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Illegal Immigrants want to take over South/Western States and merge with Mexico.

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by bogieman
if the white europeans in this country want to attack mexicans so bad all that would do is cause the mexicans to allow chinese nukes be launched from mexican soil be careful wat you wish for cause you might just get it

And this is going to happen in what parrallel universe?

What an odd comment to make!

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:20 PM
If you wait in line like others I have no problem with you comming here, if you jump the line then I have a problem with you. I dont think the mexicans in this country who are legal realize how dangerous these people are even to mexicans, if you dont side with them they will probably kill you too in the end. BAH this whole situation is screwed up, the media plays it as a racial issue and a chance to make money while the rest of us have to put up with what could become a life and death situation.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:21 PM
I am going to avoid my opinion on everything that has been said in this thread for the most part. I do agree that this could get bad, and no doubt about it, I live in AZ, and we are the wild west when it comes to guns here. So good luck getting through here.
That being said.
I think the biggest problem is not that of the mexicans, but that of the government.

Even if 12 million some odd mexicans decided to try and kill everyone that they could find, I dont think they would last long. If the government played no part in it whatsoever, I beleive it would be over very quickly, and we would be the winners. They wouldnt make it past the second set of states (AZ,NV,Etc). Period.

But that isnt the big issue..

The big issue is, as stated orginally in here, the government calling on Marshal Law. That is what worries me. What the government wants to do worries me. We could go to a full out civil war with mexico, its no fun, but it doesnt make me fear my life, and it doesnt make me want to leave the country.

The fact that the government is so deceitful, is what makes me lose sleep.

The fact that they do have camps set up, and they have been training alot of law enforcement all around the country some pretty odd things, is what scares me...

I just wish that this country would become OUR country again, not the Governments. Then issues like this wouldnt happen.

Until then, Ive got my guns... And theres no way im gettin hauled off to any camp...

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 04:53 PM
Suppose a Mexican revolution did succeed and Mexico took over several of our southern states.

The Mexican government would divvy up the new lands to the rich and the poor Mexican would still be the poor Mexican.


12 million illegal Mexican aliens are in the US from what I read, but many think the figure is much higher.

Vicente Fox doesn't want these people back in Mexico.
Not so much for the humanitarian problems they would cause and Mexico's inability to take care of them.

Mr. Fox would be staring a revolution in the face without the means to put it down.

A whole other ball game methinks....

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
now alot of white people are either openly racist or moderately racist, i know this because im white and see it regardless of where i go. they dont say immediately kill all other races like radicals do, but a majority will make judgements based on color. and i see this SO MUCH. point blank this country is fueled with racist really think you want to start a war based on race?


I'm shocked that you actually admit the truth. I'm even more shocked because you are white and are saying this. But, bravo, nevertheless. It is so true.

But, don't forget that the groups like Mecha and La Raza have money from whites backing them. See, this immigration thing "leads" to one solution; the Pan-American Union. For the elites, this is great, because it will be the nail in the coffin for the middle class. A whole mass of poor with a few rich standing on top, you gotta love it.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:43 PM
I have to commend grimreaper797 and truthseeka for actually seeing the reality of the situation.

These groups are backed up by funds from a few select "elite" Caucasians, no doubt about that.

As for Vekar trying to "justify" the Mexico conquests, which was in fact an invasion of Mexico, is just pure brainless thinking. How can you justify an evil perpetrated on Native Americans by European colonists? The same thing was done to Native Americans in North America as well, and that was certainly not justifed. As a human being, you think by them commiting these acts, that they were justified to do so? Same thing with the Mexican American War. Also, may I ask what state you live in? Just curious.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by douglas2k4]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:18 PM
Ok I dont know who you are douglas, but you need to stop insulting people because you dont agree with them, thats how people start fights and that is EXACTLY what you are doing. So keep your mouth shut if all you can make is an insult mixed with other words to disgues it.
I NEVER justified the invasion, NEVER did I say that it was a 100% good thing, I pointed out SOME of the goods things that HAVE happened because of it which benefit YOUR LIFE. I NEVER said taking land from the Native Americans was a good thing, I NEVER said anything was justified and thats it. Stop trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Yes the govt. could use this event to propogate an all out gestapo and a full blown martial law, but they would have to put down the resistance first. The biggest problem will be, how will they manage to pull it off? They need to light the keg so what will they do to do so? Will they assassinate some of the Aztclan leaders to start a war? Or will they just shoot up some of the protesters OR even FAKE an attack on americans with mercenaries from Mexico or south america then blame Aztlan and wipe them out and use it as a basis for martial law? We dont know, but we can guess and prepare, just make sure you have enough ammo to go around your family and enough guns as well, not shotguns but real assult rifles or even machine guns like a .50 caliber which you CAN pick up in the USA at gun festivals in some eastern states but I dont know where exactly.
Just make sure you shoot at the right people when it breaks out, we dont need any friendly fire going on.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
mexicans are getting a bad idea starting a war with a fully racist nation. a good percent is white...thats the majority. now alot of white people are either openly racist or moderately racist

OH! and anyone else is not? right? I got news for you, blacks, mexicans, whatever you are, they are racist too..... No group of people on this planet does not discriminate against another for some reason or another.

Most is because of skin and cultural differences, but to say whites are the only group of people who are racist isnt fair, blacks are, arabs are, asians are, we all are.

However this doesnt excuse the tensions the mexicans are causing by "reconquista". I really dont think they want to start a war based on race with Caucasians, anyone remember what happened last time?

I understand it is politically correct to restrict how much a white person can express racism, a hold over from the days when blacks were slaves and when the nazis actually tried to exterminate other races and tried playing with eugenics.

by the way "the final solution" wouldnt of happened if the other countries were willing to take the jews when hitler wanted to get rid of them, no one else wanted them. So he began killing them.

mexicans, either adapt to the culture here in america, learn english and get citizenship and pay taxes(income). or we will send you back!

[edit on 1-4-2006 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Vekar

Yes the govt. could use this event to propogate an all out gestapo and a full blown martial law, but they would have to put down the resistance first. The biggest problem will be, how will they manage to pull it off? They need to light the keg so what will they do to do so? Will they assassinate some of the Aztclan leaders to start a war? Or will they just shoot up some of the protesters OR even FAKE an attack on americans with mercenaries from Mexico or south america then blame Aztlan and wipe them out and use it as a basis for martial law?

Anyone read the thread talking about the Nuke that may be docked in Texas?
Anyone heard about all of these Prison camps set up everywhere?

Lying Government > Purposely make the Mexicans mad > Mexicans get tough > Civil war breaks out > nuclear bomb gets detonated > government says its terrorists and/or mexicans > marshal law is put into effect > Mexicans are all detained > Americans that fight are all detained > ???

Why couldnt I have gotten to live my life in the good old times...?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:54 PM
being of mexican descent, i fully do not support these idiots.

my parents were born in the USA, and both of my grandparents were also. before that, arizona was not yet a state (i live mere minutes from 2 mexican port of entries, Algodones and San Luis). I do not speak spanish, and neither do my parents. When asked about my nationality, I tell people I am American.

I don't understand why these people get upset because some of the Americans here want to actually enforce the immigration laws, or pass laws to do the same. Why would invaders from another country illegally here, lucky enough to be working American jobs, taking American money, American public assistance, living in American houses, going to American stores and now they want to take the land for mexico? why? what will it accomplish? I imagine all that would happen would be that it would become as run down and unmaintained as the rest of mexico.

I occasionally venture off to mexico and when i am there, i attempt to try to speak spanish. I do a horrible job, and i barely understand anything, but i am not somewhere that English is the official language, so I attempt to communicate in their language. I do know English is not the USA's official language, but at least try to learn enough instead of speaking to me in spanish, assuming i speak it. In my city, my choice of jobs is severely limited due to me not being spanish bilingual. I refuse to learn spanish until some of the illegals here learn english. If i could get through a day without someone speaking a rapid-fire sentence to me in spanish, then i would be happy.

I don't believe there should be racism, because for all the negative aspects of these people, there are just as many positives. Some people truely want to come to America to better their lives and just can not afford to take the classes until they already have an American job. There are some very good foods, beautiful women, and they have an OK culture. I just wish our lawmakers would work as hard as possible to enforce our immigration laws. These people will not take parts of my country from me, especially where I live.

I will be protesting AGAINST these people and voting FOR tougher immigration laws. If it comes down to riots and violence, which i hope it definately does not, I will be fighting for America, my land, my freedoms and my rights.

sorry for all the crazy rambling, i just typed as it came out of my brain.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by pkpao]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 08:52 PM
C’mon people they are already invading us and are already taking those states over. Mexico could never win a war against the US, nor would they ever support such. Such a war would force the US to shut down the border and crack down on illegal immigration.

What the Mexican government is backing is more subtle but in my opinion more effective. They are flooding the border states with a mass of illegal immigrants that are still loyal to Mexico. These illegal immigrants once here by sheer numbers become the majority in their local area. They have children that are now American citizens and that can vote, this new generation is raised by the old and the same ideologies and view are passed on. This now majority votes as a block and elects people to power who share their views and beliefs. From now on they can influence laws and regulations, in turn this will initiate a perpetual problem of more and more political power and influence being gained. Fantasist isn’t it? Mexico and illegal immigrants using our legal, social, and democratic institutions against us. Tell me, who is the mayor of LA? Deny non assimilation.

Read these links.

Mexico Taking Over US
US Census

Latino population as percent of total population of a state.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:08 PM
Let us try to remember that these individuals and groups do not represent all Mexicans, and that immigration is the cornerstone on which this country was built.

That said, this militancy on their part is all so senseless. When is it not, though (on any side)?

Proud hearts parade for conjured pain
A soul twisting thread which arduously entwines
They have fashioned blades to divide the rain
For the integrity of their invisible lines

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:09 PM
We are betrayed by our government who wants to accomplish God knows what. I can't believe we see "marches" and "demonstrations" in support of something which is by a legal definition, well, illegal.

I repeat: it's not some legal rights being taken away from people, but an illegal actions being endorsed and promoted.

I'm losing faith in my beloved United States of America. Have we become too fat, complacent and not caring?

Wake up people.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:12 PM
Looks like they had a big march today in New York. I'm guessing that big city after big city is going to start having uprisals. I think a "civil war" that would have to be fought so spread out like this may take a while longer to get rid of than if they were all in one region.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:19 PM
I can't believe there are actual people who believe this nonsense. Let me get this straight some of you people actually believe there is a vast conspiracy between America's illegals to invade and seize the southwest all for the glory of Mexico? Do you realize how insane that sounds?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:42 PM
How can you guys belive this garbage? There is no mass conspiracy between Illegal Immigrants and/or anyone of mexican decent to take back the western states.
I know a few Illegal Immigrants and asked them this before because I had heard of this conspiracy before and one told me that it would contradict his whole reason of coming here. He came to the U.S. for a better life not to reclaim was was "taken" from his people.

This has to be the worst conspiracy ever, because there is NONE. Just think how crazy this whole conspiracy sounds.
Even if is was even remotely true there is no chance of it succeding.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

Originally posted by grimreaper797
mexicans are getting a bad idea starting a war with a fully racist nation. a good percent is white...thats the majority. now alot of white people are either openly racist or moderately racist

OH! and anyone else is not? right? I got news for you, blacks, mexicans, whatever you are, they are racist too..... No group of people on this planet does not discriminate against another for some reason or another.

Most is because of skin and cultural differences, but to say whites are the only group of people who are racist isnt fair, blacks are, arabs are, asians are, we all are.

However this doesnt excuse the tensions the mexicans are causing by "reconquista". I really dont think they want to start a war based on race with Caucasians, anyone remember what happened last time?

I understand it is politically correct to restrict how much a white person can express racism, a hold over from the days when blacks were slaves and when the nazis actually tried to exterminate other races and tried playing with eugenics.

by the way "the final solution" wouldnt of happened if the other countries were willing to take the jews when hitler wanted to get rid of them, no one else wanted them. So he began killing them.

mexicans, either adapt to the culture here in america, learn english and get citizenship and pay taxes(income). or we will send you back!

[edit on 1-4-2006 by XphilesPhan]

you are right, and all that would mean something had i not put that america is ruled by WHITE PEOPLE. so who do you think is going to get the short end of this stick? not the white people.

so in short, they may all be racist, but when most people who are part of the country and rule the country are white, thats when white racism causes the bigger threat. whoever has the majority are the ones you need to worry about when your a minority. i never justified their actions, just telling them its stupid to start war with a racist white nation. they know as well as we do they are racist, and we know as well as they do they hold the majority. in saying that let us remind ourselves we can destroy mexico if we wanted.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:54 PM

you are right, and all that would mean something had i not put that america is ruled by WHITE PEOPLE. so who do you think is going to get the short end of this stick? not the white people.

so in short, they may all be racist, but when most people who are part of the country and rule the country are white, thats when white racism causes the bigger threat. whoever has the majority are the ones you need to worry about when your a minority. i never justified their actions, just telling them its stupid to start war with a racist white nation. they know as well as we do they are racist, and we know as well as they do they hold the majority. in saying that let us remind ourselves we can destroy mexico if we wanted.

So are you willing to be the minority? do you think you will get the same special considerations when you are?

are you willing to take food out of your mouth and go hungry so the minority doesnt? if you are then your not being realistic, or americans have become to complacent, too comfortable for too long and deserve this coming war.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by XphilesPhan]

[edit on 1-4-2006 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by boogyman
I can't believe there are actual people who believe this nonsense. Let me get this straight some of you people actually believe there is a vast conspiracy between America's illegals to invade and seize the southwest all for the glory of Mexico? Do you realize how insane that sounds?

well here is some on this crazy idea, who knows were we got it

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:03 PM
What about all the Americans of Mexican descent who have no desire to be Mexican citizens, but are quite happy to be americans? What about all the Mexicans who come to America because its NOT Mexico and they dont want it to be Mexico?

The Mexicans themselves arent pure. They are a mix of Indian and Spanish amongst other things.

America belongs to everyone.

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