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Former Republican VP Dick Cheney Supports Harris

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posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 04:50 AM

Sorry to be such a short intro, but this changes EVERYTHING as far as I'm concerned.

What say you?

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 04:58 AM
Changes nothing.

It was known that the Republican establishment didn't want Trump.

No one will change their vote because Cheney, an old white guy from back in the Bush era, says he doesn't like Trump.

Everyone will still vote for whoever they have decided on.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Seems Cheney is in step with US opinion.

Harris 47.3 %
Trump 44.2 %

Looks like America is willing to hold its nose in order to stop Trump 2.0

+12 more 
posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 05:09 AM
Heh, yeah, Cheny, the Headmaster of the "SWAMP"...of course he's going to support anyone BUT Trump!!

The absolute KING of government IDIQ Contracts (aka the SWAMP, by their very definition!)

For those unfamiliar, "IDIQ" is a government acronym for "Indefinite Delivery - Indefinite Quantity"

Haliburton anyone?

+9 more 
posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Makes sense that a globalist warmonger would support the globalist Muppet.

Its hilarious that the same leftists that were calling Bush, Cheney, McCain, Romney etc... War criminals and Hitler clones just 10 years ago are now soiling themselves in glea over their endorsements

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 05:43 AM

edit on 9/7/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: gortex

The polls have been nonsense for years.

Illegal immigration alone is going to swing the election for Trump.

That's not even getting into the economy, inflation, and wars.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I'm at the point I just want to write in MAG DOG MATTIS and HAM SAMMICH.

Seriosuly upset.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Exactly. Cheney didn't get offered a plum overflowing with millions of dollars, so he will vote for a complete failure.

A snapshot of exactly what is wrong in DC.


posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 06:23 AM
The death throws of the Republican establishment; they can't accept that whether Trump wins or lossses they lost control over their party years ago. They are now dogs begging for scraps from the Democrat party, because to them scraps are still better then nothing.

As for the Democrats; they spent decades calling this man the great satan ... he was "the next Hitler" before Donald Trump was "the next Hitler". Now the Democrats are getting in bed with him? And I am supposed to believe Kamala Harris is winning this election? ... if she was winning this election she would be on every TV show telling Dick Cheney to stuff a gerbil up his back side not seeking his endorsement.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I try not to go over the top with my thoughts on political figures but if you read the book Vice it's clear an endorsement of Harris by Cheney is positive for Trump.

The graft, corruption, and money laundering in Ukraine use a similar blueprint a similar modus operandi as our wars in the Gulf and Afghanistan, and the architect of it all was Dick Cheney. The events in the book are now common knowledge, if you can't make time to read the book watch the movie.

For me, the book Vice and the book Whitewater is where our leadership went to hell, and it's both sides both parties. The 2 party monopoly, corporate lobbying, and never-ending Congressional terms must end.

It is nothing but pushing the original concerns of Eisenhower to the maximum limit. When people speak of 3D chess Dick Cheney was good at it so was HRC

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 06:37 AM

In other news, water makes stuff wet and the sky is blue.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:22 AM
I was on the fence, thank all that is holy Cheney came out with his endorsement! /sarc

I thought the guy was dead. Wish I still thought that.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Yep, ever since the first gulf war! Contracting with the gov off the taxpayers dime is completely out of hand.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:35 AM
My guess is Darth Cheney is endorsing the candidate who is most likley to make his defence industry stocks rise.
I highly doubt he would endorse based on who is the best for the future of America.

Maybe trying to get his daughter a job too.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

The polls have been nonsense for years.

I suspect if they were showing Trump with a 3 point lead over Harris it would be a different story.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: gortex


Nate Silver works for 538

So what to believe?
edit on 7-9-2024 by watchitburn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: gortex

The news would certainly be different. When Trump did have a 3 point lead, all the major news outlets made sure to mention the "margin of error" in all their headlines... now a 3 point lead gets a "surging ahead" headline.


The polls are saying exactly what every Trump and Harris supporter wants them to say ... these Pollsters know how to make ad revenue... and you don't do that by alienating half the country.
edit on 7-9-2024 by Dandandat3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES

Sorry to be such a short intro, but this changes EVERYTHING as far as I'm concerned.

What say you?

Good! Dick and Liz Cheney are guilty of corruption. Kamala will protect them as Joe has done.

Add funding the 911 attacks to Dicks resume too.

They're all yours kamala! 🤡
edit on 792024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 08:20 AM
This is sure to take at least 12 votes away from Trump. Major devastation! 🤣

The NWO-RINOs are scattering and desperate 🤣

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