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NEWS: Paris Riots Spread To Twenty Suburbs

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posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by riley
Seems the immigrants have been under attack for the last year.. or maybe they're just being oversensitive. Hey.. maybe their 'evil' religion requires them to go arioting every now and then for no real reason and they're just being ungrateful. Yep.. that must be it.

They were not put in those buildings by the French Government.
The were illegal squatters in buildings that didn't even have running water and only had unsafe makeshift electricity, which may have contributed to the blaze.

EDIT: In the one story where they suspected arson, the suspects lived in the building.

BTW, I still don't see why it is the resposibility to provide housing for people who are in the country illegally.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy ordered the evictions as a safety measure, but the Socialist-controlled city council said no long-term alternative accommodation had been found for the 150 residents, many of whom are in France illegally.

[edit on 6-11-2005 by AceOfBase]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Regenmacher

How Long Before Europe Falls?
Europe’s salute will be bowing to Mecca

I do not know who that author was but she seemed to hit everything right on the nail.

Especially where she said

France is witnessing a skirmish: a “feeling out” of what the French authorities will do and how this uprising will be dealt with. So far, the Muslims are winning. Some arrests have been made but it seems as though the French are just hoping the rioting Muslims will just get tired and go home. So far, that doesn’t seem to be happening. The violence is spreading and along with the firebombs, guns are being used. (source is above)

Those the very same impressions I have had and thank you for sharing that article with us Regen

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:01 AM
10th night of rioting, the worse. 1000 plus cars torched. Well western civilization was nice, we had a good run. That is unless this isn’t contained and people don't start asking some serious questions. Either way we're all bunch of tools of the elite in the end.

Further on a more controversial note. If you read your history Islam has been tried to conquer Europe in the past. In some cases it was successful

Just a few examples .

[edit on C:Sunocu11e11 by Opus]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:07 AM

Seems the immigrants have been under attack for the last year

Under attack? All those fires were accidents in dodgy housing. In fact, many of the buildings were illegally occupied and the immigrants where squatting.

You can scoff all you like about the "percieved" notion that the immigrants get all they need, plus a house and money, but I can tell you, from what I see in MY home town, that they seem to get a damn site more than I am entitled too!

One example would be when, a couple of years back and I was on a really low income, I couldn't afford to pay my council tax, or my utility bills or anything on what I earned.

I went down to the benefits office, which was full with immigrants, all getting their handouts, too see if I was entitled to any help. After all, I had been a good tax payer for years and had hit hard times. All I wanted was a leg up to get back on my feet, so they would surely help!

Not a chance. After flicking through the leaflets (which were all in Punjabi) too find one in english, I was called up to the window to be "assessed". After giving a breakdown of my earnings (I was on about £12500/year, which in Reading will buy you sod all), I found out to my surprise that I couldn't even get a measley discount on my council tax (a really unpopular tax, for all you foreigners
), let alone anything else.

Sitting right next to me was a woman with her 5 kids, who couldn't speak a word of English, being given form after form to claim this and that.

Over to the other side of the room was another group of immigrants being given housing benefit, or worse, an actual bloody house! Meanwhile, the honest hard working citizen gets squat.

Now, if you take a tour round town during the day, when all normal people are working, all you will see is immigrants wandering about, speaking not a word of english, loitering,and being generally disrespectful. For example, they will not move out of your way if you are pushing a buggy, or god forbid, carrying your child on a bus, as they will not move out of their seat whilst you have to stand holding a 2 year old.

The only people with manners I have encountered are the ones who where born and bred here.

In one job I had, a customer had the nerve to ask that I spoke to her in Punjabi!!! She could speak perfect english, she just seemed to think she had the right to demand I speak her language!

This is what we mean about them not intergrating. They cry all they like about keeping hold of their cultural identity and what not, what about ours?

We want to keep ours too and to be honest it is fading rapidly. But that is racist isn't it? God forbid you call yourself English. You are football hooligan if you do that...oh no, can't do that, can we? In fact, if your a white, english male then you are treated as the lowest. Its as if we have to pay for any injustices done by our long forgotten ancestors! I have just as much, if not more rights to things in this country than some freeloader who jumped off the back of a lorry to come and live the "easy life" they all know they can get here in the UK.

For the record, before I get slammed for wanting to be treated fairly, I know earn a damn good salary and have never, to this date, received a penny off the Government.

All I wanted was a bit of help.

They come here for a way of life. And to quite frank, whatever the PC Guardian readers and Blairites will have you believe, this sentiment is very widespread and people will not put up with too much more of it.

If ever they try what they are doing in france over here, there will be hell to pay, that much I am sure.

There is a saying, "Step on an Englishmans toes once, he will apologise. Do it again and he will move out your way and say sorry. Do it a third time and you'd wish you had never done it at all"

If you come to live in another country, you damn well live like they do. Granted, you can keep your little quirks and customs, as I would if I went to the States. I would still let off Fireworks and have a bonfire on November 5th. But I would still live like they do, and if I didnt know the language, then I would dman well learn it.

I have lived in Germany and whilst I was there I made the effort to not only expierience and embrace German culture (which is fantastic) but I learnt the language too. Its just good manners.

As the saying goes "When in Rome......" but hey, we're not supposed to be British anymore, are we? We're just a "multi-cultural" society that lives in harmony with pink fluffy bunnies and fields of flowers........

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:09 AM
Looks like the start of Europe delving into civil war, i guess history will repeat and the Allies will get to liberate Europe "again" ?

good read this one.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:15 AM
10th night of rioting, the worse. 1000 plus cars torched. Well western civilization was nice, we had a good run. That is unless this is not contained and people don't start asking some serious question. With out PC suger coating. Either way we're all bunch of tools of the elite in the end.

Further on a more controversial note. If you read your history Islam has been tried to conquer Europe in the past. In some cases was successful

Just a few examples .

Hopefully some how rational minds will manage to put a stop to this madness and peace full solution will be the end result .

[edit on C:Sunocu11e11 by Opus]

[edit on C:Sunocu11e11 by Opus]

[edit on C:Sunocu11e11 by Opus]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by stumason
You can scoff all you like about the "percieved" notion that the immigrants get all they need, plus a house and money, but I can tell you, from what I see in MY home town, that they seem to get a damn site more than I am entitled too!


As the saying goes "When in Rome......" but hey, we're not supposed to be British anymore, are we? We're just a "multi-cultural" society that lives in harmony with pink fluffy bunnies and fields of flowers........

Stu, it seems to me that 'they' are doing exactly as the 'locals' are doing. Everyone in this country seems to be out to get something for nothing...not just the 'immigrants'. The frustrating thing is that this governemt seems to encourage it. You must have seen the Vicki Pollard types at the benefits office with their white shell suits and hordes of illegitimate kids...or were you looking the other way.

A friend of mine gets £300 per week in working family tax credit, plus he works for himself so can use loopholes to avoid paying tax. His 'partner' also gets help from the government to such an extent that she is better off not working!!!! How can that be right?

Please do not perpetuate the myth that 'immigrants' are responsible for all our woes because that just does not stand up to scrutiny.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by stumason

I went down to the benefits office, which was full with immigrants, all getting their handouts, too see if I was entitled to any help. After all, I had been a good tax payer for years and had hit hard times. All I wanted was a leg up to get back on my feet, so they would surely help!

Not a chance. After flicking through the leaflets (which were all in Punjabi) too find one in english, I was called up to the window to be "assessed". After giving a breakdown of my earnings (I was on about £12500/year, which in Reading will buy you sod all), I found out to my surprise that I couldn't even get a measley discount on my council tax (a really unpopular tax, for all you foreigners
), let alone anything else.

Sitting right next to me was a woman with her 5 kids, who couldn't speak a word of English, being given form after form to claim this and that.

Over to the other side of the room was another group of immigrants being given housing benefit, or worse, an actual bloody house! Meanwhile, the honest hard working citizen gets squat.

I think you should have rioted.
You have much more reason to riot than the immigrants.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
I think you should have rioted.
You have much more reason to riot than the immigrants.

I agree, but we should be rioting against Tony Blair and his 'Third Way'.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:27 AM

They were not put in those buildings by the French Government.

Lack of government housing is a related issue. There are legal immigrants there that the government has obigated itself to care for. I would not assume that all of the squatters are illegals.

The were illegal squatters in buildings that didn't even have running water and only had unsafe makeshift electricity, which may have contributed to the blaze.

There have been several blazes.. and poverty is not a crime.

EDIT: In the one story where they suspected arson, the suspects lived in the building.

'Were being held for questioning' and they were yet to have evidence.

BTW, I still don't see why it is the resposibility to provide housing for people who are in the country illegally.

One of the blocks of flats were full of working class african families. They were not squatters or illegal immigrants.. but if you want to lump them all in together to 'justify' saying that people being burned alive only had themselves to blame and deseved it by all means do so.

Oh wait you did.

[edit on 6-11-2005 by riley]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Still on that muslim gang rape thing ...

Still on that Rape thing?

Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

In 1995, 354,670 women were the victims of a rape or sexual assault. (NationalCrime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.)

Over the last two years, more than 787,000 women were the victim of a rape or sexual assault. (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S.Department of Justice, 1996.)

The FBI estimates that 72 of every 100,000 females in the United States wereraped last year. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 1996.)

It's not just Muslims who are doing the Raping you know?

But hey - since this is the time of War on Muslims - oops I mean Terrorism - let's Bash the ISLAM and blame it for all that is EVIL in this World, and forget that there is anything GOOD in Islam.

Yea, le'ts do that.

[edit on 6/11/05 by Souljah]

[edit on 6/11/05 by Souljah]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:56 AM
As i said before young Franco Anglo Nordic boys get to have their hands soaked in blood while spilling thier own for ZIOn . But non the less Europeans have a right to defend their culture and home land.

[edit on C:Sunocu11e11 by Opus]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by KhieuSamphan

Originally posted by stumason
You can scoff all you like about the "percieved" notion that the immigrants get all they need, plus a house and money, but I can tell you, from what I see in MY home town, that they seem to get a damn site more than I am entitled too!


As the saying goes "When in Rome......" but hey, we're not supposed to be British anymore, are we? We're just a "multi-cultural" society that lives in harmony with pink fluffy bunnies and fields of flowers........

Stu, it seems to me that 'they' are doing exactly as the 'locals' are doing. Everyone in this country seems to be out to get something for nothing...not just the 'immigrants'. The frustrating thing is that this governemt seems to encourage it. You must have seen the Vicki Pollard types at the benefits office with their white shell suits and hordes of illegitimate kids...or were you looking the other way.

A friend of mine gets £300 per week in working family tax credit, plus he works for himself so can use loopholes to avoid paying tax. His 'partner' also gets help from the government to such an extent that she is better off not working!!!! How can that be right?

Please do not perpetuate the myth that 'immigrants' are responsible for all our woes because that just does not stand up to scrutiny.

Having our own scroungers is one thing and yes there are plenty, but why the smeg should we also have to fork out for other countries scroungers too?

Its not fair to justify them doing it just because our own do it too.

At least all the "Vicky pollards" have a British passport!

Those Tax credit things are a joke. My ex gets £500/month in tax credits and she is on £18k/year! even though I have my daughter for more than half the time and pay for half the childcare, out of my own pocket, I am still not entitled to any help. As I said, white male syndrome.......

And yes, I do blame Blair and his "3rd way". I would love to show him a third put my boot in his face. Then I'll proceed to demonstrate the 1st and 2nd ways, before moving on to the 4th, 5th, 6th and so on. Whilst he may have done wonders for the economy, he has perpetuated a compensation society that scrounges and seeks to blame others for their own failings. There is no motivation to get these scroungers back into work.

Personally, considering we have a shoddy railway, they should press gang the unemployed into work gangs to go round and improve civic works and infrastructure.

But again, thats not PC is it?

Poor sods don't feel like working, so why should we make them? And don't tell me they can't get jobs.

In Reading (my home town) the only reason you should be unemployed is because you want to be.

There is as close to 0% unemployment as you can get.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by stumason
Having our own scroungers is one thing and yes there are plenty, but why the smeg should we also have to fork out for other countries scroungers too?

I suppose, if nothing else, it shows that our government is consistent in that it allows one and all to take advantage of an already lax system....(edit) except single white males!

Originally posted by stumason
At least all the "Vicky pollards" have a British passport!

Can people without a British passport claim benefits here? (This is an honest question...I do not know the answer)

[edit on 6-11-2005 by KhieuSamphan]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Still on that muslim gang rape thing ...

Still on that Rape thing?

Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

The FBI estimates that 72 of every 100,000 females in the United States wereraped last year. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 1996.)

It's not just Muslims who are doing the Raping you know?

Big deal 72 or every 100,000 in the US whoopie. How about in South Africa?

The United Nations says South Africa has the world's highest per capita rate of reported rapes - 119 per 100,000 people. Analysts say the total, including unreported rapes, could be nine times higher.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 11:36 AM

Can people without a British passport claim benefits here? (This is an honest question...I do not know the answer)

Maybe not in the exact same way, but they can. I know that they have to be a declared "asylum seeker" to receive benefits, but then, eveyone is these days aren't they? Not many actually try and enter the country in the traditional way, ie, by applying for a Visa, then getting residency etc etc.

Once an "Asylum seeker" is granted leave to stay (thats not even acknowledging they are genuine, just that they are allowed to live here), they are entitled to the same benefits we are, in that they will be given housing, money, education, health care...all without having to pay a penny in return. In contrast, those of us working citizens who require a bit of help now and then receive nothing.

I do not have a problem with the social welfare ideals of this country, but the way in which they are implemented and abused is scandalous.

EDIT: Sorry for straying off topic.....It is relevant in a roundabout way..

[edit on 6/11/05 by stumason]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by stumason
I do not have a problem with the social welfare ideals of this country, but the way in which they are implemented and abused is scandalous.


If I remember rightly, asylum seekers (seeing as how we are on this topic) were previously given cash, but this was curtailed when it was discovered they were not spending the money on milk and bread, as was intended. Everyone can be corrupt given the chance, I suppose, although some will say it's a survival instinct!!!

Edit: LOL...these things never stay on topic!!!

[edit on 6-11-2005 by KhieuSamphan]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 11:45 AM

Chirac Calls Security Meeting Over Riots

PARIS - French President Jacques Chirac called a security meeting of his top ministers Sunday after urban rioting spread — with arsonists striking from the Mediterranean to the German border and into central Paris for the first time.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Sounds like the riots are going from border to border as of last night.

Not sure what the exact time is in France but assume it is around 7PM so we should start getting new reports of more violence in a few hours.

[edit on 11/6/2005 by shots]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by KhieuSamphan

Originally posted by stumason
I do not have a problem with the social welfare ideals of this country, but the way in which they are implemented and abused is scandalous.


If I remember rightly, asylum seekers (seeing as how we are on this topic) were previously given cash, but this was curtailed when it was discovered they were not spending the money on milk and bread, as was intended. Everyone can be corrupt given the chance, I suppose, although some will say it's a survival instinct!!!

Edit: LOL...these things never stay on topic!!!

[edit on 6-11-2005 by KhieuSamphan]

If I remember too...... I do believe there is another scheme in place to curtail that, not sure on the specifics..however...they still do get some cash benefits and the house they got in the first place!

Wheres my house!!!???

Back on topic.... I would imagine the same issues we have here in the UK with "asylum seekers" and "economic migrants" is the same the EU over.

Slowly but surely, large, generally unskilled immigrant populations have settled within the EU to seek a better life (hmmmm...sounds like the last days of the Roman Empire.....) and find that, with the cost of living and their general inability to intergrate leaves them sidelined.

Knowing full well that there is a system to support them, they become reliant on it and after a point, come to expect the system to look after them.

When it cannot, they become disgruntled and blame the system for their lot. However, what you must bear in mind is that the system was never designed to deal with such huge amounts of claimants and is struggling under the strain, further perpetuating the problem.

With the immigrant expectation that we should now be providing for them, they naturally become angry when we cannot, without themselves trying to do anything about it themselves.

When will they realise that we are not here to feed and cloth them and their horde of children?

The system is designed as a safety net not a bed! They need to start making something for themselves, but they have become addicted to a system that supports them and feel we owe them something!

They owe us! we let you in. We gave you a place to stay. We saved you from persecuation. The least you can do is try and intergrate into our society, rather than pushing yours on us! After all, isn't it that same society you fled from?

Is it too hard to try and speak the language? Is it too hard to get a job? Do something for christs sake, rather than bumming around and contributing nothing to the nation.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Is it too hard to try and speak the language? Is it too hard to get a job? Do something for christs sake, rather than bumming around and contributing nothing to the nation.

Yes, it is a two way street. Again though, I could just as easily apply this statement to the indigenous population...even the bit about the language!

I suppose what I am saying is that I don't agree with pointing the finger solely at the 'immigrant' population for all societies ills (and I'm not saying that you are Stu. I hope you don't take it like that). There are bad apples in every barrel.

Interestingly, there was a bit on Channel 4 news the other day saying that the only way we in the UK can sustain a birth rate which provides enough people in work to maintain our present GDP is by, yes, you guessed it...immigration.

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