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Critical shortcomings of the Patriot complex

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posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Where are the mass graves of 'Irish in Britain'?

Lets look at Russia's history for some comparisons.

Its estimated that approximately 20 million Russians died during Stalin's reign.
Millions upon millions more were forcibly relocated to places like Siberia and the outer regions of Russia.

Those who died included Tatars, Chechens, Kalmyks etc along with Russian's of German and Polish origins.

Then there were those who died in the various purges.
And lets not forget those who died in the Holodomor and events like the Katyn Massacre.

You're a religious person RT....does the phrase 'Let he without sin cast the first stone' ring any bells with you?

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Free and sovereign nations of the world are now uniting around Russia. Soon there will be no NATO or EU, but BRICS!

China is the superpower in that relationship.

But alas, it will just be a multipolar world, which is fine. Doesn’t mean NATO will go away. Maybe the EU, they’re a group of countries with rich history. Im not sure their experiment will hold. They have a model that seems similar to the USA, but it’s a bit different since we were new, and they’re trying to combine very different countries with different interests.

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 03:44 PM
Respectfully if Russia has an advantage against the Patriot then use it...

Last I heard Ukraine's Patriot batteries intercepted 6 Kinzhals and 3-4 got through. Thats 100 million US dollars or 1 billion rubles and Russia can barely hold a sliver of land in Ukraine. As well as two of those hits were decoys in July and this last hit in October was on the radar and one or two launch tubes. According to Ukraine, it's still operational in the region

from what I gather the few Patriot batteries have performed well enough that Zelenskky is clamoring for more, not to mention what the other countries are bringing them in.

So Russia is in an excellent position as they know the weakness of the defense system all the countries around them will now deploy or is this akin to the Kinzhal missile hype?

How many missiles fired at Ukraine have been intercepted by their meager few Patriot batteries in country.

it has to be in the high 3 digits... da or nyet?

for proper perspective

Russia has periodically claimed to have destroyed or damaged components belonging to the handful of Patriot systems Ukraine has received from its Western backers.

In July, Russia said it had struck two Patriot launchers with Iskander-M missiles, which Ukraine said were decoys designed to waste Russian missile stocks.

Valuable and relatively rare across Ukraine, the U.S.-made Patriot is considered the gold standard of air defense systems. It is a top-priority target for Moscow.

edit on 24-10-2024 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2024 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Thank you for sharing that analysis.

I was wondering why the patriot systems supplied to Ukraine were not making much of a difference, and now I can understand some potential reasons for this!

It is sad that so much treasure and blood is being squandered over there, and the warmongers get richer on my back, and the backs of others....
edit on 24-10-2024 by Fowlerstoad because: added some flavor

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