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Israel Launches 2nd Wave Of EXPLODING TECH, Hezbollah Radios Begin Exploding

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posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I"m not a terrorist hell bent on constantly attacking the sovereign country...

I do have to disagree from your posting record on this board. Sure you support the sovereign country A, but not the sovereign country B. Does it really matter what the name is.

I do agree you are not physically attacking them, As for the psychological aspects of this war you have picked a side and that is all that matters. So now you are good that only your side has this next gen war in play. Looking into the historical nature of war, war is the only winner of such advancements. Once the Genii is out of the bottle, the rise of the machines is on its way.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
I do have to disagree from your posting record on this board.

I support the sovereign country of Israels right to self defense against terrorist organizations that have promised to try to kill as many Israelis as possible and promised to destroy Israel. That doesn't make me a terrorist. That makes me a civilized human being living in the year 2024 AD and not 800 AD. The fact that you do not support Israels right to self defense against terrorists DOES make you a terrorist sympathizer. Good luck with that.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: FlyersFan

I"m good with it. Well done Israel.

Really? You good with all your internet connected devices now being a IED? As a choir of Zionism you probably wont be the first to get blown up in your region, but who really knows in just what hands and motivations this technology will fall in the coming years and decades?

You really think your kids are good with growing up with this lack of morality and capability?

If there is any public advantage, the Borg is going to have a harder time in public acceptance of technology.

The Borg?

Please tell me we aren't referencing a TV show when discussing real-world international diplomacy, war, and conflicts.

Our kids are already growing up with less morality and capability, some think its the ebb and flow of human evolution. Some think we will never evolve till we get rid of our warrior fighting and survival instincts, I think we'd probably want to hold on to those traits till we know who we are dealing with in the rest of our neighborhood.

As for 100 years from now, somebody else will live in your home, everyone you knew will likely be dead and all your possessions will likely be trash and nobody will likely know you and I existed

edit on p000000309am096 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: kwaka

So why all this hate on Trump with his past actions and support for Israel?

What are you babbling about. You are down to ignoring context?

Which in no way addresses, “I have a daughter and if she was forced to live under Israeli law or the rule of Hamas. She could have a normal free life under Israeli law, except for those trying to impose Islamic law and rule on Israel. More like Jihad the Jewish race off the earth.

You’re the one that needs to wake up Kwaka.”

So. You are down to false arguments and using things purposefully out of context. While totally ignoring what I actually posted.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

The fact that you do not support Israels right to self defense against terrorists DOES make you a terrorist sympathizer.

I used to think some of the false views from 9/11 was based on genuine deserved mistrust of the USA government. It’s seems more and more it was just out of genuine antisemitism hatred of “Jews”. On par with Hitler and blaming all woes on “Jews”.

posted on Sep, 20 2024 @ 01:18 PM

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