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The Donald Trump False Flag Assassination Attempt

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posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
There are "people" around, and associated with, Trump who have as much, or more to gain with the coming election as Trump himself. I doubt that Trump is even aware of the extents such people would go to to realize their goals.

While I get the benefits of plausible deniability, let's say he had someone else sort out the details, but he sure could have suggested it.

At the end of the day, if this was staged, he knew he had the blood squib in his cap and nobody was actually shooting at him.

When this first broke and some people said it might be faked a lot of people reacted with things like "Do you think Trump would stand there and let someone take a shot at him hoping they would only nick his ear?".

That made me wonder, do these people watch movies where people "get shot" and not know they are not really being shot at?

Slightly more plausible;

Trump had NO knowledge whatsoever of "the Plan", and was thus genuinely reacting to a bullet whizzing past his ear...but perhaps not actually striking his ear.

His reaction would be indistinguishable, especially since he most likely isn't used to the sensation of a bullet flying past him at close proximity.

Once he reacts, and sees his SS detail rushing the stage, he hits the deck, as he has most likely been instructed to do by his security people time and time again.

The thing is,, it most likely that he was Not supposed to be injured! The scene was supposed to have the "Brave Hero" being shot, but emerging unharmed, and unfazed. While all around him panic.

But something went very wrong, and they made the best of it (Never waste a Good Crisis!).

All pure speculation on my part. But the pieces do seem to fit, given the almost ridiculous number and scope of the many security SNAFUS that we are being lead to accept as sheer inexperience and/or incompetence.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Trump had NO knowledge whatsoever of "the Plan", and was thus genuinely reacting to a bullet whizzing past his ear..

From his body language, nothing in it to see he knew it was coming.

Body Language – Trump Assassination Attempt

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Trump had NO knowledge whatsoever of "the Plan", and was thus genuinely reacting to a bullet whizzing past his ear..

From his body language, nothing in it to see he knew it was coming.

Body Language – Trump Assassination Attempt

Maybe the plan wasn’t for him to get hit. Maybe it was a deep state double cross . Prove me wrong in your world of innuendo is evidence. 🤣

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: UKTruth
THAT makes no sense.

That is what I said, it makes no sense that people were seeing and filming this guy even when taking aim, but the police couldn't.

Supposedly one officer had to boost another to get a look and Crooks pointed his rifle at him and the officer ducked but people standing at ground level could get video of him?

I mean, it makes sense if all of these people are willing to go along to MAGA.

Who, in your mind, planned this alleged staged event?

Trump of course, he is even going back, showing how fearless he is.

Also check out the post above yours.

You've reached the stage where you have truly lost your mind.
Its the stage where you create your own reality - the one you want to be real - and it's so far gone you actually beleieve it.
At this stage you can't be helped.
Good luck.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 10:16 AM
Look, I am all for a good conspiracy. They killed Kennedy. They tried to kill Reagan. They tried to kill Ford twice. I believe Flight 93 was shot down but do not believe thermite stories in NY. Is Michelle really Mike? Birthers.....I get it....

But this is insane. The fact that the 'false flag' in DJT having someone shoot at him to gain....what....votes?

He is the luckiest man on the f'n planet right now. He should be dead. End of story. They wanted us all to see his head explode like a melon on stage. Realize this. This was attempted in broad daylight during a rally with 1000's of people. It was allowed to happen. The US government allowed that kid to almost kill the president. I am also very sure he is not the only shooter or resource that tried to kill him.

DJT did not do this to himself.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth
You've reached the stage where you have truly lost your mind.
Its the stage where you create your own reality - the one you want to be real - and it's so far gone you actually beleieve it.
At this stage you can't be helped.
Good luck.

I don't wan't this to be real. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if it was a real attempt, Trump was lucky. If it was staged and he pulled it off, good for him.

I see that since you can't actually disprove the theory, you have to try and make it about me.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: matafuchs
But this is insane. The fact that the 'false flag' in DJT having someone shoot at him to gain....what....votes?

The conspiracy theory here is that nobody actually shot at him.

The people yelling there he is, the images provided making it seem like he can be seen from ground level and the cops not being able to see him is what I am saying makes no sense.

This conspiracy isn't like those attempts to kill a sitting president. This was like Hillary sending out an actress after she collapsed and they dragged her into a van.

It is an image thing.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: UKTruth
You've reached the stage where you have truly lost your mind.
Its the stage where you create your own reality - the one you want to be real - and it's so far gone you actually beleieve it.
At this stage you can't be helped.
Good luck.

I don't wan't this to be real. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if it was a real attempt, Trump was lucky. If it was staged and he pulled it off, good for him.

I see that since you can't actually disprove the theory, you have to try and make it about me.

You need to prove the theory.
Not the other way around
So far, you have failed miserably.

edit on 31/7/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth
You need to prove the theory.
Not the other way around
So far, you have failed miserably.

No, I'm saying "here is a possibility", that is what a conspiracy theory is.

Person 1: That theory is wrong.

Person 2: Well than show us why it is wrong.

Person 1: Well, Trump had blood on his ear.

Person 2: Are you sure it was blood?

Person 1: Yes, Trump said it was blood.

That is the division here, some can't imagine Trump pulling a stunt like this and some can.

Now you tell me how people saw and took video of the shooter while standing on the ground and the police couldn't see him, while standing on the same ground.

edit on 31-7-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Now you tell me how people saw and took video of the shooter while standing on the ground and the police couldn't see him, while standing on the same ground.

Because it was allowed to happen. We now know, based on Senate hearings, there was no communication between USSS and local cops. The only people trying to stop him are local cops. Not USSS. Trump should be dead.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: matafuchs
That doesn't explain how people were seeing him and capturing video of him while the local cops couldn't even see him.

Did you miss this post which shows there was an SS agent just outside the building?

It was allowed to happen. But, what is it? Actual live rounds fired or blanks?

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Actual live rounds fired or blanks?

1 dead and 2 critically wounded. Only live rounds do that from such a distance.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
1 dead and 2 critically wounded. Only live rounds do that from such a distance.

Did you physically examine them?

Everyone knows the DS has deep pockets and the connections except in this case because they couldn't afford a decent sniper. Yeah, right.

Also, the DS isn't the the only one with deep pockets and connections.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: UKTruth
You need to prove the theory.
Not the other way around
So far, you have failed miserably.

No, I'm saying "here is a possibility", that is what a conspiracy theory is.

Person 1: That theory is wrong.

Person 2: Well than show us why it is wrong.

Person 1: Well, Trump had blood on his ear.

Person 2: Are you sure it was blood?

Person 1: Yes, Trump said it was blood.

That is the division here, some can't imagine Trump pulling a stunt like this and some can.

Now you tell me how people saw and took video of the shooter while standing on the ground and the police couldn't see him, while standing on the same ground.

It more simple than that.
You have a theory.
YOU provide the evidence you have gathered and others will judge whether what you provided makes your case.
You are woefully short of that at this stage.
You have the opportunity to provide more, but no one has to prove your theory wrong.

As it stands you are merely speculating, which as a single statement is fine, but you are obsessive over a theory you have provided zero evidence for - or even anything thought provoking.

edit on 31/7/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Did you physically examine them?

Do you want to see the blood? One person trying CPR on Corey.

Nothing about this event looks fake to me.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: UKTruth
As it stands, pun intended, you can't have two people at the same spot and one saying they can see the shooter and the other can't.

So explain how people saw and took video of the shooter while standing on the ground and the police couldn't see him, while standing on the same ground.

ETA: Also, go stand 30 ft from as 10-12 ft. tall building with a roof with such a low slope and tell me you can see someone on the roof in a prone position 100 ft on the opposite side of the building.

I believe the officers couldn't see him because it is impossible. So everyone saying they could were either paid or believe in Trump enough to go along.

edit on 31-7-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
Do you want to see the blood? One person trying CPR on Corey.

I've seen the same thing on tv and in movies. Are you saying people in those scenes died as well?

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I've seen the same thing on tv and in movies. Are you saying people in those scenes died as well?

Are they streamed live in one take in front of 1000's people at the scene, millions online?

I can understand some skepticism with all the media gaslighting going on these days. From here, Trump dodged a bullet that day.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:22 PM
double post
edit on 31-7-2024 by kwaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
Are they streamed live in one take in front of 1000's people at the scene, millions online?

No, but this didn't have or need that level of cinematography.

Most of the time the guy was doing CPR, you couldn't eve see the victim. All you see is someone who looks like he might be doing CPR.

edit on 31-7-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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