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what made the crazy kid do crazy kid things?

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posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: quintessentone

That sounds like facts and we all know you're just speculating...

Kind of makes it sound a little desperate to sell a certain narrative...

Those are the facts known so far, so where is the desperation again?

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

My guess is still on family dynamics, being the main culprit for him snapping.
It's about the age where the real non pubescent emancipation happens. Sometimes they do really stupid things to make a point...

I don't know I don't want to blame the parents yet, they are likely devastated, FWIW the father called the police when he heard of the shooting, and his son was late getting home.

Just saw a brief video from a classmate, it was semi-obvious he wasn't treated well, they were kind of teasing him. Thats the thing kids do when they are in school and with social media your classmates can reach out and touch you 24/7.

We had it back in the '70s too, but they would atleast get a break after hours or during summer, but if you didn't stand up for yourself you had a kick me sign in your back.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

We do not know what the parents knew or didn't know, is what I am saying, pure conjecture.

He was a severely bullied self-radicalized political activist listening to BS rhetoric from one side, apparently.

and yet here you are doing the same thing.

you don't think he went through his whole life being bullied and started becoming self-radicalized political activist, living with his parents being paid professionals in the behavioral field, didn't see or notice anything.


edit on 16-7-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

My guess is still on family dynamics, being the main culprit for him snapping.
It's about the age where the real non pubescent emancipation happens. Sometimes they do really stupid things to make a point...

I don't know I don't want to blame the parents yet, they are likely devastated, FWIW the father called the police when he heard of the shooting, and his son was late getting home.

Just saw a brief video from a classmate, it was semi-obvious he wasn't treated well, they were kind of teasing him. Thats the thing kids do when they are in school and with social media your classmates can reach out and touch you 24/7.

We had it back in the '70s too, but they would atleast get a break after hours or during summer, but if you didn't stand up for yourself you had a kick me sign in your back.

Yes, and he was known to be political at a young age.

Another former classmate, Zach Bradford, told The New York Times that Crooks was “incredibly intelligent,” and that his politics were “slightly right leaning.” NewsSerp

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:49 AM
For looking into the shooter, try this thread:

A closer look at Trump's shooter: Thomas Matthew Crooks

One report did work feeding elderly people. With his temperament?

Got some questions if a family member done a paper on demonology/exorcism things. Maybe it is a different person?

Did someone / group take advantage of the bulling and abuse he already had and pushed it to the limit?

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: StudioNada

I dont think autism makes you choose to shoot people StudioNada.

Undeniably the fellow is a product of society.

But we can all make that claim.

Its not carte blanche.

Something went wrong somewhere, in that guy's head, and with security at that event.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: network dude
As many of these killers are,the kid was bullied-and was even called "the school shooter."

Many people would say that the bullying is the reason these kids end up killing-but I have another theory.

What if these kids are loners/get bullied because there is "something wrong" with them that others can sense?
The other kids may subconsciously be detecting that they have a "defective" in their midst,and the way they react is by name calling/bullying.

Also,there is a theory in quantum physics called "retrocausality" which suggests that future events can change or effect the present-its a tough one to wrap your head around,but if that theory is real-maybe people treat certain other people badly or differently because of something which is yet to occur?

Just a wild theory.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:50 AM
Don't let speculation cloud the glaringly obvious.

He was there to permanently stop he was constantly being told to do by all democrats, the Leftist MSM and his Leftist Hollywood heroes.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
Don't let speculation cloud the glaringly obvious.

He was there to permanently stop he was constantly being told to do by all democrats, the Leftist MSM and his Leftist Hollywood heroes.

Nobody knows his motivation especially jump-to-conclusions ATSers.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

My guess is still on family dynamics, being the main culprit for him snapping.
It's about the age where the real non pubescent emancipation happens. Sometimes they do really stupid things to make a point...

I don't know I don't want to blame the parents yet, they are likely devastated, FWIW the father called the police when he heard of the shooting, and his son was late getting home.

Just saw a brief video from a classmate, it was semi-obvious he wasn't treated well, they were kind of teasing him. Thats the thing kids do when they are in school and with social media your classmates can reach out and touch you 24/7.

We had it back in the '70s too, but they would atleast get a break after hours or during summer, but if you didn't stand up for yourself you had a kick me sign in your back.

Yes, and he was known to be political at a young age.

Another former classmate, Zach Bradford, told The New York Times that Crooks was “incredibly intelligent,” and that his politics were “slightly right leaning.” NewsSerp

He just didn't fit in, don't get me started I hear stories I have a family with a few teachers, and they all say kids can be brutal these days, it's the conform or be cast out BS.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

My guess is still on family dynamics, being the main culprit for him snapping.
It's about the age where the real non pubescent emancipation happens. Sometimes they do really stupid things to make a point...

I don't know I don't want to blame the parents yet, they are likely devastated, FWIW the father called the police when he heard of the shooting, and his son was late getting home.

Just saw a brief video from a classmate, it was semi-obvious he wasn't treated well, they were kind of teasing him. Thats the thing kids do when they are in school and with social media your classmates can reach out and touch you 24/7.

We had it back in the '70s too, but they would atleast get a break after hours or during summer, but if you didn't stand up for yourself you had a kick me sign in your back.

Yes, and he was known to be political at a young age.

Another former classmate, Zach Bradford, told The New York Times that Crooks was “incredibly intelligent,” and that his politics were “slightly right leaning.” NewsSerp

He just didn't fit in, don't get me started I hear stories I have a family with a few teachers, and they all say kids can be brutal these days, it's the conform or be cast out BS.

He was political at a young age...I mean really, not many young people that age give a damn.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:02 AM
I hope they don't just chalk this up to a kid being mentally disturbed. There are a lot of things going on here, setting aside all the strange factors that point to this being much more than it is, the kid who did this and was killed was still a human being, a son, a friend to someone. And there are more kids out there who likely get bullied because of whatever factors make them targets.

A national campaign to show some empathy, some humanity, so decency in school should be a priority. Changing how people treat others is the most important part of this in my eyes. This event happened, and can't be undone. But the next one might be avoided simply by treating others as you would like to be treated. Teaching your own kids to look out for the underdog. Teach your kids to try to be empathetic to others who might not have friends, or even know how to make new ones.

No matter what happens with this event, we all need to push for a better future. Everyone. (IMHO)

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
Don't let speculation cloud the glaringly obvious.

He was there to permanently stop he was constantly being told to do by all democrats, the Leftist MSM and his Leftist Hollywood heroes.

Nobody knows his motivation especially jump-to-conclusions ATSers.

He took a gun to a rally and shot it @ Trump because everyone he trusts said Trump is evil Hitler.

Usually 1+1=2...maybe not in 'Woke World'...but in the REAL world it always does.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: network dude

I agree, but would add that both political parties need to take responsibility for their rhetoric which is parroted by the various sides of social media.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:06 AM
Well since every kid is told they are special from birth, then they are hammered with propaganda their entire childhood...

Add to that the drugs prescribed to kids and the usual, person of interest being ignored by someone and you get a shooter.

This kid has been told how trump is Hitler so what reaction could be expected other than what we got?

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Exactly many get bullied only few snap.
Many get brainwashed by media only few snap.

I still think family dynamics are the snapping source for most kids that still live with their parents. Sure there might be other factors that play into it, but it's often the lowest common denominator.

If you can't call home a safe harbor things will spiral out of hand quickly for most teen...

But yeah i don't know either, but it's where I'd focus. statistically it's where the true underlying mental issue is buried...

Probably wouldn't fit the narrative one way or the other, so it gets ignored.
It might just prove that it takes two to dance the tango of division and that it drives young people crazy.

A narrative that focuse on the political sides, might be better suited to further the division, don't ya think...

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Well since every kid is told they are special from birth, then they are hammered with propaganda their entire childhood...

Add to that the drugs prescribed to kids and the usual, person of interest being ignored by someone and you get a shooter.

This kid has been told how trump is Hitler so what reaction could be expected other than what we got?

Nobody knows his motivation(s) for his violent actions.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

My guess is still on family dynamics, being the main culprit for him snapping.
It's about the age where the real non pubescent emancipation happens. Sometimes they do really stupid things to make a point...

I don't know I don't want to blame the parents yet, they are likely devastated, FWIW the father called the police when he heard of the shooting, and his son was late getting home.

Just saw a brief video from a classmate, it was semi-obvious he wasn't treated well, they were kind of teasing him. Thats the thing kids do when they are in school and with social media your classmates can reach out and touch you 24/7.

We had it back in the '70s too, but they would atleast get a break after hours or during summer, but if you didn't stand up for yourself you had a kick me sign in your back.

Yes, and he was known to be political at a young age.

Another former classmate, Zach Bradford, told The New York Times that Crooks was “incredibly intelligent,” and that his politics were “slightly right leaning.” NewsSerp

He just didn't fit in, don't get me started I hear stories I have a family with a few teachers, and they all say kids can be brutal these days, it's the conform or be cast out BS.

He was political at a young age...I mean really, not many young people that age give a damn.

LOL Im not making any definitive conclusions Doctor, just discussing the situation.

Was he radicalized sure, but how come millions of boys his same age and with worse problems don't climb on a hot roof, and take potshots at DJT while dozens of the Pennsylvania State Police force are in the building right below.

It sounds so ludicrous it's brilliant he literally got lost in all the police in an unsecured staging area, no sane person would try that.

It makes the Secret Service point out that Penn State PD could have been more vigilant too.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: putnam6

it's the conform or be cast out BS.

1 million internet points for the RUSH reference.

posted on Jul, 16 2024 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: StudioNada

I dont think autism makes you choose to shoot people StudioNada.

Something went wrong somewhere, in that guy's head, and with security at that event.


from my post

a disordered intellect/ cognition challenges like autism for example

challenges which alter reasonable behaviors .... time will tell whom is correct here, fellow member

edit on 16-7-2024 by StudioNada because: (no reason given)

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