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NEWS: Paris Riots Spread To Twenty Suburbs

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posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 01:07 PM

FOXNEWS is reporting that the 9th Night of Riots have just begun in France. The Weapon of Choice is Arsen.

The US Media is ranked #44 ... now I know why. Makes you wonder what else they aren't telling us?

Its obvious that they would have wanted to censor this news story, however the problem didn't go away and the news was broken on the internet days ago. We forced their hand, good job ATS!!!

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
I haven't seen anything like that in any English language news source.
It make me wonder how relibale that information is.

Neither have I. It could be as simple as someone translated a portion wrong while translating from French to English to whatever language that is above then back to English again by Sol. What language is that anyhow?

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 01:28 PM
This is a story that will become all too familiar in Western cultures in the future..........

It simple..........take a minority group that has social or religious views in which they care little to assimilate into the country and culture that immigrate to...

.....then have them try to impose their foreign culture into the existing mainstream culture.......

.....and when you reach a high enough percentage of their popuulation in that country then the clash of culture become inevitable......

Maybe its time to start setting guidlines for those willing to immigrate to Western countries that they respect the majority culture of where they reside and obey their laws...........or deport them back to where they came from...........

You can damn well guarantee that if you were a Christian moving to an Islamic country that you couldn't demand any Christian and or Western social culture fact you might end up on the chopping block for exercising your beliefs......

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by futuretense
This is a story that will become all too familiar in Western cultures in the future..........

It already has, I'm afraid and thanks to the PC agenda, we are now expected to have tolerance for intolerance. Yes, I agree its a double standard but its only one of many.

Thats what a great deal of this thread deals with. We're supposed to be understanding of these thugs because they use the poverty stricken areas they have helped to create for their victims and when the people demand their government stop it, all of the sudden they are too controlling.

These rioters are thugs pissed because their little rape parties are being shut down. I say shut them all down. If you need to gang rape a child to feel like you're exercising your human rights, you're more than a tick or two off plumb.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 06:57 PM

I would appreciate daily updates from you if thats possible. Im surprised at how under-reported the French rioting is in the US. Until they start hurting people, it doesnt look like they are going to do much about it other then "talk."

If it esculates to successfully targeting people, the French better stop it in its tracks.

If the people in charge dont take charge, you have a "Hurricane Katrina" all over again where nobody does anything during the disaster and everybody blames everybody else after.

And now South America is starting to blow up with riots in Argentina (spelling?). And what of this undeclared war between Columbia and Veniz. (sorry, I need to give myself a spelling lesson in South American countries)

Hugo is pretty much daring the US to do something. But Im getting off topic.

France, you need to get this situation under control, then replace the people that sat on their hands during the crisis.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Genfinity

I would appreciate daily updates from you if thats possible. Im surprised at how under-reported the French rioting is in the US. Until they start hurting people, it doesnt look like they are going to do much about it other then "talk."

Good question. I too would like to hear more from a French citiziten on theses events. I hope vince did not get tied into this violence since last night, it is spreading as we know. Not good at all

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by XyZeR
want a better look on what the situation in some of those banlieu's is ? I suggest some people here go out and rent the french movie "La Haine" , sure it's fiction (and even funny), but it gives a good interpretation of the life in a Paris suburb. Carefull tho, you might learn something from it...

There are people in other parts of the world that live in as bad, or even worse conditions than those people in Paris, yet they do not resort to violence.

BTW, isn't La Haine that French film that also shows some of the violent things these youths have been inflicting on girls and women they see as "easy"?

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Two Young Men are DEAD because of Police Negligence and Ignorance.

These are the Consequences.

The kids were running away from police for a reason Souljah... The police did not make them go into the power station and get electrocuted...

The negligence was on the part of the youths...

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Two Young Men are DEAD because of Police Negligence and Ignorance.

These are the Consequences.

*ducks knee jerk responce*

:shk: Hmmmm what ever happened to stoping when the police tell you? Why were they running? The truth is until an investigation can take place without the background of a major riot we do not know. If the police were not justified in what they did they will face trial.

Looting and pillaging IS never a right. Unless you are an anarchist I supose. When you are part of a society you are bound by the rules PERIOD.

If they want to trash thier own are, they should be contained and isolated. As a taxpayer I would be pretty pissed if $1 or 1 Franc of my money went to rebuild thier own areas that they destroyed. If they get out of hand, they need to be stopped period.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Two Young Men are DEAD because of Police Negligence and Ignorance.

These are the Consequences.

Two young men are dead because like idiots they ran into a power station like the morons they were. They are dead because they ran from the cops instead of staying around to see what they wanted.

I dont see any fault on the police. The police were doing what police in any functional, civiized society do: chase down person who are behaving suspicously or are evading the law. Period.

And thousands of young people are rioting because they are a bunch of losers. Period. Your fate is what YOU make it. They live in a free country (well sort of, if a socialist system is free) thus they have the power to make themselves.

These two morons are dead because Darwin was right: Survival of the fittest..........and smartest, which these two were niether.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 01:01 AM
Get a load of this!

New wave of arson attacks hit Paris suburbs

Concerned that foreign media coverage was exaggerating the situation, the French Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jean-Baptiste Mattei said "I don't have the feeling that foreign tourists in Paris are in any way placed in danger by these events."

Everything is fine.

The press is getting carried away.

Nothing to see here.

Move along.

That guy, Jean-Baptiste Mattei, needs either a drug test or a sanility check.

He should try explaining this to the lady who got SET ON FIRE!

Its the Hurricane Katrina mentality hard at work.

"Everything is fine. Go ahead and walk through the sewage water to the Superdome. It's all okay."

Meanwhile, the mayor of New Orleans was busy blaming everyone except himself while the head of FEMA was worried about how pretty he looked on TV.

France, this "see-no-evil" mentality is going to get alot worse. The rioting MUST stop and these bozos who are in a position to stop it MUST be replaced ASAP!

The world is watching.

The media coverage is exaggerating? What media coverage????

That guy needs to go.

EDIT: Paris burning

The riots began on October 27 when two Muslim teenagers ran from police who were checking identification papers -- why they ran is as yet unclear. The police did not chase them, but evidently the teenagers thought they were being chased; they eventually hid in an electrical power sub-station, where they accidentally electrocuted themselves.

[edit on 11/5/2005 by Genfinity]

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 07:23 AM
It's such a romantic notion to allow the rioters to escape
personal responsibility by blaming what they are doing on
them being poor and misunderstood.

Truth of the matter is that there are MANY other groups of
poor people across Europe and they aren't destroying their

Truth of the matter is that these Muslims WANT to live
separate from everyone else and they have caused their
own disintegration.

This is a long but informative article. Read up.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:07 AM
I saw a report on the troubles on BBC's 'Newsnight' last night. It has been estimated, apparently, that 1 in 4 'immigrant' graduates in France are unemployed, as opposed to 1 in 20 overall. This situation has led some people to speculate that some hidden agenda may be being played out.

As I said, this 1 in 4 figure is just an estimate, because, allegedly, the French administrative system does not class people as coming from particular ethnic are either a French citizen, or you are an 'illegal', I suppose. Obviously this makes it difficult to assess certain parameters, such as, say, number of graduate first generation immigrants in work.

The point was made that this system, whereby everyone with a French passport is 'French' and nothing else, is a a great tribute to the ideals of the Revolution but, to some degree, removes peoples identities.

Kind of reminds me of the quote -

Q. Describe the effects of the French Revolution.
A. Its too early to tell.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:11 AM

Ri oting Spreads From Paris Across France
Widespread riots across impoverished areas of France took a malevolent turn in a ninth night of violence, with youths torching an ambulance and stoning medical workers coming to the aid of a sick person. Authorities arrested more than 250 people, an unprecedented sweep since the beginning of the unrest.

Bands of youths also burned a nursery school, warehouses and nearly 900 cars overnight as the violence spread from the restive Paris suburbs to towns around France. The U.S. warned Americans against taking trains to the airport through the affected areas.

At the nursery school in Acheres, west of Paris, part of the roof was caved in, childrens' photos stuck to blackened walls, and melted plastic toys littered the floor.

The town had been previously untouched by the violence. Some residents demanded that the army be deployed, or that citizens rise up and form militias. At the school gate, the mayor tried to calm tempers.

"We are not going to start militias," Mayor Alain Outreman said. "You would have to be everywhere."

I honestly think the French Government does not give a darn, if they did they could call out their military or national guard if they even have one:shk: extra DIV

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:14 AM
part of the problem of immigration now-a-days is that the immigrants don't want to assimilate into the new society. they tend to keep their culture and just move to another country, thinking that they can live comfortably in that country without raising a single neuron to try integrate into society. it's sorta like they said, 'it sucks in my country so i will go to another country and help screw them up too.'

there's not alot on mainstream news 'cause the those in charge don't want others to see that a 'civillized' '1st world country' has problems. Americians might get some ideas...hmmmmmmmmm

violence is what happens when you FEEL other options have failed and contrary to popular belief, in todays society, violence DOES have its' place. we have corrupt politicians and corporations that don't care about anything other than $$, and people are just a disposable commodity. when the 'system' that you are suppose to use to help your life is being subverted and manipulated by those in power.....what other recourse does one have?

as for the paris riots..obviously there is alot going on, what was so crucile about the deaths of these 2 kids that would spark such a huge riot? did i read that these areas were predominatly muslim.....hmmmm... is there some type of manipulation going on here, to further a widespread hated between muslims and everybody else? with all that has gone on in the recent past concerning the truthfullness of has to wonder what is really going on............................

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by clearmind
did i read that these areas were predominatly muslim.....hmmmm... is there some type of manipulation going on here, to further a widespread hated between muslims and everybody else? with all that has gone on in the recent past concerning the truthfullness of has to wonder what is really going on............................

The first reports just said the towns had a predominantly immigrant population, then said that they were mostly from North Africa and it wasn't until later days that the focus was on them being Muslim.

I don't think people are manipulating anything.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:27 AM
ace..thats sort of my point....days after the begining of the riots, now 'they' seem to be focusing or highlighting that the area is a prodominatly muslim....why the switch....why the emphasis? with all that is going on today, it just seems..i don't know, suspicious.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by FredT
If they want to trash thier own are, they should be contained and isolated. As a taxpayer I would be pretty pissed if $1 or 1 Franc of my money went to rebuild thier own areas that they destroyed. If they get out of hand, they need to be stopped period.

It's soooo EASY For you to say that, with your Great Job, and a Nice Monthly Salary, that Pays the Bills. It's easy to say that, when you have a big screen tv, to see these Riots on. It's so EASY to critisize these People, that have stood up for their rights, and quickly label them. Nobody asks themselves, why are they doing that. Nobody asks themselves, where are the roots of these problems. Everybody quickly JUMPS and starts pointing fingers, which is the EASIEST thing to do. Well, if they are Muslim, they must be Rioting just beucase their RELIGION teaches them to be violent and ruthless terrorists, without any civilized manners whatsoever!

And still, the Circumstances of Death of the two youths, are STILL shrouded in Mystery. The Police is still Denying that they Chased them - if they did not chase them why were they running away? Hmmmm...

Remember when the UK Cops shot dead a "Muslim Terrorist Suspect that wanted to Blow himself up" six times in the head - but in the end, he was an innocent Brazilian?

Makes we Wonder, just what the French Cops did this time, to ANGER these people so much, that they are burning Paris for the 9th day.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Nobody asks themselves, where are the roots of these problems.

The answer to 'what is the root of the problem' -
Muslims REFUSE to integrate into society. They WANT to be separate.
They reap what they sow.

just what the French Cops did this time, to ANGER
these people so much

They properly did their job. That's what is angering the rioters.
The cops did their job correctly and properly. The uncivilized
rioters just want any excuse to run amuk.

And frankly ... there is NOTHING that anyone could have done
that would justify those rioters taking a disabled woman and
lighting her on fire.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

A quick scan of this site's contents makes one wonder if they could maybe possibly just slightly have an agenda to push!!!

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