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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I agree with you that there must be some tinkering with the Chinese population. Have you seen this?
China to discontinue foreign adoptions
The article points out that they are trying to avert a demographic crisis.
ht- Qmum

China did not use the mRNA special so they do have that advantage but after so many years of the one child policy will people there be willing to have more?

Shadow of Ezra- Interview with Prof Joe Bell

A slip of the tongue?
Kim Yong Un - women need to have more children

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: IndieA

If you think that is wild, can you imagine the illegals are making $2000 for each time they cross the border. What a scheme- And we are paying for it all.

Wallstreet Apes tweet- Joe Rogan
Space Force Schriever Wargames 2025

Space Force was established December 20 [32], 2019 which I suspect was when Covid was floating around.
and then 2025.
Schriever= 9
Gematria- Schriever Wargames

Spaceforce 101

My Fellow Americans, Blackout Necessary, Release the Kraken, Have the Day of Vengence.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 08:45 PM
I can't verify this so as you will.

I can however verify this from an Australian Senator.

Yes of course this was the reason and oil .So many lives lost, millions.

I say bring it.

I can't believe that I've not mentioned once the Trump assassination attempt and we're here almost two months later.

You know where the Crooks lad was, who was in the same building underneath him.

This is for you P, our song, well your song.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Let's up the Ante... Could Kier Starmer also be Saville's son??

Absolutely nothing to back this up except facial similarities when you look at earlier photos of Saville... Particularly around the mouth shape and chin.

posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 09:07 PM
Well...seeing as they asked. For the record the one that asked it, is an a$$hat.

I'll get back to you Rel, right now I'm more tired than a pensioner leaving a brothel.


posted on Sep, 8 2024 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Great line... Love it.

Cheersy Peace baby.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 09:38 AM
Polaroid Moment

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 10:26 AM

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Breaking- Kate Middleton is now cancer free.
Shadow of Ezra chirp, chirp

She has beautiful hair considering she has just completed chemo. Possibly her stand-in?
General McNews-

It's about the timing- 9 months.

Albert Bourla in his masterpiece "Moonshot" emphasized the point that the jab special was developed in 9 months.
These kind of coincidences... What if she took a jab to cure her cancer? After all this is the consuming goal @ Pfizer.
The Covid revenue is collapsing.

Heading over to NASA Wallops-
Tweet- Tweet

The P-3 aircraft left on September 9 @ 9:30

#993 April 3, 2018 12:23:03 No 875827
WH clean SIG
Everything is planned
We fight

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Pondering some more about Space Force...
Space Force was established December 20, 2019. 31-20=[11]

Wuhan happens to have a population of around 11 million people.
January 11/20 Chinese authorities share the full sequence of Covid-19.
February 11/20 The WHO declares gives the official name for Covid-19.
March 11/20 The WHO declares the plandemic.
April 11 Biden declares the end of the Covid National Emergency.
May 11 The end.

Moving forward
June 11- On to Long Covid.

I could go on.
Biden ends Covid National Emergency

New definition for Long Covid

Covid Timeline

#11 Tarot card- JUSTICE.
Tarot details

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Speaking of Billy-
"If we avoid a big war...there will be another pandemic"

Do tell- and shock and awe in 25 years.
First of Billy's Netflix documentary's is going to be with Fauci 'san' and just maybe there will go on safari revealing confessions on the wild side.

He is very concerned about misinformation- especially when it comes to his best investment he has ever made.
Very interesting that Phoebe is also a subject of this misinformation. Probably has nothing to do with his plan around Phoebe- September 14 birthday- 23 in 2025.
Seriously he never should have planned every detail around important events in his life.

Chief Nerd caw-caw

Problems, problems- The U.S. is a tough one because we have the "notion" of the first amendment.

Completely nutters on steroids.

I've been watching his interviews and isn't it strange that he never goes on shows like Tucker's- who has some serious reservations about the Gates approved plan to dim the sun.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Tedros tweet- Polio campaign in Gaza

Everything he does is for a reason and he is controlled by Bill Gates.

Why 4 children showing 4 fingers and it is the [p]inky finger?
Truth be told
4 fingers. Could be a slip but I have seen the same thing in a magazine. Maybe the aliens have 4 fingers?

Aside from this weirdness something is up with this polio.
OPV Cessation

The change from trivalent to bivalent took place in April 2016< key year. So instead of having 1, 2, 3 it was changed to 1, 3.
Didn't Mr. Pool have a post with 1,2,3?

#123 Nov 6, 2017 5:07:57 No 14 82 8 /959/4
Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.

Grim News in Gaza
The poliovirus circulating in Gaza is not wild but vaccine derived and it just happens to be type 2.
"These variant viruses emerge in areas where vaccination rates are low, allowing the live, weakened virus used in the oral polio vaccine [OPV] to pass from child to child and regain its ability to spread and paralyze."

Now they are administering an oral vaccine specifically targeting type 2. Something isn't adding up here. If they discontinued it where did this supply suddenly come from? How would they know that #2 would be needed?

I am getting some bad vibes- what if the plan is to create a polio plandemic? If we add this to the Gates Foundation partnering with Saudi Arabia in a polio campaign and now we suddenly have polio... just connecting some dots.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Many of the chemotherapy drugs for colon and rectal cancer do not cause hair loss.

Macmillan cancer support
We do know she went in for abdominal surgery, but has not been specified what kind of abdominal.

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 05:27 PM
I miss this place.

Why does weird # happen to people who post here.

There is no ? Bc that is a rhetorical ? Don’t answer it.

Where’s cranks? Where’s IcyJ? XtheM, the ghosts and goblins and the good ole days where you could post something like an intrusive thought and then suddenly the news/someone “important” on the tweeter would seemingly confirm the intrusive thoughts were from the ether and not mental instability?

I’m nostalgic for the scenic route. Do we get to take another detour in Nov or do we get fast tracked to the destination?

I’m even nostalgic for my old name. and Epstein didn’t off himself memes.

I’m nostalgic for all memes.
For the frog.

For the tingly feeling that would come over me when I would take a deep breathe and follow a chan link.

Wiki leaks dumps

Time travel and inter dimensional quantum entanglement theories.

What would you do different if you could go back. Where would you go, what would you do, and how might it change the price of my living expenses, the quality of our food, and the longevity of our health.

Where’s that moment in time where things tipped, and what might we do if we could get there.

The veil is thinning again.

Autumn leaves and no reprieves.
Pumpkin pies, exposing lies.
Trick or treat and a front row seat.
Cheshire cats and Covid bats,
Stand no chance, against Trump and Vance.

word salad first, patience, don’t burst!
Justice served with Thanksgiving hors d'oeuvres
A Christmas gift, with a fancy bow,
The tree lights aglow, and a soft white snow.

Get your popcorn, and enjoy the show.

Gotta love me.

edit on 9-9-2024 by MoonlightBlues because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2024 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Kamala Harris Dismisses Past Biden Criticism: "It Was A Debate"

Just look at the 50 second video, what a phony. Debate, scmabate it's all just a charade to her. I hope Trump does a number on her and exposes Kamala as a pretender.
she is so awful words cannot describe her

edit on 9-9-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 02:00 AM
How does Kamala avoid a disastrous debate performance? A theory...

I'm not seeing much news about expectations of the debate today. It's widely expected that Kamala will be totally out classed by DJT who would run circles around her - yet she looks confident as shown in recent video of her and hubby taking a walking break.

This leads me to believe the Uniparty is planning a David and Goliath "surprise win" moment.

How could this best be achieved?

What if? ...

Biden dies or is removed hours before the debate?


a) Debate would be cancelled... "Unfortunately, as the new pResident, Kamala needs to receive security briefings! I'm sure you'll all agree that's more important than a debate!"

b) Kamala would attend the debate as "an equal" and take a superior stance as "current CIC"? Possibly synchronised with some new war or nuclear threat?

c) All questions would change to being focussed on the change of presidency and focus on sympathy for Biden - rather than the real issues that need debating,

e) Could such a change, 56 days before the election, be used as an excuse to delay or cancel the election?

f) Bear in mind that 9/11, the day after the debate, will be 55 days before the election! It would be synchronous for DJT to fulfil Q55 and tweet "The storm is upon us......"!

Interesting simple gematria:

edit on 10-9-2024 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Breaking- Kate Middleton is now cancer free.
Shadow of Ezra chirp, chirp

She has beautiful hair considering she has just completed chemo. Possibly her stand-in?
General McNews-

RE: The lack of hair loss in Princess Kate - Having gone through bladder cancer surgery/chemo, and then nearly 3 years of BCG Immunotherapy - I can tell you that I still have my bitchin' long 70's style hair. For me chemo did not cause any hair loss at all. Hair loss is caused when chemo is injected into your bloodstream or taken orally (I believe). I had 2 surgeries with chemo each time, and the chemo was put directly into my bladder on the spot where the cancer was removed (High Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma for any medical people who may be curious). The way I understood it is that, since the chemo was not flowing through my entire body in my bloodstream, it did not affect my hair in any way. I still felt like absolute crap for about a week after the 1st surgery/chemo combo, then a month later I had my 2nd surgery/chemo combo and felt like crap only for a few days. I believe the 2nd one was easier because I knew what to expect and was mentally ready. Afterward, I was scheduled for 3 years of BCG Immunotherapy treatments - which are also horrible, but they are not chemo. BCG is actually a tuberculosis vaccine and apparently somehow it helps activate my immune system after surgery to fight any new cancer cell growth. In my case, due to a worldwide shortage of the immunotherapy drugs (due to a recent "mysterious" surge in cancer rates), I was only able to complete 2 years of immunotherapy treatments. Since I'm still cancer free, and the doctor says it looks good in my bladder, I didn't have to go through my 3rd year of treatments - which is completely fine with me because they suck hard!

Sorry for the wall of text life story, but I wanted to comment on the lack of hair loss for Princess Kate from my own personal experience.

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: thetallcool1

Thank you for sharing your experience, cancer is a horrible disease. The cases I was familiar with and had exposure to lost their hair and had to get wigs. Some of these wigs are amazingly realistic.
I am just guessing but there may be manufactured cancer drug shortages especially in light of Pfizer's extravagant purchase of Seagen and their laser focus on the cancer vaccines. Of course they will ensure that it is all mRNA based.
I'm personally dealing with a tsunami of deaths, 4 this week alone.

More accept Covid-19 vaccine misinformation, and willingness to vaccinate has declined
Brought to us by vaccine enthusist Peter Hotez.

I'm glad that you have recovered.

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: MoonlightBlues

I love poetry.

We do not trust you Bill the Gates.
We do not trust you here or there.
We do not trust you anywhere.

You fund jabs that do not work.
All because you are berserk.

Numbers, numbers here and there.
Your strange numbers are everywhere.
What is up is down for you,
and you believe we have no clue.

And because of you, we have Q.

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Melania Trump Tweet

She is addressing the assassination attempt. The clip is 34 seconds. Maybe related to-

#34 Nov 1, 2017 10:56:16 No 14 75 6788
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days
you will undoubtedly realize we are taking back our great country...

It was posted @ 6:02 a.m. which is a mirror to #26.

#602 Jan 24, 2018 2:39:13 No 57
Our movement...

They seem to fit together.

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