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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 03:59 PM
I thought this was a lock..?

Did Hillary Clinton Say That If Trump Won, 'We're All Going to Hang from Nooses'?
The supposed quote eventually became immortalized in meme form and then REALLY took off.

I thought this was a Wikileaks story... does anyone know offhand..?
edit on 777Vpm09America/ChicagoTue, 09 Jul 2024 15:59:35 -0500 by 777Vader because:

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: 777Vader
I didn't find anything on wikileaks in the clinton or podesta emails that even sounds close to that quote or that email.

Besides, Trump won and that never happened, he didn't even lock her up.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 06:26 PM
Happy Birthday
a reply to: Thoughtful3
My tinfoil hat is way to tight to comment on "Doctor's."


posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: daskakik

No gaslighting
She is healthy wealthy and voice still gives millions ptsd

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Crazierfox
a reply to: daskakik

No gaslighting
She is healthy wealthy and voice still gives millions ptsd

Someone out there on the internets thinks that JFK Jr was in the backseat to take her to Gitmo. And the white hats sent out a new and healthier looking actor.

Hearsay, and fantastic so I am not putting any seriousness to this, but I do want to say I can hope can't I?

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 08:59 PM
Hello, old friend.
edit on 777Vpm09America/ChicagoTue, 09 Jul 2024 21:00:20 -0500 by 777Vader because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox


edit on 777Vpm09America/ChicagoTue, 09 Jul 2024 21:32:12 -0500 by 777Vader because:

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
...I do want to say I can hope can't I?

Like the old saying goes, hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up faster.

Yeah that was a moment where "they" did seem to use an actress.

But honestly, you think Hillary Clinton could be arrested and there wouldn't be a swarm of lawyers asking why she is being taken down to GITMO?

Besides my post was about what I dug up on wikileaks and I didn't find that quote about hanging from nooses.

Memetic warfare seems to be BS for the most part, because anyone buying into a meme has already chosen a side. Seems to me like a way to just entertain and maybe let some people let off steam by having a laugh.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

ya know, it really did not seem like a legit medical situation, at all.

I don't think people were even supposed to see that happen either.

The video was only caught by one person, a veritable Zapruder film.

I mean, what was her day like leading up to that...? How would she find herself isolated from TV cameras anyway?

edit on 777Vam10America/ChicagoWed, 10 Jul 2024 01:12:10 -0500 by 777Vader because:

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
...I do want to say I can hope can't I?

Like the old saying goes, hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up faster.

Yeah that was a moment where "they" did seem to use an actress.

But honestly, you think Hillary Clinton could be arrested and there wouldn't be a swarm of lawyers asking why she is being taken down to GITMO?

Besides my post was about what I dug up on wikileaks and I didn't find that quote about hanging from nooses.

Memetic warfare seems to be BS for the most part, because anyone buying into a meme has already chosen a side. Seems to me like a way to just entertain and maybe let some people let off steam by having a laugh.

You are 100% on this point highlighted. That is one thing I get that you don't, yet. This can't be official because of the ANTIF/BLM/LBGTQ/Soro's backed poop stirrers are going to burn down the liberal cities the liberals control. That is what I am hearing. There are a lot of those cities where the libs have total control of Gov and counting votes thanks to the last few elections, that got easier to rig.

It means I have to go back on the fence now because this is all hearsay and I am only hopeful of that hearsay. I see sickness like mentioned in Lord of the Rings, "there is a foul bane upon the land" IIRC. Q annon stuff is still not proven but it isn't debunked at all. Back to my fence.

edit on 10000000323120247America/Chicago07am7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I'm getting some strange vibes today.
Joe Rambo tweet

This is quite remarkable to have main street media openly discussing military tribunals. But there is more.

Trump threatens Zuckerberg with prison

"They have no shame! All I can say is that if I'm elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time.
We already know who you are. DON'T DO IT!

I wonder how his bunker in Maui is coming along?
Mark Zuckerberg selling Meta shares- June 27, 2024 $8.6 million

He sold much more at the end of 2023- $428 million.
More selling

Then we have Jeff Bezos selling a huge amount of Amazon stock.
Track inside sales/divestures.
They know.
Watch the sell-off/ liquidity events.

Warren Buffett- Selling stock
selling $17
billion in the last quarter.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I have looked everywhere for how Rory Gates fits into all of this. Remember I posted about his political connections- working as congressional analyst and then he recently attended a White House State Dinner with Melinda.
I felt that perhaps he was working as a discreet contact for Billy, however there is something far more nefarious going on.

Rory Gates- What is he really up to?

This has been sooo far under the radar. He is actively involved in the Gates Foundation!
"He actively supports the foundations mission to [ cough] improve global health, reduce [cough] poverty, and expand educational opportunities." Brainwash much?
"One of the key areas where Rory Gates has made significant contributions is in the field of [choke] global health."
And he is involved in the grant making. He is Billy's heir. He has been raised in a family who are part of the eugenics cult.
They are never going to give up but then again it's President Trump's turn.

I was drawn to this because of
#3382 Jul 18, 2019 10:[5]7:[25] No [6919]1181
My Turn...

Rory's birth year is 1999. Taking the last 4 numbers 1+8=9...911. Then we have May 2025.

As soon as I saw SWEET DREAMS that reminded me of Jennifer Gates and her white horse that died which was affectionately called Dreamworks or Dream.

If we add up all of the numbers [6+9+1+9+1+1+8+1]=32. Billy has everything connected to numbers.
We will never make a 32 bit operating system
I don't know much about this.

The number of the post= 16=P= Phoebe. President Trump keeps pointing to P. If we go by months that would be April-
Jennifer Gates birth month.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Black Betty has come up with a good one. Quite awhile ago we were looking at the images on coins.
In God We Trust

National Park of America Samoa 2020 Quarter- fruit bat

It is very interesting that they are using the quarter for their symbology- 25 cents...2025.

[A]merica [S]ammo
S=19...kickoff 2020.

That fruit bat coin was issued February 13th giving us #33 [2+1] 3.

I wonder what coin, I assume the quarter again, gives us some clues as to what's in the works. White_White...Silver?

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Q annon stuff is still not proven but it isn't debunked at all. Back to my fence.

What does debunked mean to you because Podesta, Huma and Hillary being arrested is Q annon stuff.

If it never happened, I'd say it is debunked.

I get that you have hope that "a bunch of God loving soldiers" might be fighting for your cause but that doesn't mean the Q narrative is true.

To be fair, it seems a lot of people are fighting to reach a similar goal but that doesn't mean the people posting as Q were actually Q clearance patriots. Also, their choice of sites, probably the nastiest on the open web.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: 777Vader
Wasn't she having coughing fits throughout the campaign?

Remember her spitting out a lozenge into a glass of water?

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: 777Vader

Black Betty has come up with a good one. Quite awhile ago we were looking at the images on coins.
In God We Trust

National Park of America Samoa 2020 Quarter- fruit bat

It is very interesting that they are using the quarter for their symbology- 25 cents...2025.

[A]merica [S]ammo
S=19...kickoff 2020.

That fruit bat coin was issued February 13th giving us #33 [2+1] 3.

I wonder what coin, I assume the quarter again, gives us some clues as to what's in the works. White_White...Silver?

Ok, I have slept a few times since this coin came out, but that was the bat supposedly guilty of gaining function so it could pass on CV19 in the wet markets of China.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Debunked as in the cows are in the barn and it's all over. This is Sun Tzu 101 right in our faces I keep trying to explain. You keep your enemy totally confused if you possibly can.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: 777Vader
Wasn't she having coughing fits throughout the campaign?

Remember her spitting out a lozenge into a glass of water?

Yet, she looked alive and renewed within no time the same day. Not sure if that was a change of clothes? I am sure the coughing was real and recall her being more hard for my ears to hear speak on any of the clips from that day. It was more like fingernails on a chalkboard to listen to her. Doesn't change the rumor any to say she was coughing earlier. She did collapse and get carried into that van, and that is all we really can tell from the video. The theories are just that and interesting to hear even if untrue.
edit on 10000000393120247America/Chicago07pm7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
This is Sun Tzu 101 right in our faces I keep trying to explain. You keep your enemy totally confused if you possibly can.

I get that this what you hope for but it doesn't make it real.

I don't know what else to say, obviously there are people that want to see the same change in the US that Q proposed, some might be in a position to move things in that direction, but that doesn't mean that the people posting as Q were them.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
This is Sun Tzu 101 right in our faces I keep trying to explain. You keep your enemy totally confused if you possibly can.

I get that this what you hope for but it doesn't make it real.

I don't know what else to say, obviously there are people that want to see the same change in the US that Q proposed, some might be in a position to move things in that direction, but that doesn't mean that the people posting as Q were them.

Im saying that I know you are right about that it doesn't make it real because that is the BIG PLAN right there. Which one is real is the BIG PLAN....Which one is it, none of them or some of them, or only one of them.......... Who might be in on the plan? Who is a decoy?

"Who is John Gault"?

No joke we don't know and that has been the plan since day one. All this other stuff is us wishful thinkers putting some data together with the understanding we may never ever know and that doesn't matter. What matters is the way things have been done before that we believe to be true and real real bad, will end. The people perpetrating the crimes against humanity get their just rewards according to their deeds.

If those people with rewards for their evil matching their crime, an execution is likely their final answer.

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