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All these democrats pushing DEI, pushing anti-white hate and racism have blood on their hands

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posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: matafuchs

So this one was because of DEI, but the other two recently in the news weren't, because the perpetrators were not black?

They are allowed random other reasons because they are not a minority, but if it's a minority it has to be DEI related?

I'm still in the belief that either we are seeing more news reports of vicious school fights that always occurred, or there is an uptick of vicious school fights among teens in general, until there are any facts this was caused by DEI.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

An attempted murder charge requires intent to kill the person. Now we can prove the intent to assault but we don't know and probably never know if the intent was to kill the girl. The article said it was related to bullying and when cops arrived it was a large fight involving many people I didn't watch the video but I'm guessing the cops did not think she had the intent to murder this girl based on the circumstance. It isn't just about the level of injury to the person.

So that's why she's not charged with attempted murder, I think. Also questioning why the focus of this story is the race of the people involved. We had fights and bullying in my school all the time, granted not as serious as this one, but fights are common in high schools. Do we know if she was being bullied just for being white? Is that why the focus is on race ? Because it seems like if so this should be in the category of hate crime and if not this is just another article written to divide people and create hatred I dont know why TPTB would want to create division and turmoil and distractions, do you? Do you know why they would want us fighting with ourselves? [/quote
After the last few years, that's the first thing I think yes, that's it's a hate crime. We have been purposely regressed and divided once again , as in the 40s by those at the top. Why ? So we don't focus on them and go after their crimes against humanity , it's more complicated than that probably though. One thing I know for certain is that almost every 1% behind this purposely created divide is a psychopath/narcissist.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
Something I want to say too is that some people are very, I dont know the word to use but delusional will work because they think that the color of someone's skin matters at all whatsoever.

Think about who is telling you it matters. Is it an idea you came up with on your own or is it something put there by the controllers?

This is trickery put in place by those in control of our world. Democrats are people and so are Republicans, black, white, prostitute, drug dealer, cop, grocery store worker. We are all people and we all do basically the same things every day. Our similarities are kryptonite to those who wish to divide us. Do you think Bob down at the local gas station who is registered Democrat really gives two hoots about DEI? NO!

It is a well known fact that lack of voter education is a serious problem, can blame people for not learning what the people they are voting for are all about, but cannot paint with a broad brush all democrats or everyone who voted for Biden support these things.

Very few do and very few even know what DEI is. The only way you know what it is is from the news, right? Why do you think that is?

Turn off the tube. Stop reading the news. It is brainwashing you and you don't even realize it. They want people to focus on other things while they slowly dismantle our way of life and WAY too many people are falling for this # hook line and sinker.

WHO is pushing DEI? WHO? The television set and legacy news organizations. Thats who.

I don't know if this was aimed at me, but I'm the least racist person there is . I don't focus on race as I don't focus on species ( I want aliens here). But I do see several black girls attacking a single white girl, and after the anti-white push by the media the last few years, and how the attitude of some blacks has become very prominintely entititled :

Just one example
I'm subscribed to Leon's channel btw and have been for ages.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
Blaming Democrats on a teenage assault charge sounds kinda like blaming gun sellers for mass shootings.

Kinda goes against the idea that individuals are responsible for their actions.
Hypocrite. You know damn well if Trump was in office and the media wasn't pushing anti-white hate, you would be screaming "Trump did this!"

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Justoneman

I'm in Michigan. I'm completely on topic. What details in the OP can put the blame on DEI? With additional examples of this occurring often among teens, is not the logical conclusion that this case may be part of a pattern we are seeing among teens? It appears so. In a thread, there should be discussion. We know this is occurring among all races of teens more often, is there a bigger problem? I'm unsure why you are against links and examples of this, and allowing a thread to move and evolve.

I mean, if I missed that this case is directly caused by DEI, please point me to the facts I missed in the link.

I've tried to stay on topic, but you keep attacking me and not the post and links I've provided.

DEI/anti-white pushing by the media, it's the same thing. The goal is the same: to eliminate white's position of 'power' in the 1st world nations , to bring us all down to third world nations. So they can bring in their 'great reset'.

DEIs goals are to 'hire no white males'. It's obvious and mentioned many times.
Same as CRT (critical race theory ) taught in some schools : whites bad/ blacks good basically.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: matafuchs

Yes. It was. I am tired of the line of thinking you see online or in the news about 'something must have happened' or 'something lead up to this'.

Fights or attacks rarely happen out of the blue. I guess it has become now, you either see a fight in a racial manner or you try and find the root cause. Me asking if it was racially motivated is finding the root cause. If it was racially motivated, and can prove that then it will justify everyone being paranoid about white people being discriminated agaisnt in a somewhat systemic way. But, I gotta point out, black people who are racist exist, it doesn't mean all black people are angry raging racists.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Justoneman

I'm in Michigan. I'm completely on topic. What details in the OP can put the blame on DEI? With additional examples of this occurring often among teens, is not the logical conclusion that this case may be part of a pattern we are seeing among teens? It appears so. In a thread, there should be discussion. We know this is occurring among all races of teens more often, is there a bigger problem? I'm unsure why you are against links and examples of this, and allowing a thread to move and evolve.

I mean, if I missed that this case is directly caused by DEI, please point me to the facts I missed in the link.

I've tried to stay on topic, but you keep attacking me and not the post and links I've provided.

DEI/anti-white pushing by the media, it's the same thing. The goal is the same: to eliminate white's position of 'power' in the 1st world nations , to bring us all down to third world nations. So they can bring in their 'great reset'.

DEIs goals are to 'hire no white males'. It's obvious and mentioned many times.
Same as CRT (critical race theory ) taught in some schools : whites bad/ blacks good basically.

Here is your clue Frog from Michigan. Here is your clue. It is a big thing to admit you are wrong. I hope we can all humbly move on to other lies the left needs us to believe. So many that need scrutiny.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: arcticshuffle

Asking if it was racially motivated is trying to steer something in my direction?

Take your meds.

Yes, when you and pal keep asking the same silly question over and over and over.

None of us knows unless somebody’s been in the attacker’s head. We have opinions based on what we see.

So yeah, you’re doing nothing but gumming up the discussion on purpose.

Everybody sees it, and we know you don’t even care about that.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: matafuchs

Yes. It was. I am tired of the line of thinking you see online or in the news about 'something must have happened' or 'something lead up to this'.

Fights or attacks rarely happen out of the blue. I guess it has become now, you either see a fight in a racial manner or you try and find the root cause. Me asking if it was racially motivated is finding the root cause. If it was racially motivated, and can prove that then it will justify everyone being paranoid about white people being discriminated agaisnt in a somewhat systemic way. But, I gotta point out, black people who are racist exist, it doesn't mean all black people are angry raging racists.

Ok , so imagine this video would have been the opposite : 10 white kids attacking a single black kid.
What would have been your reaction?

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: frogs453

I did not reference DEI directly. I stated this.

That was not a fight. It was an attack. It is filled with hate. She tried to kill that girl because she has been programmed to hate whitey. Social Media. MSM. Her culture. The music. The movies. They act like animals in these videos but if you call it out you are called....racist.

These kids have been programmed to hate white people. Plain and simple.

Now, does DEI lead into that? In a sense it does, because now instead of a white judge who is called a racist when a POC comes in front of them it is now a black judge who is lenient because of who the kids are. DEI hirings and job placement is not helping the way it should at all.

Tell me how this can happen if DEI is not involved?


5 black women all named to one court? I do not see proper representation there.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: matafuchs

Yes. It was. I am tired of the line of thinking you see online or in the news about 'something must have happened' or 'something lead up to this'.

Fights or attacks rarely happen out of the blue. I guess it has become now, you either see a fight in a racial manner or you try and find the root cause. Me asking if it was racially motivated is finding the root cause. If it was racially motivated, and can prove that then it will justify everyone being paranoid about white people being discriminated agaisnt in a somewhat systemic way. But, I gotta point out, black people who are racist exist, it doesn't mean all black people are angry raging racists.

Why are you suggesting that anybody said what your last sentence describes ?

Nobody said this in this thread or any other.

You lie so easily and comfortably, like breathing.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: arcticshuffle

Gumming up your white people apocalypse hysteria fixations?

Oh no...

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Why does the scenario always need to revolve around racial lines?

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: strongfp

I understand and it was not directed at you as much as the 'group mentality' of people today.

But, I gotta point out, black people who are racist exist, it doesn't mean all black people are angry raging racists.

You are correct, but at the same time, not all white people are racist but you will not find a media article that states it. I mean, according to our own government White Supremacy is our greatest threat.


This was when speaking at Howard a HBCU. Kids who are graduating were holding signs saying...

“Stand up, Fight Back, Black People Under Attack.”

They were stating that Jordan Neely who was a criminal killed by someone trying to protect themselves was a victim. The same mentality that created a martyr out of George Floyd.

This is a generation raised to hate. It was not like that 30 years ago. Not even close.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

I do see it. I'm not totally blind to the situation.

I don't assume it's based on hate, rather frustration and resentment. That is, there's a generation that is raising the youth to have resentment for past injustices. Which can lead to actual hate.

To comment on the Biden saying white supremists are the greatest terror threat, I don't see that being out of the question, Islamic terrorism used to hold that crown, but Biden didn't have to word it that way.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Cvastar

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie
Haven't read any replies yet. Here is my take.

The kids who tried to kill her will get a slap on the wrist at worst.

I'm not sure where it happened but if it is in a Dem run state/city/town the kids who tried to kill the girl will have nothing at all happen to them because of their skin color. They will be excused as "we can't expect black people to not be enraged at the sight of a white person who deserves to be beaten and killed because of the sins of their great and great great grandparents." Thus perpetuating the myth that black people can not control themselves, making racism worse.

It is not just racism that is being excused if it happens to white people.

Anti-semitism also excuses liberals from having to control their mouths and behavior around Jewish people.

The liberal left encourages hatred, revenge, and says the victims are not victims but perpetrators if they are hurt or killed because if they are descended from White skinned people or Jews, and deserve what they get. The new Democratic form of morality today.

Today's new liberal left morality:
Thou shalt not be racist against people of color, only against white people because they deserve it.
Thou shalt get angry if someone points out that Jewish people were the first civilization in what is now Israel and were displaced from what was their original homeland over 2000 years ago.
Thou shalt not complain if Jewish students are huddled in a library with liberal students banging angrily on the door to be let in.
Thou shalt insist that abortion be unfettered, even at 40 weeks, even if the uterus owner and fetus are healthy.
Thou shalt not say the word mother/father/aunt/uncle as they are transphobic words that must be abolished.
Thou shalt not use a gendered pronoun with anyone without their express permission, all people are "it's" until they say otherwise.
Thou shalt insist gas stoves, cars, furnaces, lawn appliances, dryers be abolished to save Gaia.
Thou shalt not complain if transgender sports women injure biological women or push biological women out of sports

Quite correct. The question is, will we see a significant amount of similar incidents this summer?There may well be a big uptick in these type attacks. I wonder where that leaves us.

Where that leaves white people is they are learning to fear black people - increasing racism.

Where that leaves Jewish people is realizing that liberals and Democrats are the people they should really fear.

It tells society, black people are not to be held accountable if they attack white people, because by virtue of being white a person deserves to be beaten by black people. A message of hate, a message that racism against those low in the hormone/protein melanin is acceptable, if not necessary in today's USA. A message of hate for the Jewish people that rivals that of WWII hate in Germany.

It tells black children and black people no one expects them to have any kind of self control, they can commit crimes at will and will be told, that's ok, you can't help it, it's the victims fault for existing and being where you can see them or hear them.

It tells liberals they do not have to have any kind of self control if the person they attack verbally or physically is Jewish.

It tells liberals that white people and Jews are born evil, are inherently evil, are dangerous to people of color and should be eradicated or taught a lesson to be subservient to the elitist leftist liberals/Democratic Party politicians and people of color. Liberalism today is quite clear that white people and Jews deserve to be beaten and killed at random.

This is the message of today's liberal left Democrat Party DEI initiatives. A message that is racist, anti-semetic and reminiscent of how people spoke and behaved before massive genocide became common and acceptable in foreign nations.

edit on 3/13/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: format

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: strongfp

I do not have to assume hate. Watch the video. That is pure hate. There is not liking someone, and then there is hate. It is a strong word.

When she was slamming her head she wanted to kill her. Where did this come from? Frustration and Resentment for past injustices?

I am second generation off the boat from Ireland. My great grandparents had nothing when they came here. As Irish Catholics it was hard to get work but no one talks about that. They were trash and second class citizens. If I bring this up all I hear is about slavery. How bad blacks had it. A lot of people had it bad. That was 150 years ago. Kids from the inner city should be looking up to people like Rebecca Crumpler but instead they get Cardi B.

This has been created by the same people who are saying they are trying to help. Progressive America who wants DEI which should stand for Divide, Enrage and Incite because that is all it is doing.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

You're being a bit hypothetical with your rhetoric, but I get what you're saying.

Your parents obviously didn't teach you about how bad Irish people had it back, whenever, but like I said, black parents are teaching their kids about the history that they only know.
No one knows the history of black Americans before slavery, all they know is that some of their ancestors were dragged over here and thats where their history starts.
That's the injustices being taught to them.

That's another topic tho...

It's highly debatable that she was smashing her head against the ground because she hated her for being white. Most likely she was in a frenzy.

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: strongfp

I do not have to assume hate. Watch the video. That is pure hate. There is not liking someone, and then there is hate. It is a strong word.

When she was slamming her head she wanted to kill her. Where did this come from? Frustration and Resentment for past injustices?

I am second generation off the boat from Ireland. My great grandparents had nothing when they came here. As Irish Catholics it was hard to get work but no one talks about that. They were trash and second class citizens. If I bring this up all I hear is about slavery. How bad blacks had it. A lot of people had it bad. That was 150 years ago. Kids from the inner city should be looking up to people like Rebecca Crumpler but instead they get Cardi B.

This has been created by the same people who are saying they are trying to help. Progressive America who wants DEI which should stand for Divide, Enrage and Incite because that is all it is doing.

Don’t believe your lying eyes. That’s what these guys are telling us.

Of course a savage skull smashing can’t be interpreted as hate ….. must be something else.

Pure gaslighting, Keep telling us it’s not what everybody actually saw.

Just like the Hamas Israel thing. The original attack is just old news, not worth talking about. But we surely need to talk about Israel 24 / 7. And not that the guys they need to kill are hiding behind children.

It’s ass-backwards world, and they just don’t care that you know they’re lying.

Enough stupid people will believe them. Look at ATS these days, lol.
edit on 13-3-2024 by arcticshuffle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness

originally posted by: sine.nomine
Who is in charge of DEI? And why should we care?

There must be someone in charge that we can blame for this nonsense.

And here's the first non-caring /indifferent response. Good for you . Feel better about yourself now?
Did you even for one second think about this poor girl or her family, what hell they're going through right now.
Plain evil, this uncaring attitude.

Who cares about the girl or her family? I don't and I'm whiter than wonder bread.

If you meant that, then you are a heartless and soulless sonuvabitch.

If it happens to your family, I hope others around you treat you the way you'd treat the girl's family.

You're a waste of oxygen.

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