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Shocking poll reveals that 37% of Americans believe in creationism

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posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1

Much as I agree with you, and I am a dubious Christian in the New Testament variety, (I want to believe), but maybe, if there is a God, and I believe there is but also believe in free will, the question might not be, do you believe in God, but, does God believe in you?

Ducks and runs....

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1
a reply to: randomuser2034

What is scientifically accurate?
That the planet and its inhabitants were created in six days or all the other claims made about life, different species, the planet and the 'heavens'...

Many Christians don't even accept the claims made in the Bible just like another poster who has replied to me in the last page.

There are no heavens by the way.
The works wasn't created in six days. These are false and debunked religious beliefs.

I debunked everything you just said in my post above. You didn't even take the time to give it a cursory glance. As your question was already answered before you asked.

And that is how sincere you are.

All you did is to copy paste passages from your religious book and this isn't evidence for the any of the claims made by religionists and creationists. You need independent and unbiased sources that don't propagate the dogma and the religious beliefs you subscribe to.

If you think you can use the Bible to 'debunk' evolution and cosmology you are very mistaken. I am sure you have an extended version of what debunking means.

The world wasn't created in six days... That's what we mean a debunked claim.

I didn't copy and paste anything. Just using common sense. Like I said, your questions were answered, rationally, factually, with proof and full of evidence.

You come across as extremely narrow and close-minded.

Even using the word "creationists" to lump all people that believe in creation. The creationist view is narrow and extreme and stupidly wrong. But so is the other end of the spectrum.

The correct understanding of Genesis 1 is not that of a creationist's viewpoint. But you do not even know that another exists, and will not even accept that one does. And that is due to the fetters that bind your eyes shut. The light is there but even though you imagine you see you remain blind. And you think you hear but you don't get the sense of it and the eyes of your mind be enlightened.

You copy paste passages from the Bible to argue your point. That leads to a circular argument and circular logic. The Bible cannot be used as evidence for the claims made by creationists.

Look, I'm willingly to give you the benefit of the doubt. You are having to juggle answering a lot of people at the same time. And the mind can't focus when you do that. Please take the time to read what I wrote you originally. And actually think about it before you respond. And then respond to what I actually originally wrote you.

The passage of Bible that I quoted has its purpose as well. It actually takes time to meditate on the questions being asked. Later I will reveal that to you. Because even scientists today cannot answer those questions with all their advancements and knowledge. And that was only the beginning of the questions that shows us our place.

You can't reference the Bible I am afraid. It propagates the Christian dogma and makes religious assertions that have no basis.

The world wasn't created in six days and humans were not created in six days. Everything else is part of the narrative if you haven't realised it. I am impressed you reference the Bible as an unbiased source. The Bible does what it does = dogma

I think this is the 3rd time you said the same thing.

You are still ignoring what I originally wrote you. I have already debunked that nonsense you keep spewing. Why don't you deal with what I explained to you? You keep ignoring all of it. Why is that?

No I don't see how have you done it. You have just copy pasted passages from the Bible to argue about God and the creation of the world.

Far from debunking evolution or what I have said. Unless debunking in your language means stating religious dogma as fact...

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Most Christians do NOT believe that the story is a literal one. The fundamentalists tend to (Baptist, Church of Christ, etc). But the vast majority of Christians do NOT believe the earth is 6,000 years old, that it was created in six days, that there were talking snakes, etc. Just like the vast majority do not believe in Noahs Ark or that the Tower of Babel is where language came from, or that Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and got spit out, etc. Most Christians do not read those as literal history stories but instead as myths to teach about some aspect of God.

I think you're wrong about this, and you're also right about this. True, I have seen some Baptists who believe the Earth is literally 6,000 old, or however many years it adds up to be exactly. But if they would re-read Genesis, they would see for themselves it's much, much older than that. And I think this is the exact point where science and religion clash - and they don't see the reason themselves.

Some Christians believe that in Genesis chapter 1, it tells the story of how God created everything. And then they say that chapter 2 is just going into further detail of the creation of men on the "sixth day" from chapter 1. But if they would read a little further, they could plainly see that's not right or possible. According to that people believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old, when Cain killed Abel in Genesis chapter 4, there were only 4 people on the Earth. But in verse 15 God puts a mark on Cain so that whoever found him would not kill him. My point is who are the people that make up the "whoever" that might find him? In verse 25, Adam and Eve have their third child, a son named Seth. But - in the previous verses of chapter 4, verses 16 and 17, Cain goes to the "Land of Nod, east of the Garden of Eden and takes a wife." Who are these people in the land of Nod? It really clashes with the idea that Adam and Eve and their 3 sons were the first people on Earth. The woman that Cain took for his wife couldn't have been his sister, because he didn't have any sisters as that point. There were no other women but Eve, according to the people who believe that Adam was the first man created. Seth was clearly born after Cain took a wife, so this proves the wife he took was not related to him.

To understand this, we have to go back to Genesis chapter 1 where, on the sixth day, God created men, (plural), to be masters of the Earth and have dominion over everything, and to be fruitful and multiply over the whole Earth. Then in chapter two, he creates Adam, and then Eve, and places them in a confined area known as the ''Garden of Eden." These two passages are clearly talking about two different sets of people.

So how long of a period of time did Genesis chapter 1 last? The Bible speaks in several passages that, to God, a day can be as a thousand years, and a thousand years could be as long as a day. How long did the seven days in Genesis chapter 1 last? Nobody knows for sure, but it had to have been an extended period of time for there to have been enough time for these other populations to flourish that the Bible talks about. It clearly states there were people in the land of Nod. How many other places were there with people in them? Cain even runs away and starts his own city, so it must have been pretty common for cities to exist at that time.

I believe that Genesis chapter 1 lasted long enough to include the periods science has discovered through archeology. The periods of ice ages, dinosaurs, etc. All the time needed for "science" to be satisfied with. But, what about other "human" types such as Neanderthals that science has discovered? The Bible, as well as other ancient sources, including writings by the Sumerians, tells us about these things as well.

The Bible calls them "Nephilim" and how they abducted women for their experiments. The Nephilim are, of course, Satan and his followers. The Sumerians called them "gods from the sky" who made creatures to be their perfect miners for gold. (Which they needed for their "spaceships.") I'll say this, but it's really a story for another time: I believe Neanderthals were the beings these "gods from the sky" created to be their miners. They have brow ridges which exactly correspond with the length of the bill on a mining helmet and Neanderthal remains have been found in 5 places which also correspond with ancient gold mining sites. Did Satan know how to work with DNA? Apparently he did. Now, that's science through and through. And they say there's no science in The Bible....

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: pennylane123
a reply to: Venkuish1

Just like you dismiss simulation theory,

Is not a scientific theory but a speculation. No evidence exists we live in a simulation. On the other hand evolution is both a scientific theory and a fact.

I am glad you make that distinction....

Then you can honestly admit that Evolution is a theory. A theory written around what we see and think happened. Nothing is proven.


It's yobs like you that are making me question the logic of the earth being a sphere.

I think you misrepresented me...

Is not a scientific theory but a speculation. No evidence exists we live in a simulation. On the other hand evolution is both a scientific theory and a fact.

That we live in a simulation is speculation and not a fact. Evolution on the other hand is a fact. It's also described as a scientific theory but I understand that you are not able to make the distinction between scientific theory, scientific hypothesis, speculation, and so on.

I haven't admitted anything, only stated facts. But every creationist in every thread around here makes exactly the same erroneous arguments.

You are not worth trying to have a logical conversation with.

As you know, we once were the center of the universe...oops, the sun....ooops, we are on the outskirts of the galaxy.

I wish more Christians had the faith in Christ, that you have in mortal man(scientists). This world would be a much kinder place.

It was false belief devoid of any facts propagated mainly by religious circles and the church.

Aristotle was a christian?
Was Galileo a Christian?

No. Those beliefs came from many places.

Scientists are not God. They make mistakes. They make bad decisions. They succumb to peer pressure. They will say their bias' do not play a part. But they do, you are proof.

You do not have an open mind, you will believe what you are told because you will not think for yourself. I'll bet you don't even change your own blinker fluid because it is easier to have the shop do it. I mean after all, they are the experts, you aren't and blinker fluid is a real thing...a scientist (mechanic) said so.

In reality, from the tone of your replies, you are seriously questioning your beliefs. I will add you to my prayers, may you find the spiritual peace you are looking for.

Still false beliefs in the case of scientists who may have accepted the geocentric system. Now we have evidence about not being the center of the universe.

I rather open a book and I don't just 'believe' in science. In science we can independently verify and reproduce claims, observations, experiments and measurements.

Excellent!! Bolding mine!

Then you, YES YOU, can solve this once and for all. YOU can end it for all time...

When you do, I will stream live on ATS, and admit you were right.

So, all you have to do is reproduce the big bang. Create all the life, and physics, etc. And, here is the catch, it has to able to self perpetuate and exist on it's on forever more.

Now, get to it, I can wait for you to reproduce it and prove us wrong. (re read what i highlighted in your reply)

CERN has been trying to reproduce the conditions of the first moments of our baby universe. Have you missed that out?

Well, according to your post:

I rather open a book and I don't just 'believe' in science. In science we can independently verify and reproduce claims, observations, experiments and measurements.

And then I just bolded the word in your latest reply:


So they have been trying to reproduce it, but they haven't.

So, therefore, from your posts and words, Evolution is not fact, it is theory. Because you have NOT been able to reproduce it yet.

CERN isn't dealing with evolution....
Is dealing with the universe, particles, and a number of other things.

My answer to your question about the big bang.

Clearly the universe and the earth were not created in six days or whatever the claims are. Do you see why these claims are debunked?

They just naturally fall apart because there is no evidence to support them.

I am sorry for the confusion, i thought evolution started when the process of creating everything began. Which you haven't been able to reproduce...therefore, you can't know if evolution is what happened.

And as to my bolding in your reply,

No, i do not see how the earth being created in six days has been debunked. I see where you don't believe it.

And I can see that CERN and man can't even START the process.

So yeah, my Creator can do it in 6 days...and your Gods can't even reproduce the beginning, much less finish the whole thing.

But there is no evidence of the creator to have been talking about and no evidence he create the universe. This is a religious belief.

It is claimed in the Bible the world was created in six days but that's false. Earth is around 4.5 billion years old and the universe around 13.8 billion years old.

You said your creator can do it in six days. But there is nothing to support this idea. On the contrary the six day creation has been debunked long time ago.

And there is no evidence nothing existed and then 2 things collided and created everything, either. Actually, intellectually those events in that order make no sense.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1
a reply to: randomuser2034

What is scientifically accurate?
That the planet and its inhabitants were created in six days or all the other claims made about life, different species, the planet and the 'heavens'...

Many Christians don't even accept the claims made in the Bible just like another poster who has replied to me in the last page.

There are no heavens by the way.
The works wasn't created in six days. These are false and debunked religious beliefs.

I debunked everything you just said in my post above. You didn't even take the time to give it a cursory glance. As your question was already answered before you asked.

And that is how sincere you are.

All you did is to copy paste passages from your religious book and this isn't evidence for the any of the claims made by religionists and creationists. You need independent and unbiased sources that don't propagate the dogma and the religious beliefs you subscribe to.

If you think you can use the Bible to 'debunk' evolution and cosmology you are very mistaken. I am sure you have an extended version of what debunking means.

The world wasn't created in six days... That's what we mean a debunked claim.

I didn't copy and paste anything. Just using common sense. Like I said, your questions were answered, rationally, factually, with proof and full of evidence.

You come across as extremely narrow and close-minded.

Even using the word "creationists" to lump all people that believe in creation. The creationist view is narrow and extreme and stupidly wrong. But so is the other end of the spectrum.

The correct understanding of Genesis 1 is not that of a creationist's viewpoint. But you do not even know that another exists, and will not even accept that one does. And that is due to the fetters that bind your eyes shut. The light is there but even though you imagine you see you remain blind. And you think you hear but you don't get the sense of it and the eyes of your mind be enlightened.

You copy paste passages from the Bible to argue your point. That leads to a circular argument and circular logic. The Bible cannot be used as evidence for the claims made by creationists.

Look, I'm willingly to give you the benefit of the doubt. You are having to juggle answering a lot of people at the same time. And the mind can't focus when you do that. Please take the time to read what I wrote you originally. And actually think about it before you respond. And then respond to what I actually originally wrote you.

The passage of Bible that I quoted has its purpose as well. It actually takes time to meditate on the questions being asked. Later I will reveal that to you. Because even scientists today cannot answer those questions with all their advancements and knowledge. And that was only the beginning of the questions that shows us our place.

You can't reference the Bible I am afraid. It propagates the Christian dogma and makes religious assertions that have no basis.

The world wasn't created in six days and humans were not created in six days. Everything else is part of the narrative if you haven't realised it. I am impressed you reference the Bible as an unbiased source. The Bible does what it does = dogma

I think this is the 3rd time you said the same thing.

You are still ignoring what I originally wrote you. I have already debunked that nonsense you keep spewing. Why don't you deal with what I explained to you? You keep ignoring all of it. Why is that?

No I don't see how have you done it. You have just copy pasted passages from the Bible to argue about God and the creation of the world.

Far from debunking evolution or what I have said. Unless debunking in your language means stating religious dogma as fact...

You still haven't dealt with a single thing that was brought to your attention. You have ignored it in its entirety. And the fact that you refuse to even acknowledge that you were answered with rational reasoning shows you are not sincere, and you are close-minded.

I have a sneaking suspicion that you read what I wrote and thought about it logically and can't deny it. So you keep repeating yourself and going off on things that had nothing to do with what I was revealing to you.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1
a reply to: randomuser2034

What is scientifically accurate?
That the planet and its inhabitants were created in six days or all the other claims made about life, different species, the planet and the 'heavens'...

Many Christians don't even accept the claims made in the Bible just like another poster who has replied to me in the last page.

There are no heavens by the way.
The works wasn't created in six days. These are false and debunked religious beliefs.

I debunked everything you just said in my post above. You didn't even take the time to give it a cursory glance. As your question was already answered before you asked.

And that is how sincere you are.

All you did is to copy paste passages from your religious book and this isn't evidence for the any of the claims made by religionists and creationists. You need independent and unbiased sources that don't propagate the dogma and the religious beliefs you subscribe to.

If you think you can use the Bible to 'debunk' evolution and cosmology you are very mistaken. I am sure you have an extended version of what debunking means.

The world wasn't created in six days... That's what we mean a debunked claim.

I didn't copy and paste anything. Just using common sense. Like I said, your questions were answered, rationally, factually, with proof and full of evidence.

You come across as extremely narrow and close-minded.

Even using the word "creationists" to lump all people that believe in creation. The creationist view is narrow and extreme and stupidly wrong. But so is the other end of the spectrum.

The correct understanding of Genesis 1 is not that of a creationist's viewpoint. But you do not even know that another exists, and will not even accept that one does. And that is due to the fetters that bind your eyes shut. The light is there but even though you imagine you see you remain blind. And you think you hear but you don't get the sense of it and the eyes of your mind be enlightened.

You copy paste passages from the Bible to argue your point. That leads to a circular argument and circular logic. The Bible cannot be used as evidence for the claims made by creationists.

Look, I'm willingly to give you the benefit of the doubt. You are having to juggle answering a lot of people at the same time. And the mind can't focus when you do that. Please take the time to read what I wrote you originally. And actually think about it before you respond. And then respond to what I actually originally wrote you.

The passage of Bible that I quoted has its purpose as well. It actually takes time to meditate on the questions being asked. Later I will reveal that to you. Because even scientists today cannot answer those questions with all their advancements and knowledge. And that was only the beginning of the questions that shows us our place.

You can't reference the Bible I am afraid. It propagates the Christian dogma and makes religious assertions that have no basis.

The world wasn't created in six days and humans were not created in six days. Everything else is part of the narrative if you haven't realised it. I am impressed you reference the Bible as an unbiased source. The Bible does what it does = dogma

I think this is the 3rd time you said the same thing.

You are still ignoring what I originally wrote you. I have already debunked that nonsense you keep spewing. Why don't you deal with what I explained to you? You keep ignoring all of it. Why is that?

No I don't see how have you done it. You have just copy pasted passages from the Bible to argue about God and the creation of the world.

Far from debunking evolution or what I have said. Unless debunking in your language means stating religious dogma as fact...

State one thing that I quoted that is religious dogma. I actually took a blowtorch to religious dogma there in my post I reasoned with you.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

We're trying too hard and digging too deep, brother. All we're going to do if we start mastering the likes of biology, cybernetics, etc., is wipe ourselves out.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: randomuser2034
The Genesis account is scientifically accurate. True there are fundamental Christians that believe that the universe was created in 6 literal 24 hour periods of time. But that is not what the Genesis account is talking about at all.

That is a great explanation! It matches what I was saying in a comment that is a couple pages past yours, because it took me a while to compose it.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: LSU2018


Lightning rarely touches the ground.

I never said it touches the ground.
edit on 28-2-2024 by LSU2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1

Some people do not feel the need to find what they deem as truth beyond what's written in their chosen scripture.
I'm not saying they're dumb or anything, but it just seems they don't want to investigate the natural universe as much as you or I.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: LSU2018

Who claims that?

Democrats, obama said it several times when he was dividing the country.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

But you said this?

"When we see lightning, it's striking from the ground up even though it looks like it's coming from the sky."?

Do explain?

How does that work?

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

Oh. Sad.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Station27

originally posted by: randomuser2034
The Genesis account is scientifically accurate. True there are fundamental Christians that believe that the universe was created in 6 literal 24 hour periods of time. But that is not what the Genesis account is talking about at all.

That is a great explanation! It matches what I was saying in a comment that is a couple pages past yours, because it took me a while to compose it.

I was talking to an atheist awhile ago who for years thought Genesis 1 was nonsense. When I reasoned with him, and this was a Professor with great authority, he said he was mind-boggled at how simple the explanation was. And that Genesis 1 read like a scientific textbook when given the key to understand what it is saying.

I also reasoned with my biology teacher who was teaching us evolution the same way. All throughout the year, this was decades ago. She said at the end of the school-year in front of the entire class that my reasoning with her had shaken her faith in evolution, and that she was now willing to accept that Jesus Christ did in fact exist and that God is real is a possibility. When people are open-minded and reasonable you can use reason with them.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: LSU2018

But you said this?

"When we see lightning, it's striking from the ground up even though it looks like it's coming from the sky."?

Do explain?

How does that work?

It looks like it's coming from the sky, but there are actually negative energy particles, that you can't see, come from the clouds. The flash is actually the lightning going up. Not FROM the ground, but the flash moves from south to north. Apologies if that was unclear.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: randomuser2034

originally posted by: Venkuish1
a reply to: randomuser2034

What is scientifically accurate?
That the planet and its inhabitants were created in six days or all the other claims made about life, different species, the planet and the 'heavens'...

Many Christians don't even accept the claims made in the Bible just like another poster who has replied to me in the last page.

There are no heavens by the way.
The works wasn't created in six days. These are false and debunked religious beliefs.

I debunked everything you just said in my post above. You didn't even take the time to give it a cursory glance. As your question was already answered before you asked.

And that is how sincere you are.

The world wasn't created in six days... That's what we mean a debunked claim.



posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Venkuish1

You buy into peer reviewed scientific articles that tell you how to think. You're upset at anyone in this thread who dares refute what you claim.

Nobody has refuted evolution if you haven't realised it.

The peer reviewed process is one of the most important in science. Imagine you want to replace it with wild claims and beliefs in the supernatural world?!

Imagine you can't accept my beliefs because it pains you tremendously to do so. I couldn't care less what you personally believe in, you need to understand that just because you do, doesn't mean everyone else will. This forum may provide you the soapbox you desire, but we're not all here to follow along with your bad takes and false science. That's all on you.

Your beliefs are devoid of science and you have no evidence to support your claims and assertions. The fact you use the word belief instead of evidence or fact gives a good idea to the reader on where you stand.

Yep, those are my beliefs. I'm not trying to drill my beliefs into your head or cut you down for seeing the creation or whatever of this world through the eyes of science. I'm not bothered by what you believe in, you created a thread to call everybody who doesn't see it your way uneducated. Methinks you have a problem.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: LSU2018

Scientific theory isn't the same as me having a theory of how my cat got stuck in a tree or something.

I know, I understand that possibly over 27 decades of research have gone into the scientific theory of evolution. What I don't believe, is that scientists have proven that a human can eventually evolve out of an organism that began as an amoeba. They haven't even scratched the surface of proving that. In my opinion, that's a lot of time wasted when they could have been living life and focusing on far more important things. Who really cares HOW we got here, it's not that serious.

It's not a matter of belief.
Beliefs exist when there is no evidence around like religious beliefs about creationism or even flat earth.

You can believe whatever you want but science is a process that doesn't deal with beliefs in the supernatural world and beliefs in general.

It's definitely about belief. You're sharing your belief that we evolved from single celled organisms and basing it on papers that a group of scientists said were true.

Obviously I can't believe whatever I want or I wouldn't be 12+ pages deep trying to explain to you why I don't believe in the theory of evolution.

I am not sharing a belief but simply stating facts. I know it's difficult for creationists to accept science and facts and that they struggle a lot with basic concepts but the problem is more serious than it seems. The educational system plays a very important role and it has failed students quite a lot.

Those aren't facts, lol

You do understand the world wasn't created in six days?

No I don't, and neither do you. Unless you hop in a time machine that can take to the very beginning, you will never know how or when the world and universe were created. You can only believe what science tells you, those are your beliefs.

Ooh the irony.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: randomuser2034
When people are open-minded and reasonable you can use reason with them.

Yes, that is true. And something else that is true, is that in II Corinthians 4:4 it says mens minds will become blind to the truth. And we all know who is putting on the "blinders."

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Venkuish1

You buy into peer reviewed scientific articles that tell you how to think. You're upset at anyone in this thread who dares refute what you claim.

Nobody has refuted evolution if you haven't realised it.

The peer reviewed process is one of the most important in science. Imagine you want to replace it with wild claims and beliefs in the supernatural world?!

Imagine you can't accept my beliefs because it pains you tremendously to do so. I couldn't care less what you personally believe in, you need to understand that just because you do, doesn't mean everyone else will. This forum may provide you the soapbox you desire, but we're not all here to follow along with your bad takes and false science. That's all on you.

The aim of this thread has been achieved and in the so many pages I have shown clearly the survey it's likely to reveal similar results if the sample is much larger. A good number of adults and I suppose kids disregard completely basic scientific facts.

What's your conclusion? Hundreds of replies, dozens of posters' opinions, and only 7 flags?

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