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Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?

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posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 02:54 AM
Hello, Iam new to the website and followed your discussion about the Annon Website and the "information". Coming from a advertising agency I have to say that this ... looks for me like a ARG (Alternate Reality Game) what might be a advertising strategy for a upcoming movie.

BTW I found a interesting picture. No infos are available.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by ethanmallory

That looks a LOT like CGI. Especially the fire/smoke. Definately a fake.

And, is that wooden debri in the sand?

[edit on 13/12/05 by Thain Esh Kelch]

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 08:09 AM
I was asking myself about where are the comments from Loscowski, Sanchez and McGovern.... from???

And what is the book exempt from disclosure taling about??

[edit on 13-12-2005 by michboisnard]

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 09:20 AM
There seems to be a new update in the consistences section of the Serpo website concerning the SOM-1 and Framework documents an e-mail from an unnamed peron confirming there validity dont think this has been posted so just letting people know!

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by ethanmallory
Hello, Iam new to the website and followed your discussion about the Annon Website and the "information". Coming from a advertising agency I have to say that this ... looks for me like a ARG (Alternate Reality Game) what might be a advertising strategy for a upcoming movie.

An interesting observation, and the only one that makes sense, considering the ridiculously bad science and technology and time lines given. I hope the game's an improvement over their "astronomy."

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:00 AM
Hello everyone. After reading several brilliant posts, I would like to add my two cents into this discussion.

Firstly, I would like to go on record as saying this is a hoax! Why disclose information on a message forum to people who go to these forums already as believers. Like someone said your earlier, "he's preaching to the chiour." Without stand alone proof, this story is still nothing but a "story" and, already has supporters.

Secondly, debreifing individuals shouldnt read like a story. There should be no intro, build-up, plot, or conclusion. Just a simple layout of the facts! And then you dont lead into the facts, you simply provide them. You may indicate that there is more to come, but you dont hint to what it is. This person just told us and everyone else including those who may not want this info out that they have pics to come. Doesnt that allow those who they are hiding from, presumably, important information. Would you truly do that to yourself if you were exposing sensative information.

Thirdly, what in the world would we need ten years to learn that we couldnt learn in two or three. Especially for a virgin mission. What is the encore a 30 year stay!

Fourthly, they dont tell time but play a soccer like game. Do they keep score because that would indicate a knowledge of increments. How long do they play? Till the shadow rolls across the wood stick?

Fifthly, It would seem to me that thr only ones that will be able to truly bring about the disclosure of alien info (if it TRULEY even exits to begin with) are the aliens themselves. I think if anything that we have 100% learned throughout history is that mankind unfortunitly is wicked and needs salvation. Who can you trust?

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by ethanmallory
Hello, Iam new to the website and followed your discussion about the Annon Website and the "information". Coming from a advertising agency I have to say that this ... looks for me like a ARG (Alternate Reality Game) what might be a advertising strategy for a upcoming movie.

Had to take another look at that alternate reality game theory, and it is interesting, but I don't think they would take the game to the extent of discussing it on Coast to Coast.

BTW, that picture looks like a barbeque gone bad.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:06 AM

Firstly, I would like to go on record as saying this is a hoax! Why disclose information on a message forum to people who go to these forums already as believers. Like someone said your earlier, "he's preaching to the chiour." Without stand alone proof, this story is still nothing but a "story" and, already has supporters.

Please have a more careful look at this thread -- I don't think anyone here is tying their wagon to the truth of this story. Yes, lots of people are "working it over" and looking at its possible truth from different angles, but as you note, until there's evidence, it's just another story. It's an interesting story, though.

As Ufo enthustiasts and researchers, what would you have us do? Look at fake pictures of burning saucers, just to easily proclaim them hoaxes? Ignore the Anonymous story altogether? I don't see the point in proclaiming this a hoax, though -- it likely is, but until there's proof one way or another, why not keep an open mind?

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ethanmallory
Hello, Iam new to the website and followed your discussion about the Annon Website and the "information". Coming from a advertising agency I have to say that this ... looks for me like a ARG (Alternate Reality Game) what might be a advertising strategy for a upcoming movie.

I'm also an advertising professional... 25yrs at the senior executive level. My specialty is demographic targeting and customer behavioral modeling. I'd disagree with this assessment. A possibility of course but at this stage what isn't a possibility? I don't see where they can derive demographic information from what they're doing and in that case why bother? Besides, ATS is the worse possible place to be... remember what happened to Yaweh? As soon as this thing implodes the gravy train would be permanently off the rails.

Also, torbojon seems to be really interested in the metatags on the site. I'm not an optimization expert but I thought all of the major search engines largely abandoned metatags some time ago in favor of copy-block scapes as a means of indexing and rankiing --- to counter the pervasive trend of tag loading.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:26 AM
My first thought is this HAS to be a hoax.....sure I would LOVE to believe that its real but why would they release this info...but not admit to the Roswell would think that if a controlled release of top secret material was going to happen then it would be the Roswell incident.

why release info about something that for the most part NO ONE knows about....

if it were me I would let the Roswell cat out of the bag and as time goes by THEN start to release other info related to EBE's

not to mention that on the serpo web site they state that the photos will be crap...they need time to fake them !!

[edit on 13-12-2005 by Alpha Grey]

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by jtma508

Originally posted by ethanmallory
Hello, Iam new to the website and followed your discussion about the Annon Website and the "information". Coming from a advertising agency I have to say that this ... looks for me like a ARG (Alternate Reality Game) what might be a advertising strategy for a upcoming movie.

I'm also an advertising professional... 25yrs at the senior executive level. My specialty is demographic targeting and customer behavioral modeling. I'd disagree with this assessment. A possibility of course but at this stage what isn't a possibility? I don't see where they can derive demographic information from what they're doing and in that case why bother? Besides, ATS is the worse possible place to be... remember what happened to Yaweh? As soon as this thing implodes the gravy train would be permanently off the rails.

Also, torbojon seems to be really interested in the metatags on the site. I'm not an optimization expert but I thought all of the major search engines largely abandoned metatags some time ago in favor of copy-block scapes as a means of indexing and rankiing --- to counter the pervasive trend of tag loading.

Well, from pov as for guerilla marketing you might wrong. Lets guess I created a new kind of interactive computergame, connected to radio, tv and newspaper aswell internet. Its a story about conspirancy (example). I would start with a faked story (ARG like) in the known places for conspirancy on the internet and starting slowly a hype like what happend with John Titor.

I still think its to hype a book, movie or something else.

Remember the pictures and videos of giants? Recently spam the internet? It was all for a ps2 computer game.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:34 AM
I really doubt that this is an ad for an alternate reality game. In fact... I don't think that, even within the context of that charge, such a move would make any sense. Here's why:

1.The game apparently involves a certain degree of violence (as evidenced by the exploding object in the screenshot). The Serpo story involves a cultural exchange with docile aliens.

2.What would a mission in this game involve? Building a sewage plant for humans? Collecting bugs? There isn't a single part of the Serpo story that would lend itself to an action game. It's kinda hard to have a 'first person shooter' when the aliens involved built a house for you.

3. I doubt that Richard Doty, Whitley Striber, Coast to Coast, etc would get involved in a game promo. Think whatever you want about them... but they would not be selling a video game.

I really feel that this 'it's a promo for a game' argument is an illogical stretch.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

That looks a LOT like CGI. Especially the fire/smoke. Definately a fake.

And, is that wooden debri in the sand?

[edit on 13/12/05 by Thain Esh Kelch]

That pic is not from the Serpo website. Why are people trying to confuse things on with things that are not from there?

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Centrist
Please have a more careful look at this thread -- I don't think anyone here is tying their wagon to the truth of this story. Yes, lots of people are "working it over" and looking at its possible truth from different angles, but as you note, until there's evidence, it's just another story. It's an interesting story, though.

Well said, and one thing I am interested in, if this turns out to be a hoax, is why someone would go to the extent of doing this. Looking into the history of the players involved, the one that stands out is Richard Doty. Why did this sergeant in the Air force, agent of counter-intelligence even bother to try to discredit Paul Bennewitz and Linda Howe? He was following orders back then, for what purpose? I think that his job was first to make Bennewitz look like a fool so no one would listen to him and hide military secrets. Then he befriended Linda Howe to find out who was leaking information to her. But if the information is bogus, why bother? So he retires in 1988, and now he says he is a changed man, co-authors a book with Collins that comes out last April.

Now there is this anonymous poster claiming to have more information similar to what Linda Howe wrote about. And now Doty is posting on the same website and appearing on C2C to talk about it? I find this somewhat coincidental. In all honesty, I don't but the story Anon is disseminating, but there could something else that is worth paying attention to.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:10 AM

As Ufo enthustiasts and researchers, what would you have us do? Look at fake pictures of burning saucers, just to easily proclaim them hoaxes? Ignore the Anonymous story altogether? I don't see the point in proclaiming this a hoax, though -- it likely is, but until there's proof one way or another, why not keep an open mind?

DEMAND PROOF! or everyone not go along with these extremly wild claims.

This is not to all, however, I find it funny that many UFO subscribers find it hard to except religion of any kind, yet keep an open mind to someone saying that we have sent humans to another planet! Many people in this forum gave Yehweh a ridiculous amount of time and effort, and John Titor even more! I call it blind faith. Should any of this be true I am curious as to what would change in peoples lives.

Personally I find it a good read while at work and nothing else. Although the hard work done on this forum is appreciated and at the very least entertaining. What would the response here be if someone said that they had santa clause trapped in their chimney. But that claim probably isnt fantastic enough.

Keep up the good work though , for you cant fool all the people all the time.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:22 AM
No one here is blindly following the Serpo story. All we are doing is keeping an open mind... which I think is better than just covering your eyes and ears. We are also discussing the implications it would have for us all if it were true. No harm or foul has occured... and no has signed away their life savings. So.. simply repeating that we are being hoaxed, over and over again, is pointless and repetitive. Calling something a hoax does not make it true... and... so far... no one has disproven Anon's claims. All I have seen are people who have 'debunked' them by citing stuff that didn't even come from

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by torbjon

the Home page was updated today:

Modified: Monday, December 12, 2005 12:37:39 AM

The home page now has the same block of meta tag keywords in it as the other pages… interesting.

I understand that some people would rather continue to play along with this hoax then to sit down and try and determine with the information already at hand the "value" of proceeding futher into the "Story".

AS I have pointed out before "they" (the Sepro people) are spooking ATS for our input on their story. The above mention that the home page meta tags have been updated goes directly back to the comment on this thread about the meta tags and the very abscence of the meta tags on their home page. And wouldn't you know after its posted on ATS their website magically gets updated with the very content that we had a question about.... you really think it was just an oversight and the web admin for just happen to catch it at the same time that we here at ATS looked for it....

You think its really a coincidence ????

I am not talking about "boycotting", just simply stating my impression of what is going on. And that to put some water on their fire by cooling off the hit rate on their site. By all means if you feel the desire to check multiple times a day for those critical "alien photos" that have been promised then by all means do so. And run out and buy some Coke Zero or Pepsi One, or Coke Diet Lime or go buy the new McDonald's burger or the new Parfait Yogurt because they tell you its healthier. Go buy NEW Tide, because it says New on it, it must be better then Bottles marked with just Tide. When in reality both bottles contain the same "Stuff".

Do whatever the media tells you to do, buy the newest thing. Feed into the hype.

Or listen to reason, try and understand the big picture and not just one little comment. Try to understand the total effect of this "Story" and try not to get caught up in one bit of "information".

Like the other poster said. If they really had sensitive information that they wanted to release they would not say, Hey I have some secret intel pictures of a site that the US is going to bomb in Iran.... but I have to wait and see if I can get clearance to release them.....

Does that make any sense at all ??? Try replacing the words in the statement with other words and see if it still seems plausible that it would happen that way, change the subject matter around to something else that could potentially still be top secret or above and see if it still makes sense.

Yes I offered my opinion as a suggestion as to how people are being drawn into this story and what the motivation may be behind it. I may not be always 100% right. But I know I am damn sure right most of the time.

[edit on 13-12-2005 by robertfenix]

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:41 AM
Its not part of a game! George wouldnt get involved in games...He's said over and over that he doesnt like to lie to the people, so he's definately not part of any hoax.

Lets just wait, shall we?

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:45 AM
Um, Robert Fenix,

My problem with your statements is that you're not even acknowledging what the people have claimed. From the beginning they stated that this would be a slow release of information... so pretty much all of your comments about timing are invalid. Also... just because they are improving their site and taking suggestions doesn't mean that they are lying.

I am not saying that this is real or that it has anything close to proof on it yet. All I am saying is that nothing you have said has really 'debunked' the site yet. You keep insisting, however, that it has already been debunked and that we should move on. Sorry, but you sound like a prosecutor who hasn't even made a case yet expects everyone on the jury to agree with him.

So far nothing has appeared that has discredited the story. At the same time nothing has appeared that proves it. Since no one is being charged to follow it... it's reasonable to keep following it. It is unreasonable, however, to prematurely insist that it has been debunked. And, sorry, but this 'they're not releasing on my schedule... so they must be lying' angle isn't proof of anything.

The bottom line is that we have to wait and see.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 12:13 PM

The bottom line is that we have to wait and see.

So you will give them till next year to prove there claims? How far into the year will you give them? Just curious.

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