smallpox and other diseases against each other, where hundreds of people died at a surprising rate, that is one of the MAJOR differences. Also I would like to know where you got your information regarding the Muckleshoot and Yakama fueding, I would like to read up more about it.

I also have to apologize to Vekar for making him mad. I was just trying to debate with him, asking only a few questions and stating some facts, and he blows up on me. Telling me to "shut up", how uncalled for since you have no right to say that to me. I have one to ask you and then I'll leave you alone since you don't like to debate. I think it speaks for itself; read below

Originally posted by Vekar
I NEVER said anything was justified and thats it

Originally posted by Vekar
as far as CONQUEST goes it was justified, Manifest Destiny was CONQUEST and under conquest what you take becomes yours.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by douglas2k4]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:24 PM
Also, thanks for the video, infinite, but the video ended when she was going to explain where she got her info from......why is that? It seems to end right after the "tagline" qoute as well....

I personally wouldn't credit that video as a reliable source.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:01 PM
since i haven't read the whole thread, forgive me if i repeat something already said.

there is a problem with the whole idea of mexicans wanting to make our southwestern states part of mexico. the reason they run, climp, and swim to get here outta tell you how bad they want OUT of mexico. if you are risking everything, including your life, to get away from somewhere, would you want your new location to become part of the old one. i didn't think so.
the are trying to get away from the poverty, and corruption. they are coming here becuase it is NOT mexico. i doubt if they intend to help mexico out any.

it has been my experience that mexican/hispanics just want to be able to work, send money home for their family, and be left alone. hell, the ones i know are too busy working two or three jobs and don't have time to protest. and that ain't no joke.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:07 PM
Big problem is, is we can't really cater to a certain group, because then we'd have to do it to everybody. If we make Mexican immigrants an exception because they are a adjacent country, then it would be unfair to other immigrants and we'd have to cater to them too. It's like being at school. Did you bring enough rights for the entire class? So yeah, most people I know here are saying that we should make it to where we have the same laws, but that Mexicans can just slide by since they are bordered with us. That, IMO, is dumb.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by douglas2k4

@Skadi_the_Evil_Elf: There were fueding amongst the Native American people, no doubt, but they didn't use smallpox and other diseases against each other, where hundreds of people died at a surprising rate, that is one of the MAJOR differences.

Your right.

The Aztecs didnt use disease......they just cut the living heart out of thousands of POWs in sacrifice to the sun god so that it would come up every day. They also had the quaint custom of skinning a person alive and wearing their skin during spring festivals.......

My point is not to paint the aztecs as the bad guys.......but just to point out no one here has the moral high ground. These were hardly a peaceful people minding their own bussiness who were attacked by the a mater of fact...their empire was toppled by just a few hundred Spainish who were joined by thousands of other Native Americans that had grown kinda tired of having thousands of their fellow tribesmen slaughtered by the Aztecs.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:33 PM
It all comes down to nature. Every anmal will migrate to land with plentiful food and resources. DAMNED BE THE LAW OF MAN!!

Truthseeka, I've read your posts before and you seem to understand the nature of this whole thing. This entire debate is another effort on the part of the NWO to distract the public from their plan. It's also a method to create a North America who's economy exists solely to feed the wealthy, while maintaning a single lower caste. So my question to you is, knowing that those with brown skin are being manipulated by the same people who manipulated those with black skin for centuries, how can you hold any blame against those with brown skin for doing exactly what you are doing now? It seems by your posts that you fell for it.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
It all comes down to nature. Every anmal will migrate to land with plentiful food and resources. DAMNED BE THE LAW OF MAN!!

Truthseeka, I've read your posts before and you seem to understand the nature of this whole thing. This entire debate is another effort on the part of the NWO to distract the public from their plan. It's also a method to create a North America who's economy exists solely to feed the wealthy, while maintaning a single lower caste. So my question to you is, knowing that those with brown skin are being manipulated by the same people who manipulated those with black skin for centuries, how can you hold any blame against those with brown skin for doing exactly what you are doing now? It seems by your posts that you fell for it.

I'm not sure I'm understanding your question, but I'll answer based on what I think you're saying.

Honestly, I don't blame the illegals per se. If I lived in Mexico, I'd do the same thing; they're govt is more corrupt than ours. But, there are 2 problems I have...

1) I am an American. Truthfully, I probably would hail the illegals if I were not American. I'd champion them as they and the elites destroy the country, because of how America is so hypocritical and has done so much dirt to get where it is now. But, this destruction affects me, as I am a US citizen.

2) Everyone makes this a race issue, when Mexicans themselves are racist. Did you know they have "negrito" stamps making fun of black people with the stereotypical cartoons that used to be put out here in the US? And that some of their TV programs use the term "mallate" (not sure on spelling, but it's derogatory to black people) and racial slurs against NATIVE AMERICANS? Oh, but the evil Minutemen are racists because they want the govt to enforce the law, what a joke.

The US can build a fence AROUND Afghanistan, but can't fence its own borders? Mexico is MUCH stricter on illegal immigration than the US, but has no qualms putting out "how to sneak across the border" booklets for its citizens? Come on.

On a side note, I am really getting scared now. Once again, I find myself agreeing with Amuk. Now, I don't know what kind of a parallel universe I am in, but this is really disturbing. You sure you didn't make a mistake in your post, Amuk?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:25 AM
If you would like to solve this problem of illegal immigration there are a few things you must do, I will leave out most:
#1 instead of deportation crack down on employment, keep records and do random checks of offices and other business and have a special issued warrent for THIS PURPOSE ONLY that is non-experable unless dictated by a senate, house, or congressional hearing. When someone gets caught hiring illegals: Emintent domane, only you dont pay them for it, you hand the business whatever over to someone else who is a full blooded american for more than 5-10 generations with a small fee attached for "shipping and handling" of papers.
#2: shoot the "coyotes", in the southwest someone who is called "el coyote" is basically someone who helps smuggle people over the boarder, so instead of "catch and release" its "catch and kill" or "catch and detain for life" in short a crack down on the ones who help illegal immigrants
#3: FORCE the media to have coverage on illegal immigration, not the "possitive", "oh look their helping us! Not hurting us!" no more of that, teach children about immigration and how it affects them in schools for once, because I was NEVER taught how it affected me, I learned on my own.
#4: Cut of ALL support to ILLEGAL immigrants, no schools, no nothing, if they have a fake ID or anything call the cops and they go to prison, for life. Want to know WHERE they go to prison? Some small deserted island in the South Pacific with only 2 trees on it and nothing else with only a shirt and a fishing net.
#5: crack down on fake ID's and such, make a govt. database that is nationwide not statewide, all ID's are REQUIRED to go under 1 database, no more individual ones, standardize the WHOLE system.
#6: Instead of making fences around the US, make land mines or stun mines, make factories for a "flash bang" land mine that employs AMERICANS ONLY and is NONCORPORATE, this will get more people jobs but also scare the bejesus out of illegals who step on one if not make them part deaf for a short time and thus motivation to keep them out. Inhumane? Well consider the following:
Due to illegal immigration hospitals in some areas have had to close down entirely because no one who goes there can pay, this forced out tens of thousands of people who COULD afford or were working americans who needed it but couldny quite pay. The illegals drove the hospitals into the ground and they closed and thus thousands of americans no longer have access to a hospital. So which is more inhumane? Loosing your hospital when you need it thus making you have to take a 2 hour trip to another one which is ALREADY crowded or just stunning someone and making jobs for americans while your at it?
#7: FORCE the mexican govt. to keep its people in their own nation for once, make them work on their economy as this nation once did. Instead of just transfering the problem work on it and get rid of it, this would require the removal of corporations from the US in mexico and other things as well first.
#8: Instead of deporting people back to mexico so they can try again, lets keep them around! Only on a small island with other immigrants that is at least 10,000 miles from another one (South Pacific) then make duel note of this to the Mexican people, get caught, you go for life.
#9: Make it illegal for illegal immigrants to apply for any form of aid inside the US, they are no longer allowed to get anything from us, they dont repay it so why give it?
#10: Wipe out all groups that form in the attempt to "protect" illegal immigrants, La Raza, groups that support the "Plan of San Diego" all must go in one fell swoop.

There is 10 easy steps to follow to solve part of the problem, its all related: Cut all motivation they have of comming here.

Now if you dont like that:
Merge the US and Mexico into one nation, this will be simpler and you will gain Mexico's tax dollar as little as it is but none the less tax dollar and get them to help out in the problem instead of festering it.
I suggest the last one here.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Vekar]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:51 AM
Okay, putting myself at GREAT risk of gaining the rep of a racist, I suggest the following, implemented at once:

Immediately clear ALL DWELLINGS and/or structures within 750 feet of the Mexican border. Demand Mexico do the same. This results in a swatch of land 1,500 ft. wide from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf Of Mexico. Implement a Neutral Zone.

Nobody...nobody...NOBODY is allowed within the confines of the Neutral Zone!

American Forces may WITHOUT REGARD OR WARNING shoot anyone caught within the Neutral Zone (on our side.) Demand the Mexicans do the same on their side. Of course, either side may shoot across the Border, as long as the rounds fall within the confines of the Neutral Zone. Either that, or lay landmines.

Also, any and all illegals in the U.S. have the automatic option of BECOMING A U.S. CITIZEN, BUT THEY MUST RENOUNCE THEIR MEXICAN CITIZENSHIP!

And yes, I'm serious.

Hey, it's either that, or we invade Mexico and just make it unincorporated Texas. Either plan works for me.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Toelint]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 02:05 AM

You have voted Skadi_the_Evil_Elf for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Mod Note: One Line Response – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 05:46 AM
well, the US Government needs to starting sorting this out quickly, illegal immigration can be a curse to an economy, it can even break it.

If you close the borders and pass that immigration bill - Civil War

If you dont do either of them - Civil War

The World better be taking interest in this, the World's Superpower internal problem can effect us all.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:03 AM
I was watching one of the news programs about this the other day. Two different sherrffs were on, and bth were talking about the problems they were having with the Mexican government DESPITE having an agreement with them to support law enforcement efforts. One sherriff sent a request to the Mexican Consulate requesting an update on wanted fugitives, and got sent back a lettter on how he was supposed to handle people caught crossing the border, or something like that. The other was talking about several times when they were patroling along the US side of the border and were shot at from the Mexican side of the border.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Truthseeka
Honestly, I don't blame the illegals per se. If I lived in Mexico, I'd do the same thing; they're govt is more corrupt than ours. But, there are 2 problems I have...

I'd be willing to bet that at the top, their and our govts are the same people

1) I am an American. Truthfully, I probably would hail the illegals if I were not American. I'd champion them as they and the elites destroy the country, because of how America is so hypocritical and has done so much dirt to get where it is now. But, this destruction affects me, as I am a US citizen.

Personally, I think the term US Citizen is pointless. I know I'm going to hear the standard "If you don't like it you can get out!!" But because this country was founded, and to this day run by 'them', and 'they' are the ones that control the rights given and taken from citizens. 'They' are the same ones manipulating the people, the media, the issue. Should I beg for the gruel that I'm alloted? Should I fight with the other slaves of the system for that same gruel? Or should all of the slaves stand up and take the filet mignon from the slave owner's mouth.

2) Everyone makes this a race issue, when Mexicans themselves are racist. Did you know they have "negrito" stamps making fun of black people with the stereotypical cartoons that used to be put out here in the US? And that some of their TV programs use the term "mallate" (not sure on spelling, but it's derogatory to black people) and racial slurs against NATIVE AMERICANS? Oh, but the evil Minutemen are racists because they want the govt to enforce the law, what a joke.

It looks like everyone is racist. And who benefits when the oppressed are fighting over something as rediculous as each other's race? 'Them', that's who. We (middle to lower class Americans) probably have more in common with the Mexican's being vilified than we do with the people who we are begging to have them deported.

This is just another example of 'them' keeping 'us' (humanity) down.

Mod Edit to fix Bold tags.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

[edit on 3-4-2006 by Rasobasi420]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:37 PM
Depending on how you break it down, yes we are all racists in our own respect to some degree. The problem is the blatant racism thats used to harm people, enslave people, etc.
The cheapest way to fix the problem as I see it is to take over Mexico, and to satisfy the "pro-illegal" or anyone else who likes illegals or even dislikes them, give them (mexican govt.) a timeline and if illegals are still flooding us after X date then we invade and take over. Although I think it would be easier just to send some of the armored battalions on the boarder on a "road trip" to mexico city for a week and blow the bejesus out of their presidents home and then post a message outside to the mexican people saying mexico is now part of the USA.
Yes that sounds a bit jumbled if you read fast so read it slowly.

What are the benefits of this? Well there are many:
#1: More tax dollar
#2: new people to sell our stuff to (made in america, by americans, for mexicans)
#3: No need to worry about illegals rushing the boarder or other legal disputes
#4: The people who shoot at the boarder people can be apprehended faster, after all there is no boarder now so they can rush over what was once "the line" and wipe them out.
#5: We can now get them to help themselves more, since we are all one nation then we can have them errect an economy that is suited for their needs and conditions so they wont have to come up here.
#6: If we ever get invaded we have a couple million extra people to call in as reinforcements.
#7: Corporations will no longer be able to leech off of mexicans which is one reason why they lost so many jobs and come up here, the mexican minimum wage becomes that of americas and that drives the corporations off.
#8: The Mexican people being so poor but have great need for food and such will allow us to transport goods such as corn faster, BUT dont overdo it like now. Get them to have their own crops so they wont come up here and take our crop harvesting/growing jobs.
#9: Whole new tourism, we now have access to each others tourism business faster and cheaper so there will be more tourism "trade" going on which will benefit both sides.
#10: La Raza and groups like that would have a problem, they now have to convince all of Mexico to join in with them in order to do what they are planning, this will throw them off and give us ample time to counter them through media and other processes.

There is 10 pro's to it, now there will ALWAYS be cons to ANYTHING we do, but I say the pros outweigh the cons in this one, not short term but long term.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:57 PM
You know what, we as a nation do treat mexicans really bad. I'm white and I tell you straight up white people are lazy, especially white men. I've tried for 8 months to find someone to work for my business...Very few white men under 35 will strike a lick at a snake to keep it from biting them. At least mexicans will work. They support their families by working at jobs that most "americans" won't do. Granted if you are poor and white you don't get much in the form of government aid but still if your willing to work you can scratch it out the same way I did, my friends did, my family did, and the way mexicans do it today.

So here's my take...Maybe we should round up some of our no good, lazy, drug using americans and exchange them for some hard working mexicans who understand the pursuit of happiness and are willing to work for it.

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