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It has begun... Iran begins attack on Israel, launches tons of drones towards the country

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posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
a reply to: SomeStupidName

Read up on all the horrible things American troops did in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Or you could cover your ears and run away, your choice.

I have, and where ever we could trials were held and sentences were set. They were not excused for that behavior either. I'm not calling for all out war but I think they get what they earned on this one.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Where was Israel for the past few decades while we were fighting wars in the Middle East? Why should we run to their aid now? All they do is take our money then expect us to sacrifice ourselves for them all whole they don't lift a finger for us.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
Then don't act like the soldiers in other countries are bad guys for fighting back.

Hamas aren't soldiers who are 'fighting back'. They are mindless muslim terrorists full of bloodlust who want Israel destroyed and the Jews genocided. They proudly say so and they try to make it happen.

Iran isn't 'soldiers fighting back'. They have been hitting Israel for decades in acts of aggression, trying to destroy Israel and genocide the Jews. They stationed a terrorist in a building adjacent to a fake embassy ... a terrorist who was running terror campaigns against Israel. So ISRAEL FOUGHT BACK, destroying the building and the terrorist.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I'm talking about Iran if we get into a war with them. Are all the soldiers in the Iranian army going to be labeled terrorists? Why the double standard for American soldiers when we've been terrorizing other countries for decades now?

America has done a lot more damage in the Middle East than Iran ever has or will. Crocodile tears.
edit on 16-4-2024 by ImagoDei because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
Where was Israel for the past few decades while we were fighting wars in the Middle East?

Not getting involved because if they did it would have made things worse.
Muslim mindless bloodlust against Jews ...

Why should we run to their aid now?

Because Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East, is an ally and we have agreements made with it.

All they do is take our money then expect us to sacrifice ourselves for them all

No Americans are boots on the ground in Israel.
It's all Israelis doing all the work.

whole they don't lift a finger for us.

They are a tiny nation using all it's resources to stay alive in a sea of miserable anti-Jew Muslim countries that want to genocide it. What resources do they have to 'lift a finger for us'?? What exactly would you have them to for us?

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
a reply to: FlyersFan

I'm talking about Iran if we get into a war with them. Are all the soldiers in the Iranian army going to be labeled terrorists? Why the door standard for a American soldiers when we've been terrorizing other countries for decades now?

So America isn’t labeled the great satan already in Iran?

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: ImagoDei

Perhaps you missed my last post?

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
America has done a lot more damage in the Middle East than Iran ever has or will. Crocodile tears.

Americans wouldn't be in the Middle East if it weren't for Iran being the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, and if it weren't for Iran being hell bent on the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews then a good deal of what is going on in the Middle East right now wouldn't be happening.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: ImagoDei

Saddam, Assad and the mad Mullahs in Iran have caused untold misery in the Middle East, not least for their own people.

Not to mention the Saudis and Iran in Yemen.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Lazy88

Look at what we've done to the region for decades now. Can you really blame them even if they are wrong?

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: CriticalStinker

No one in their right mind wants this to escalate.

If Israel's leaders want this then that's down to them.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I think the entire planet wants Israel to just take their win from fighting back on the strike against them, and let it go for now. It's looking like they aren't going to do that. Their war cabinet is meeting and they have to decide if they want to deal with Iran once and for all. It's going to happen eventually, I suppose. Iran has been smacking Israel with proxy terrorists for decades. Israel can only take so much.

It's a shame. The 'Abraham accords' looked like they could take hold and elevate Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc etc all to a status that showed they could behave as they should in this day and age. Iran isn't going to let that happen. And Israel is tired of being beaten up by Iran via proxies.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: ImagoDei

Yes. If they are wrong, which they are, they are to blame. No?

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:49 PM
So America is completely blameless in everything and has literally no blood on it's hands. Gotcha. I have a bridge to sell you guys. Have fun with your blind devotion to an obviously destructive and corrupt military institution. Bow down to your globalist overlords and kiss their feet all you want, I choose to think for myself.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

As we say over here in pub fights, 'Leave it out, mate, he ain't worth it".

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Maybe they're not wrong. The American military has committed plenty of atrocities throughout it's neverending wars, it'll commit plenty more by the time this "holy war" is fought.

Keep plugging your ears, you're not the one who's on the front lines endangering their life.
edit on 16-4-2024 by ImagoDei because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: ImagoDei

No, you choose to hate and blame America for all of the ills in this World.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Where did I say "all"? Putting words in my mouth I see, I just blame them for what they've done. They're far from the only ones.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
...I choose to think for myself.

Doesn't look like it.

You are blaming America for the Middle East/Persia problems when in fact the Middle East/Persia problems PREDATE America even existing. And you are ignoring that Iran is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. The Abraham accords were working and had potential, but Iran can't handle the idea of Muslim countries and Israel living in peace, so Iran has been sabotaging them and continuing to attack Israel via proxy terrorists as they have for decades.

The fact that you refuse to acknowledge this says that you aren't 'thinking for yourself' (as you said) but instead have bought the propaganda lies told by radical Middle Eastern Islam .. and that have been told by high school and college social studies professors to little minds that they are given to shape and influence.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: ImagoDei

"you're not the one who's on the front lines endangering their life."

Still not read what I actually posted, then?

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
As we say over here in pub fights, 'Leave it out, mate, he ain't worth it".

It's been brewing for hundreds of years.
Maybe just let it happen.

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