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Nature is upside down: We are in the opening scenes of a climate disaster movie...

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posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: TheSkepticGuy23

I was walking home on the night of the winter solstice - 7:30 PM, Colorado - over 5,000 feet high and too warm for a sweater let alone a jacket. It rained a night or two after that. Rain - in December

It's unmistakable now

without trying to start the skirmish that kicked off WW3, when we get a few years of colder than average, will this signal the end of AGW and usher in the start of a new ice age, like in the 70s?

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: TheSkepticGuy23

Good to see you back.

Sorry to hear of so much troubles with your gardening and farming projects.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:32 PM
Canadian geese are still here up in Atlantic Canada also ... But you mentioned the lack of butter flies.. well I never saw so many then the past summer ...they were everywhere here and little of them ladybug look alikes ..cute thing that has my attention the most is in the past 2 years I went from seeing one eagle and hawk to seeing them at every corner of town .

edit on 29-12-2023 by Lidstrom5 because: Uea

edit on 29-12-2023 by Lidstrom5 because: Uea

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: network dude

without trying to start the skirmish that kicked off WW3, when we get a few years of colder than average, will this signal the end of AGW and usher in the start of a new ice age, like in the 70s?

I'm not here to fight either. I'm not here to preach - or teach. There are people better qualified than me who can do that. I just know for myself what's normal in my home. I also know that people all over the world are saying similar things

I understand that people are going to want to explain it all away with cycles, that this has always happened - change is normal. This is not that. This isn't how climate change works - it's a misunderstanding. What global warming does is change weather patterns and climate faster than most things in nature can adapt

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: Unseendimension
I read your post.

To give you some insights on a few things from another guy who grew food and what not this year, I have some thoughts on what you are experiencing.

The wet weather and the mold. In Minnesota where I am, we had a particularly dry summer. We had to water our plants often. When it rained however a lot of bizarre things would occur. Our tomatoes and some of our other vegetables would get a film of crud on them. It wiped away, but it was a bit unusual. Like the rain carried some kind of crud with it. It stunted a lot of the growth of the things we grew. Flowers were unaffected, but tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and the like did not grow to size. In fact the only real crop that grew to any size was the lettuce and the Basil.

Your chicken issue is the feed. There is a huge issue with the feed companies changing their formulas and putting in extra stuff as filler. Chances are unless your chickens were getting just table scraps and food foraged on your property, they were likely being dosed with various chemicals and toxins that stopped their egg laying capabilities and stunted their growth. That was something that started in the early 2020’s. One other thing. The chronic wasting disease we are seeing in deer, is the result of “hunters” using feed traps to lure deer onto their property. The deer eat the feed, then spread the wasting disease in their poop. The same thing that happened with Mad Cow Prion disease is happening to deer for the same reasons.

If you bought stuff from Amazon, you likely imported the stink bugs. Minnesota does not have them typically, but I have been killing the things left and right. They arrive in the flutes of the boxes, hatch and of course become stink bugs. Same with ladybugs. Been finding them in the basement. So do not keep your cardboard. Send it to the recycler, even if you can repurpose it, Don’t.

As far as the one guy’s lack of spiders, I’ll trade you. Gladly as I am killing spiders periodically, two have been brown recluse spiders.

The mold thing may not be just mold or fungus. I think it is carried by the rain. I know it sounds conspiracy theory in tone, but a lot of things that we are seeing are dropped from above. Just like the poisonous environment we have in this country and our food chains.

We are being annihilated slowly in order to make way for a new species of creature to take over our world. a reply to: TheSkepticGuy23

I concur, I'm from Minnesota as well and this guy pretty much said what I was gonna say.


posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

Answer:- Stop moaning, adapt or move.

Looks like all the illegal immigrants have chosen the latter.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

if we are seeing migration patterns change and species of insects disappear in the span of a year, and it's all for sure AGW causing it, then AOC was right that we only had 10 years. And that was about 7 years ago.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: TheSkepticGuy23
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

As far as crops go, you could always move your grow inside.

We have a ton of stuff pickled and preserved. So we're taking this season off from gardening while I prepare enclosed raised beds that we can better manage.
(might be looking for a buyer for a used Kubota

Good idea. That's what I would suggest as it gives you more control over your garden environment. I am also going to do that when I have the energy and time. I have several acres of old growth and deadwood which I am going to harvest quite a few logs, branches and leaves etc. as a bottom/base to take up quite a bit of space and then fill the top two feet or so with soil. This will provide two things, less harvesting and shoveling of dirt/soil for me and a natural bio nutrition base for the soil over a long period of time.

Something kinda like this but not. Modified and in containers of some sort.

I'm also entertaining the below idea as I have a huge garden area already next to my house and would only have to dig out (with some bigger equipment lol) the walkway and put up a simple A-frame or lean-to style roof as cover - or not, if desired. It could easily be a green house and/or an open garden if designed correctly. It's mostly the dug in recessed walkway that appeals to me and is an easy solution. The covering is meh, maybe, maybe not.

These ideas give more control to the gardener. As far as trees and other flora, it may be necessary to put new bases around them like pea gravel, lava rock etc. to prevent constant contact of moisture at their base.

edit on th31202300000031bFri, 29 Dec 2023 16:51:11 -06002023000000x by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 04:14 PM
Yip, the climate is changing and it's changing rapidly. But what can we do? For some, it will change for the worse for others the better in the short term, Their offspring get the pleasure of the real suffering. Migration is on the increase because the climate in a certain neck of the woods has made their situation unlivable.

We either go back to the 1800s for a bit or we end up in the Stone Age. It's probably too late already to reverse what's coming.

Anyone who says climate change is a fraud and dismisses it out of hand is either, A, not paying attention, or B, one of those in denial about everything people.

And the kicker is..........We are all to blame.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: network dude

I don't know what to tell you exactly. AOC would not be my go to for this sort of thing. If the dates are wrong - Yay!?

I hope they are wrong. Believe it or not, I understand why people are struggling with this

Understanding climate tipping points

Gulf Stream weakening now 99% certain, and ramifications will be global

If I'm just a Cassandra - I'm not the only one. The fact that we can't make accurate predictions is not proof that the situation isn't happening

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

if they could make even semi accurate predictions and be able to run them in reverse, it would lend a lot of credibility to the theory. Currently, I'm one of those who believes it's a grift and the approved method of the WEF gaining the control they seem hell bent on getting. The doomsday (point of no return) that we have seen come and go more times than I can count don't seem to help at all.

good news is, if I'm right, we are all good. If not, we are all going to die a horrible death, and with your last breath, you can shake your fist at me and tell me I was wrong. I think, somehow we will get by.
edit on 29-12-2023 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: network dude

Network - many of the things predicted in decades past are happening now

Nobody can make you see what you won't see

But, Hey - I hope I'm wrong and you're right. I'm dead serious. I will embrace being wrong like nobody's business

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: TheSkepticGuy23
I have to admid ,I was strongly a believer that the cause of weather changes were a result of solar changes and the way our universe works.

And I was clinging on the fact that it couldn't be the small amount of population causing the effects of climate change .

It has rained here for over two and half months now something unseen for what I can remember.
The summers are hotter here and droughts and water shortage here in netherlands during the summers always give off alarms by our weather ankers and alarm bells go off to spare as water possible.

We always complain what are they saying because the last couple of autumn's give off rain enough to regenerate the shortage.

I think to start to understand that something is definitely off here ,but I can't really say what it is and have acknowledge that all the studies done by professional meteorologist must be true?

Meaning that the outcome of those changes as what we see bare truth in the warnings given?

I think we have to let go of the alternative conspiracy that it's nature causing this, because it maybe unwise to put our heads in the sand , to not properly give the professional meteorologists the chance to prove us wrong?

So now I think I'm open to hear where we did go wrong in human society?

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: network dude

I don't know what to tell you exactly. AOC would not be my go to for this sort of thing. If the dates are wrong - Yay!?

I hope they are wrong. Believe it or not, I understand why people are struggling with this

Understanding climate tipping points

Gulf Stream weakening now 99% certain, and ramifications will be global

If I'm just a Cassandra - I'm not the only one. The fact that we can't make accurate predictions is not proof that the situation isn't happening

What they should have also mentioned in the second link is the gulf stream is actually heating up. Which assuming they are correct and it is moving slower, it may be a good thing to help counteract the glacial run off cooling the waters.

Here are a few items that should be noted within the article:

To find definitive evidence that the stream is slowing, scientists analyzed data spanning 40 years from three separate sources — undersea cables, satellite altimetry and observations made on site — to observe the motions of the current around the Florida Straits.

Forty years research isn't nearly a long enough time to insinuate this is a negative issue:

As Earth’s climate warms, an enormous influx of cold, fresh water from melting ice sheets is spilling into oceans, possibly causing the Gulf Stream to slow or even veer toward outright collapse, according to scientists. But due to the scale and complexity of the system, this is hard to prove.


To find definitive proof that climate change is the culprit, scientists will need to tease apart the differences between the natural variability of the ocean systems and the impact made by global heating — a tricky task given the relatively short time that humans have been directly measuring the ocean flows in detail.

The actual temps of the Gulf Stream are warming. According to data not mentioned in the article:

it has warmed an average by about 1C (2F) over the past two decades, becoming increasingly lighter than the waters below.,lighter%20than%20the%20waters %20below.

Again, the short time period of the data coverage is not great and can be a flaw in determining potential impact. If true though, the warmer temperatures may negate some of the supposed effects of a slowing/weakening gulf stream.

I believe we need to research data from many sources covering much longer periods of time to determine possible detriments or benefits, especially in predictions that are more hype than than fact.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: TheSkepticGuy23

I've seen Robin"s here in Pa. as of 2 weeks ago, worms after rain, ants,Flys, other bugs, bees. Roadkill that should be hibernating, skunks, raccoons, possum. Many friends have also noted it. My opinion is the weakend magnetosphere as the poles move. Supposedly 30% decrease. I've fished,hunted, gardening, outdoors most of my life. Something definitely changed. Seeing aurora down into the Carolinas is not.normal.
edit on 29-12-2023 by Mugger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: Mugger2

It is the speed of the observed change that is significant as any adaptive measures could be thwarted. Whereas if the changes were over a hundred years it would just require a steady organic shift.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

So now I think I'm open to hear where we did go wrong in human society?

I have one drop-dead-stupid answer to that, EVs.

If you add up all the sectors that received incentives, funding, grants, and tax breaks to jump start the EV industry over the years, it conservatively exceeds $1.2 Trillion, it's probably a lot more. Another $1.5 Trillion is expected to be needed over the next 10 years to reach EV sales targets. Almost $3 Trillion.

However, it takes an average of 7-8 years for a consumer EV vehicle to reach carbon neutrality (because high carbon output to make them). When you dig into those estimates, the expectation is that you're recharging those LithiumIon batteries with clean energy.

The big problem no one talks about is that 60% of the nation's electricity is generated by fossil fuels. So if your power utility is using fossil fuels, your EV never reaches carbon neutrality. Think about that, nearly $3 Trillion spent on purely window dressing.

A Yale study estimated that $4 Trillion would need to be spent over 10 years to bring the country's power grid to 100% renewable -- meaning lots of solar and wind... which also have a high carbon footprint for manufacture and delivery, with life spans of 8 years on average. That same study found that, if the focus was on nuclear power generation, the cost would be $3 Trillion, with facilities that average a 40 year life span. And, that the positive environmental impact would be greater than that of EV targets.

That's where we went wrong.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: TheSkepticGuy23

This is interesting because excess heat leads to excess cooling. If the El Nino gets stronger due to being warmer, it usually collapses the polar vortex. Why it happens is interesting as well. When you look at the warming trend which is getting greater, more CO2 is released, we don't help it much but it will happen anyway in the cycle of things. Since the last ice age left Alaska in a pretty good state of being ice-free, the only reason I could think caused that would be the North Pacific high blanketing its marine margins. Now consider the present amount of cloud cover which is very high, which means that the air holds massive amounts of water, now consider the polar vortex collapsing, in January of this year, and instead of rain, it comes down as snow. All the present amount of flooding volumetrically disengaging from the sky at x ten. I would under this which is the present state of the weather system information start taking precautions.
edit on 29-12-2023 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 10:19 PM
Central Wisconsin here. Normally I'm drilling a 10 inch hole in the ice to ice fish on our lake. Yesterday I had my boat out walleye ice in site. Definitely weird but El nino is a funky chicken.
edit on CST10America/Chicago2220232023122920232023-12-29T22:20:11-06:00 by TheGoondockSaint because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 12:11 AM

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