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Originally posted by AceOfBase
The problems are visible now and I hope the French realize what that problem is and work to correct it by deporting or killing those people.
Four youths sit on the wall in Rosenhøj Mall sunday afternoon, calling themselves spokesmen for the groups, that three nights in a row have ravaged and tried to burn down the restaurant and other stores.
Around the parking lot, cars with youngsters from the immigrant community are swarming, and many are walking around, greeting each others with a sense of victory after the worst riots in Århus in years.
Fox News November 2004
MALMO, Sweden — Swedish authorities in the southern city of Malmo (search) have been busy with a sudden influx of Muslim immigrants — 90 percent of whom are unemployed and many who are angry and taking it out on the country that took them in.
"If we park our car it will be damaged — so we have to go very often in two vehicles, one just to protect the other vehicle," said Rolf Landgren, a Malmo police officer.
Fear of violence has changed the way police, firemen and emergency workers do their jobs.
There are some neighborhoods Swedish ambulance drivers will not go to without a police escort. Angry crowds have threatened them, telling them which patient to take and which ones to leave behind.
Originally posted by Souljah
They are Protesting becase they want Justice!
No Justice = No Peace.
Originally posted by Souljah
Civil Disobedience?
Originally posted by Souljah
Two Young Men are DEAD because of Police Negligence and Ignorance.
These are the Consequences.
Originally posted by AceOfBase
The police did not tell them to run into a dangerous substation.
The police did not electrocute them.
Originally posted by Regenmacher
If the priority was to foster an enivroment that doesn't breed hoplessness, then maybe France would see less polarization and dissention.
Originally posted by AceOfBase
The problems are visible now and I hope the French realize what that problem is and work to correct it by deporting or killing those people.
Small-scale suburban violence and car-torchings are a regular, though largely unreported, fact of life in troubled suburbs of Paris and other French cities dominated by low-income housing projects marked by unemployment and delinquency. What sets the current unrest apart is its duration, and the way it rapidly ignited beyond the original flash point of Clichy-sous-Bois in northeast Paris.
. He said parents were determined to keep their teenagers at home to prevent unrest. "People have had enough. People are afraid. It's time for this to stop." (Same source as above).
Originally posted by Souljah
The Unknown Cop said on his Cell Phone:
"They are Not Going Anywhere Now!"
WHY is the Police DENYING the fact that they were chasing them?
Originally posted by AceOfBase
The governments of those countries should focus on caring for their own citizens, not the citizens of others countries.
Small-scale suburban violence is a regular but unreported fact of life in many poor areas on the outskirts of major French cities. According to the police intelligence service, a total of 28,000 cars were burned across the country this year -- even before the latest outbreak.
After a week of nightly disturbances that have left hundreds of cars and buses torched, and several buildings burned down, the horns echoing off the concrete walls of grim housing projects sounded a broader alarm. The spreading violence has lifted the lid on an ugly stew of poverty, discrimination, and desperation amongst immigrant-descended families that most French citizens have long preferred to ignore.
"Frankly I am not surprised by what is happening," says Dounia Bouzar, an expert on French-born Muslims who has worked in the mostly black and North African districts on the outskirts of Paris. "Given the way these kids live, I wonder why it doesn't happen more often."
Originally posted by AceOfBase
The boy who survived is denying that the police chased them.
Two witnesses also denied that the police were chasing them.
"There's a civil war underway in Clichy-Sous-Bois at the moment," Michel Thooris, an official of police trade union Action Police CFTC, said .
"We can no longer withstand this situation on our own. My colleagues neither have the equipment nor the practical or theoretical training for street fighting," he said.
Originally posted by astrocreep
Sometimes its hard to tell the difference between fighting oppression and fighting to oppress. These people do not care about poverty, in fact they rely on it to keep them in an endless suplly of victims and provide a somwhat tangible excuse for their behavior.
Justice Minister Pascal Clement was visibly shaken after being briefed about a handicapped woman in her 50s who was badly burnt on Wednesday evening when rioters poured petrol on a city bus she was riding in and set it ablaze.
"This is immense violence," he told reporters in Bobigny, another town in the Seine Saint Denis department between central Paris and Charles de Gaulle airport that has been the worst hit. "I think all French are shocked to see things like this."
Družini nesrečno umrlih francoskih najstnikov Zyada in Boune sta vložili tožbo proti neznani osebi zaradi kaznivega dejanja »nezagotavljanja pomoči človeku v nevarnosti«. Zahteva temelji na doslej še neznanih podrobnostih. Organi reda so pobeglima mladeničema, osumljenima vdora v gradbeno barako, menda sledili do električnega transformatorja –tega uradna verzija ne omenja –, prijeti pajdaši pa so menda slišali policista, ki je po prenosnem telefonu neznanemu kolegu zatrdil, da sta domnevna vlomilca »v električni centrali, (zato) ne bosta prišla daleč«. Preiskavo okoliščin smrti obeh mladeničev je zahteval tudi sam predsednik Jacques Chirac. Toda, ali bo razjasnitev tragičnega dogodka pomagala pogasiti požar, ki je zajel kar pet departmajev na obrobju Pariza?
--------------------------------Rough translation------------------------------------------
Families of the Unfortunate two young men, have filed Charges against the Unknown man (a police officer), for an act of criminal offense "Not-Assuring Help to Someone in Danger". The Claim is based on so far Unknown details. Police Forces have been actually FOLLOWING the two youths, who were suspected of breaking an entry of a construction barracs. They Followed them to the Electical Tranformation central - which is not written in the offical report - and the captured friends of the two, did hear one of the officers saying on the Phone, that Suspected burglere are in the Electrical Central and "They Will not Get Anywhere far now". An investigation about the secret circumstances, of these two youth's death was requested by the president Chirac. But will the full explanation help to fight the fires that are burning in Paris?