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Meet The REAL President

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posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Ivanka? He's been divorced from her for years, long before becoming POTUS. Does everyone mean Melania?
Or maybe it's about something I don't compute?

Ivanka is Trump's daughter. Trump's previous wife was Ivana, who passed away in 2022.


posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: Ohanka

Explanation: Star for you!!! Well done!!!

Personal Disclosure: Adding this to expand the discussion ...

The First Lady Who Secretly Ran The U.S. Government

On that date, Wilson suffered a stroke of such intensity that it incapacitated him, having permanently paralyzed the left side of his body and even blinding his left eye. While he was bedridden for the next two months, only his wife, physicians, and a few other close associates saw him.

In the meantime, the First Lady in effect took over many of the president’s responsibilities, including reviewing various important matters of state. Even after the president was released from his sick bed, he still spent the remainder of the year in a wheelchair. As 1920 came about, his mental health had clearly deteriorated as his mind wandered and he exhibited a diminished memory. Thus, the First Lady continued to play a pivotal role as a sort of unofficial “acting president”. As the First Lady put it, she had taken on a “stewardship” to care for the largely incapacitated president and keep the American government running as smoothly as possible. The situation was so unique in American history and the president’s condition so tragic, that the extent of what the ailing president endured was kept secret from the American public until his death a couple of years after his term ended.

Edith Wilson

Edith Wilson played an influential role in President Wilson's administration following the severe stroke he suffered in October 1919. For the remainder of her husband's presidency, she managed the office of the president, a role she later described as a "stewardship", and determined which communications and matters of state were important enough to bring to the attention of the bedridden president.[1][2]

This situation is EXACTLY the SAME!!!

S&F to the OP!!!

Dr Jill Biden is a GATEKEEPER to the current 'official' POTUS ...

Gatekeeping (communication)

Additionally, Barzilai-Nahon introduces a typology for the gated.[11] According to her approach, the gated can have four key attributes at different levels that determine how they can interact with the gate. These are (p. 1501):

Political power in relation to the gatekeeper,
Information production ability,
Relationship with the gatekeeper,
And alternatives in the context of gatekeeping.

A typology of combinations of these characteristics then allows for evaluation of potential interactions between the gatekeeper and the gated based on the number and type of attributes an individual has. Her discussion about "the gated" resonates with audience gatekeeping in that both empowers the message recipients in the process of gatekeeping.

Not even Obama has the protected power of 'PillowTalk' available to him ...

Pillow talk: What conversations are protected between spouses?

Ahem ... the power of the 'pussy' is all great eh? cough cough cough!

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