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Biden Interview

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posted on Jul, 5 2024 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I think that was the big issue and what the court case was all about-Republicans attempted to outlaw drop boxes.
From AI:

Republicans have attempted to restrict or outlaw drop boxes in various states, but the outcome is mixed.

In Pennsylvania, Republicans opposed drop boxes, citing concerns about chain of custody and potential fraud. However, it is unclear if they were successful in outlawing them.
In Ohio, Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose authorized one drop box for each of the state’s 88 counties, but it is unclear if this was a result of Republican efforts to restrict or outlaw drop boxes.
In Missouri, Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft did not distribute 80 drop boxes he had purchased due to state law requirements for mail-in ballots.
In Arizona, the Free Enterprise Club sought a judge’s ruling to outlaw the use of drop boxes, citing concerns about fraud and lack of transparency. However, it is unclear if this effort was successful.
In Georgia, a Republican state senator proposed a bill to outlaw the use of drop boxes, but it is unclear if the bill was passed into law.

While Republicans have attempted to restrict or outlaw drop boxes in various states, it appears that the outcome is mixed and unclear. Some efforts may have been successful, while others may have been unsuccessful or are still pending.

Wisconsin S.C. overuled a lower court and gave the green light to cheat en masse.

As for the 'interview' it looked to me to be softball campaigning. The interviewer 'appeared' to hammer Biden with tough questions but let him get away with not answering most of them.

It was obviously after Biden was well-rested so he appeared lucid, but there was no word salad-and that eye thing bugs me. Closed right eye, wide open left eye, which was the reverse of what we saw at the debate.
Did anyone notice when Joe frowned his mouth/lips were different? I'm not a dillusional kook obsessed with 'spot the difference'....well, maybe I am, just a bit. lol

Basically Biden spent the entire time bragging on his qualifications and accomplishments while 'proving' there was nothing wrong with his cognitave function. And he lied either directly or by omission or completely dodged every question.

If I ever figure it out I'll clue you in to what's going on. lol

posted on Jul, 5 2024 @ 10:54 PM
then 25th Amendment according to Claude AI... for discussion purposes only

When you read all the hoops and the perception of Kamala Harris in taking part I don't see the 25th being invoked without extreme pressure.

This means we got 5 months more of this on virtually every one of Biden's appearances.

Pull out of fundraising events in Wisconsin and they scratched a Teacher's Union thing in PA, supposedly because of the strike?

HIghlights another problem the DNc isn't getting near the funds they received in 2020, all elections being equal the Republicans could get the House the Senate and the Presidency. 2-3 years ago that seemed virtually impossible.

details on each aspect of invoking the 25th Amendment:

Voluntary transfer of power (Section 3):

This is typically used for planned medical procedures or other temporary situations.
The President sends a written declaration to the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate.
The Vice President becomes Acting President until the President sends another declaration stating they can resume duties.
This has been used several times, such as when Presidents undergo colonoscopies.

Involuntary removal (Section 4):
a) Initial declaration:

The Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments (i.e., the Cabinet) or "such other body as Congress may by law provide" must agree the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.
They send a written declaration to the Speaker and President pro tempore.

b) Transfer of power:

Immediately upon this declaration, the Vice President becomes Acting President.

c) President's response:

The President can contest this by sending their own written declaration to Congress stating no inability exists.
If they do this, they resume their powers and duties unless the VP and Cabinet persist.

d) Reaffirmation by VP and Cabinet:

They have four days to reassert their position that the President is unable to serve.
If they do not do so within four days, the President resumes their powers.

e) Congressional decision:

If the VP and Cabinet reassert their position, Congress must assemble within 48 hours if not in session.
Congress then has 21 days to decide the issue.
A two-thirds vote in both chambers is required to keep the President from resuming office.
If Congress doesn't vote within 21 days, the President automatically resumes power.

Key points to note:

This section has never been invoked.
It's designed for situations where the President is clearly incapacitated but unwilling or unable to step aside voluntarily.
The high bar for Congressional action (two-thirds in both chambers) makes it difficult to use for political purposes.
There's ongoing debate about who qualifies as "principal officers of the executive departments" for this purpose.

posted on Jul, 5 2024 @ 11:20 PM
I didn't watch the interview, but I watched a fair bit of the first debate, I was totally weirded out by how little Biden blinked. I just ended up count what little blinks he does do.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:00 AM
C’mon man, that’s a bunch of malarkey.

Then he brings Hunter into his inner circle.

American People had about 50 years too long of the Biden’s.

The only reason he is still there…the alternative.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Thank you Flyingclaydisk. The people are old but full of life's knowledge. So like your uncle I feel its far more rewarding than a chore. Yes majority of them want to keep their dignity by looking after themselves as much as possible. But there comes a time when some realize they no longer have the physical ability to do so. Its sad but that is the way of life. I little chat and a smile does brighten up their day a bit. I was tickled pink to see school children from local school visiting their homes in the retirement village under teacher supervision. Should be more of it.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:15 AM
This helpless "man" is the President of the United States?

This helpless "man" was voted for by 81 million U.S. citizens?

This Crybaby?:

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:18 AM
Chess match for who makes a move first, DNC with a clean ticket or Trump's VP pick...? I think Trump has the advantage of holding his fire.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:20 AM
Curve ball, Hunter for Prez! Just go all-in on his devil-may-care attitude...

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Vermilion

I’ve had enough of watching that racist Biden train wreck….
Watch how he treats this sweet young black woman…

WOW ... you can see her heart breaking ...
She was beaming and full of joy ...
Then .. BAM ...
I feel for her.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:24 AM
In the interview itself, Biden also tried to make his own points, to show strength. In a gravelly voice, on the verge of clearing his throat, he addressed the presenter "George": "I am the one who fights Putin, who controls NATO."
Link (German)

Even if of course Methuselah himself does not control NATO, his string-pullers from behind the curtain in the USA do, these string-pullers from the MIC for example. It's always nice when someone who's in on it clears up these conspiracy theories that are circulating, such as that NATO is not completely under US control for example.

From a german perspective, however, i refrain from mocking old and senile people who sometimes spout mental diarrhea and tend to forget things. Simply because "our" supreme federal smurf Scholz is not yet so old that he farts dust but constantly forgets what has happened to hundreds of millions of german taxpayers money when it comes to things like Cum Ex. And they just let him get away with it. That's just one example of unfortunately many.

It makes no difference whether politicians are old or young, they are remote-controlled anyway and, moreover, it seems to be a condition of employment in politics to display the highest criminal energy in order to inflict the greatest possible harm on the citizens, for whom one is supposedly working, and to pull the last few cents out of their pockets to distribute them upwards to the rich, to the puppet masters.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:24 AM
Biden lied and lied ... yet the left wing MSM doesn't expose it.
But when Trump lies ... they are all over it.

Daily Mail - Deluded Biden Gives America the Middle Finger

asked four times if he would consider taking an independent cognitive test and publicly release the results to allay fears, Biden said no.

'George,' he said, 'I'm the guy that put NATO together'.

He is not.

'I'm the guy that shut Putin down.'

Ukraine begs to differ.

'We invented the chip, the little chip, the computer chip.'

Another lie. Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invented the microchip in 1958. Biden would have been 16 years old.

edit on 7/6/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
lol lol lol

‘Are you the same man you were when you took office?’

‘In terms of success, yes.’


‘America isn’t a country of losers’


‘Next term I’m going to improve … aged care’


I had to stop, it’s nobody’s fault but mine.


Biden really screwed the pooch that bit him.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:39 AM
And Obomba only values FJB for plausible deniability purposes.

Joe was selected into potus BECAUSE he was declining into dementia.

a reply to: nugget1

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:44 AM
Some of the interview - Written transcipts

Holy God !! Reading the written transcript really highlights that this guy was rambling word salad a lot of the time. Made no sense. And lied and lied ....

Nail in coffin.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: Vermilion

I’ve had enough of watching that racist Biden train wreck….
Watch how he treats this sweet young black woman…

He is a racist.

Trump wouldn’t have just walked by like that young lady like that.

Like she wasn’t even there. Poor girl, she went out of her way to say g’day and Biden didn’t even acknowledge her, the ‘old white’ chick should have coddled up to the girl put an arm around her shoulders and given FJB the bird.

But she didn’t. Must be a lifelong liberal voter.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
The job of president is a twenty four hour a day job. If Joe wants a day job, go back to working for a company that have only daytime hours.

Go back to working? The putz has never worked in his life 😂 ‘politician’ from day dot IIRC.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 06:47 AM
This sums things up nicely.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I think that was the big issue and what the court case was all about-Republicans attempted to outlaw drop boxes.
From AI:

Republicans have attempted to restrict or outlaw drop boxes in various states, but the outcome is mixed.

In Pennsylvania, Republicans opposed drop boxes, citing concerns about chain of custody and potential fraud. However, it is unclear if they were successful in outlawing them.
In Ohio, Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose authorized one drop box for each of the state’s 88 counties, but it is unclear if this was a result of Republican efforts to restrict or outlaw drop boxes.
In Missouri, Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft did not distribute 80 drop boxes he had purchased due to state law requirements for mail-in ballots.
In Arizona, the Free Enterprise Club sought a judge’s ruling to outlaw the use of drop boxes, citing concerns about fraud and lack of transparency. However, it is unclear if this effort was successful.
In Georgia, a Republican state senator proposed a bill to outlaw the use of drop boxes, but it is unclear if the bill was passed into law.

While Republicans have attempted to restrict or outlaw drop boxes in various states, it appears that the outcome is mixed and unclear. Some efforts may have been successful, while others may have been unsuccessful or are still pending.

Wisconsin S.C. overuled a lower court and gave the green light to cheat en masse.

As for the 'interview' it looked to me to be softball campaigning. The interviewer 'appeared' to hammer Biden with tough questions but let him get away with not answering most of them.

It was obviously after Biden was well-rested so he appeared lucid, but there was no word salad-and that eye thing bugs me. Closed right eye, wide open left eye, which was the reverse of what we saw at the debate.
Did anyone notice when Joe frowned his mouth/lips were different? I'm not a dillusional kook obsessed with 'spot the difference'....well, maybe I am, just a bit. lol

Basically Biden spent the entire time bragging on his qualifications and accomplishments while 'proving' there was nothing wrong with his cognitave function. And he lied either directly or by omission or completely dodged every question.

If I ever figure it out I'll clue you in to what's going on. lol

Here's some useful links to find exactly who what where and how

Im fairly certain Georgia reigned in the mailbox thing or added other measures by 2022. But according to the map, they can designate who drops it off which I don't like either, but it would curtail some voter fraud attempts maybe.

Georgia permits online voter registration.
Georgia permits early voting and no-excuse absentee voting.
In Georgia, polls are open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Eastern Time.
Georgia requires photo identification to vote.
Georgia holds open primary elections.
Georgia has tools for verifying voter registration.

Ballot harvesting (ballot collection) laws by state

Most states have laws permitting someone besides a voter to return the voter's mail ballot. These laws vary by state. Mail ballots take the form of absentee ballots and ballots cast in vote-by-mail states.

As of June 2024:[1][2]

24 states and D.C. permitted someone chosen by the voter to return mail ballots on their behalf in most cases
15 states specified who may return ballots (i.e., household members, caregivers, and/or family members) in most cases
1 state explicitly allowed only the voter to return their ballot
10 states did not specify whether someone may return another's ballot
To learn which states fall into each category, see the map below.

See the state-by-state details section below to learn more about your state's mail ballot laws, and state legislation for active, state legislation related to ballot collection.


Florida law allows a person designated by the voter to return an absentee/mail-in ballot. According to the Florida Supervisor of Elections, "The designee may only pick up 2 vote-by-mail ballots per election, other than his or her own ballot or ballots for members of his or her immediate family. Designees must have written authorization from the voter, present a picture I.D. and sign an affidavit."

State law says the following:

"Any person who distributes, orders, requests, collects, delivers, or otherwise physically possesses more than two vote-by-mail ballots per election in addition to his or her own ballot or a ballot belonging to an immediate family member, except as provided in ss. 101.6105-101.694, including supervised voting at assisted living facilities and nursing home facilities as authorized under s. 101.655, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084."

edit on p000000317am076 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Vermilion

I’ve had enough of watching that racist Biden train wreck….
Watch how he treats this sweet young black woman…

WOW ... you can see her heart breaking ...
She was beaming and full of joy ...
Then .. BAM ...
I feel for her.

I did too,

he completely ignored her, you could see how excited she was... he fell all over the old white couple before and after her though,

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: nugget1

for more perspective, excellent article and infographic. Suffice it to say if these totals were reversed the other side would be going bugsheet themselves

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