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massive disrespect

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posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 11:32 PM
911 was planned.

Link 1 " target="_blank" class="postlink"> Link 2

[Mod Edit: Link Format. Please see this post - Jak]

[edit on 27/3/06 by JAK]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
Yay! I'm very glad you will be staying.

Welcome to ATS. And on a personal note, thank you very much for the time you spent defending me. These days I'm having a very difficult time finding heroes for my hero book, so I'm glad to meet one who will actually be a long-term part of my life.

Just remember, on any theory presented and discussed here at ATS, you are never required to accept it, but then you are always expected to allow others to consider it. If you have facts to present in opposition (or to support) any given theory, please never hesitate to share those with as much supporting evidence as you can. It takes all views to have a worthwhile discussion.

VAL I just wanted to commend you for the help you offered to the victims of NOLA. I also wanted to point out that I find it rather unlikely that the situation is not much different as you described it. Do you know of anyone who went to one of the camps and did actually leave. It looks like your typical medium and minimum security prisons in the states?

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
911 was planned.

Liunk 1 " target="_blank" class="postlink"> Link 2

Yes it was planned by the French and Canadian governments, no?

[edit on 27/3/06 by JAK]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Your ignorance about the motives and actions of the US Government is understandable because as a GI you are taught to obey orders and not to question. The rest of us are still free to think for ourselves and form our own opinions.

This has to be the stupidest thing I have read on ATS, and that's
saying alot as I have read some rather ignorant things here.

People who serve America in the Armed Forces are NOT idiots and are
NOT robots. We all had/have opinions on everything and we are very
much able to think freely.

to you groingrinder.

to the author of this thread. Thank you for your service to our country.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by groingrinder
Your ignorance about the motives and actions of the US Government is understandable because as a GI you are taught to obey orders and not to question. The rest of us are still free to think for ourselves and form our own opinions.

This has to be the stupidest thing I have read on ATS, and that's
saying alot as I have read some rather ignorant things here.

People who serve America in the Armed Forces are NOT idiots and are
NOT robots. We all had/have opinions on everything and we are very
much able to think freely.

to you groingrinder.

to the author of this thread. Thank you for your service to our country.

And imagine us, that have to put up with your nonsense all the time

it aint easy...

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:29 AM
This was all over when Anok spoke. Read what he/she said again.

Its the explanation you all need to really read.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:29 AM
Too bad you just 'put up' with me. If you actually read
what was posted you might learn something to raise your
brain power a few notches.

Try 'ignore' if you can't understand or if I'm so bad.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:35 AM


instead im voting AMOK and cavscout both for WATS, i love you both

[edit on 27-3-2006 by nukunuku]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:37 AM
Dont you listen to others. You are the greatest and dont you get your feelings hurt just because someone doesnt realize your greatness.

You are an awesome poster. Chin up. Thats it.

Have a great day.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by caseythegeek21

Originally posted by Bikereddie

Sorry, but ya lost me here. Was you in school or boot camp? I thought both alledged attacks happened on the same day.

I was in bootcamp when the planes hit the towers, and no they didnt happen on the same day. sorry i didnt capitalize A...I was In "A" school ( my hospital corpsman school) when the pentagon crash happend.

It is incredible that you appear to think that the pentagon was attacked on a different day than 9/11.
If this is the level of knowledge that some people have of the events of 9/11 then it is no wonder that they have managed to pull the wool over the eyes of so many people.
Please do some research.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 07:34 AM
As the author of this thread, I appreciate all the posts...looks like everyone has a variety of opinions and thats exactly what I wanted to see. For all the people who posted constructivley thank you, and i look forward to many more good discussions with you, to the people who did not post so positivley, you have yor own opinions and thank you for posting.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Have a great day.

Hey dg. Check your U2Us. Let's chat. I have
some questions for ya. LIZ

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 08:34 AM
To The Author of this thread,

I'm behind our soldiers, you folks fight and die for American causes and have done so since our countrie's founding, it's your duty to do what our leaders request of you. I tip my hat to you, it takes great courage to do what you do.

As far as our leadership, I question they are making the right decisions, and that their motives are entirely unselfish. As a citizen and a soldier, you have freedom of speech just as we do, AND you have the unique perspective of actually fighting in the war that many of us play arm-chair general at.

It must have been hell over there, my friend who served came back with a parasite and he still has yet to get rid of it entirely. My Cousin is a Heart surgeon in Kuwait, and he sees the horrors first hand like you. He told me a story about a refugee family shot up at a checkpoint in a crossfire, and the parents were slain but the child lived with a bullet lodged near his heart. My Cousin carried that baby on his back like a papoose for 2 weeks while he recovered, I still get the shakes just thinking about that.

If you are a religious man, God Bless You Sir for your courage and resolve. If you are not then let me express my deepest gratitude for the sacrfices you have made in the Name of our Great Free Nation.

Peace Out,


posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 08:36 AM
Everyone is entitled to an opionion, this is your right as a human bieng. If others don't like it, however, they will belittle you and say things to hurt you or attempt to change your mind based on their opinion, and eventually the weak ones are converted or turned. Kind of like how everyone finds God in a serious situation.

However, just because you have served in the armed forces, any branch, your word is not gospel and no better than anyone else. 9/11 was not an inside job according to 4 seperate investigations. NIST, FEMA, 9/11 Commsion and Silverstien properties insurance all came to the same conclusion, but for some reason, everyday, I see posts with the SAME links to prisonplanet and such. If there is something that you feel strongly about, research it. prepare yourself and post it. Be prepared though....

Scout, would you feel the same if you would not have been discharged?and are your views skewed at all since them. I mean, you did enlist, and you were not a guardsman, you were recon. You knew what you were getting into, so why so anti government now?

hang in there geek

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by caseythegeek21
I have a hard time dealing with the disrespect of some of these threads, Now i know everyone is entitled to their opinion and im not necessarily judging anybody, but it is very insulting to hear these remarks. Especially from people who have had nothing to do with our government, ............I have taken all i can take whos with me.

OMG! Let me tell you.... I am a nurse, have been one for nearly 25 years. THAT MEANS I HAVE BEEN PAYING (((A LOT))) OF TAXES FOR ALL THAT do you think a government and the officials in the government are paid....IT IS BY TAXES!!!! Taxes paid by hardworking people like me. How can you think that tax payers have nothing to do with our government????? We ARE the government.

I love my country and the freedoms that we have here, including the freedom of speech and the freedoms of press. I am sorry that you find them disrespectful.

I do mind that my tax dollars are being used to fund a war (in a country that did not attack us on 9/11) while we have so many problems in our own country, the after effects of hurricaine Katrina is just the tip of the iceberg.

Furthermore, after your remark(s) of the tower and the pentagon incidents being on different days....I AM NOT WITH YOU. Sorry, I cant believe that you were just befuddled. That day is burned into my brain. I am confused how you could befuddle that fact and I think you stated it twice.


[edit on 3/27/2006 by Cherish]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 11:27 AM
I do understand the viewpoint of the veteran, but how could he understand the whole picture of the war as he is trained not to think and just to act. You execute, you don't think nor make policies. This is a huge conspiracies, facts are out there and in masses and proven by many specialists. I think you will never understand, because you are so much conditionned. But I hope you'll stay aware and I am pleased you want to debate this on such very interesting board as this one. If you need proves,reply this post, I have 10Gb data on this.
Its not your fault, but I hate American GI's and all people involved in the industrial-military-complex, it's not personal, it's just that thoses people are involved in screwing up our whole world.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 12:17 PM
"Oh boo hoo hoo. I served my country, (whine whine whine)" who cares, you (more than likely) never served for me or anyone else here. You instead served the interest of a few of Washington DC's finest, elitest and corruptess individuals, as well as other select individuals of America.

I am proud to say that I serve my country, truely I do. I wake up everyday 6 am and head to school, study, study hard and pass my exams so that I may graduate as an engineer. Sorry, but I generally do not whine about other people's views, but that OP was pathetic. Who cares?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 12:17 PM
What's with the disrespect for intelligent, sane, aware people perpetrated by spreading obvious lies? I'm sure I'm not the only offended by the audacious demagoguery the current administration engages in. I have been trying to further my understanding all of my life, I've been dedicated to being honest and truthful - should I just swallow their stories and not feel offended? How much disrespect was required for those ploys to be executed with the world watching? Frankly, they must have assumed we were collectively lobotomized. Is that not massive disrespect?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Frosty
"Oh boo hoo hoo. I served my country, (whine whine whine)" who cares, you (more than likely) never served for me or anyone else here. You instead served the interest of a few of Washington DC's finest, elitest and corruptess individuals, as well as other select individuals of America.

I am proud to say that I serve my country, truely I do. I wake up everyday 6 am and head to school, study, study hard and pass my exams so that I may graduate as an engineer. Sorry, but I generally do not whine about other people's views, but that OP was pathetic. Who cares?

Sorry, but i think this a bit harsh. Any person who serves in the Armed forces deserves respect, from anyone, no matter what their views or beliefs.

Just because you are still at school studying to be an engineer, does not make you a better person than anyone else.

A word of advice to you young sir. Take some classes in general etiquette whilst studying for engineering. That way, people might take you more seriously.

You do not whine about anyone else views? So what was your post all about?

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 12:36 PM
First of all, Geek, you lost me when you said that the Pentagon crash happened on a different day than the WTC. As someone said, that day is burned into my memory. I have a friend, a Lt. Col., with an office in the Pentagon. I remember very well being afraid for his life. I don't know of anyone at all who thinks the attacks happened on different days. That statement alone really makes me question your credibility.

Polls say that fully 72% of the U.S. military in Iraq say this war is bogus and they should all go home. That means Geek, you are in the minority. You voluntarily went into the military and believed the official government explanation instead of researching the facts. Every single comment I've read from actual pilots says that 9/11 couldn't have happened the way the govt describes it. Are you aware, Geek, that there is ALWAYS military on duty ready to respond to an attack within 1 minute? THis includes fighter pilots, too. No way could America be attacked without our govt being able to intercept.

THe truth is, with all due respect, Geek, that you, along with alot of the rest of America, has been had. You gave 4 years of your life for a bogus cause because you were willing to believe a government that lies to all of us. Instead of being angry with those of us who question things that don't add up, maybe you should be angry with U.S. govt for bald-faced lying to you? I suspect that somewhere in your heart, you are angry with yourself for being suckered into an immoral war that some part of you is starting to question. I'm just suggesting this, not trying to tell you how to feel. But perhaps these are questions you need to ask yourself?


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