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massive disrespect

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posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by caseythegeek21

Now i have seen some threads that try to say the attacks on 9/11 were a conspiracy, and that the plane never crashed into the pentagon.

Dude, man, this is a conspiracy web site!

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3/26/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 02:24 PM
I've talked to many vets and many vets will either agree with the theories surrounding 9/11 or considder the possibilities.

And what was a navy MEDIC doing off shore? you are supposed to keep the people safe onboard don't they? who the heck did you get injurred? not by enemy fire that's for sure.

There is no person that respects veterans more than I do, and there is no person who gets more upset about governments sending young boys to war (either by draft or pure desperation), esspecially because of all the EVIDENCE out there that 9/11 was government staged, it DID happen but not necesarilly by (arab) terrorist! Cheney even said that we needed a new Pearl Harbor a year before 9/11!!

Is Charlie Sheen such a nutcase that he submits to this theory? putting his carreer on the line for stating this that he believes there is definitly more to the events on 9/11?

Read the evidence that SUPPORTS the conspiracy theory objectively and make your opinion then, but it's all common sense, and as charlie sheen said that 19 terrorist with box cutters taking over a plane sounds more like a conspiracy theory! could you imagine people being afraid of box cutters? they can't stab you very well at all, they can only slit your throat which is quite hard by it self since you need to get close, and a crowd of a few hondred people could easilly over take some Arab terrorist.

Pilots used to carry guns before 9/11 due to the Cuban Missile Crisis, but before 9/11 they had to turn them in, I wonder why.

I can go on and on about the holes in the official story, and you just might have been conned to go to war for improving the US Economy, giving more support to George W. Bush and perhaps a friendly source of oil.

If you don't believe me, just visit some sites on 9/11...don't take my worth for it, take the worth of serious investigators.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 02:59 PM
Wow, the more I read this thread the more pissed off I get. A lot of you people have absolutely NO RESPECT FOR ANYBODY!!!! Who gives a flying # about something he said and you people just choose to misinterpret it. As soon as somebody slips up once you automatically assume he's some kind of secret government agent looking to discredit you with words.

All he was doing was speaking his mind and a lot of you people are immature and can't accept the fact that he doesnt believe in the 9/11 conspiracy (yet). A lot of you need to grow up and learn to deal with people who have a different opinion than yours.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by fookerboy69
All he was doing was speaking his mind and a lot of you people are immature and can't accept the fact that he doesnt believe in the 9/11 conspiracy (yet). A lot of you need to grow up and learn to deal with people who have a different opinion than yours.

I did my growing up a long time ago. Immature i might have been, but not anymore.
He has slipped up more than once. The questions were asked by me, and others, to try and understand what he was, where he was, what he was doing etc.
If he was speaking his mind, then so were the rest of the posters here.

Opinion is one thing that gets discussed here. Being new, you might not know that yet. Also a word of help. Be very careful what you write and how you write. Or maybe the next time i see any post of yours, it might have a warning flag. Just my help for a new poster.

Oh, If this thread pisses you off so much, then don't read it. Simple eh?

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:10 PM
ATS is unique in that we each post our feelings, and members are ok with the fact that we disagree.
In all my years of posting here, i dont think i've ever pursuaded anyone to think the way i do or vice versa.
We are not here to try to change people, we are here discussing what we feel, see, and our fears.
You are more than welcome to post your feelings, and we will respect them.

We may not agree with you, but we will still respect your point of view.

It is disrespectful to trash our flag, it is disrespectful to trash the constitution of the United States. It is not disrespectful to disagree with an administration. Think about it. They brought this on themselves by telling non-truths since day 1. Had they leveled with the general population and treated us with least i can say, i would view all this differently.
Give me respect and i will reciprocate.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
And what was a navy MEDIC doing off shore? you are supposed to keep the people safe onboard don't they? who the heck did you get injurred? not by enemy fire that's for sure.

Just for clarification,

I was Navy from 1989-1994. We had "Navy Blue" corpsmen and "Navy Green" corpsmen. The "Blues" stayed on the ship working in the sickbay and the "Greens" were attached to the Marine detachment onboard. If the Marines went ashore, the green NAVY corpsmen went with them. They were PCS'd to the Marines (permanently stationed) until they were "up" for orders the next time.


posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by fookerboy69 As soon as somebody slips up once you automatically assume he's some kind of secret government agent looking to discredit you with words.

No, I didn't think he was some kind of secret agent. I thought he was a kid pretending to be something he wasn't so as to further his ideology and sway others to his conceptualization concerning 9/11 and the pentagon.

Sorry, If we hurt his feelings! But as my wise old papa, the Sargent, told me, "if you can't swim, stay out of the deep water."

[edit on 26-3-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Thank you for your service, I am proud to interact with one who has been there.
During the VM war, there were copper bracelets that were made for the MIA's and their names and dates.I had 3 of these I wore all the time, and it makes me sad to see the vilifiers on war topics.
May the Cosmos bless you and yours for your bravery.Thank you for serving.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 04:02 PM
Haven't read all the replies but from what I have it seems to be full of nothing but people in denial.

I am also a vet, 6 years in the Navy 89-95. I was in the first Gulf War, U.S.S. Saratoga for 8 months. We were the first ship on station in the Red Sea, 3 of our planes were shot down. We were one of the last to leave. The first pilots captured were from my boat. We lost 21 sailors in a ferry boat accident in Israel, two were friends of mine. I along with thousands other GW vets have GW illness, used by your precious government as guinea pigs (that's what I call disrespectful!!).

So now you know where I'm coming from.

I am absolutely AGAINST this war in Iraq, I am absolutely convinced 9-11 was an inside job perpetuated to further the power and world domination of western governments.

Am I disrespectful to the victims because of my belief? Am I disrespectful to myself as a combat veteran for my beliefs? NO

In fact I believe it is more disrespectful to stick my head in the sand and blindly believe, against mounting evidence, what the government said happened on that day.

How is blindly believing what you're told disrespectful? We have been lied to by the government over and over, that's disrespectful!

I would also say you are disrespectful to me as a vet, and to the victims of that day, for not questioning the events to get the truth out.

The government is not the vets, the government is not the victims.
Again how is questioning the government disrespectful to anyone?

All you are doing is their dirty work. By using an emotional weapon you are repressing my right, that I served to protect, of free speech.

Do you want a society that doesn't question anything for fear of being labeled disrespectful? You are what will allow this fascist dictatorship to walk all over us.

[edit on 26/3/2006 by ANOK]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 04:04 PM
You have voted ANOK for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month


posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 04:27 PM
You have voted ANOK for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Very well put Anok, hopefully that should calm things down.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 04:45 PM
Uno mas, Gracias ANOK!!


posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:03 PM

You have voted ANOK for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

I don't think it could be said better Anok, the disrespect is to stand back and do nothing while more and more of our boys are dying for fabricated causes. We the people should demand, and rightfully expect truth from our government, lest by our silence consent. If you find that to be disrespectful then perhaps it's time to reevaluate your own position. As facetious as that might sound, questioning the glaringly obvious fallacies behind the offical story doesn't mitigate the sacrifices of our soldiery, quite the opposite.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by caseythegeek21
I have a hard time dealing with the disrespect of some of these threads, I am a veteran....I was in boot camp when 9/11 happened and i was in a school when the attack on the pentagon happened. Now i have seen some threads that try to say the attacks on 9/11 were a conspiracy, and that the plane never crashed into the pentagon. Now i know everyone is entitled to their opinion and im not necessarily judging anybody, but it is very insulting to hear these remarks. Especially from people who have had nothing to do with our government, I served in this war, I was injured and was honorably discharged after 4 faithfull years, I am a veteran, I deserve to say my peace, and it is a personal insult to me and our soldiers because we are not fighting this war for nothing. I think maybe if some of you had served in this war maybe you would have a different viewpoint, but you havent and you hide in front of your computerws trying to spread lies....I have taken all i can take whos with me.

No disrespect but I dont think this are exactly lies.
Take a look at project north woods, a well documented matter, it says it all, anything can hapen, there is footage of it, and it has existed as a plan.
This thing with crashing planes is old busines, it was ploted before for an excuse to invade cuba, kill a bunch of U.S citisens so the U.S can start a war with CUBA.
So it might be the other way around.
The thing is that you can not trust the curent administration you have now.
Good job for serving your country but if you are a true patriot open your eyes and study the facts, start with northwoods and you will be amased that uncle sam can screw us all.
I thougt santa exists until around 5 years of age, I really did, I chaged my view by seeing the facts with my own eyes, I just pulled santas hair and it came off.
Some things may exist while others are just ilusions made up by some so we can become little walking robots.
It's hard to accept things that seems so far out but that is just the reality of things and how they are.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:15 PM
Casey, It may be that when presented with all the questions that people have you find your self in a bit of a situation. It may be cognitive dissonance.

When what you are led to belive becomes undermined by new sets of data. This causes a rift in your mind.

Conflicting cognitions: cognitive dissonance
Once two mutually-exclusive cognitions are held, the individual can be said to be in a state of "cognitive dissonance". For instance: The individual purchases a given brand of washing machine, having been advised by a trusted co-worker that said machine is the best. (((official storry of 911))) Subsequent to this purchase, the buyer is exposed to another cognition, one which informs her that there is a higher quality, less expensive washing machine on the market. Moreover, the new source is even more trustworthy than the well-meaning co-worker, e.g. "Consumer Reports" or "Good Housekeeping". (((The huge questions about 911 you are learning from many educated people))) Instantly, this conflicting cognition creates an imbalance between itself and the original cognition. This conflicted state of mind will, necessarily, seek to attain psychological consonance, i.e. a balance between competing cognitions
.Further propositions by Festinger
Festinger proposed that cognitive dissonance is a "negative drive state", a similar psychological tension to hunger and thirst and that people will seek to resolve this tension.
Reduction of cognitive dissonance may be good because one feels better, and because one can come closer to consonance by eliminating contradictions. On the other hand some of the ways of reduction of cognitive dissonance involve a distortion of the truth, which may cause wrong decisions.
When confronted with two belief cognitions that contradict each other, Festinger suggests the dissonance can be resolved by finding and adding a third piece of information relevant to the two beliefs.

Casey I encourage you and all others to take the time and do some research for your self. Here are some sites to do that. Remember - if 911 happened just like the official story, then we wouldnt have thousands of websites saying different. There are hundreds of discepencies about 911, Bali, Spain, and England bombings. The good old days of America, 57 chevys, barbaques, and good jobs are a thing of the past. We live in a global society now.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by The Links
You have voted ANOK for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Very well put Anok, hopefully that should calm things down.

I have already voted Anok for way above this month, another great post.


posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 07:06 PM
I am also a veteran, but there are a couple I would like to raise:
1. I defended democracy so anyone can voice an opinion
2. Goverments lie (sometimes for good reason)
3. Everyone is different and it makes the world an interesting place
4. Never make a statement unless you are 100% sure of the facts

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 07:16 PM
waaah! cry me another river. those who follow the orders of the criminals in the whitehouse are just as guilty. the world does not respect you or your country anymore. wake up people of the usa, and steer your once great nation back onto the high road.

[edit on 26-3-2006 by bigspud]

[edit on 26-3-2006 by bigspud]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by curme

Originally posted by caseythegeek21
Especially from people who have had nothing to do with our government, I served in this war, I was injured and was honorably discharged after 4 faithfull years, I am a veteran, I deserve to say my peace, and it is a personal insult to me and our soldiers because we are not fighting this war for nothing. I think maybe if some of you had served in this war maybe you would have a different viewpoint, but you havent and you hide in front of your computerws trying to spread lies....I have taken all i can take whos with me.

Welcome to ATS! Just as a heads-up, not all soldiers who served in this war, in fact, I haven't found that many, support the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

It's cool that you have an opinion and all, but it's disrespectful to me that you appear to trying to speak for all soldiers who served.

EDIT: Massively.

Thanks curme.

cavscout served in Sadr City (also known as Sadam City during the first few months of the war) with the 2nd Squadron of the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment in 2003 and 2004. I was a scout (duh) or 19DELTA, Armored Recon Specialist.

Cavscout received an Honorable Discharge for reasons of medical unsuitability for continued service because cavscout was shot in the back (not running, sleeping) and his freaking tendons in his freaking right wrist were severed by a freaking 155mm artillery shell hidden up a freaking dead horse's ass and remote detonated while cavscout was driving by on freaking Christmas morning, you freaking imposter.

Cavscout is not the only Iraqi Freedom vet. on ATS, either.

Oh, and cavscout does not support the war or the troops who make the conscious decision to fight it, BTW.

cavscout has accidentally shot children, purposefully shot bad guys, kicked men in the face until frothy pink liquid poured from what was left of their ears, ex.

cavscout has spent the last year in intensive counseling and on three different medications per day, and is in constant prayer to the Lord the he is forgiven for making the DECISION to go over there. cavscout is agoraphobic now and has a panic attack every time he sees a Christmas tree.

There, am I qualified to give my opinion now caseythegeek21?

I think our government planned the whole thing, caseythegeek21.

I think any soldier who supports the war, to include cavscout, is guilty of the crime of murder and treason, caseythegeek21.

I think you are an imposter, and while you have proven yourself to be nationalist, you are probably not a patriot, caseythegeek21.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 08:55 PM
cavscout, cavscout, 19Delta, man hang in there.

You did what you did, now you know the difference. You found out the hard way. By praying to the Lord as you are, and seeking peace, and accepting Christ and the Holy Spirit, or their manifestations to you, into your life, you are finding forgiveness. Forgive yourself, cavscout, for Christ forgives you, I know he does.

"Forgive them for they know not what they do."

Now you know. Go forth and sin no more. Your sharing what you went through there here is part of the healing process

May Peace be with you, and may God bless and keep you, cavscout.

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