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Russian Talk of Peace Deal is a Sham - And That's Official

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posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: berbofthegreen

Irish people do not hate the english, no more than they do us. You must be reading some old republican literature to believe that.
Yes there are people who will always hate the english, no more than they do us.

Ireland was at one time the most catholic country in the World. That was the reason why pope john paul 2 came straight here when he became pope, even before going home to his native Poland.
But because the church now has no power here their numbers are dropping fast.

Irish people that live in rural areas are mostly farmers. Which is true of nearly any country worldwide. But we have huge trade with england probably our biggest customer.

And i'd love to know how we look different, and its not ginger hair. Thats just a trait.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Tolkien

So, you'd have NATO turn its back on Ukraine and abandon it to its fate under Putin?
He'd eradicate Ukrainian culture, relocate most Ukrainians to the Russian hinterlands and then forcibly relocate Russian people to those lands.

Once he's done with that he'd turn his attention onto his next victims.
Latvia? Lithuania? Estonia?
Then Poland?

Well, thankfully, Trump is already making an impact and will end the war. Under current NATO leadership they intent to fund this war into perpetuity. Trump knows how to leverage the strength of the USA whether it be economic leverage in the marketplace or military leverage in the global theatre. Putin is preparing to hear what Trump has to say if/when he gets in office.

President Vladimir Putin said Russia takes seriously statements by Donald Trump that he has proposals to end the war in Ukraine quickly. “I’m not familiar with his possible proposals on how he intends to do this, and that is, of course, the key question,” Putin told a news conference Thursday in Astana, Kazakhstan, where he attended a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. “But I have no doubt that he says this sincerely, and we will support it.”

Biden's team want the war to continue, Trump will end it
Sadly, our msm won't cover this properly because they are part of the deep state. Not praising Putin at all but the war needs to end, nothing good will come of a non-stop continuation of 100's of billions of $dollars for Ukraine to fight a hopeless war with Russia. This needs to end with a peace agreement. Zelensky is not helping, Ukraine lost territory under the Obama administrarion and now under the Biden administration, under the Trump administration Ukraine lost no territory. Trump is already setting the table to negotiate an end to this war.
edit on 13-7-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Trump is already setting the table to negotiate an end to this war.

Surrendering to a Dictator will not end the war just as letting him take Crimea didn't stop at Crimea , if you give him what he wants Putin will just rearm and come back for more , you're just kicking the can down the road.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Trump is already setting the table to negotiate an end to this war.

Surrendering to a Dictator will not end the war just as letting him take Crimea didn't stop at Crimea , if you give him what he wants Putin will just rearm and come back for more , you're just kicking the can down the road.

What’s with some of the British fetish about Ukraine?

If these Brits like Ukraine so much, why don’t they try to adopt it?

Oh that’s right, they can’t right now. No other country can. Because Russia is there now.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Trump is already setting the table to negotiate an end to this war.

Surrendering to a Dictator will not end the war just as letting him take Crimea didn't stop at Crimea , if you give him what he wants Putin will just rearm and come back for more , you're just kicking the can down the road.

Forget Crimea, Gortex lol

It’s gone. Been gone.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: Imhere

What’s with some of the British fetish about Ukraine?

History I guess.

We've got a problem with Fascists.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Imhere

What’s with some of the British fetish about Ukraine?

History I guess.

We've got a problem with Fascists.

Then why are they cheerleading for Azov and Bandera?


posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Trump is already setting the table to negotiate an end to this war.

Surrendering to a Dictator will not end the war just as letting him take Crimea didn't stop at Crimea , if you give him what he wants Putin will just rearm and come back for more , you're just kicking the can down the road.

It's just the way it is, there is no other way. Zelensky is weak, I get the impression he is worried more about his own ass than Ukrainians. This is how it works, like it or not Putin will come out ahead. What you are suggesting is having WW3 versus negotiating an end to the war. Having Ukraine join NATO now is the dumbest suggestion ever unless you want a world war. The world needs peace and Trump seems to be leading in that. Putin will get some things and give some thing, bottom line is Zelensky is weak, this is what he looks like to the rest of the world..

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Then why are they cheerleading for Azov and Bandera?

Why are you cheerleading for Stalin and his Neo Nazis ?

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Oh, stuff like our history, opposing power mad dictators, standing up for freedom, sovereignty. That sort of thing.

But you keep batting for the wrong side.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Imhere

Then why are they cheerleading for Azov and Bandera?

Why are you cheerleading for Stalin and his Neo Nazis ?

Stalin and nazis?

lol nice try.

Post all the numerous streets in Ukraine that have been recently named in honor of Stepan Bandera.

Then try again.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

"I get the impression he is worried more about his own ass than Ukrainians."

Where do you get your impression from?

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Imhere

You have a very odd obsession with Bandera.

How come you aren't in Ukraine fighting all these "Nazis"?

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

"I get the impression he is worried more about his own ass than Ukrainians."

Where do you get your impression from?
This is what I found that was surprising, Ukraine is a corrupt cesspool for the US deep state so any president is equally corrupt. I have seen no evidence that Zelensky is cleaning up the corruption, he should be advocating for peace. That is my opinion.
don't you find this cocerning?
edit on 13-7-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: berbofthegreen

If England had never invaded Ireland, they would be 100% distinct cultures.

You do realise that The English where INVITED to invade Ireland by The Irish ?

Dermot MacMurrough was the King of Leinster during the twelfth century and is most remembered as the man who invited the English into Ireland.

I wonder if they realized they made a mistake once England started murdering them and deporting them into servitude to the Americas and Australia?

You must be English because your version of history seems to forget why the Irish are not that fond of you.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe


posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

So you say.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Mhmmm and he's not wrong to assume that Ukraine would use the peace deal to regroup and get right back at er.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: WannabeeAuCourant

Medvedev is a drunken fool.

Lost count of all the times he's threatened to nuke us.

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