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Can anyone explain the crime Trump did?

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posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: network dude

Not to you, it would be a lost cause and effort.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

The Left is Pulling Out All the Stops out of Fear.............

Of course this Story is Pure Fiction , they have Nothing Left in the Propaganda Bank to withdraw.....Accuse your Opponent what You Yourself are Guilty of..........

" Donald Trump's supporters call for riots and mass lynchings over guilty verdict "

" What comments did Trump supporters make?
On right-wing social networks, Trump’s supporters made even more extreme remarks. "Take no prisoners," one user said on a Trump-related message board, while another said, referring to lynching, “Just give them the rope.” "The time for talking has long gone. Let them swing outside the courthouse,” the remark added."

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: Annee

I do not talk about Biden on ATS. It’s pointless.

WRONG! You are lying, staight-up! You don't talk about Biden because it doesn't suit your agenda, Annee.

I was born at night, but not last night. Don't lie to us; you've got thousands of posts which prove, without a doubt, the exact contrary of what you just stated!

Last night you asked me if I was objective, and I responded that I believe I am. I did that out of trust that you were too.

Please tell me I wasn't wrong in my assessment, because your last statement was categorically a lie.

(Disappointed, truly)

Your objective bias is showing.

There was a thread on ATS about Biden. There was zero discussion -- there was only attack -- from guess who -- the "moral" Right.

I am anti-Trump. I have been very clear about that. Call me a puritan -- I've no interest in clouding it with anyone else. I also don't talk about Pelosi -- Harris -- etc.

I also don't talk about my own politics -- but feel free to attempt to tell me what they are (other than equality).

The majority of my posts are on social equality and rights.

It's not possible to be for social equity and equal rights and at the same time support what has been done to Donald Trump in this case.

Clear example:
You can not stay silent on Hillary Clinton misclassifying the money paid for the creation of the Steele Dossier as legal expenses, whilst at the same time agreeing that Trump should be convicted of a felony for the same thing, then try to claim some virtuous position about equal rights.

In reality your post highlighted that you are for inequality and the selective application of rights.

As I have said before, if you hate Trump and want to see the justice system used to persecute him, then have the guts to admit it.
Don't steal virtuous ground.
edit on 3/6/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: network dude

Not to you, it would be a lost cause and effort.

Yes, you have no clue, I get it. I also expect it from you.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare


And, of course you know why the democrats are now suddenly so apprehensive to actually jail Trump, right?

Because it will only make the democrats look more vindictive than they already do! This is the moment they've wished for for years, and now that they have it they realize they'll only look more like the crazed and venom filled savages they really are, and that they'll show their true face(s) by actually following through on their darkest and most coveted inner desires.


Ironic too, but at least it's consistent. The democrats can never follow through on any of their crazy and misguided schemes! They are the living embodiment of that old saying...'watch out you wish for because you just might get it!'

So, C'mon democrats...DO IT! JAIL Trump! What's the afraid?? You wanted him. Well, now you've got him, so go ahead and demonstrate to the entire World your true philosophy of...'love, unity, and bipartisanship'' us all. JAIL THAT CRIMINAL! ... Create effigies of his bloody severed head and fly these from your highest flag poles, as you dance around bonfires of hatred while chanting your voodoo in tongues! DO IT!!


posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 10:53 AM
Trump said he would accept jail time, with no fuss, on his part. I guess that is him admitting defeat.

But then he said, but the people won’t stand for it.

Latest poll I saw said about half the public thinks he should quit the race and verdict was right.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: ByeByeAmericanPie
Trump said he would accept jail time, with no fuss, on his part. I guess that is him admitting defeat.

But then he said, but the people won’t stand for it.

Latest poll I saw said about half the public thinks he should quit the race and verdict was right.

wow, wouldn't it be nice if we could just attack the opponent with lawfare and make them drop out of the race if they can't be beat on policy. Good times....

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: ByeByeAmericanPie

Trump said he would accept jail time, with no fuss, on his part. I guess that is him admitting defeat.

Lets say you're right. Then why is he still campaigning and still in the race? Instead, you should understand that by jailing a former president who is leading in the polls against the encumbant over a flimsy and political case says much more about the regime in power than it does Trump.

You likely cannot see that because your irrational hatred clouds your better judgement.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: JinMI

I’m not sure if jail time is in the cards.

Biden doesn’t want to jail Trump. Just read his campaign emails. He wants a race!

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: network dude

Dude, Biden keeps repeating, The Only Way We Can Defeat Trump Is The Election.

Does that sound like somebody who wants to jail his political opponent?

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: ByeByeAmericanPie
a reply to: JinMI

I’m not sure if jail time is in the cards.

Biden doesn’t want to jail Trump. Just read his campaign emails. He wants a race!

I stopped believing any politician a long time ago.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: ByeByeAmericanPie
Trump said he would accept jail time, with no fuss, on his part. I guess that is him admitting defeat.

But then he said, but the people won’t stand for it.

Latest poll I saw said about half the public thinks he should quit the race and verdict was right.

wow, wouldn't it be nice if we could just attack the opponent with lawfare and make them drop out of the race if they can't be beat on policy. Good times....

Thankfully, self-made wealthy people (all the ones I've met) are highly driven to WIN and almost impossible to intimidate.

Donald Trump is not going to quit. Donald Trump is going to win, just 5 months from now.

His drive to be President is for all the right reasons. He knows most Americans now understand this...with that number growing.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: ByeByeAmericanPie
a reply to: network dude

Dude, Biden keeps repeating, The Only Way We Can Defeat Trump Is The Election.

Does that sound like somebody who wants to jail his political opponent?

If Biden "keeps repeating" this sentiment, his words should be easy to find.

But I can't find his statements to that effect.

Can you point me in the right direction? A link?

TIA. -wmc

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: ByeByeAmericanPie
a reply to: JinMI

I’m not sure if jail time is in the cards.

Biden doesn’t want to jail Trump. Just read his campaign emails. He wants a race!

Actions > Words.

In what world does 34 felonies not net jail time and why would so many felony charges be pursued if not for jail time as a felony by definition is explicitly for people who are a danger to society?

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 01:03 PM

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is ANGRY.

Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to slap down their corrupt underling, Judge Juan Merchan.

stay tuned!...

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Actually it’s repeated in the SPAM I get from the Biden campaign groveling for donations.

I have no idea how I got on his SPAM list.

“ And the money that is pouring into his campaign as a result of the verdict is only going to help them up the ante. Whether it’s by helping him open hundreds of field offices or paying for a month of television in a key battleground state.

That's why we're asking for your help to fight back and get our message out.

Your $25 is how we harness the news cycle and retake the narrative -- and do all the other things necessary to win this race.

It all adds up when we work together. And that’s exactly how we’re going to defeat Donald Trump and his MAGA extremists again.

One $25 donation, ... Your President is counting on you. Can you make it?”

edit on 3-6-2024 by ByeByeAmericanPie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Well you may be right that the prosecutor’s push will result in jail time.

I’m just saying Biden is not the one pushing for jail time. He wants a race.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: ByeByeAmericanPie
a reply to: JinMI

Well you may be right that the prosecutor’s push will result in jail time.

I’m just saying Biden is not the one pushing for jail time. He wants a race.

What proof of that do you have?

Are you aware that he only agreed to debate Trump if certain conditions were met?
Like no audience.
Cutting mics.
Commercial breaks.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 01:31 PM
edit on 3-6-2024 by ByeByeAmericanPie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Well first off Biden, being the President, does not have authority to prosecute Trump. That’s just Gov 101.

And second, all his rhetoric suggests he wants a race.

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