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And Then They Came For The Crossbows UK

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posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Terpene

I'm not from the US, Switzerland and people like me will be just dandy... We have plenty of guns, and we stand united as one country

I wonder why hitler didn’t invade Switzerland.
It surely had nothing to with the citizens being armed and united.
Maybe it was a good hiding spot for nazi money?
Maybe they traded their safety in exchange for the Jewish gold in their banks which no dead Jew could ever claim?
Your government owns you.
You do as they say.
You are happy as a clam to be utterly dependent on them, by their design.
A superb nanny state. 👌

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

The late Prince Phillip said that the Swiss were " phobic hand washers living inside a giant bank".

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Apparently, that was down to Switzerland's difficult terrain.

As well as its economic and diplomatic value as a neutral nation.

That deterred Hitler from invading.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 12:32 PM
If you believe 400k peasants with muskets would even slow down the Nazi blitzkrieg, then you might also be interested in buying some quality unclaimed WW2 gold, guilt free.
The Swiss were in lock step, or I should say goose step, with their Nazi brethren.
It wasn’t a secret even though the Swiss tried like hell to hide it.
Carpy is correct, the Swiss are just a bunch a greedy bankers.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Not really about what you or i believe Vermilion.

Rather about what recorded history shows and states.

As to the silly gold comment and what i can only assume to be a personal attack of sorts.

Is that a projection?

And if it was not a secret, as you suggest, why would they try and hide it?

Do we hide things that are not secrets?

It was revealed that Swiss banks had played a role in hiding and managing Nazi gold.

With the gold often looted from occupied territories and from victims of the Holocaust.

History records that part also and full extent of these activities came to light through post-war investigations and research.

As to their connections where banking is concerned, again that's no secret.
edit on 13-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

It's clean, it's wealthy, and we have plenty of guns... You don't see lots of swiss citizen complaining do you? At least not yet...

I, compared to others, know the downfall will not stop at our doorstep, it would be ignorant to think Capitalism works for the many. But then again you could argue that switzerland is the few... If that's the case, I guess we beat all the capitalist whores at their own game.
I knew it suckes for the many very early on, some didn't... I like to laugh in their face and be all "told you so"...

I need to wash my mouth now...

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

I’m just blowing holes in your statement claiming the nazis didn’t go into Switzerland because of the terrain.
That’s just some silly Swiss simping.
The terrain, nor the mighty Swiss army, had anything to do with it.

Do we hide things that are not secrets?

The Swiss were nazis, only they hid their swastikas.
Only the revisionist historians, and the Swiss, will deny it.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

And yet that was indeed one of the reasons associated with them refraining from invading.

As history clearly records.

I'm sure you know better all the same and they are all wrong.

Probably telling lies about the geography as well i suppose.

You do realize both the UK and the USA could quite easily have gone the other way regarding the conflict in question?

And that American companies like IBM, Ford and General Motors, Standard Oil, Coca-Cola, and Chase National Bank maintained accounts and conducted business with German financial institutions during the war?

Just something to consider whilst you continue to disparage the Swiss.

None of our respective nations are squeaky clean in that department, especially so where the likes of big business and banking are concerned.
edit on 13-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: Scratchpost
They can NOT take your bows!
Unless the King repeal a Old law!

King Henry 13th century ?.
passt a edicts that people must practice Archery.

Queen Elizabeth I.
some time before 1603 passt the law again!

I did Try to look up more!
But Google No longer lets you find Good info.
its all controlled by Google.

LOL, that law came to mind, too.

However, it was repealed in 1960...

Every Englishman from the ages of 17 to 69 was required to keep and practice with a longbow

This was repealed under the Betting and Gaming Act of 1960, which abolished mandatory practice. This is remarkable given that the last recorded use of a longbow used for military purposes in England was in 1642. Until firearms became widely used, longbows were key in providing military support due to the long distance range of the weapon. Longbow archers were pivotal in the English victory over the French at the Battle of Agincourt. As it took years of regular practice for an archer to become skilled with the longbow, all men between the ages of 17 and 69 were compelled to practice their archery skills, so that the King could rely on a steady stream of skilled and proficient archers, ready for war. To ensure that men weren’t distracted by other sports, King Edward I banned all other sports on a Sunday and Edward IV banned an early form of cricket as it was interfering with regular archery practice.


posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

It's all a matter of cost benefit.
you should see the swiss alps, they have more holes than a swiss cheese and out of each peaks the barrel of an mg or artillery... Everybody in Europe knew this and the economic benefits to keep Switzerland neutral was apparent even to Hitler, but make no mistake Switzerland wouldn't be here if the playbook foresaw hitler winning...

I wouldn't be surprised if the stuff from standard oil came in trough Switzerland and for your white knight complex chase bank was also freezing Jewish assets throughout Europe.
War is ugly for those who are dumb enough to fight it, for everyone else it's just business as usual. I agree the moral abuigity sucks heaps...

All that's really happening here is Olympic grade goal post moving...

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Terpene

The greedy Swiss bankers did everything possible to suck up to the nazis.
That’s why the Swiss had 0 military deaths and 0 wounded.
Had nothing to do with terrain.
Nazis had no problems with the alps, not the French alps, not the Italian alps, not the Austrian alps….
The Swiss sold their soul for that Nazi gold and knowingly and willingly financed every single Nazi kill.
USA had 1,000,000 dead and wounded for a greater cause than money.
What you Swiss call white knight, we Americans call them the greatest generation.

“Captain Otto-Wilhelm Kurt von Menges in OKH submitted a draft plan for the invasion. Generaloberst Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb's Heeresgruppe 'C (HGr. C), led by Generalleutnant Wilhelm List and the 12th Army would conduct the attack. Leeb himself personally reconnoitered the terrain, studying the most promising invasion routes and paths of least resistance.[25] Menges noted in his plan that Swiss resistance was unlikely and that a nonviolent Anschluss was the most likely result.“

edit on 13-7-2024 by Vermilion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Like i said, if fascism in europe had it's way Switzerland wouldn't be here... But there is a reason they all kept their hands off of Switzerland...

If I had my tinfoil hat handy I'd tell you exactly why that is, but alas i guess i will have to go with your story...

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

To be fair Switzerland had kept Jewish assets, and we didn't take in all the jews that came knocking. I doubt it was systematic though.
we're just really strict with rules and very unfriendly towards immigrants.

The whole debacle was settled in 96 or there about...

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 08:00 PM
Our gun laws here in the US, are not like Switerland’s. In some ways, it would be great to get a stipend every month to go to the range and practice. Here, I have to pay for all my own training and ammunition. I work as a firearms instructor, as well as teach permit to carry. Our rights are what they are, and unfortunately our laws are so numerous and plentiful, one would be astounded as to why we have the level of gun violence we do.

We have a culture where a sector of our society, commits over 90 percent of the gun crimes. They are never prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, unless, they happen to kill a police officer, and even then they are offered plea deals. We have laws so restrictive that theoretically, NOBODY who was dangerous to themselves or others would have them. The problem is, our government and our representatives love the chaos we have in our country. We have division, we have so many mentally deranged people running our country that they could care less about the law abiding, they just need distractions so that the people can never fully grasp what is being done.

We have a gang problem, being paraded around as a gun problem. We have a mental health problem being paraded around as a gun problem. We have a culture in this country that stopped valuing life back in the 1960’s and the worst part, is that you have people in other countries demanding that My country become just as mentally ill as the rest of them. The difference between Switzerland and the US, is that Switzerland does not allow a flood of immigrants into their borders. Your country trains its people to be patriots as you said. Here in my country, our media and our government 24/7 foster resentment and straight up hatred in order to keep people divided.

I can point to communists infiltrating my country, and Nazis who got into my country eating away at the core values of this nation as being directly responsible.

When I saw your comment about your country not being homogenous, that’s hilarious. You have three different languages. Come try to use an ATM here in America. You might find as many as 32. Compared to your 3, you guys may as well be a unified singular body.

That being what it is. Our laws are such that if they simply enforced them, we would probably see a significant reduction in crime. But that again is the issue. It’s not a gun problem. It’s people doing their job regardless if it makes them a racist, that’s a problem. It’s why you have so much black on black crime involving guns, and our mass shooter problem, is predominantly a black one.

But anyway, Switzerland is indeed a lovely country, and deserves high praise for what it has done for itself. It’s just not workable here in the US, because unlike Switzerland, we have too many bought and paid for politicians who do what their Chinese masters tell them. That’s the biggest difference. Swiss Politicians answer to the people. Here in America, they answer to who gave them the most money.

a reply to: Terpene

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 10:56 PM
No I dont think so.
I have been shooting bow at clubs for years.
we have talkt about this many times.
no one has Ever said this.

and there is no way betting and gaming can stop a
Law that has been past by a King and Queen.

originally posted by: Encia22

originally posted by: Scratchpost
They can NOT take your bows!
Unless the King repeal a Old law!

King Henry 13th century ?.
passt a edicts that people must practice Archery.

Queen Elizabeth I.
some time before 1603 passt the law again!

I did Try to look up more!
But Google No longer lets you find Good info.
its all controlled by Google.

LOL, that law came to mind, too.

However, it was repealed in 1960...

Every Englishman from the ages of 17 to 69 was required to keep and practice with a longbow

This was repealed under the Betting and Gaming Act of 1960, which abolished mandatory practice. This is remarkable given that the last recorded use of a longbow used for military purposes in England was in 1642. Until firearms became widely used, longbows were key in providing military support due to the long distance range of the weapon. Longbow archers were pivotal in the English victory over the French at the Battle of Agincourt. As it took years of regular practice for an archer to become skilled with the longbow, all men between the ages of 17 and 69 were compelled to practice their archery skills, so that the King could rely on a steady stream of skilled and proficient archers, ready for war. To ensure that men weren’t distracted by other sports, King Edward I banned all other sports on a Sunday and Edward IV banned an early form of cricket as it was interfering with regular archery practice.


posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:16 PM
So, F the crossbows, they should outlaw cricket bats.

England is turning into might is power. sorry...

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 11:24 PM
Do you have a license for that butter knife?

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: Unseendimension

Lol so you're a failed country, time to pack your bags and get the # out, or do these talking points only apply when your political opponent is in charge, then you do understand that all the arguments about your government being the fail they are are just party line talking points, and no one takes you and your concern serious if it turns out to be just the usual US political tomfoolery...

It is a mental healt problem, it is a gang problem but it would cost less life if access to fire arms was more tightly regulated and enforced... So it's also a regulation problem...

What's the reasoning here, how do more guns solve the issue? Do you go and give gangs and mental people guns? I mean sure they are issues but we have them too, look at the suicide rate in Switzerland. But you have to jump trough so many hoops to be able to cary a gun with amo you would fail if part of the aforementioned demographics. Why is that not possible in the US?

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: stonerwilliam

talking about these caused me to remember back when a i was a kid of 9, 10, 11, back in the 70's. when the county fair would come to to town we'd all load up and go.

they had this one game that had air rifles that looked like M-16's with a air hose hooked up to the pistol grip that fired full auto, and it was fast. made a brrrr brrr sound to. took time to learn not to hold the trigger down and burn up your pellets. me and my brothers would spend 85% of our money playing that game, and the rest on all the junk food and beg our folks for more money so we could ride the rides before we went home.

i always wished they sold them in the stores so i could ask for one at Christmas.

Sorry for the delay in responding

I was one of the kids that helped set up tne dodgems when the fair came to town and worked on the stalls and a few other of my jobs as a kid had arcade games plus one armed bandits and pool tables and was blown away with what they were taking in cash , The Fairs /shows were pulling in big money even in the late 70s , US kids were well payed for our work there and nightly there were massive plastic pales of cash in their office /caravan and in my late teens early 80s I worked at the yearly farm shows once and saw the cash being taken away in suitcases at the end of the night and that was just the notes ! .

At 12 YO I was doing 50 hrs a week working between a few places plus going to school , one had 4 plus arcade games and the hotel I stocked up the bars at had pool and one armed bandits and saw first hand the coin boxes when they were emptied, and they were making massive money .

The hobbies I had when I was young I was thinking of starting something simple again until I saw the prices of getting back into them again , Wine/beer making and fishing , I no longer have a orchard as a back garden of my youth or someone who works in a fruit and veg shop to get bags of supplies from and a wine making kit is stupidly expensive now ,it is nearly cheaper buying it from a supermarket.

Fishing gear is the same and I know from friends who still hunt and fish there is not the same volume of animals being caught as in my youth , I walked into a sports shop looked at the price of fishing rods and walked straight back out ooooowwwwww WTF .

I used to reload the shotgun cartridges etc when I was young and would hate to see how expensive that is now .

The fishing gear is x 20 now from my youth , hobbies are no longer affordable for me it seems

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

a tune for you at 12, i know you heard it back then. me i was working my ass off to on the farm.

yep and county fairs drew in the crowds and lots of cash.

edit on 14-7-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

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