posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 09:07 PM
Orwellian nightmare, or other futuristic fiction's dazzling our eyes from the mind melting TV. I do believe we will have a one world government, but
not by the doctrine's currently preached. This thread is literally about breaking down the notion that Al Quaida is the monstrosity, billowing it's
hate upon the masses through burning shrapnel, by ripping off the blanket of terrorism to expose the naked truth - that the government or ELITE
controls everything.
Besides the terrible plots and whimsical delusions of Pinky and the Brain taking over the world, have you considered for a moment that events take
place as a natural flow of events? If I wish to sink Mr. Ship in X ocean, I must apply my Limpet mine securely to one's hull. I must first evaluate
Mr. Ship, don my gear, swim to me' target in the dark abyss, mind you without Murphy biting my arse like a shark in heat, and do all of this based on
weather, and happenstance. Such is the world and all in it. Man may plan, but God laughs.
Common sense is a rare commodity it seems. The master plan of ruling the world under a satanic banner may be the master plot, but as all things, must
occur in a natural flow of events. Saying that George Bush or the Israeli's are placing bombs on the trade center or hypnotizing suicide bombers to
scare the masses - all towards the goal of the master plan; this is what the conversation always breaks down to. You see there must be a purpose,
there must be a reason why a man or institution would wish to do these things. There must be a goal. I think President Bush would rather be
vacationing catching fish.
On the table the goal is that the end of the world is coming, the anti-christ is coming, and this is why George Bush and his cohorts flew dummy planes
into the trade center, and placed bombs in London against their own people. This is a mindset. This is what it all boils down to - a goal. There must
be a goal.
This is the very reason, the very logic; those who believe such things feed the fear of society. When you have no solid foundation then you are tossed
about by the wind. Yes, the Bohemian Grove is a bunch of wealthy, idol worshipping men, hell bent on, having fun? Maybe they like drinking and eating
and chanting, and pissing on themselves. Maybe they sacrifice real people? Understand this, regardless, a one world government can only come about by
domination, by war. American citizens may be feared into accepting the loss of freedoms, but we won't be feared into worshipping the devil in the
culture we live in.
The whole point of the mass spasm of who's behinnd this and that - is to prove Bush is not a Christian, but a deep, dark, master of deception, intent
on forming the world into one government, and portray as his father has that Americans will pay allegiance to the European Union.
To dominate another country you must war and you must control resources. The hard cold truth. Will every American just accept implants over a few
years time when they know it's for worshipping some fein? Surely you jest. The prophecies speak of another time, one that you and I do not live in.
Society as we know it is not going to end by 2012. Your Mayan interpretations and your biblical theories are just that - interpretations and theories,
based on your failed allegorization of scripture, and listening to those who have done the same.
Now for a dose of reality. Iraq was taken, why? Resources. Do you realize there are over 300,000 oil wells in Texas, but only about 2500 in Iraq,
where oil reserves are proven to be as great as Saudi Arabia. Do the math. Who is going to be the largest consumer of oil in the next couple decades?
China and the United States. We have known this for decades and America plans on hedging the Chinese by controlling their energy reserves, or at least
destabilizing them. Oil runs economy. It's the commodity that wars are fought over and is why the Japanese attacked pearl harbor, and it's why were
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He who controls the energy has the power to move nations. He who has the energy and the most advanced army has the power to control the nations of the
world. Old creeds - new technology. Keep in mind war will be fought by a natural flow of events. To take Iran you must first conqueor them. Only when
one power controls all the economies and nations can a chip be implanted or an anti-christ come to control all things. What you have now is pissed off
suicide bombers, Bohemian robe wearers, and plenty of pond scum willing to utilize both.
Ok, will stop blaming the London bombings on Al Quaida just as long as you don't blame it on the SAS or CIA one world government, robe wearing
bohemians. Not everyone wears robes and not everyone prays five times to the east everyday. Our failure is assuming cultures can co-exist without war.