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Illegal Immigrants want to take over South/Western States and merge with Mexico.

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posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:55 PM
OK, Rasobasi, what is the disagreement here?

I pretty much agree with what you are saying. What is the argument here? Wait...

I guess it's that you are for illegal immigration? Correct me if I'm wrong on this. Don't you think it's funny that Mexico isn't as cavalier about illegal immigration as we are? Especially when it ain't just Mexico that wants to come here, but tons of peeps from Latin America?

Don't you realize that unbridled illegal immigration WILL contribute greatly to America's fall? Maybe you agree with this, but just remember that the same "they" running things are going to be the only winners. Why else would "they" fund the radical Hispanic groups who want to conquer the US and kill whites AND blacks?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:58 PM
Ok...I was born in and still live in a border city. I am American of Mexican descent. But after the last week I can honestly say I am very embarrassed right now to be of Mexican descent. Last week there were protesters all over the city. Kids leaving school to protest this bill. But most of them didn't know what they were protesting!

People were waving Mexican flags and spitting in the faces of soldiers. (We have an army base here.) If they are SO proud of Mexico that they feel the need to wave that flag in the faces of Americans, go back.

And to spit in soldiers faces!! The faces of the people that protect your freedom to protest.

I've seen what the influx of illegal aliens does to the economy in this city. It's horrible. I don't want MY tax dollars to go to people who are breaking the law here, and some are on the run from having broken the law there. Women coming over here to have thier kids so they'll be citizens and they can stay here.

Do these same people approve of ANY illegal aliens, or just the Mexican ones?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
OK, Rasobasi, what is the disagreement here?

I pretty much agree with what you are saying. What is the argument here? Wait...

I guess it's that you are for illegal immigration? Correct me if I'm wrong on this. Don't you think it's funny that Mexico isn't as cavalier about illegal immigration as we are? Especially when it ain't just Mexico that wants to come here, but tons of peeps from Latin America?

Don't you realize that unbridled illegal immigration WILL contribute greatly to America's fall? Maybe you agree with this, but just remember that the same "they" running things are going to be the only winners. Why else would "they" fund the radical Hispanic groups who want to conquer the US and kill whites AND blacks?

I don't think there really is an arguement here, just different points of view on ways to respond to the same problem. Where you would prefer that the USA stays as it is now so that "they" can't gain any more ground, I'm for dissolving the existing government controlled by "them".

It's obvious that those who fall for the racist propoganda are weak minded and obtuse, but the only way to counteract that is through brotherhood and unity. Not under the banner of the NWO, but under the banner of peace.

It's the confrontation and the seperation that is destroying us as a species.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka More taurus feces.

First off, my ancestors are from AFRICA, not Europe. So, don't play that European conquest BS on me. I'm going to assume you are Native American, based on your post. So, THEY used OUR backs to build up this country on YOUR land, and you wanna talk spit to me? Please.

I can only work with the present. You see, I also resent the glaring hypocrisy that is America. But, I am an American at this point in time, so I roll with it now, but I never forget how dirty this country was and is. And, when I see that certain pieces of spit elites are using the "slaves" (they actually call us slaves) to fight each other and weaken each other, making the elite task of dominating everyone beneath them, REGARDLESS of race, easier, it just makes my ass hurt.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, homey, the product of people who were used by Europeans to build up this anomaly that is America. But, unlike you, I can see that they are using EVERYONE this time. And you call ME a hypocrite when YOU hail the reverse Manifest Destiny.
I'm no Christian, but take that plank out of your eye before you talk about the speck in mine.

May I assume you support the Plan of San Diego? If you do, no sweat off my back, I ain't a white male. But, you already knew that, since you quoted me and called me a hypocrite...
- that's sarcasm, for those of you who didn't catch it.

Let me see if I follow you.

The horrendous carnage of 98% of the Red peoples of the Great Turtle Island is in your opinion "European conquest BS" which I "spit", is that correct?

Maya Mexica peoples coming to the US, on the other hand, is a great problem which deeply stirs your passion?

Furthermore, you feel the "elites" are manipulating the masses of people into adversarial factions, which "makes your ass hurt".

Does your attitude toward Maya Mexica peoples coming to Amerika reflect success in that elitist endeavor?

"Hailing the reverse Manifest Destiny"?

No, just highlighting the hypocrisy of Amerikans crying about "foreigners" ruining "their" country.

Perhaps the Amerikans should pay closer attention to their government/corporations turning so much of South and Central America into a cesspool in the name of profit.

Perhaps the Amerikans should pay closer attention to their government/corporations committing mass murder of very poor people to protect their profits, under the facade of "fighting communism".

But these are just some thoughts.

By the way, you are not Black. You are a white person pretending to be Black.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by pRoPhEcY]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:29 PM
How much of a problem is the $3,400,000,000,000 that is "missing" from the Pentagon?

Why aren't Amerikans discussing this?

Out of one side of their mouths they are discussing "illegal immigration" as a great problem,

and out of the other side of their mouths they are rambling on about the "elites" and their divisive usurpations?

Why don't Amerikans have another revolution if your leaders are so evil?

Doesn't the Declaration of Independence express the right of the people to alter or abolish their government?

What are Amerikans waiting for?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:40 PM
pretty simple prophecy....were too lazy and caught up in our own little worlds to even bother. we show what we deserve not by our beliefs but our actions. our actions show we neither want nor deserve such freedoms. if anyone believes other wise, tell me why?

why do you truely believe a people so lazy as to not care when the pentagon is so screwed up that they some times give up to 6 billion dollars extra in deals with big business(known)? the underlying factors is we show we dont care, REGARDLESS of what we say.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:16 PM
grimreaper797 and Prophecy bring up excellent points, a lot of people have great ideas, but they want someone else to perform them instead of themselves.

grimreaper797, may I ask what situation would have to occur to have us, as a nation, understand and speak out about these atrocities as whole/collective nation that are occuring in our government?


[edit on 3-4-2006 by douglas2k4]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by pRoPhEcY

Perhaps the Amerikans should pay closer attention to their government/corporations committing mass murder of very poor people to protect their profits, under the facade of "fighting communism".

But these are just some thoughts.

By the way, you are not Black. You are a white person pretending to be Black.

[edit on 3-4-2006 by pRoPhEcY]

Are you high?

It would be bad enough if it were just the illegals BREAKING THE LAW (remember, they are ILLEGAL aliens), but you have the militant groups calling for the heads of Americans, literally.

I said it European conquest BS because you told me to go back to Europe; I am not white. Maybe in your fantasy world you can see my skin pigmentation through a computer screen, though.
Oh, and to piss you off more, I also have Native American blood.

I didn't say that to minimalize how the Europeans did the true Americans. Quite frankly, I wish this was discussed more often, instead of being swept under the rug. At the same time, I ain't gonna let you paint the Mexicas as down-trodden innocents while you hail them calling to kill all white males over 16 and black people, though to a lesser extent.

You conveniently forget the sacrifices of the Aztecs. I know it was to keep the earth intact, but they tore out a hell of a lot of hearts. See, the Spanish didn't just come in and walk all over the Aztec warriors; they had plenty of help from other tribes who got tired of being sacrificed.

But don't worry, you will probably see military action from La Raza and friends. Until then, don't smoke so much kill at one time...

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka

It would be bad enough if it were just the illegals BREAKING THE LAW (remember, they are ILLEGAL aliens), but you have the militant groups calling for the heads of Americans, literally.

Now, Truthseeka, this is what I was talking about. You talk a lot about how our country's government exists to control the masses. You mention things about Illuminati media/government/ corperate control, yet you still trust the validity of their laws. As for the heads of Americans, tell me you wouldn't take that same step under opression and persecution? If you wouldn't, the Black Panthers would have little use for you.

By the way, I'd like to see the numbers of deaths attributed to these guys. Maybe a ticker on the top of the ATS homepage

You conveniently forget the sacrifices of the Aztecs. I know it was to keep the earth intact, but they tore out a hell of a lot of hearts. See, the Spanish didn't just come in and walk all over the Aztec warriors; they had plenty of help from other tribes who got tired of being sacrificed.

Truthseeka, I know you're a smart dude, but c'mon. That is rediculous. That is the same type of tripe they fed White-America to stop black men from dating their daughters.
"They're savages!!"
"He raped her!!"
"It's in his blood!!"
I'm sure you're still hearing some of that s*** in Texas.

Rise above the hate and fear.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:49 PM
@Amuk: Even though what you say about the Aztecs is somewhat true, I was specifically speaking about North America Indeginous people, and I would like to hear your theory on moral standing pertaining to them and the European invaders.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420

You conveniently forget the sacrifices of the Aztecs. I know it was to keep the earth intact, but they tore out a hell of a lot of hearts. See, the Spanish didn't just come in and walk all over the Aztec warriors; they had plenty of help from other tribes who got tired of being sacrificed.

Truthseeka, I know you're a smart dude, but c'mon. That is rediculous. That is the same type of tripe they fed White-America to stop black men from dating their daughters.

What part is false? Are you saying the Aztecs DIDNT do this? Are you saying the Aztec empire didnt fall from a SMALL force of spanish re-enforced by THOUSANDS of their neighboors that were tired of having their hearts cut out?

Why should Whites today be held responsable for the actions of their ancestors but to mention the bloodthirstness of the Aztecs is rediculous?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by douglas2k4
grimreaper797 and Prophecy bring up excellent points, a lot of people have great ideas, but they want someone else to perform them instead of themselves.

grimreaper797, may I ask what situation would have to occur to have us, as a nation, understand and speak out about these atrocities as whole/collective nation that are occuring in our government?


[edit on 3-4-2006 by douglas2k4]

well pretty much the opposite of whats happening now, role models and leaders that speak to the kids. that know how to reach them and really talk to them. the youth is what matters more then anything else, thats the future of your country. what i see as a 16 year old poor kid, is a majority of kids my age careless then any other ive ever read about or seen before. their leaders are so far off of anything worth a damn that we are growing up seeing nothing of importance.

i grew up on listenin to Malcolm X speeches and Tupac, because i had a friends uncle who thought it was important that we hear it, i was the only one in the group that got more and more interested.

whats sad is that so much of our youth wants to not care. everything they watch and all their current "role models" tell them to "dont give a f***" and in the end its only backfiring on us. i see it coming, if you cant them you must be blinded from the same stuff they are blinded by.

it wasnt always like this, the youth is going to be worse now then it was 10 years ago when crime was high, you have hit a dull point right now but it will go up....way up. i know this is going to happen because im watching and im seeing how they are growing up and the life they are going to live. most arent even that bad off and still WANT to live a life where they live in violence and killing. not only is it in the poor areas anymore.

big business has projected this image toward all youth, anyone that isnt rich they are sending this constant message to. you can BELIEVE that its taking its effect. rap music which is huge lost its last real role model when tupac died and they started to change the industry. reason being they simply couldnt do it while tupac and all these other artist were still around. people wanted to here people like tupac and biggie. and these artists didnt tolerate such worthless misguiding music. over the past 10 years you can see the dramatic change in music. its been attacked and severely sabotaged. not only that but its been introduced to a much wider audience.

so what do i suggest. some leaders start coming out before its too late. what would have to occur, nothing, theres nothing that can occur to wake us up. its going to take SOME ONE in order for anything to happen. you can depend on the media and government to tell you whats what as far as information goes. why hell thats why your at this site in the first place. people are excepting the first word that comes to their ears. this is dangerous because ignorance is never the solution to a problem.

things WONT change untill we start to see some leaders again. for every change you will find its leaders, and through every gain you will see people who sacrificed. question is, where are the leaders of today? and why isnt anyone willing to sacrifice anymore?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:56 PM
by the way please dont ever compare the black panthers to an ILLEGAL group of people in our society. these people are not citizens of our country. they are welcome to be, but must do so legally.

if you know anything you would know the black panthers(old not new) were strictly for rights of african american CITIZENS of the United States. They wanted to own guns just like the rest, which is why they were called violent tyrrants. still believe the BS, because after we found out about COINTELPRO how can you? all the BS stories part of an official government program. you really still want to stick with all the weak evidence knowing that the CIA made a program to disrupt, kill, and destroy such groups by any means necessary?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:57 PM
@Amuk: Even though what you say about the Aztecs is somewhat true, I was specifically speaking about North America Indeginous people, and I would like to hear your theory on moral standing pertaining to them and the European invaders. Also, don’t hide behind the European “ancestor” facade, why do you say that it was wrong to do that stuff, but still reap the benefits of those horrific occurences still today?

@Rasobasi420: I agree with on the Black Panther part! That's so true.

@grimreaper797: great stuff man, I gotta agree with you!

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by douglas2k4
@Amuk: Even though what you say about the Aztecs is somewhat true, I was specifically speaking about North America Indeginous people, and I would like to hear your theory on moral standing pertaining to them and the European invaders.

You want to hear what I think about it?

It was one of the most shameful acts in history. Right up there with the Rape of Nanking, the Aztecs bloody history, the crusaders sack of Jeruslim, The Mongols killing of every man, woman and child in the cities that resisted them, the englishs slaughter of MY family, the Holocaust, etc....I could go on and on...........

But how is it any different than conquest throughout history?

Can you name ONE SQUARE FOOT of land ANYWHERE that wasnt taken at gun, sword or spear point? Can you name me ONE group of people that didnt war on the weaker people around them?

I can wait

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 06:59 PM
the new black panthers i would agree with, but we hardly consider them part of the original group anymore. the black panthers new group arent whats commonly referred to and hold little significance anymore because its radical new views. unlike the old panthers these new ones are alot more radical which most if not all old panthers do NOT support.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by douglas2k4
@Amuk: Also, don’t hide behind the European “ancestor” facade, why do you say that it was wrong to do that stuff, but still reap the benefits of those horrific occurences still today?

I will be happy too......right after you quit hiding behind the poor old peaceful native Americans that NEVER experienced warfare or took land from someone else....etc.

The ONLY difference is......we won, get over it.

Would it have been better if the Native Americans were killed by OTHER Native Americans?????

Would it have been better for their land to be took by another tribe?

You think those in their grave care wither it was a bullet or a stone arrow tip that killed them?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
What part is false? Are you saying the Aztecs DIDNT do this? Are you saying the Aztec empire didnt fall from a SMALL force of spanish re-enforced by THOUSANDS of their neighboors that were tired of having their hearts cut out?

Why should Whites today be held responsable for the actions of their ancestors but to mention the bloodthirstness of the Aztecs is rediculous?

I'm not saying the history is rediculous, but bringing it up to say it's in their blood is rediculous. Mexicans are killers who we must fear? It's just like saying blacks are savages. As for white people, I don't hate white people. Did I say I hate white people? I don't remember saying it. I remember saying that I hate the oppressive military industrial complex that controls western civilization. Is it my fault they are mostly white?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
I'm not saying the history is rediculous, but bringing it up to say it's in their blood is rediculous. Mexicans are killers who we must fear?

Where did I say that? Their has been a MASSIVE influx of mexicans here in Northwestern Arkansas due to jobs in the poultry industry. I have found the VAST majority to be hard working decent family people who would be EXELLENT citizans

They cant be blamed because their ancesters were hacking the living heart out of POWs.

Most of the whites, blacks, oriantals, etc I know are good people. Why should any one group of people be blamed for the actions of people that were alive before they were born?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 07:18 PM
@Amuk: No, it's not the fact that you so-called won, it's that fact that you say, "why do you have to blame us for what our ancestors did" bit that gets me. Why is it that you say that, but then in turn reap the benefits? Isn't that hypocrisy? It seems that way to me.

And for your point on me "hiding", I have no problem saying that the Native Americans were warring with the each other, that's a given. And when did I ever say in my post that they didn't? Please find where I posted that at.

I can wait

Also, the Native Americans didn't take over and murder most of the indenginous people of a continent.

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