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Illegal Immigrants want to take over South/Western States and merge with Mexico.

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Most is because of skin and cultural differences, but to say whites are the only group of people who are racist isnt fair, blacks are, arabs are, asians are, we all are.

Seems like a problem, maybe we should stop throwing around blame and do something about it?

However this doesnt excuse the tensions the mexicans are causing by "reconquista". I really dont think they want to start a war based on race with Caucasians, anyone remember what happened last time?

It's good to be reassured of the supremacy of the white race Xphiles

I understand it is politically correct to restrict how much a white person can express racism, a hold over from the days when blacks were slaves and when the nazis actually tried to exterminate other races and tried playing with eugenics.

Lets not forget the [url=]American Eugenics program

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:11 PM
what the ******, wich reality do most of you live in?
A massive mexican invasion? a master illegal immigrant conspiracy?
I´m not laughing this time (I was rolling on the floor laughing last mexican-illegal-immigrant thread, closed btw), I´m shocked on how can you believe in this.
First of all, if the there is a conspiracy, there would be no need to invade the US in a military way (cuz as an above poster said, you are already invaded).
Then, the source sux, also aztlan is a minority group capable of nothing

-NEWS FLASH: there are supremacist groups in every society/race/country-

I think most of you are just looking for some approval to your antimexican attitude.
Finally, this mexican immigrant lately stuff that has been all over the news is
just distracting all of you from some more important issue, I dunno wich one (issue) tho but this media coverage is a classic maneuver to achieve that.

* mod edit: Circumvention of censor removed *
Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors - please revisit this link

[edit on 2-4-2006 by Riwka]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
So are you willing to be the minority? do you think you will get the same special considerations when you are?

are you willing to take food out of your mouth and go hungry so the minority doesnt? if you are then your not being realistic, or americans have become to complacent, too comfortable for too long and deserve this coming war.

im guessing by your logic, since the jewish people werent the majority they had it coming? also dont start to judge me, i dont get any sort of special treatment, i get treated worse then most people of color do because it seems as though the only thing an open racist hates more is a white person who believes such a thing is wrong. dont believe me? i have physical scars to prove it. so before you start pointing fingers about what im willing to do or why im willing to do it you go check yourself and your actions.

if you actually knew me youd know i would go hungry so any other person wouldnt, regardless of race or view. if i had the food to do so which most rich white men do, i would be feeding them. since when should power come over life? only in the eyes of the greedy it will. and those people deserve to be overthrown.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:20 PM
Lol. Isnt this just a little too much war for the U.S? Why start another one when we waist deep in another one.?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:32 PM
Why doesn't the US Government just strat charging Mexico and all other countries for social services that are needed by thier citizens here in the US. I'm pretty sure that if foriegn governments had to pay for the social services that the are using that the governments would stop helping them come to the US.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:34 PM
The immigrants may be a minority still, however the do hold allot of power over us in the long run. Its they who harvest your crops, its they who make most of your junk thats non-chinese. So if they manage to force others to join them or get them to peacefully then just stop harvesting or making your stuff......... You get the picture.
None the less this event is a GRAND chance for the govt. to get people rilled up and then make a fake terror attack and declare martial law, now they have someone who is already here who has already stated what they are going to do so why not make it look like they did it and get what you want in the long run? Not only will people shoot the mexicans and each other but they will be so buisy doing it they wont have what it takes to defeat you.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:40 PM
What is it with you people that let racism be the foundation of your thinking. I believe the Mexica Group is dumb for saying that, but to see that and label it to the intentions of all Mexicans is stupid, stereotyping, and wrong. People march because they believe a bill is wrong, now a issue of race comes up. Why are we going backwards in time?.......

[edit on 1-4-2006 by El Chicano Guapo]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
America belongs to everyone.

What??? I don't know what you've been smoking but I want some.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 11:49 PM
It is interesting to note that mexicans are not the indiginous people of the americas. They were created by the white invaders to be used as slaves. The governments of both Mexico and the United States, both of which are white, do not wish to have anything to do with these people other than use them to stimulate their respective economies. Mexicans have everthing to owe white people as they are speaking a white language, writing ina white language, useing white currency and obtaining white products. Everything. How ingrateful can you get?

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:04 AM
As an outsider I don't understand why so many people are protesting this,it's illegal to enter another country without having permission and last I checked California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are States of the USA.So the U.S either has to give back the land that Mexico claims is there's(which won't happen) or enforce the border with Mexico to stop people from entering the country illegally.

As a Canadian, I need a Visa to work in the U.S.A..

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:12 AM
Well, I live in Texas (home of the rednecks), and know many people around my area that would give any invading army hell. Im not talking about a local militia. Im talking about former and current military personel. Sometimes I think they are literally stockpiling for an invasion. Though thankfully, I highly doubt any invasion would take place. Mexico sure as hell does not have the money to launch a successful offensive against America. As for China, they wouldn't slit their own wrists over a place like Mexico.

The 12 million illegal immigrants who didn't fancy waiting in line could easily become detained. The only major city I can think of that could put up some form of lasting resistance is San Antonio, which (I believe) has a hispanic majority. Even then, I highly doubt that most of the hispanics in that majority would want to fight. They are in the belly of the beast. Trying to start civil war from within the most technologically advanced country in the world (at least I think America is) is a death sentence. And frankly, that scares even me. The USA is not South America, and any group like "Mexica" ought to keep that in mind.

But I agree with others who feel like America is taking a step backwards. Mexica does not represent all mexicans, nor all hispanics or all other illegal immigrants. Stooping to their level only gives them more provacation to attack. Most illegals I know of dont even want to stay in America. They want to work for a year or two (without paying taxes, btw), and then go live a happy life in their homeland, where the dollar is worth some large amount of their own currency.

Unfortunately though, the matter has become political. Since hispanics hold majority in places like san antonio, the politicans that control our government dont want to upset them by going against them. Makes me sad sometimes, when people become so concerned about the votes and their public appearance that they forget about their actual job.

I don't understand why so many people are protesting this,it's illegal to enter another country without having permission

Nice to see Im not the only one who understands this concept

As far as Im concerned though, it's this simple: close the borders. I can assure you that if national guard troops were deployed (and I believe the governer of Arizona already wants to do this), the number of people hopping across the border (at least by land, not including tunnels here) would become some number fairly close to 0. I have family that work as border patrol agents, and they would love the national guard's help. Some of them get death threats and drive by's (not the shoot-out kind. the "we know where you live" kind) on a regular basis. Places like laredo and nuevo laredo are common hide outs for drug dealers and the like.

What the Mexican government is backing is more subtle but in my opinion more effective. They are flooding the border states with a mass of illegal immigrants that are still loyal to Mexico. These illegal immigrants once here by sheer numbers become the majority in their local area. They have children that are now American citizens and that can vote, this new generation is raised by the old and the same ideologies and view are passed on. This now majority votes as a block and elects people to power who share their views and beliefs. From now on they can influence laws and regulations, in turn this will initiate a perpetual problem of more and more political power and influence being gained.

No better way to put it (minus the belief that the mexican government is in full support of something like this).

Another argument I hear is how, if the mexicans didn't do it, who would? I personally believe Americans would do it, they're just too proud. This is another thing that irritates me: When everyone is whining about there being no jobs, and unemployment is rising. Seriously, if you cared, you'd get off your butt and take the job. Simply because you're not sitting in an office and typing at a computer does not indicate that you are somehow of lower quality than anyone else (regardless of what anyone tries to make you think). Unemployment? More like "non-favorable employment options." Honestly, you can't have the high-life all the time. It'll be a shame when this country has to go through another depression to wake its citizens up simply because its citizens were too lazy or proud to take the available jobs.

America belongs to everyone

We are the melting pot. However, that does not mean that everyone has the right to just hop the border because they dont want to go through the proper process of becoming a citizen. Even then, while "america belongs to everyone" is a great ideology, in reality it is unrealistic when trying to apply it on such a broad spectrum. A country can only take in so many people at a time. Too many people yields poverty; just take a look at communism. They followed a similar belief (in the idea of equalness, not immigration) that everyone was equal. Look what it did to those who followed. Not to mention, national security also becomes an issue when letting people in unchecked.

And as for other smaller issues like learning english and such... Learn English. If you want to live in a foreign country, you just might want to learn the language. Don't expect the majority that already lives in the country to bend to your own needs.

Well, have fun yall. And as for an invasion from mexico (however stupid and unrealistic it truly is): Good luck getting through. We weren't called the wild west for nothing.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by aggroskater]

[edit on 2-4-2006 by aggroskater]

[edit on 2-4-2006 by aggroskater]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Aelita

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
America belongs to everyone.

What??? I don't know what you've been smoking but I want some.

???Why would you want to smoke something that would make you make a statement like this??? America doesn't belong to everyone. It doesn't even belong to Americans. How many Americans do you know own land? Only American land-owners should have a voice in governmental decisions such as banning all illegal immigrants from social programs and employment.

The Mexicans may have taken the Alamo at one time, but that's it. That was their high point of their history and heritage. I've been told never say never and I say NEVER AGAIN!

[edit on 2/4/06 by Intelearthling]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Zeratul
what the ****, wich reality do most of you live in?
A massive mexican invasion? a master illegal immigrant conspiracy?
I´m not laughing this time (I was rolling on the floor laughing last mexican-illegal-immigrant thread, closed btw), I´m shocked on how can you believe in this.
First of all, if the there is a conspiracy, there would be no need to invade the US in a military way (cuz as an above poster said, you are already invaded).
Then, the source sux, also aztlan is a minority group capable of nothing

-NEWS FLASH: there are supremacist groups in every society/race/country-

I think most of you are just looking for some approval to your antimexican attitude.
Finally, this mexican immigrant lately stuff that has been all over the news is
just distracting all of you from some more important issue, I dunno wich one (issue) tho but this media coverage is a classic maneuver to achieve that.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by Zeratul]

Okay, first, here's an American History lesson:

Now, here's the land M.E.Ch.A wants to lay claim to.:

Now, you can SAY that New Aztlan is a narrow group in the overall picture of Mexican immigration, but I see them only as a group who has the GUTS to speak out what's on their mind. Like it or not this is their viewpoint. Even if they DO truely represent a miniscule portion of today's immigrants, who's to say that the other 70% (or 80%, or 90%, if it pleases you) will side with the United States if it comes to right down to it?

Let's face it, nothing would make the illegals day better, than to see the Treaty Of Guatelupe torn up and tossed into the nearest trash bin.

BTW, You really need to visit more M.E.Ch.A websites. Check these out.:

I must admit this last link is kind'a a fun sort'a way!

(mod edit: Circumvention of censor removed)

[edit on 2-4-2006 by Riwka]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:35 AM
I am ready for war, as another member said: Bring it on!

I have seen this coming from a mile away, they think they deserve social services and free stuff for jumping the border, how messed up is that? I am a LEGAL immigrant, I paid out of my a** to come here legally, now they are giving the illegals premission to stay and/or legal residency? I WANT MY MONEY BACK! if they can get in free, so should I shouldn't I?

They are ALREADY invading, just look around you, they are EVERYWHERE, there is alot more than statistics show, many are hiding from us.

if they really want reconquista, I say let them try, they will regret it, they already turned the economy UPSIDE DOWN, not all of them are willing to work, they are messing with the minds of American women that are a little desperate for love so they can marry them or get them pregnant so they can import their entire family...they bring more poverty than anything else.

I come from a country that saw the EXACT SAME THING, we had a PLAGUE of immigrants that leeched off of our social systems, refused to work, sell drugs on the street, manipulate the women and get their families over here so they can leech off of us even more, they have NO respect for us!

the Netherlands (my country) has much stricter immigration laws now, my wife wasn't even allowed to stay and she's AMERICAN! only the rich can immigrate to the Netherlands.

I would be hypocritical if I said that America should adopt this kind of law since I am fairly poor and had to have my inlaws pay for my trip and immigration fees (well most of it anyway).

I'll tell you a story about me and how I ended up here.

First of all, I always considdered the US to be a nice country to visit, I didn't really wanted to live there ever in my life but I just happen to have met the love of my life there, I met her and due to her emotional instability (suicidal tendencies, major depression) of my wife I decided to marry her so I could stay (I wanted to marry her from the start since she is SUCH a great person), I went through ALOT of red tape to get a CONDITIONAL permanent residency and a work permit, later we were forced to leave the US due to medical reasons (Medicaid refused to pay for medications for her Multiple Sclerosis that prevented her from working and her anti-depressants, anyone that suffers from depression knows you can't stop cold turkey), I had to swallow my pride and move back to the Netherlands with her.

I gave up my job in the US and my immigration status, ofcourse she didn't immediatly get treated and she didn't get anti-depressant since she didn't get medcial care right away so my doctor had to prescribe anti-depressant to my MOTHER so she could have atleast these critical medication, but her MS therapy had to stop, she ended up getting a major MS attack and had her entire left side paralyzed, I took care of her and stood by her for all this time, I went over the call of duty to take care of her.

after that when she finally recovered (albeit partially, she still has limited mobility but has most control back in her left side), we decided that enough was enough and I wanted to start working again and since no jobs were available for a high-school dropout like me in my country we decided to move back, paid all the fees and went through alot of hoops again.

THEN...we had to fight for her disability and we are still proving to the social security office that she has MS and that she has no place in the work force due to her disability so she is entitled for this money, I personally have a job now in the US at Wal-Mart where I work VERY hard in an understaffed team of cartpushers (If only people knew what hell this job can be without adequat staff), and I only get paid 6 dollars an hour for it, but it atleast helps pay the bills.

That's my life for the last 3 years, I paid 1000's of dollars that I loaned from all over the place, do you think the Mexican "immigrants" have gone through this much trouble? did they have a motive that was love? no, they come here to use people, use us, the American people.

I'm sorry to say, but why don't they put some effort in changing Mexico rather than go to a "better" place? is it that much better for them here? I am not so sure about that, they refuse to MAKE it a better place there, I am sure there is plenty of jobs for them there.

Just a view from a legal immigrant.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:41 AM
Now that I think about it, isn't this The Alamo all over again. There is no point for them to try for the outcome is the new history

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:49 AM
Know you have a point Toelint, I just fail to see it.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:06 AM
Maybe we should just throw in the towel and join Mexico it would be a lot less expense than paying for the cost of supporting an ilegal population within our borders.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:44 AM
Anybody who is taking this jargin seriously needs to have their heads checked!!
I'm of Latino decent and i live in Los angeles. I know many , and i mean Many Mexicans living in the U.S. and i don't see how a few extremist groups calls for an invasion, I promise you the large number in the marches, only means that 70% of the people their don't really know why they are their, they just want to be part of the action. and are probably misinformed as to why they are there.

as for an actual war, most Latino's are too busy working their asses off to start a war, and way to smart to think about starting some sort of misguided civil war.

If you ask anybody whos mexican and works 50 hours a week so their kids can have a better life over here, If they'd rather have the mexican government in control? they would prolly say "are you f-in crazy why would i want to mess this country up!?!?

Most are proud to me americans as well as mexicans. and they know why they are here! They send money home to their families, Do you honestly think anybody who works 50-60 hrs a week would jeopordize their whole lives to make thier lives even worse?

Trust me the people who are Here know how good they have it, they know how much worse off they would be back in their native countries, Especially the ones that have kids!

Though the civil unrest is hard to ignore since it hit the spotlight, but think about another group in the late sixties that had extreme ideals, eventually the hate and ignorance runs out and and people go back to living their lives .

How do you think Latino's of Non-mexican decent feel about it? Trust me Latino's arent taht united!

Someone just stirred up the hornets nests and for that they are idiots to ask for things that are just plain Illogical they are just trying to get some press . I guess now we are living in the country of black,white and Brown

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:02 AM
If a major war broke out with Iran or North korea and they needed to put a draft in place,who would be drafted to go to war?

It would be American citizens,the ones who pay there taxes and who would they be fighting and dying for?

Yes there family and friends but they would also be fighting for the same illegal immigrants that don't have to worry about being drafted the same people that don't pay taxes either!

I don't think that's right.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:27 AM
I know a semi-legal immigrant (im not 100% sure of his residency status, but i am fairly certain he is not legal) who attempted to join the US Military and was denied (i believe 2 times now). I know some children of illegal immigrants who are in the military now. So, its not really a question of who is or isnt going to be in the military. I know not all immigrants children will join, and i know they are probably in the minority.

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