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Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?

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posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams

If he dumped everything out all at once even UFO enthusiasts would be freaked out (if it's true). Besides, from day one the site has said that Anon was interested in a gradual, slow release of information. His philosophy from the start, apparently, is that releasing everything at once would be a bad idea.

But why are they preaching to the choir, the UFO community, they're already believers. They UFO community may freak out, but that's just the next step problem, since the UFO community freak out all the time (some more than others), it will be almost impossible relating the information provided on the webtsite to the general public because "Joe Average" already thinks they're mad.

Disclosure is as much about perception of the masses, as it is to the communities that keep a torch burning, hoping that one day the lid will be lifted and they'll be proved right.

Sure a public website is a start, as you stated no one is charging to look at the content and it is starting to do the rounds on the world wide community forums, but it's still within that circle.

Back to square one....

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Contact page:

Modified: Thursday, November 24, 2005 5:42:22 PM

Home page:

Modified: Thursday, December 08, 2005 2:06:34 AM

Q&A page:

Modified: Thursday, December 08, 2005 2:06:43 AM

Comments page:

Modified: Thursday, December 08, 2005 10:50:46 PM

Consistencies page:

Modified: Saturday, December 10, 2005 12:47:13 AM

Information page: (Anonymous postings)

Modified: Saturday, December 10, 2005 6:46:26 PM

I thought I remembered the BR line... however if that Was the line
that was added, I find it odd that it wasn't tacked on to the very end of the page...

I'm still having problems with this being the way for the "powers that be" to leak information to the public
Neither the Home page nor the Contact page has any meta tag keywords,
while all the other pages have the same "cut and paste" block of keywords...

"Serpo, Eben, Zeta, Reticuli, Zeta Reticuli, exchange, 1965, 1978, 78, Victor, Martinez, Victor Martinez, Bill, Ryan, Bill Ryan, UFO, planet, DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, Intelligence, Agency, Defense, Defence, EBE, EBE-2, EBE2, Roswell, Corona, Datil, Project, Project Serpo, Otto, program, exchange program, Anonymous, planet, Silus, binary, star, binary star"

I find it odd that the Home page doesn't at least have this generic block of keywords,
and I still find it Very Odd that some of the most basic buzz words/phrases are missing...
aliens? extraterrestrials? ET? blue book? mj12? etc. etc. etc.

How is your average UFO researcher supposed to find

Who or what is Otto?? Why is that a buzz word?

Silus? I'd never heard of planet Silus until reading this...

A google of Silus gets you a ton of listings for Silus Grok of Provo Utah, but doesn't make the top 100 (or 200, or 300... after that I got bored)

I wanna believe that there's some truth to this story, but everything about this seems fishy to me...

hope I'm wrong *shrugs*

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by torbjon
Who or what is Otto?? Why is that a buzz word?

it's on the web site as one of the "other" planets the team visited while on their expedition. Apparently, it has indigenous life on it, but no beings of conscience or civilization. It's said to be used by the Ebens as a mining planet.

The only thing on the website itself is:
"Nearest planet to SERPO: Named: OTTO"

But on the C2C radio show, Ryan spoke about it having mining facilities for the Ebens. (shrug)

Why it's used as a meta tag...I have NO idea.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 04:49 PM
'Otto' was the codename the military -- according to Anon, at least -- gave to the second inhabited planet in the Eben's home system.

So far as keywords go... they might not have included some because they wanted only 'high end' UFO enthusiasts and researchers to find the site... or it may be that those terms are for bunk aspects of UFOlogy and so they didn't want to include them.

Also... the C2C interview left me with the impression that the big name UFOlogists were already aware of the Serpo website.

As for distribution... my impression is that this is a 'test' to see how a limited number of people will react to seeing real pics, stories, etc.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Hydden

Originally posted by torbjon
Who or what is Otto?? Why is that a buzz word?

The only thing on the website itself is:
"Nearest planet to SERPO: Named: OTTO"

But on the C2C radio show, Ryan spoke about it having mining facilities for the Ebens. (shrug)

One of Anon's posts talks about Otto. He said the same thing Ryan did.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 05:05 PM
yes a test, maybe they want to see how we will react before they release this to the masses.
or is it

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 05:43 PM
Just thought maybe someone on here might be able to clear this up i found this webpage with information given by Richard Doty who has also been mentioned in connection with this thread there is also a link to the serpo website! Couple of things contradict things mentioned on the serpo website mainly that the ebens dont like heat and prefer cooler climates when i thought it was the other way round there is also a description of what the EBEN's look like although I'm pretty sure this information hasn't been released yet !

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
yes a test, maybe they want to see how we will react before they release this to the masses.
or is it

I'm not sure I understand. I've seen a couple of posts about leaking it to the "UFO community first" and statements like the above....but this was on the number #1 late-night radio show in the world (fact - not just because I'm a fan)

Granted, Coast to Coast is famous for having topics that mainstream media wouldn't touch in a lifetime, but their audience is in the millions, world-wide, and the web site was promoted pretty well. Web sites are known to crash during and after a show with good topics because of the amount of traffic that tries to connect to it at once, and this happens so much that it's become a running joke on there when people mention their sites. "Webmasters, be ready..."

ATS is a good forum, no doubt, but I can guarantee you that this isn't the only type of community that this is buzzing in right now. The C2C forums are ablaze as well. Also, I did a Google search on "serpo" and have seen plenty of forums where they're talking about this and they aren't standard paranormal forums.

If this *is* a hoax, there will be alot of people highly disappointed and let down once again...not to mention, yet another notch that goes into the ridicule of people who believe in aliens and UFO's...including myself.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Whiterabbit29
Just thought maybe someone on here might be able to clear this up i found this webpage with information given by Richard Doty who has also been mentioned in connection with this thread there is also a link to the serpo website! Couple of things contradict things mentioned on the serpo website mainly that the ebens dont like heat and prefer cooler climates when i thought it was the other way round there is also a description of what the EBEN's look like although I'm pretty sure this information hasn't been released yet !

Not to discredit what you found, but on the C2C program, George Noory asked Doty about his relationship with Linda Moulton Howe and why they weren't exactly friends. Doty admitted that he was a counter-intelligence agent back in the 80's and Linda was one of the people he went after. Since then, he's said, they've spoken amicably...but George made it out that Linda would've loved to have heard Doty say that from his own mouth because of some of the things that he's done to discredit her research in the past. He seemed almost embarassed and apologetic about it, and said back then...he was just doing his job...and that actually, he was impressed with how well she *did* do her research.


Don't know if that clears up or muddies the waters but...there you go.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 06:14 PM

Found this on a webpage. It was in a letter written by Gene Loscowski wrote on August 29, 2005 11:27 PM

".....As for what we did at site 51, well, you'll have to figure that out on your own. I can't give specific details but we did have some interesting "crafts" that was not of this world. We also had a research program to identify items recovered from crash sites. I was never involved in disinformation. That was left to another division within DIA. Check with Mr. Doty, he was involved in that division.......Gene."

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 09:35 PM
Seems like theres no need to hold our breaths anymore since the pictures will be released after or closer to new year.
Im still very suspicious of this Doty character, he may still be collecting paychecks from his old pals.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 10:15 PM
The knowledge of Space time and Physics as we know it is far from complete.

The fact that they seem to have a difficult time with our conception of time gives me more confidence that this is real, because a true hoaxer wouldn’t think twice about physics. They would naturally assume that the universe is consistence throughout, so you see, there is something to be said for information stating that physics and time is conceived of differently.

Einstein proved that space and time are just interwoven fabrics that respond to one another, however no modern secular scientist can do anything to seriously show the average person our lack of physical knowledge, because they don’t even comprehend fully.

This whole idea of alien disclosure is really something to be excited about.

I don't know if it's true, but I sure hope so.

There is no way that we humans can be so self centered as to think that out of trillions and trillions of stars, that some kind of biological entity doesn't exist even after 13.5 billion years of cosmic stuff mixing around.

Come on people, you can't be that self centered, can you?

The truth of the matter is that the real answers are so beyond anything we lowly citizens know at this time, and hopefully this has been just one thread of many designed to get people comfortable with alien cohabitation of Earth so mass riots don't break out.

Most people would freak, but since Roswell, much of the population would be able to handle the shock of such news, whereas if this slow leaking information were omitted from the plans, everyone would go crazy, and no one could speculate about the outcome.

I can't prove anything, but I have to believe that life in the universe is so beyond abundant that we're all deliriously foolish to think we're the only ones.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 10:33 PM
Doty came 'clean' a while ago... when he admitted that he fed Paul Bennewitz the false information that made him (bennewitz) go insane and shoot himself. He was interviewed for a book called 'Project Beta' that detailed USAF disinformation. While on C2C with the author of the book a few months ago, Doty stated that contact with aliens was a fact... but that a lot of the 'dark side' theories that revolve around the US conspiring with aliens to abduct people were conjured up by the government as a cover for various secret projects. One of the reasons he was on C2C the other night was because he has expertise in disinformation.

Now, as for Doty himself, I think there are a few possibilities:
1. He has come 'clean' and wants to reveal knowledge of ETs to the general public. There really were Eben-human contacts and he is not, now, lying.

2.He is still working for the government and spreading disinformation.

3.He is still working for the government and part of his mission is to acclimate people to the idea of ETs.

4.He is lying. There never was ET contact and he is now using the story as a way to gain fame, fortune, etc.

Now... only option #4 would make his information totally useless... as even disinformation can have elements of the truth in it.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 10:50 PM
I read up on Bill Ryan's past reviews about a week ago...the guy comes off as being quite intelligent. His reviews seem to "promote" (if he likes them) much like a backcover sales pitch. He also is a very articulate reviewer. I had hoped he had reviewed more books so I could get a "vibe" on what his interests were, but right now except for the first book he reviewed: Outrageous Betrayal: The Real Story of Werner Erhard from Est to Exile, I don't see anything too worrying.

Based on his reviews, my gut feeling is that Mr. Ryan is into being "positive" and seems to like interesting people that have overcome the odds. Maybe that's why he has taken on this website disclosure, so that he can give an underdog a chance to win. But again the word "odds" comes up and as we all know Vegas wasn't built on people winning, Mr. Ryan unknowingly may go bust on this.

On to other things that seem to be bothering me:

1) The picture delay is troubling...why is this Anonymous group wanting to post incredible information on a website yet not have the foresight to guess that people would want proof? Do they not have a plan to disclose this...are they just winging it? If I was going public on aliens existing, I would have my gun loaded before going into battle instead of searching for bullets along the way!

2) The "idiot" comment is just plain weird for someone trying to prove an outlandish story. How is anyone suppose to think like Serpo-scientists? It's up to this Anonymous group to teach us why and how to think in Serpo terms. Just because they may be more advanced than us doesn't mean that they aren't restricted by some of the same physical laws. Calling people out is a bad move, it looks like future critical comments will be shot down too with insults of: you don't know what I know so therefore shut up. Maybe Anon should be looking for a public relations manager to possibly filter his hoax...uh...message? (maybe that's what Bill Ryan is for?)

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 10:56 PM
First, many of you might not have lived through or be familiar with the famous Linda Howe/Richard Doty debacle. If you're puzzled as to why having Richard Doty's name attached to this "event", here's the Cliff Notes Version... read the whole thing (and I strongly recommend you do, it's a great read!) here.

1 -- Richard Doty is often suspected as being the originator of the MJ-12 documents.

2 -- Linda Howe, when investigating the Eisenhower Briefing memo, contacted a government whistleblower, or so she thought, name Richard Doty. This whistleblower told her the memo was a fake and "proved" it by showing her a different Eisenhower briefing memo -- on that talked about a different number of crashes on different dates. This made it appear as the Eisenhower memo was a fake.

3 -- Richard Doty later denied showing these documents to Linda Howe.

4 -- Richard Doty also admitted that he was a disinformation agent assigned to obfuscate Linda Howe's investigation into the MJ-12 documents.

5 -- Richard Doty later "found religion" and joined the ranks of believers and avid proponents of a government conspiracy to hide the truth about extraterrestrials, Roswell, etc.

6 -- Richard Doty was also "falcon" in a debacle of a TV show on UFO's, making a laughing stock of serious Ufology by proclaiming that the captured alien liked strawberry ice cream, ending the show in laughter.

7 -- Richard Doty's credentials as a government agent are undisputed.

We always have to wonder who he's working for... then again, there's good reason to believe he knows the truth, or at least the truth about the evidence we have.

Of course, there's also the paradox of the mj-12 docs... why did Doty send them, if he did, only to discredit them? Does that mean that either memo that purported to brief Eisenhower real? If only one of them was real, does that mean that the one common fact -- the crash at Roswell -- is still true?

As you can see, the disinformation campaign wasn't completely ineffective. In many instances, we truly do not know how little we actually know

Also, as an FYI, here's a great page that includes the archives from the "Keelynet" BBS. For those of you who didn't get their "real" information at 1200 bps while paying insane long distance bills, Keelynet was "the" bbs for UFO files in the pre-internet days.

[edit on 11-12-2005 by Centrist]

[edit on 11-12-2005 by Centrist]

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 11:31 PM
It's late, so maybe this won't be so funny after a night's sleep, but I came across this in my investigation. Smoking gun? You be the judge.

The two demands were for 1) the elimination of nuclear weapons and 2) CONCACAF deserves a fourth spot in the 2006 world cup in Germany. I found this story in the November 2003 issue of "ThreeSixOne", the American Soccer Magazine. The entire text of the story is on page 3.

As you can plainly see, the Zeta Reticulans prioritize soccer as highly as they do galactic peace. This irrefutably confirms Anon's posting 5 which clearly shows that the debriefing document that is the source for his posting notes that the Ebens play soccer...

The Ebens played a game, something like soccer, but with a larger ball.

Luckily, the soccer magazine also supplied a picture of an Eben with FIFA President Sepp Blatter. Rumor has it that this might be one of the pictures supplied with Anon's next posting.

[DISCLAIMER: this is just humor based on a funny, although strangely coincidental, article I came across -- don't ask me how I find it. Sometimes Googling can be bad. Also, since the site refuses to play the Jeopardy theme for me while I wait for it to update, I needed something to write about]

[edit on 11-12-2005 by Centrist]

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Centrist
For those of you who didn't get their "real" information at 1200 bps while paying insane long distance bills, Keelynet was "the" bbs for UFO files in the pre-internet days.

Ha...I forgot what it was that I used to log into when I was in college. And no I did not pay for the call! Well I guess I did with my tuition (Hell I'm still paying that long distant bill then!)

Good stuff on Doty...The thing that bugs me about this Anon stuff is that it all seems to touch on items from his circle of connections. Why the UFO email list people are so accepting is what seems puzzling to me. Do not some of them think that Doty still has a hand in this?

Doty is almost a hinderance to disclosure (once a cheater always a cheater?). He may be legit, but I think he needs to stay off the stage and if what he has said in the past starts to appear to come true with physical proof from other sources, then maybe he can speak up. If legit, he needs to encourage others in power to come forward while he remains silent. Is his goal to release the truth or to sell books?

...I would think the EBENs would of wanted the spot in the World Cup instead of giving it to us North/Central Americans. I guess they aren't from our "World" so I guess that would be cheating.

[edit on 12-11-2005 by Boogie]

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 11:48 PM

LISTENER: One niggly question on the EBENs' non-use of clocks and the use of a tower to tell the position of the sun. Much of our avionics, electronics, and machinery involves timing pulses. How do the EBEs even fly a spaceship or helicopter-type craft without the use of some sort of clock?

i was thinking i know that with the j-rod article the aliens could travel through time. Mabye the reason as to why they dont need clocks is because they can travel through time and hence are masters of time. just a theory

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 12:28 AM

That is one of the funniest things I have read on ATS in a long time. What does it mean for America, though... a country that eschews soccer and prefers games where the ball is moved through the air? Are we non-participants in a galactic sport as well as an international one?

[edit on 12-12-2005 by onlyinmydreams]

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 03:10 AM
Is this as have posters speculated, a partial disclosure to see how we react, and then to the masses?????

Rather than front page news, gradual disclosure?

Either a lot of ATS people will be disappointed, or we are moving to a stage a lot of us have wanted, for a very long time.

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