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Former Republican VP Dick Cheney Supports Harris

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posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 08:23 AM
Here is a good thread about polls and polling

but the consensus is Democrats respond to polls at a higher level than Republicans among different methodologies used making polls not as accurate as many presume. Thus when a poll suggests a Republican leads its semi note worthy

Furthermore when the battleground states are so close much closer for Trump than 2020 is additional indications it will be an extremely close race. Considering we have debates coming up there is even more of a chance for somebody to distance themselves


edit on p000000309am096 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

So what to believe?

I certainly don't believe Trump has that kind of lead , there's a long time to go before November so it's an open race , the debate could be pivotal.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 08:24 AM
Seems the NWO War Monger Alliance is backing Kamala !!

Is that good or bad? Something for Democrats to consider before they open their mouths. 😀

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 08:53 AM
If Harris wins, that's fine. She's promising things that, in almost 4 years now, she hasn't even tried to deliver and if you're dumb enough to believe her, you deserve what's coming.

I've given up on Leftists who think Kamala will actually do anything to help this country. You're just too stupid to get off the tracks when the train is coming so........

We tried to warn you about Biden and you didn't listen.

We're trying to warn you about Kamala and you still won't listen.

The fact that the Cheney's are endorsing her should tell you all you need to know.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: watchitburn

So what to believe?

I certainly don't believe Trump has that kind of lead , there's a long time to go before November so it's an open race , the debate could be pivotal.

And you would know of course. Being here on the ground in the US....

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Seems the NWO War Monger Alliance is backing Kamala !!

Is that good or bad? Something for Democrats to consider before they open their mouths. 😀

Yep - all the swamp rats are hitching their wagons to the democrats. They must be over the moon - where's the mahogani dude to rub this in our face like it's some big victory?


(post by 5thHead removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES

Sorry to be such a short intro, but this changes EVERYTHING as far as I'm concerned.

What say you?

Who? Darth Cheney?

he is like King Neocon, and that just tells you how far the Liberal Party has fallen in that direction. Of course, he would support the party looking for wars.

Now the big question is why do you think this changes EVERYTHING? People are tired of war after 20 years of it, so does it change anything for you?

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
If Harris wins, that's fine. She's promising things that, in almost 4 years now, she hasn't even tried to deliver and if you're dumb enough to believe her, you deserve what's coming.

I've given up on Leftists who think Kamala will actually do anything to help this country. You're just too stupid to get off the tracks when the train is coming so........

We tried to warn you about Biden and you didn't listen.

We're trying to warn you about Kamala and you still won't listen.

The fact that the Cheney's are endorsing her should tell you all you need to know.

Exactly it's simple if you believe the last 3 1/2 years were good domestically, internationally, economically, and socially vote for Harris/Walz otherwise consider the alternative...

Everybody thinks Trump will be a tyrant if re-elected but he might be more concerned about his legacy. To make changes he will still have to work with Republicans and Democrats, he cant just run roughshod over the process

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead
Well, if you didn't already know there is a gang in control of the country and they want Kamala to be president then maybe the endorsement of Dick Cheyenne will convince you.


Cheney ended his vice presidential tenure as a deeply unpopular figure in American politics with an approval rating of 13 percent.

He pushed Bush SR into war, and he pushed Bush Jr into two massive unneeded wars that cost us 1/2 or more of our national debt today of 31 trillion. He also led the charge in the War against Terrorism that punched holes into the Constitution. I don't know how old you are, but I would not want Cheney to endorse me if I wanted to win.

edit on x30Sat, 07 Sep 2024 09:37:52 -05002024250America/ChicagoSat, 07 Sep 2024 09:37:52 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 10:07 AM
Trump supporters can't even write off Cheney's endorsement effectively.

They're even calling Dick Cheney a RINO now.
One of the most conservative politicians ever, is now a RINO because MAGA needs to protect the cult leaders image/ego.

200 Republican presidential staffers endorsed Harris as well.

We are witnessing the self destruction of the Republican party.

It's so bad that TEXAS is 5 points away from becoming a swing state.

The best part about it is, MAGA doesn't even recognize that losing support is an issue, they see more as a badge of honor.

I think MAGA ignores it's own campaign issues because they have the rigged election excuse in their back pocket. Why admit/learn from your faults and mistakes when you can always fall back on blaming cheating?

He probably did lose 12 votes over this.
And 12 votes over Arlington.
And 12 votes for a poor VP pick.

Those lost votes are quickly going to add up in what will most likely be the closest election of all time.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
Trump supporters can't even write off Cheney's endorsement effectively.

They're even calling Dick Cheney a RINO now.
One of the most conservative politicians ever, is now a RINO because MAGA needs to protect the cult leaders image/ego.

200 Republican presidential staffers endorsed Harris as well.

We are witnessing the self destruction of the Republican party.

It's so bad that TEXAS is 5 points away from becoming a swing state.

The best part about it is, MAGA doesn't even recognize that losing support is an issue, they see more as a badge of honor.

I think MAGA ignores it's own campaign issues because they have the rigged election excuse in their back pocket. Why admit/learn from your faults and mistakes when you can always fall back on blaming cheating?

He probably did lose 12 votes over this.
And 12 votes over Arlington.
And 12 votes for a poor VP pick.

Those lost votes are quickly going to add up in what will most likely be the closest election of all time.

He's deep state establishment. Can you show me where you had praise for him in the past......ever? Or is this just another circle jerk for you?

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
If Harris wins, that's fine. She's promising things that, in almost 4 years now, she hasn't even tried to deliver and if you're dumb enough to believe her, you deserve what's coming.

I don't agree with your first sentence. But the second is very true (imo).

edit on 792024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I think this is good.

It would worry me if Cheney had endorsed him.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 10:45 AM
DICK CHENEY wanted JOE BIDEN to take Hillary's place in 2016, after it started to look like Trump may beat Hillary.

Dick Cheney 2016 - Go for it Joe!:

CHENEY'S KNOW THEIR GOOSE IS COOKED if Donald Trump has enough time to gather the evidence, and have his DOJ prosecute them. 2017 thru 2020 enabled him to round up the evidence. "I caught them all".

Dick and Liz know 2025 thru 2029 will see the Cheney name destroyed. (Like someone will give a sh'it in 100 years, lol.)

edit on 792024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

If you don't know why the center/right is laughing their collective behinds off, you've not paid attention to politics at large and what lead to a candidate like Trump.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 11:15 AM
I'm surprised the Cheneys are still in Wyoming. Dick is not liked, and Liz was voted out of her Congressional seat in a landslide, by the citizens of Wyoming, in 2022.

Liz Cheney - 2nd Worse Loss Ever, by a member of Congress:

Wyoming citizens are very close to nature and intuitive. They know something horrific is being kept hidden by Dick and Liz.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

That was a bit of malicious sarcasm. If people can look around at the state of this country and want to elect one of the top people are are responsible, let them live with their own decisions, just don't whine about it later.

I am completely out of f**ks to give.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: gortex

The polls have been nonsense for years.

Illegal immigration alone is going to swing the election for Trump.

That's not even getting into the economy, inflation, and wars.

proceeeds to use a poll to state fact...huh???!!!??!?!?!?

So polls are correct when they confirm your bias is what you meant to say

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

You clearly missed my point

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